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  1. Oct 19, 2020
  2. Jul 02, 2019
  3. May 10, 2019
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] New parser for ADQL-2.1. · 89418d13
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      - Now, `ADQLParserFactory.createParser(...)` should be used to create a parser
      - Only the new function `LOWER` is supported for the moment
      - Not yet possible to manage the optional features _(next dev to come)_
      => 1st step for ADQL-Lib v2.0
      - TAP adapted so that using the last stable version of the ADQL language
        (i.e. 2.0 for the moment)
        - but not yet possible to set the ADQL version to use in the configuration
  4. Mar 13, 2019
    • Grégory Mantelet's avatar
      [ADQL] Add to the parser a function attempting to quickly fix an ADQL query. · 15cd5944
      Grégory Mantelet authored
      This new function - ADQLParser.tryQuickFix(...) - fixes the most common issues
      with ADQL queries:
      - replace Unicode confusable characters by their ASCII/UTF-8 version,
      - double-quote SQL reserved words/terms (e.g. `public`, `year`, `date`),
      - double-quote ADQL function names used a column name/alias (e.g. `distance`,
        `min`, `avg`),
      - double-quote invalid regular identifiers (e.g. `_RAJ2000`, `2mass`).
      The last point is far from being perfect but should work at least for
      identifiers starting with a digit or an underscore, or an identifier including
      one of the following character: `?`, `!`, `$`, `@`, `#`, `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`,
      `~`, `^` and '`'.
      It should also been noted that double-quoting a column/table name will make it
      case-sensitive. Then, it is possible that the query does not pass even after the
      double-quote operation ; the case would have to be checked by the user.
      Finally, there is no attempt to fix column and table names (i.e. case
      sensitivity and/or typos) using tables/columns list/metadata. That could be a
      possible evolution of this function or an additional feature to implement in the
  5. Mar 21, 2018
  6. Nov 10, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Fix escaping of double quotes in delimited identifiers. · 239c7178
      gmantele authored
      A delimited identifier is any sequence of characters between a pair of
      double quotes. For instance: "123 I am a delimited identifier!".
      It is of course possible to have double quotes inside this kind of identifier,
      but they have to be doubled in order to not be mistaken with the end of the
      identifier. For instance: "Cool ""identifier""".
      However, this escape option was not taken into account by the ADQL library,
      though the same mechanism was already in place for string contants.
  7. Sep 13, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Also append an HINT message in the ParseException message when a SQL · fe4c3e97
      gmantele authored
      reserved word is encountered instead of a column/table/schema name/alias.
      On the contrary to the previous commit, this time a list of SQL reserved words
      has been added into the ADQL grammar. In this way, the parser will ensure that
      no word of this list is used in an ADQL query. The raised error is then enriched
      of an HINT message stating that this word is part of SQL, is not supported
      by ADQL and must be written between double quotes if used as an identifier.
      The list of SQL reserved words comes from the ADQL-2.0 standard, after removal
      of all potentially used ADQL words, in order to avoid a conflict with the
      already existing tokens in the ADQL grammar.
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Append an HINT message in the ParseException message when an ADQL · db0dfdad
      gmantele authored
      reserved word is encountered instead of a column/table/schema name/alias.
      No list of ADQL reserved words has been added into the ADQL grammar.
      However, the ADQL grammar has been slightly changed in order to provide a more
      precise location of the REAL wrong part of the query.
      Before this commit, if an ADQL reserved word (e.g. 'point') was encountered
      outside of its normal syntax (e.g. 'point' no followed by an opening
      parenthesis), the next token was highlighted instead of this one. Hence a
      confusing error message.
      For instance, the following ADQL query:
      SELECT point
      FROM aTable
      returned the following error message:
      > Encountered "FROM". Was expecting: "("
      Now, it will return the following one:
      > Encountered "point". Was expecting one of: "*" <QUANTIFIER> "TOP" [...]
      > (HINT: "point" is a reserved ADQL word. To use it as a column/table/schema name/alias, write it between double quotes.)
      This error message highlights exactly the source of the problem and even provide
      to the user a clear explanation of why the query did not parse and how it could
      be solved.
    • gmantele's avatar
  8. Sep 11, 2017
  9. Sep 08, 2017
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Throwing a ParseException instead of an Error · a382b251
      gmantele authored
      when an incorrect character that can not be interpreted by
      the JavaCC Token Manager is encountered.
      Actually, the TokenMgrError thrown by JavaCC is caught by all
      ADQLParser.parseQuery(...) functions, wrapped inside a ParseException
      which is finally thrown instead of the TokenMgrError. In this way,
      ADQL-Lib users just have to care about a single Throwable:
      Besides the error message has been slightly modified from:
      > Lexical error at line 1, column 10.  Encountered: "\u00e9" (233), after : \"\"
      > Incorrect character encountered at l.1, c.10: \"\\u00e9\" ('é'), after : \"\"
      Thus, the error is more user-friendly, more easy to understand by users.
      Additionally, the incorrect character is displayed, as before, in its unicode
      expression, but also in its character form (instead of an integer value that
      nobody can really understand).
      This commit fixes the GitHub issue #17
  10. Apr 03, 2017
  11. Mar 02, 2017
  12. Sep 20, 2016
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Fix the tree generated by the parsing of NATURAL JOINs. · 7ca49f81
      gmantele authored
      The "normal" JOIN:
          A JOIN B ON = JOIN C ON =
      is correctly interpreted as:
          ( (A JOIN B ON = JOIN C ON = )
      But with a NATURAL JOIN, the tree is mirrored:
      instead of:
      This is not a problem when the SQL translation is identical to the ADQL
      expression, but for some DBMS a conversion into a INNER JOIN ON is necessary
      and in this case we got the following SQL:
          A JOIN B JOIN C ON = ON =
      Which seems to work, but is syntactically strange.
      This commit should fix the generated tree. A "normal" JOIN and a NATURAL JOIN
      should now have the same form. A JUnit test has been added into TestADQLParser
      to check that: testJoinTree().
  13. Jul 13, 2016
  14. Apr 20, 2016
  15. Mar 04, 2016
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Set a type to a query's resulting column when it is not originally a column. · 0003e343
      gmantele authored
      This is easily possible for concatenations, string constants and User Defined
      Functions having a FunctionDef. A new special datatype was needed for
      numeric functions and operations: UNKNOWN_NUMERIC. This special type
      can not be set with FunctionDef.parse(...) and it behaves exactly like the type
      UNKNOWN, except that DBType.isNumeric() returns true (as .isUnknown()).
      Thus, while writing the metadata of a result in TAP, nothing changes:
      an UNKNOWN_NUMERIC type will be processed similarly as an UNKNOWN type:
      to use the type returned from the database ResultSet or to set VARCHAR.
      (no modification of TAP was needed for that)
  16. Sep 01, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Fix bug (reported by G. Landais) in the understanding of UNKNOWN · 271e03cc
      gmantele authored
      types. The notion of "unknown type" is different in function of the target
        - a DBType and a FunctionDef have an unknown type if their function
          isUnknown() returns true. In such case, the other functions such as
      	isNumeric/String/Geometry() will return false.
        - an ADQLOperand (e.g. ADQLColumn) does NOT have a isUnknown() function.
          But if the type of the operand is unknown, its functions isNumeric(),
      	isString() and isGeometry() must ALL return true. Otherwise, just one of
      	these functions can return true.
  17. Aug 27, 2015
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL] Fix a Big Bug reported by M.Taylor and M.Demleitner: in ORDER BY, GROUP... · 13a2dc54
      gmantele authored
      [ADQL] Fix a Big Bug reported by M.Taylor and M.Demleitner: in ORDER BY, GROUP BY and USING only regular and delimited identifiers are accepted, not qualified column names.
      For instance: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY table.column_name" is wrong. We should instead write:
      "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY column_name".
      "SELECT table.column_name AS mycol FROM table ORDER BY mycol" is also correct.
      Of course, for ORDER BY and GROUP BY, it is still possible to reference a column using its index in the SELECT clause.
      For instance: "SELECT table.column_name FROM table ORDER BY 1".
  18. Jul 20, 2015
  19. Jun 16, 2015
  20. Jun 08, 2015
  21. Oct 28, 2014
    • gmantele's avatar
      [ADQL,TAP] Add STC-S and UDFs support in the ADQL parser. Now, it is possible... · 496e769c
      gmantele authored
      [ADQL,TAP] Add STC-S and UDFs support in the ADQL parser. Now, it is possible to provide a list of allowed UDFs, regions and coordinate systems. The ServiceConnection of TAP is now able to provide these lists and to propagate them to the ADQLExecutor. UDFs and allowed regions are now listed automatically in the /capabilities resource of TAP. The type 'geometry' is now fully supported in ADQL. That's why the new function 'isGeometry()' has been added to all ADQLOperand extensions. Now the DBChecker is also able to check roughly types of columns and UDFs (unknown when parsing syntactically a query). The syntax of STC-S regions (expressed in the REGION function) are now checked by DBChecker. However, for the moment, geometries are not serialized in STC-S in the output....but it should be possible in some way in the next commit(s).