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  1. Mar 26, 2021
  2. Jul 02, 2019
  3. May 10, 2019
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] New parser for ADQL-2.1. · 89418d13
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      - Now, `ADQLParserFactory.createParser(...)` should be used to create a parser
      - Only the new function `LOWER` is supported for the moment
      - Not yet possible to manage the optional features _(next dev to come)_
      => 1st step for ADQL-Lib v2.0
      - TAP adapted so that using the last stable version of the ADQL language
        (i.e. 2.0 for the moment)
        - but not yet possible to set the ADQL version to use in the configuration
  4. Mar 09, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [TAP] Fix and add JUnit tests. Now, they should work on any machine. · 0422fb7d
      gmantele authored
      Two embedded DBMS are used: H2 and a little SQLite. JDBC drivers are provided
      in the `lib` directory. The databases are created and deleted automatically
      by the JUnit tests (see `test/tap/db_testtools/DBTools for more details`).
      The ANT and Gradle build scripts have been updated to reflect all these test
  5. Jun 08, 2015
  6. Feb 06, 2015
  7. Nov 05, 2014
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Add geometry format in output and correct upload of STC-S regions.... · 6f607bc6
      gmantele authored
      [ADQL,TAP] Add geometry format in output and correct upload of STC-S regions. Geometrical type conversion from and into a DB type is now required in all JDBCTranslator. This allows formatting of geometrical column value coming from the database, but also the translation of STC-S expressions provided in uploaded table into geometrical column values.
  8. Oct 28, 2014
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Add STC-S and UDFs support in the ADQL parser. Now, it is possible... · 496e769c
      gmantele authored
      [ADQL,TAP] Add STC-S and UDFs support in the ADQL parser. Now, it is possible to provide a list of allowed UDFs, regions and coordinate systems. The ServiceConnection of TAP is now able to provide these lists and to propagate them to the ADQLExecutor. UDFs and allowed regions are now listed automatically in the /capabilities resource of TAP. The type 'geometry' is now fully supported in ADQL. That's why the new function 'isGeometry()' has been added to all ADQLOperand extensions. Now the DBChecker is also able to check roughly types of columns and UDFs (unknown when parsing syntactically a query). The syntax of STC-S regions (expressed in the REGION function) are now checked by DBChecker. However, for the moment, geometries are not serialized in STC-S in the output....but it should be possible in some way in the next commit(s).
  9. Aug 05, 2014