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(name, orcid, 

Sara Bertocco, ORCID: 0000-0003-2386-623X, INAF-OATs
Giuliano Taffoni, ORCID: 0000-0002-4211-6816, INAF-OATs

Main Affiliation OATs
Titles Installation, configuration, deployment and run guide for the VOSpace Backend Service. Administrator's guide 1.0
Series INAF-OATs Technical Report
Series Number 236
Publication Year 2018
Resource type text
Language en
abstract  The vospace-backend is a storage service management used at OATs to interface a CADC VOSpace interface implementation with a storage solution. This software module persists the information linking a VOSpace Node Identifier with a vospace backend stored file, so it is able to return URIs to access the content of the data objects. The storage solution can be changed thanks to a plug-in architecture allowing to plug-in at run time different storage solutions simply implementing an abstract java class.
The current software provides support for a posix file system storage solution.
The service requires an SQL Resource DataBase Management Service (RDBMS) as default built-in
persistence layer and it provides a RESTful interface.
This guide explains how to install, configure, deploy and run the VOSpace Backend Service, freely available at https://github.com/oats-cadc and it contains also instructions on Tomcat Web Server and RDBMS installation and configuration.

Installation, configuration, deployment and run guide for the VOSpace Backend Service. Administrator's guide 1.0