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(name, orcid, 

Sara Bertocco, ORCID: 0000-0003-2386-623X, INAF-OATs
David Goz, ORCID: 0000-0001-9808-2283, INAF-OATs
Luca Tornatore, ORCID: 0000-0003-1751-0130, INAF-OATs
Giuliano Taffoni, ORCID: 0000-0002-4211-6816, INAF-OATs

Main Affiliation OATs
Titles INCAS: INtensive Clustered ARM SoC - Cluster Deployment
Series INAF-OATs Technical Report
Series Number 222
Publication Year 2018
Resource type text
Language en
Abstract  The report describes the work done to deploy an Heterogeneous Computing Cluster using CPUs and GPUs integrated on a System on Chip architecture, in the environment of the ExaNeSt H2020 project.
After deployment, this cluster will provide a testbed to validate and optimize several HPC codes developed to be run on heterogeneous hardware.
The work done includes: a technology watching phase to choose the SoC best fitting our requirements; installation of the Operative System Ubuntu 16.04 on the choosen hardware; cluster layout and network configuration; software installation (cluster management software slurm, specific software for HPC programming).

INCAS: INtensive Clustered ARM SoC - Cluster Deployment.pdf