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Pre-Facet-Calibrator.parset 87 KiB
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# Pre-Facet Calibrator Calibration Pipeline v3.0 (04/09/2019)            #
#                                                                        #
# Calibrator part of the basic Pre-Facet calibration pipeline:           #
# - requires LOFAR software version  >= 3.1.0                            #
# - requires losoto software version >= 2.0.0                            #
# - expects shared filesystem, that all nodes can reach all files!       #
#   (E.g. a single workstation or compute cluster with shared filesystem #
#   doesn't work on multiple nodes on CEP3.)                             #

### parameters you will need to adjust. ##
## information about the calibrator data
! cal_input_path           =  /input_data/calib                                                   ## specify the directory where your calibrator data is stored
! cal_input_pattern        =  *.MS                                                                ## regular expression pattern of all your calibrator files

## location of the software
! prefactor_directory      =  /opt/prefactor/                                                     ## path to your prefactor copy
! losoto_directory         =  /opt/lofarsoft                                                      ## path to your local LoSoTo installation
! aoflagger                =  /opt/lofarsoft/bin/aoflagger                                        ## path to your aoflagger executable

### parameters you may need to adjust   ##

! refant                   =  'CS001HBA0'                                                         ## name of the station that will be used as a reference for the phase-plots, 'closest' will reference to the spatially closest unflagged antenna
! flag_baselines           =  []                                                                  ## NDPPP-compatible pattern for baselines or stations to be flagged (may be an empty list, i.e.: [] )
! process_baselines_cal    =  *&                                                                  ## performs A-Team-clipping/demixing and direction-independent phase-only self-calibration only on these baselines. Choose [CR]S*& if you want to process only cross-correlations and remove international stations.
! filter_baselines         =  {{ process_baselines_cal }}                                         ## selects only this set of baselines to be processed. Choose [CR]S*& if you want to process only cross-correlations and remove international stations.
! do_smooth                =  False                                                               ## enable or disable baseline-based smoothing
! rfistrategy              =  HBAdefault.rfis                                                     ## strategy to be applied with the statistical flagger (AOFlagger)
! max2interpolate          =  30                                                                  ## amount of channels in which interpolation should be performed for deriving the bandpass
! ampRange                 =  [0, 0]                                                              ## range of median amplitudes accepted per station. Use [0, 0] to use typical ranges of [50, 225] for the current correlator or [0.0004, 0.0018] for the old one.
! skip_international       =  True                                                                ## skip fitting the bandpass for international stations (this avoids flagging them in many cases)
! raw_data                 =  False                                                               ## use autoweight, set to True in case you are using raw data
! propagatesolutions       =  True                                                                ## use already derived solutions as initial guess for the upcoming time slot
! flagunconverged          =  False                                                               ## flag solutions for solves that did not converge (if they were also detected to diverge)
! maxStddev                =  -1.0                                                                ## Maximum allowable standard deviation when outlier clipping is done. For phases, this should value should be in radians, for amplitudes in log(amp). If None (or negative), a value of 0.1 rad is used for phases and 0.01 for amplitudes

# options for solution transfer (for non-trusted calibrator observations)
! solutions2transfer       =  {{ prefactor_directory }}/solutions/3C48.h5                         ## location of h5parm reference solutions to transfer
! antennas2transfer        =  [FUSPID].*                                                          ## regular expression of antennas which solutions should be transferred to the final solution set, if none of the trusted calibrators have been observed (by default: all international stations)

# demixing options (only used if demix step is added to the prep_cal_strategy variable)
! demix_sources            =  [CasA,CygA]                                                         ## choose sources to demix (provided as list)
! demix_target             =  ""                                                                  ## if given, the target source model (its patch in the SourceDB) is taken into account when solving
! demix_freqstep           =  16                                                                  ## number of channels to average when demixing.
! demix_timestep           =  10                                                                  ## number of time slots to average when demixing

# definitions for pipeline options -- do not change!
! default_flagging         =  flagbaseline,flagelev,flagamp                                       ## regular flagging after pre-processing by the observatory pipelines
! raw_flagging             =  flagedge,aoflag,{{ default_flagging }}                              ## full flagging (usually only necessary for raw data)
! 1st_order                =  ct,plotTEC,residuals                                                ## Do not change! Only cal_ion should be edited if needed
! 3rd_order                =  ct3,plotTEC,plotTEC3,residuals3                                     ## Do not change! Only cal_ion should be edited if needed
! demix                    =  demix,                                                              ## Do not change! Only demix_step should be edited if needed
! full_apply               =  ,apply_PA,apply_bandpass,apply_clock,apply_beam,apply_FR,apply_TEC  ## Do not change!
! none                     =                                                                      ## Do not change!

# pipeline options
! initial_flagging         =  {{ default_flagging }}                                              ## choose {{ raw_flagging }} if you process raw data
! demix_step               =  {{ none }}                                                          ## choose {{ demix }} if you want to demix
! cal_ion                  =  {{ 1st_order }},smooth                                              ## choose {{ 3rd_order }} if you want to include 3rd order ionospheric effects (may be useful for LBA < 35 MHz), add smooth if you want to use the median of the clock in time (suggested for HBA+LB)
! tables2export            =  clock                                                               ## comma-separated list of tables to export from the ionospheric calibration step (cal_ion)
! final_apply              =  {{ none }}                                                          ## choose {{ full_apply }} if you want to apply all extracted solutions to the calibrator field

### parameters for pipeline performance ##

! num_proc_per_node        =  input.output.max_per_node                                           ## number of processes to use per step per node (usually max_per_node from pipeline.cfg)
! num_proc_per_node_limit  =  4                                                                   ## number of processes to use per step per node for tasks with high i/o (dppp or cp) or memory (eg calibration)
! max_dppp_threads         =  10                                                                  ## number of threads per process for NDPPP
! memoryperc               =  20                                                                  ## maximum of memory used for aoflagger in raw_flagging mode in percent
! min_length               =  50                                                                  ## minimum amount of subbands to concatenate in frequency necessary to perform the wide-band flagging in the RAM. It data is too big aoflag will use indirect-read.
! overhead                 =  0.8                                                                 ## Only use this fraction of the available memory for deriving the amount of data to be concatenated.
! min_separation           =  30                                                                  ## minimal accepted distance to an A-team source on the sky in degrees (will raise a WARNING)
! max_separation_arcmin    =  1.0                                                                 ## maximum distance to the phase center for which a skymodel will be still accepted. Change with caution!

! error_tolerance          =  False                                                               ## set this to True if you want the pipeline run to continue if single bands fail

### parameters you may want to adjust   ##

## main directories
! lofar_directory          =  $LOFARROOT                                                          ## base directory of your LOFAR installation
! job_directory            =  input.output.job_directory                                          ## directory of the prefactor outputs
! working_directory        =  input.output.working_directory/input.output.job_name                ## specify the working_directory (intermediate data products)
! log_file                 =  input.output.log_file                                               ## location of the logfile
! mapfile_dir              =  input.output.mapfile_dir                                            ## specify mapfile directory

## script and plugin directories
! scripts                  =  {{ prefactor_directory }}/scripts
pipeline.pluginpath        =  {{ prefactor_directory }}/plugins

## skymodel directory
! calibrator_path_skymodel =  {{ prefactor_directory }}/skymodels
! A-team_skymodel          =  {{ calibrator_path_skymodel }}/Ateam_LBA_CC.skymodel

## result directories
! results_directory        =  {{ job_directory }}/results                                         ## location of the results
! inspection_directory     =  {{ results_directory }}/inspection                                  ## directory where the inspection plots will be stored
! cal_values_directory     =  {{ results_directory }}/cal_values                                  ## directory where the final h5parm solution set will be stored

## calibrator solutions
! cal_solutions            =  {{ cal_values_directory }}/cal_solutions.h5

## averaging for the calibrator data
! avg_timeresolution       =  4.                                                                  ## average to 4 sec/timeslot
! avg_freqresolution       =  48.82kHz                                                            ## average to 48.82 kHz/ch (= 4 ch/SB)
! bandpass_freqresolution  =  195.3125kHz                                                         ## resolution of the bandpass table is 195.3125kHz (= 1 ch/SB)

##                                                    ##
##                                                    ##

# which steps to run
pipeline.steps             =  [prep, PA, FR, bandpass, ion, finalize]

# pipeline substeps
pipeline.steps.prep        =  [createmap_cal, combine_data_map, check_Ateam_separation, mk_cal_values_dir, createmap_prepcal, createmap_instcal, create_ateam_model_map, make_sourcedb_ateam, expand_sourcedb_ateam, ndppp_prep_cal, combine_data_cal_map, ms_concat, ms_concat_map, expand_memory_map, aoflag, sky_cal, make_sourcedb, expand_sourcedb, expand_skymodel, calib_cal_parmmap, h5imp_cal_map, smooth_data, predict_cal]

pipeline.steps.PA          =  [calib_cal, h5imp_cal_PA, prepare_losoto_PA, process_losoto_PA, h5exp_cal_PA, apply_PA, apply_beam]
pipeline.steps.FR          =  [smooth_corrected, calib_cal,  h5imp_cal_FR, prepare_losoto_FR, process_losoto_FR, h5exp_cal_FR, apply_FR]
pipeline.steps.bandpass    =  [smooth_corrected, calib_cal2, h5imp_cal_bandpass, prepare_losoto_bandpass, prepare_losoto_bandpasstrans, process_losoto_bandpass, h5exp_cal_bandpass, transfer_solutions, apply_PA, apply_bandpass, apply_beam, apply_FR]
pipeline.steps.ion         =  [smooth_corrected, calib_cal2, h5imp_cal_ion, prepare_losoto_ion, process_losoto_ion, h5exp_cal_ion]
pipeline.steps.finalize    =  [h5parm_name {{ final_apply }}, make_summary]

## Mapping calibrator files  ##

# generate a mapfile of all the calibrator data
createmap_cal.control.kind                                  =   plugin
createmap_cal.control.type                                  =   createMapfile
createmap_cal.control.method                                =   mapfile_from_folder
createmap_cal.control.mapfile_dir                           =   {{ mapfile_dir }}
createmap_cal.control.filename                              =   createmap_cal.mapfile
createmap_cal.control.folder                                =   {{ cal_input_path }}
createmap_cal.control.pattern                               =   {{ cal_input_pattern }}

# combine all entries into one mapfile, for the sortmap script
combine_data_map.control.kind                               =   plugin
combine_data_map.control.type                               =   createMapfile
combine_data_map.control.method                             =   mapfile_all_to_one
combine_data_map.control.mapfile_dir                        =   {{ mapfile_dir }}
combine_data_map.control.filename                           =   combine_data_map.mapfile
combine_data_map.control.mapfile_in                         =   createmap_cal.output.mapfile

# warn for potential nearby A-Team sources
check_Ateam_separation.control.type                         =   pythonplugin
check_Ateam_separation.control.executable                   =   {{ scripts }}/
check_Ateam_separation.control.mapfile_in                   =   combine_data_map.output.mapfile
check_Ateam_separation.control.inputkey                     =   MSfile
check_Ateam_separation.argument.min_separation              =   {{ min_separation }}
check_Ateam_separation.argument.outputimage                 =   {{ inspection_directory }}/A-Team_elevation_calibrator.png
check_Ateam_separation.argument.flags                       =   [MSfile]

## Prepare for demixing    ##
# generate a mapfile of the calibrator
createmap_prepcal.control.kind                              =   plugin
createmap_prepcal.control.type                              =   makeResultsMapfile
createmap_prepcal.control.mapfile_dir                       =   {{ mapfile_dir }}
createmap_prepcal.control.filename                          =   createmap_prepcal.mapfile
createmap_prepcal.control.mapfile_in                        =   createmap_cal.output.mapfile
createmap_prepcal.control.target_dir                        =   {{ job_directory }}
createmap_prepcal.control.make_target_dir                   =   False
createmap_prepcal.control.new_suffix                        =   .ndppp_prep_cal

# generate a mapfile for the instrument table of the calibrator
createmap_instcal.control.kind                              =   plugin
createmap_instcal.control.type                              =   changeMapfile
createmap_instcal.control.mapfile_in                        =   createmap_prepcal.output.mapfile
createmap_instcal.control.join_files                        =   instrument
createmap_instcal.control.newname                           =   createmap_instcal.mapfile

# create a mapfile with the A-Team skymodel, length = 1
create_ateam_model_map.control.kind                         =   plugin
create_ateam_model_map.control.type                         =   addListMapfile
create_ateam_model_map.control.hosts                        =   ['localhost']
create_ateam_model_map.control.files                        =   [ {{ A-team_skymodel }} ]
create_ateam_model_map.control.mapfile_dir                  =   {{ mapfile_dir }}
create_ateam_model_map.control.filename                     =   ateam_model_name.mapfile

# make sourcedbs from the A-Team skymodel, length = 1
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.kind                            =   recipe
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.type                            =   executable_args
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.executable                      =   {{ lofar_directory }}/bin/makesourcedb
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.error_tolerance                 =   {{ error_tolerance }}
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.args_format                     =   lofar
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.outputkey                       =   out
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.mapfile_in                      =   create_ateam_model_map.output.mapfile
make_sourcedb_ateam.control.inputkey                        =   in
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