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INAF - OATS National Institute for Astrophysics - Astronomical Observatory of
Trieste INAF - IA2 Italian Center for Astronomical Archives

Copyright (C) 2017 Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the
Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
<schema name="ivoa" version="1.1">
    <table name="obscore">
        <column name="dataproduct_type">
            <description>Logical data product type (image etc.)</description>
        <column name="dataproduct_subtype">
            <description>Data product specific type</description>
        <column name="calib_level">
            <description>Calibration level {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}</description>
        <column name="obs_collection">
            <description>Name of the data collection</description>
        <column name="obs_id">
            <description>Internal ID given by the ObsTAP service</description>
        <column name="obs_title">
            <description>Brief description of dataset in free format</description>
        <column name="obs_creation_date">
            <description>Date when the dataset was created</description>
        <column name="obs_creator_name">
            <description>Name of the creator of the data</description>
        <column name="obs_creator_did">
            <description>IVOA dataset identifier given by the creator</description>
        <column name="obs_release_date">
            <description>Observation release date (ISO 8601)</description>
        <column name="publisher_id">
            <description>IVOA-ID for the Publisher</description>
        <column name="bib_reference">
            <description>Service bibliographic reference</description>
        <column name="data_rights">
        <column name="obs_publisher_did">
            <description>Dataset identifier given by the publisher</description>
        <column name="access_url">
            <description>URL used to access (download) dataset</description>
        <column name="access_format">
            <description>Content format of the dataset</description>
        <column name="access_estsize">
            <description>Estimated size of dataset in kilo bytes</description>
        <column name="target_name">
            <description>Astronomical object observed, if any</description>
        <column name="target_class">
            <description>Class of the Target object as in SSA</description>
        <column name="s_ra">
            <description>Central Spatial Position in ICRS Right ascension</description>
        <column name="s_dec">
            <description>Central Spatial Position in ICRS Declination</description>
        <column name="s_fov">
            <description>Estimated size of the covered region as the diameter of a containing circle</description>
        <column name="s_region">
            <description>Sky region covered by the data product (expressed in ICRS frame)</description>
        <column name="s_xel1">
            <description>Number of elements along the first coordinate of the spatial axis</description>
        <column name="s_xel2">
            <description>Number of elements along the second coordinate of the spatial  axis</description>
        <column name="s_ucd">
            <description>UCD for the nature of the spatial axis (pos or u,v data)</description>
        <column name="s_unit">
            <description>Unit used for spatial axis</description>
        <column name="s_resolution">
            <description>Spatial resolution of data as FWHM of PSF</description>
        <column name="s_resolution_min">
            <description>Resolution min value on spatial axis (FHWM of PSF)</description>
        <column name="s_resolution_max">
            <description>Resolution max value on spatial axis</description>
        <column name="s_calib_status">
            <description>Type of calibration along the spatial axis</description>
        <column name="s_stat_error">
            <description>Astrometric precision along the spatial axis</description>
        <column name="s_pixel_scale">
            <description>Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis</description>
        <column name="t_min">
            <description>Start time in MJD</description>
        <column name="t_max">
            <description>Stop time in MJD</description>
        <column name="t_exptime">
            <description>Total exposure time</description>
        <column name="t_resolution">
            <description>Temporal resolution FWHM</description>
        <column name="t_calib_status">
            <description>Type of time coordinate calibration</description>
        <column name="t_stat_error">
            <description>Time coord statistical error</description>
        <column name="t_xel">
            <description>Number of elements along the time axis</description>
        <column name="t_refpos">
            <description>Time Axis Reference Position as defined in STC REC</description>
        <column name="em_min">
            <description>Start in spectral coordinates</description>
        <column name="em_max">
            <description>Stop in spectral coordinates</description>
        <column name="em_res_power">
            <description>Value of the resolving power along the spectral axis. (R)</description>
        <column name="em_res_power_min">
            <description>Resolving power min value on spectral axis</description>
        <column name="em_res_power_max">
            <description>Resolving power max value on spectral axis</description>
        <column name="em_resolution">
            <description>Value of Resolution along the spectral axis</description>
        <column name="em_stat_error">
            <description>Spectral coord statistical error</description>
        <column name="em_xel">
            <description>Number of elements along the spectral axis</description>
        <column name="em_ucd">
            <description>Nature of the spectral axis</description>
        <column name="em_unit">
            <description>Units along the spectral axis</description>
        <column name="em_calib_status">
            <description>Type of spectral coord calibration</description>
        <column name="o_ucd">
            <description>UCD of the observable axis (e.g. phot.flux.density, phot.count, etc.)</description>
        <column name="o_unit">
            <description>Units used for the observable values</description>
        <column name="o_calib_status">
            <description>Type of calibration for the observable coordinate</description>
        <column name="o_stat_error">
            <description>Statistical error on the Observable axis</description>
            <!-- units specified by o_unit -->
        <column name="pol_states">
            <description>List of polarization states present in the data file or NULL if not applicable</description>
        <column name="pol_xel">
            <description>Number of elements along the polarization axis</description>
        <column name="facility_name">
            <description>Name of the facility used for this observation</description>
        <column name="instrument_name">
            <description>The name of the instrument used for the observation</description>
        <column name="proposal_id">
            <description>Identifier of proposal to which observation belongs</description>
            <ucd>; obs.proposal</ucd>