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 * _____________________________________________________________________________
 * INAF - OATS National Institute for Astrophysics - Astronomical Observatory of
 * Trieste INAF - IA2 Italian Center for Astronomical Archives
 * _____________________________________________________________________________
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.DatabaseType;
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.Key;
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.KeyColumn;
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.Schema;
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.Table;
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.TapSchema;
import it.inaf.ia2.tsm.api.contract.TapSchemaEntity;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Utility class that contains static methods for managing {@link Key}s and
 * {@link KeyColumn}s into the database.
 * @author Sonia Zorba {@literal <zorba at>}
public class DaoKey {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DaoKey.class);

     * Generate list of KeyEntity for a given schema, specifying its
     * <code>DataSource</code> and its name.<br>
     * <strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: this keys are without id. The id has to be
     * set when a table is added to a schema.
    protected static List<Key> getSchemaKeys(DBWrapper dbWrapper, TapSchema tapSchema, String schemaName) throws SQLException {


        DataSource dataSource = TSMUtil.getSchemaDataSource(dbWrapper, tapSchema, schemaName);
        DatabaseType dbType = TSMUtil.getSchemaDatabaseType(dbWrapper, tapSchema, schemaName);

        if (dbType == DatabaseType.MYSQL) {

            Map<String, Key> schemaKeys = new HashMap<>();

            String query = "SELECT\n"
                    + "c.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` AS constraint_name,\n"
                    + "k.`TABLE_SCHEMA` AS from_schema,\n"
                    + "k.`TABLE_NAME` AS from_table,\n"
                    + "k.`COLUMN_NAME` AS from_column,\n"
                    + "k.`REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA` AS target_schema,\n"
                    + "k.`REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` AS target_table,\n"
                    + "k.`REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME` AS target_column\n"
                    + "FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS c \n"
                    + "LEFT JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k \n"
                    + "ON c.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` = k.`CONSTRAINT_NAME` AND c.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = k.`TABLE_SCHEMA`\n"
                    + "WHERE c.`CONSTRAINT_TYPE` = 'FOREIGN KEY' \n"
                    + "AND k.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '" + schemaName + "' OR k.`REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA` = '" + schemaName + "'";

            try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query)) {

                while ( {
                    String constraintName = resultSet.getString("constraint_name");

                    Key key = schemaKeys.get(constraintName);
                    if (key == null) {
                        key = new KeyImpl(
                        schemaKeys.put(constraintName, key);

                    ((KeyImpl) key).addKeyColumn(resultSet.getString("from_column"), resultSet.getString("target_column"));

            return new ArrayList<>(schemaKeys.values());

        } else if (dbType == DatabaseType.POSTGRES) {

            String databaseName = ((PGPoolingDataSource) dataSource).getDatabaseName();

            List<Key> schemaKeys = new ArrayList<>();

            String queryKeys = "SELECT\n"
                    + "conname AS constraint_name,\n"
                    + "conrelid::regclass AS from_table, \n"
                    + "confrelid::regclass AS target_table\n"
                    + "FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint\n"
                    + "WHERE contype = 'f'\n"
                    + "AND ((conrelid::regclass || '' LIKE '" + schemaName + ".%')\n"
                    + "OR (confrelid::regclass || '' LIKE '" + schemaName + ".%'))";

            try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(queryKeys)) {

                log.debug("Executing query {}", queryKeys);

                while ( {

                    String constraintName = resultSet.getString("constraint_name");

                    String[] fromTableFullNameSplit = resultSet.getString("from_table").split(Pattern.quote("."));
                    String fromSchema = fromTableFullNameSplit[0];
                    String fromTable = fromTableFullNameSplit[1];

                    String[] targetTableFullNameSplit = resultSet.getString("target_table").split(Pattern.quote("."));
                    String targetSchema = targetTableFullNameSplit[0];
                    String targetTable = targetTableFullNameSplit[1];

                    Key key = new KeyImpl(dbWrapper, tapSchema, fromSchema, fromTable, targetSchema, targetTable);

                    // conkey conrelid
                    String queryFromKC = "SELECT\n"
                            + "c.column_name AS key_column\n"
                            + "FROM information_schema.columns c\n"
                            + "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.ordinal_position = ANY(r.conkey)\n"
                            + "AND (c.table_schema || '.' || c.table_name) = (r.conrelid::regclass || '')\n"
                            + "WHERE r.conname = '" + constraintName + "' AND r.contype = 'f'\n"
                            + "AND c.table_schema = '" + fromSchema + "'\n"
                            + "AND table_catalog = '" + databaseName + "'";

                    // as above, but with confkey and confrelid and different c.table_schema where condition
                    String queryTargetKC = "SELECT\n"
                            + "c.column_name AS key_column\n"
                            + "FROM information_schema.columns c\n"
                            + "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.ordinal_position = ANY(r.confkey)\n"
                            + "AND (c.table_schema || '.' || c.table_name) = (r.confrelid::regclass || '')\n"
                            + "WHERE r.conname = '" + constraintName + "' AND r.contype = 'f'\n"
                            + "AND c.table_schema = '" + targetSchema + "'\n"
                            + "AND table_catalog = '" + databaseName + "'";

                    try (Statement statFromKC = connection.createStatement();
                            Statement statTargetKC = connection.createStatement()) {

                        try (ResultSet rsFromKC = statFromKC.executeQuery(queryFromKC);
                                ResultSet rsTargetKC = statTargetKC.executeQuery(queryTargetKC)) {

                            log.debug("Executing query {}", queryFromKC);
                            log.debug("Executing query {}", queryTargetKC);

                            while ( {
                                if ( {
                                    ((KeyImpl) key).addKeyColumn(

            return schemaKeys;
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Database type " + dbType + " not supported");

     * Retrieves saved {@code Key}s from the database and add them into the
     * specified {@code TapSchema}.
    protected static void fillSavedKeys(DBWrapper dbWrapper, TapSchema tapSchema) throws SQLException {


        // We can decide to work only on from tables or target tables, because 
        // the same key is contained on both.
        // Schemas and tables have to be already added to the TAP_SCHEMA.
        List<Key> allVisibleKeys = new ArrayList<>();

        // Reset to null all generated keyId.
        for (Key key : ((TapSchemaImpl) tapSchema).getAllKeys()) {
            key.initProperty(Key.ID_KEY, null);

            // Meanwhile we add all the visible keys to this list for 
            // further checks
            if (key.isVisible()) {

        SelectQueryBuilder keysSelect = new SelectQueryBuilder(dbWrapper.getTapSchemaDatabaseType(), tapSchema, TapSchema.KEYS_TABLE) {
            protected TapSchemaEntity getEntity(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        String queryKeys = keysSelect.getQuery();
        SelectQueryBuilder keyColumnsSelect = new SelectQueryBuilder(dbWrapper.getTapSchemaDatabaseType(), tapSchema, TapSchema.KEY_COLUMNS_TABLE) {
            protected TapSchemaEntity getEntity(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        String queryKeyColumns = String.format("%s WHERE %s = ?",
                TSMUtil.escapeName(KeyColumn.KEY_ID_KEY, dbWrapper.getTapSchemaDatabaseType()));

        boolean supportKeyID = EntityPropertyInfo.getEntityPropertyInfo(TapSchema.KEYS_TABLE, Key.KEY_ID_KEY).acceptVersion(tapSchema.getVersion());
        boolean supportKeyColumnID = EntityPropertyInfo.getEntityPropertyInfo(TapSchema.KEY_COLUMNS_TABLE, KeyColumn.KEY_COLUMN_ID_KEY).acceptVersion(tapSchema.getVersion());

        try (Connection conn = dbWrapper.getTapSchemaConnection()) {

            log.debug("Executing query {}", queryKeys);

            // ResultSet type and concurrency are necessary for PostgreSQL
            try (Statement statementKeys = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                    ResultSet rsKeys = statementKeys.executeQuery(queryKeys)) {

                while ( {
                    // Searching the keys.

                    String fromTableCompleteNameSplit[] = rsKeys.getString(Key.FROM_TABLE_KEY).split(Pattern.quote("."));
                    String fromSchemaName = fromTableCompleteNameSplit[0];
                    String fromTableName = fromTableCompleteNameSplit[1];

                    Schema fromSchema = tapSchema.getChild(fromSchemaName);
                    if (fromSchema == null) {
                        throw new InconsistentTapSchemaException("Saved TAP_SCHEMA contains a key that is referred to a schema that wasn't added to that TAP_SCHEMA.");

                    Table fromTable = fromSchema.getChild(fromTableName);
                    if (fromTable == null) {
                        throw new InconsistentTapSchemaException("Saved TAP_SCHEMA contains a key that is referred to a table that wasn't added to that TAP_SCHEMA.");

                    String keyId = rsKeys.getString(Key.ID_KEY);
                    // ResultSet type and concurrency are necessary for PostgreSQL
                    try (PreparedStatement statementKeyColumns = conn.prepareStatement(queryKeyColumns, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE)) {

                        statementKeyColumns.setString(1, keyId);
                        log.debug("Executing query {} [key_id={}]", queryKeyColumns, keyId);

                        try (ResultSet rsKeyColumns = statementKeyColumns.executeQuery()) {
                            for (Key fromKey : fromTable.getAllFromKeys()) {

                                boolean columnsFound = false;

                                for (KeyColumn keyColumn : fromKey.getKeyColumns()) {
                                    columnsFound = false;

                                    while ( {
                                        String fromColumn = rsKeyColumns.getString(KeyColumn.FROM_COLUMN_KEY);
                                        String targetColumn = rsKeyColumns.getString(KeyColumn.TARGET_COLUMN_KEY);
                                        if (keyColumn.getFromColumn().equals(fromColumn)
                                                && keyColumn.getTargetColumn().equals(targetColumn)) {
                                            columnsFound = true;
                                    if (!columnsFound) {

                                if (columnsFound) {
                                    // all columns found --> key found!

                                    // Updating key
                                    String keyDescription = rsKeys.getString(Key.DESCRIPTION_KEY);
                                    String keyUtype = rsKeys.getString(Key.UTYPE_KEY);

                                    fromKey.initProperty(Key.ID_KEY, keyId);
                                    fromKey.initProperty(Key.DESCRIPTION_KEY, keyDescription);
                                    fromKey.initProperty(Key.UTYPE_KEY, keyUtype);
                                    if (supportKeyID) {
                                        fromKey.initProperty(Key.KEY_ID_KEY, TSMUtil.getObject(rsKeys, Key.KEY_ID_KEY, Long.class));
                                    ((KeyImpl) fromKey).setVisible(true);

                                    // Updating key columns
                                    for (KeyColumn keyColumn : fromKey.getKeyColumns()) {
                                        while ( {
                                            String fromColumn = rsKeyColumns.getString(KeyColumn.FROM_COLUMN_KEY);
                                            String targetColumn = rsKeyColumns.getString(KeyColumn.TARGET_COLUMN_KEY);
                                            if (keyColumn.getFromColumn().equals(fromColumn)
                                                    && keyColumn.getTargetColumn().equals(targetColumn)) {
                                                keyColumn.initProperty(KeyColumn.KEY_ID_KEY, keyId);
                                                if (supportKeyColumnID) {
                                                    keyColumn.initProperty(KeyColumn.KEY_COLUMN_ID_KEY, TSMUtil.getObject(rsKeyColumns, KeyColumn.KEY_COLUMN_ID_KEY, Long.class));


                // Check if the saved TAP_SCHEMA contains keys that aren't loaded (fictitious keys).
                List<Key> fictitiousKeys = new ArrayList<>();

                while ( {
                    String keyId = rsKeys.getString(Key.ID_KEY);
                    boolean keyIdFound = false;
                    for (Key key : allVisibleKeys) {
                        if (keyId.equals(key.getId())) {
                            keyIdFound = true;
                    if (!keyIdFound) {
                        String fromTableCompleteName = rsKeys.getString(Key.FROM_TABLE_KEY);
                        String targetTableCompleteName = rsKeys.getString(Key.TARGET_TABLE_KEY);
                        KeyImpl key = new KeyImpl(dbWrapper, tapSchema, fromTableCompleteName, targetTableCompleteName);
                        key.initProperty(Key.ID_KEY, keyId);
                        if (supportKeyID) {
                            key.initProperty(Key.KEY_ID_KEY, TSMUtil.getObject(rsKeys, Key.KEY_ID_KEY, Long.class));


                // filling fictitious keys columns
                for (Key key : fictitiousKeys) {
                    try (PreparedStatement statementKeyColumns = conn.prepareStatement(queryKeyColumns)) {

                        String keyId = key.getId();
                        statementKeyColumns.setString(1, keyId);
                        log.debug("Executing query {} [key_id={}]", queryKeyColumns, keyId);

                        try (ResultSet rsKeyColumns = statementKeyColumns.executeQuery()) {

                            while ( {
                                String fromColumn = rsKeyColumns.getString(KeyColumn.FROM_COLUMN_KEY);
                                String targetColumn = rsKeyColumns.getString(KeyColumn.TARGET_COLUMN_KEY);

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Sonia Zorba committed
                                KeyColumn keyColumn = ((KeyImpl) key).addKeyColumn(fromColumn, targetColumn);
                                    keyColumn.initProperty(KeyColumn.KEY_COLUMN_ID_KEY, TSMUtil.getObject(rsKeyColumns, KeyColumn.KEY_COLUMN_ID_KEY, Long.class));

                    // adding fictitious key to key set
                    ((TapSchemaImpl) tapSchema).getAllKeys().add(key);
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Sonia Zorba committed

                if (!fictitiousKeys.isEmpty()) {
                    log.debug("{} fictitious keys found", fictitiousKeys.size());
                    for (Key key : fictitiousKeys) {
                        log.debug("   {}", key);

                // Check if there are remaining keys with keyId = null (valid keys
                // that weren't saved into the TAP_SCHEMA).
                int keyId = ((TapSchemaImpl) tapSchema).getMaxKeyId() + 1;
                for (Key key : allVisibleKeys) {
                    if (key.getId() == null) {
                        key.setId(keyId + "");

     * Save a new {@code Key} into the TAP_SCHEMA schema.
    protected static void insertNewKey(DatabaseType dbType, Connection connection, TapSchema tapSchema, Key key) throws SQLException {

        InsertQueryBuilder insertQueryBuilder = new InsertQueryBuilder(dbType, tapSchema, key, TapSchema.KEYS_TABLE);

        for (KeyColumn keyColumn : key.getKeyColumns()) {
            insertQueryBuilder = new InsertQueryBuilder(dbType, tapSchema, keyColumn, TapSchema.KEY_COLUMNS_TABLE);

     * Updates an existing {@code Key}.
    protected static void updateKey(DatabaseType dbType, Connection connection, TapSchema tapSchema, Key key) throws SQLException {

        if (key.getId() == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to update key: key_id is null");

        boolean keyIdChanged = key.isChanged(Key.ID_KEY);

        if (keyIdChanged) {
            // Deleting key columns to avoid problem with foreign key constraint failures

            String tapSchemaNameEscaped = TSMUtil.escapeName(tapSchema.getName(), dbType);
            String keyColumnsNameEscaped = TSMUtil.escapeName("key_columns", dbType);

            String query = String.format("DELETE FROM %s.%s WHERE key_id = ?", tapSchemaNameEscaped, keyColumnsNameEscaped);

            try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query)) {
                String originalKey = key.getOriginalValue(Key.ID_KEY, String.class);
                statement.setString(1, originalKey);
                log.debug("Executing query {} [key_id={}]", query, originalKey);

        // Updating keys
        UpdateQueryBuilder updateQueryBuilder = new UpdateQueryBuilder(dbType, tapSchema, key, TapSchema.KEYS_TABLE, "key_id = ?");
        String query = updateQueryBuilder.getQuery();
        try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query)) {
            int i = updateQueryBuilder.addStatementValues(statement);
            String keyId = key.getId();
            statement.setString(i, keyId);
            log.debug("Executing query {} [key_id={}]", query, keyId);

        if (keyIdChanged) {
            // Re-insert deleted key columns
            for (KeyColumn keyColumn : key.getKeyColumns()) {
                InsertQueryBuilder insertQueryBuilder = new InsertQueryBuilder(dbType, tapSchema, keyColumn, TapSchema.KEY_COLUMNS_TABLE);
        } else {
            // Update key columns
            for (KeyColumn keyColumn : key.getKeyColumns()) {
                if (keyColumn.isChanged()) {
                    updateQueryBuilder = new UpdateQueryBuilder(dbType, tapSchema, keyColumn, TapSchema.KEY_COLUMNS_TABLE, "key_id = ?");
                    query = updateQueryBuilder.getQuery();
                    try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(query)) {
                        int i = updateQueryBuilder.addStatementValues(statement);
                        String keyId = key.getId();
                        statement.setString(i, keyId);
                        log.debug("Executing query {} [key_id={}]", query, keyId);