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package tap.db;

 * This file is part of TAPLibrary.
 * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with TAPLibrary.  If not, see <>.
 * Copyright 2012 - UDS/Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

import java.util.Iterator;

import cds.savot.model.SavotTR;
import cds.savot.model.TDSet;

import tap.log.TAPLog;
import tap.metadata.TAPColumn;
import tap.metadata.TAPTable;

import adql.query.ADQLQuery;

 * Simple implementation of the {@link DBConnection} interface.
 * It creates and manages a JDBC connection to a specified database.
 * Thus results of any executed SQL query will be a {@link ResultSet}.
 * @author Gr&eacute;gory Mantelet (CDS)
 * @version 06/2012
public class JDBCConnection implements DBConnection<ResultSet> {

	/** JDBC prefix of any database URL (for instance: jdbc:postgresql:// */
	public final static String JDBC_PREFIX = "jdbc";

	/** Connection ID (typically, the job ID). */
	protected final String ID;

	/** JDBC connection (created and initialized at the creation of this {@link JDBCConnection} instance). */
	protected final Connection connection;

	/** Logger to use if any message needs to be printed to the server manager. */
	protected final TAPLog logger;

	 * <p>
	 * 	Creates a JDBC connection to the specified database and with the specified JDBC driver.
	 * 	This connection is established using the given user name and password.
	 * <p>
	 * <p><i><u>note:</u> the JDBC driver is loaded using <pre>Class.forName(driverPath)</pre>.</i></p>
	 * @param driverPath	Full class name of the JDBC driver.
	 * @param dbUrl			URL to the database. <i><u>note</u> This URL may not be prefixed by "jdbc:". If not, the prefix will be automatically added.</i>
	 * @param dbUser		Name of the database user (supposed to be the database owner).
	 * @param dbPassword	Password of the given database user.
	 * @param logger		Logger to use if any message needs to be printed to the server admin.
	 * @throws DBException	If the specified driver can not be found, or if the database URL or user is incorrect.
	public JDBCConnection(final String ID, final String driverPath, final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword, final TAPLog logger) throws DBException {
		this.logger = logger;
		this.ID = ID;

		// Load the specified JDBC driver:
		try {
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
			logger.dbError("Impossible to find the JDBC driver \""+driverPath+"\" !", cnfe);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to find the JDBC driver \""+driverPath+"\" !", cnfe);

		// Build a connection to the specified database:
		String url = dbUrl.startsWith(JDBC_PREFIX) ? dbUrl : (JDBC_PREFIX+dbUrl);
		try {
			connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, dbUser, dbPassword);
			logger.connectionOpened(this, dbUrl.substring(dbUrl.lastIndexOf('/')));
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			logger.dbError("Impossible to establish a connection to the database \""+url+"\" !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to establish a connection to the database \""+url+"\" !", se);

	public final String getID() {
		return ID;

	public void startTransaction() throws DBException {
			Statement st = connection.createStatement();
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.dbError("Impossible to begin a transaction !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to begin a transaction !", se);

	public void cancelTransaction() throws DBException {
		try {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			logger.dbError("Impossible to cancel/rollback a transaction !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to cancel (rollback) the transaction !", se);

	public void endTransaction() throws DBException {
		try {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			logger.dbError("Impossible to end/commit a transaction !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to end/commit the transaction !", se);

	public void close() throws DBException {
		try {
		} catch (SQLException se) {
			logger.dbError("Impossible to close a database transaction !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to close the database transaction !", se);

	/* ********************* */
	/* ********************* */
	public ResultSet executeQuery(final String sqlQuery, final ADQLQuery adqlQuery) throws DBException {
			Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
			logger.sqlQueryExecuting(this, sqlQuery);
			ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery);
			logger.sqlQueryExecuted(this, sqlQuery);
			return result;
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.sqlQueryError(this, sqlQuery, se);
			throw new DBException("Unexpected error while executing a SQL query: "+se.getMessage(), se);

	/* ************** */
	/* ************** */
	public void createSchema(final String schemaName) throws DBException {
		String sql = "CREATE SCHEMA "+schemaName+";";
			Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
			logger.schemaCreated(this, schemaName);
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.dbError("Impossible to create the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to create the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se);

	public void dropSchema(final String schemaName) throws DBException {
		String sql = "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "+schemaName+" CASCADE;";
			Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
			logger.schemaDropped(this, schemaName);
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.dbError("Impossible to drop the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to drop the schema \""+schemaName+"\" !", se);

	public void createTable(final TAPTable table) throws DBException {
		// Build the SQL query:
		StringBuffer sqlBuf = new StringBuffer();
		sqlBuf.append("CREATE TABLE ").append(table.getDBSchemaName()).append('.').append(table.getDBName()).append("(");
		Iterator<TAPColumn> it = table.getColumns();
			TAPColumn col =;
			sqlBuf.append('"').append(col.getDBName()).append("\" ").append(' ').append(getDBType(col.getDatatype(), col.getArraySize(), logger));
			if (it.hasNext())

		// Execute the creation query:
		String sql = sqlBuf.toString();
			Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
			logger.tableCreated(this, table);
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.dbError("Impossible to create the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to create the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se);

	 * Gets the database type corresponding to the given {@link TAPColumn} type.
	 * @param datatype		Column datatype (short, int, long, float, double, boolea, char or unsignedByte).
	 * @param arraysize		Size of the array type (1 if not an array, a value &gt; 1 for an array).
	 * @param logger		Object to use to print warnings (for instance, if a given datatype is unknown).
	 * @return				The corresponding database type or the given datatype if unknown.
	public static String getDBType(String datatype, final int arraysize, final TAPLog logger) {
		datatype = (datatype == null)?null:datatype.trim().toLowerCase();

		if (datatype == null || datatype.isEmpty()){
			if (logger != null)
				logger.warning("undefined datatype => considered as VARCHAR !");
			return "VARCHAR";

		if (datatype.equals("short"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"INT2":"BYTEA";
		else if (datatype.equals("int"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"INT4":"BYTEA";
		else if (datatype.equals("long"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"INT8":"BYTEA";
		else if (datatype.equals("float"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"FLOAT4":"BYTEA";
		else if (datatype.equals("double"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"FLOAT8":"BYTEA";
		else if (datatype.equals("boolean"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"BOOL":"BYTEA";
		else if (datatype.equals("char"))
			return (arraysize==1)?"CHAR(1)":((arraysize<=0)?"VARCHAR":("VARCHAR("+arraysize+")"));
		else if (datatype.equals("unsignedbyte"))
			return "BYTEA";
			if (logger != null)
				logger.dbInfo("Warning: unknown datatype: \""+datatype+"\" => considered as \""+datatype+"\" !");
			return datatype;

	public void dropTable(final TAPTable table) throws DBException {
		String sql = "DROP TABLE "+table.getDBSchemaName()+"."+table.getDBName()+";";
			Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
			logger.tableDropped(this, table);
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.dbError("Impossible to drop the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to drop the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se);

	public void insertRow(final SavotTR row, final TAPTable table) throws DBException {
		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO ");
		sql.append(table.getDBSchemaName()).append('.').append(table.getDBName()).append(" VALUES (");

		TDSet cells = row.getTDs();
		Iterator<TAPColumn> it = table.getColumns();
		String datatype, value;
		TAPColumn col;
		int i=0;
			col =;
			if (i>0) sql.append(',');
			datatype = col.getDatatype();
			value = cells.getContent(i);
			if (value == null || value.isEmpty())
			else if (datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("char") || datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("varchar") || datatype.equalsIgnoreCase("unsignedByte"))
				sql.append('\'').append(value.replaceAll("'", "''").replaceAll("\0", "")).append('\'');
				if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("nan"))
					sql.append(value.replaceAll("\0", ""));

			Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
			int nbInsertedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(sql.toString());
			logger.rowsInserted(this, table, nbInsertedRows);
		}catch(SQLException se){
			logger.dbError("Impossible to insert a row into the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se);
			throw new DBException("Impossible to insert a row in the table \""+table.getFullName()+"\" !", se);