Access Type

After Registration and insertion into the team group, users can start the Working Space (WS) setup.

Clicking on the setup WS will redirect to the following page:

Here some important information is summarized.

Same info is reported in both cases of VM or Cluster usage.

As you can see, little differences are introduced in the possible choices on how to retrieve access to the environments.

In case of Cluster usage, the user can send directly his/her public key or generate the pair, copying the resultant public key on the appropriate field.

In case of VM usage the user can choose to receive account credentials via email as well as the previous described choices.

In both cases a summarizing email will be sent to the user registered email address every time this option will be selected, so it can be used in case of forgotten password.

Principal Investigators and member of groups, after VMs setup, will receive an email with a link to a page where the user can find:

Similarly for PIs and team members that will use the cluster, a mail will be sent with the indications of the cluster frontend (see the Cluster section).