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The ASONG Data Analysis Software (DAS) is an high level IDL® code for Wavefront slopes computation and Wavefront reconstruction from pupil images. This software is not intended to control any hardware device. However, the code is transparent to the image input source, so it can accept as an input both stored images or images directly coming from the ASONG camera. This option would require to implement an additional coding level that is out of the scope of this software release.
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Software Patch implements a method based on sectioning approach in deconvolution of space-variant astronomical images.
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Alessandro Frigeri / pymoondb
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPython interface to the MoonDB geochemical and petrological lunar sample database
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Admin webapp to create/manage TAP_SCHEMA contents for TAP services
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Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/jekyll
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Fabio Roberto Vitello / ViaLacteaVisualAnalytics
Apache License 2.0Updated