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(name, orcid, 

Sara Bertocco, ORCID: 0000-0003-2386-623X, INAF-OATs
Giuliano Taffoni, ORCID: 0000-0002-4211-6816, INAF-OATs

Main Affiliation OATs
Titles Installation, configuration, deployment and run guide for the Access Control module. Administrator's guide 1.0
Series INAF-OATs Technical Report
Series Number 233
Publication Year 2018
Resource type text
Language en
abstract  Access Control is a client and server authentication and authorization implementation for user and group management.
It has LDAP as default persistence layer built-in and it provides a RESTful interface to authentication, authorization and user and group management.
This technical report provides an administrators guide to install, configure and manage the service known as Group Management Service, based on software APIs open source released by CADC (Canadian Astronomy Data Center). The guide includes instructions on how to install and configure the ldap server 389-Directory Server and the Web Server Tomcat.

Installation, configuration, deployment and run guide for the Access Control module. Administrator's guide 1.0