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(name, orcid, 

Franco Buffa, 0000-0001-9256-4476, O.A. Cagliari
Giampaolo Serra, 0000-0003-0720-042X, O.A. Cagliari
Sergio Poppi, 0000-0002-4698-2607, O.A. Cagliari

Main Affiliation O.A. Cagliari
Titles HoP User Guide
Series OAC - Internal Report
Series Number Report N. 71,  10/01/2018
Publication Year 2018
Resource type text
Language en
abstract  HoP stands for Holography Package for the Sardinia Radio Telescope. It 
is a software implementing the well-established phase-coherent microwave 
holography method for the surface diagnostic of the high gain antennas. 
This method allows to map the surface deformations of a large reflector 
antenna by exploiting the relationship between the aperture field and 
the far-field pattern. Given the complex far-field pattern, one can 
compute the map of the surface deformations with respect to the antenna 
ideal profile. HoP can currently process the data-set measured by the 
SRT microwave holographic system, but minor changes are needed to make 
HoP able to process whatever holographic data set.

HoP User Guide