The SHARK-VIS Simulation Code (SSC) is an IDL-based code based upon the PROPER optical propagation library for the simulation of the instrument perfoemances under different seeing conditions.
The software was developed in the framework of the SHARK-VIS instrument design, and the first release was in 2013. The results of the code were validated by using on-sky data acquired in 2015 with the SHARK forerunner experiment at LBT.
For more information about the code and the instrument please refer to:
Stangalini+ 2014;
Stangalini+ 2016;
Pedichini+ 2017;
Mattioli+ 2018;
The main code is composed of the following routins:
it is the parameter file for the set-up of the simulation
it computes the off-axis PSF. Also representative of the observing mode without coronagraph.
for further information on how to run the code and adapt it to other AO high contrast instruments please contact:
marco.stangalini (at)