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/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter.cpp) ENABLED START -----*/
// file :        DataImporter.cpp
// description : C++ source for the DataImporter class and its commands.
//               The class is derived from Device. It represents the
//               CORBA servant object which will be accessed from the
//               network. All commands which can be executed on the
//               DataImporter are implemented in this file.
// project :     Data importer
// This file is part of Tango device class.
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// Tango is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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// Tango is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Tango.  If not, see <>.
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// $Author:  $
// $Revision:  $
// $Date:  $
// $HeadURL:  $
//                This file is generated by POGO
//        (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)

#include <DataImporter.h>
#include <DataImporterClass.h>
#include <PlainClient.h>
#include <SSLClient.h>

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
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/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter.cpp

 *  DataImporter class description:
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//  The following table gives the correspondence
//  between command and method names.
//  Command name  |  Method name
//  State         |  Inherited (no method)
//  Status        |  Inherited (no method)
//  On            |  on
//  Off           |  off
//  ResetCounter  |  reset_counter
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//  Attributes managed are:
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//  RegularFileCounter  |  Tango::DevULong	Scalar
//  FailedFileCounter   |  Tango::DevULong	Scalar
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namespace DataImporter_ns
/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::namespace_starting) ENABLED START -----*/

//	static initializations

/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::namespace_starting

 *	Method      : DataImporter::DataImporter()
 *	Description : Constructors for a Tango device
 *                implementing the classDataImporter
DataImporter::DataImporter(Tango::DeviceClass *cl, string &s)
 : TANGO_BASE_CLASS(cl, s.c_str())
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::constructor_1) ENABLED START -----*/
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::constructor_1
DataImporter::DataImporter(Tango::DeviceClass *cl, const char *s)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::constructor_2) ENABLED START -----*/
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::constructor_2
DataImporter::DataImporter(Tango::DeviceClass *cl, const char *s, const char *d)
 : TANGO_BASE_CLASS(cl, s, d)
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::constructor_3) ENABLED START -----*/
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::constructor_3

 *	Method      : DataImporter::delete_device()
 *	Description : will be called at device destruction or at init command
void DataImporter::delete_device()
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::delete_device() " << device_name << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::delete_device) ENABLED START -----*/
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	//	Delete device allocated objects
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::delete_device
	delete[] attr_RegularFileCounter_read;
	delete[] attr_FailedFileCounter_read;
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 *	Method      : DataImporter::init_device()
 *	Description : will be called at device initialization.
void DataImporter::init_device()
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::init_device() create device " << device_name << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::init_device_before) ENABLED START -----*/

    set_status("Initializing device");//Initialize regular file counters to zero
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::init_device_before

	//	Get the device properties from database
	attr_RegularFileCounter_read = new Tango::DevULong[1];
	attr_FailedFileCounter_read = new Tango::DevULong[1];
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::init_device) ENABLED START -----*/
    //Initialize regular file counters to zero
    *attr_RegularFileCounter_read = 0;

    //Initialize error file counters to zero
    *attr_FailedFileCounter_read = 0;

    if(get_state() != Tango::FAULT)
                m_client_sp = SSLClient::create(this, m_configuration_sp);
                m_client_sp = PlainClient::create(this, m_configuration_sp);

            //Start device if auto start enabled
                INFO_STREAM << "FitsImporter::init_device() auto start enabled " << endl;
        catch(std::exception& ex)
            std::stringstream error_stream;
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            error_stream << "DataImporter::init_device() " << ex.what();
            set_status("DataImporter::init_device() unknown error");

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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::init_device

 *	Method      : DataImporter::get_device_property()
 *	Description : Read database to initialize property data members.
void DataImporter::get_device_property()
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::get_device_property_before) ENABLED START -----*/
	//	Initialize property data members
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::get_device_property_before

	//	Read device properties from database.
	Tango::DbData	dev_prop;

	//	is there at least one property to be read ?
	if (dev_prop.size()>0)
		//	Call database and extract values
		if (Tango::Util::instance()->_UseDb==true)
		//	get instance on DataImporterClass to get class property
		Tango::DbDatum	def_prop, cl_prop;
		DataImporterClass	*ds_class =
			(static_cast<DataImporterClass *>(get_device_class()));
		int	i = -1;

		//	Try to initialize CertificateFile from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  certificateFile;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize CertificateFile from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  certificateFile;
		//	And try to extract CertificateFile value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  certificateFile;

		//	Try to initialize StoragePath from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  storagePath;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize StoragePath from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  storagePath;
		//	And try to extract StoragePath value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  storagePath;

		//	Try to initialize RemoteHost from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  remoteHost;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RemoteHost from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  remoteHost;
		//	And try to extract RemoteHost value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  remoteHost;

		//	Try to initialize RemotePort from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  remotePort;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RemotePort from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  remotePort;
		//	And try to extract RemotePort value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  remotePort;

		//	Try to initialize RemoteUsername from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  remoteUsername;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RemoteUsername from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  remoteUsername;
		//	And try to extract RemoteUsername value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  remoteUsername;

		//	Try to initialize RemotePassword from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  remotePassword;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RemotePassword from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  remotePassword;
		//	And try to extract RemotePassword value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  remotePassword;

		//	Try to initialize RemoteSchema from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  remoteSchema;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RemoteSchema from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  remoteSchema;
		//	And try to extract RemoteSchema value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  remoteSchema;

		//	Try to initialize RemoteTable from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  remoteTable;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RemoteTable from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  remoteTable;
		//	And try to extract RemoteTable value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  remoteTable;

		//	Try to initialize EnableSSL from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  enableSSL;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize EnableSSL from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  enableSSL;
		//	And try to extract EnableSSL value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  enableSSL;

		//	Try to initialize DatabaseHost from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  databaseHost;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize DatabaseHost from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  databaseHost;
		//	And try to extract DatabaseHost value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  databaseHost;

		//	Try to initialize DatabasePort from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  databasePort;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize DatabasePort from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  databasePort;
		//	And try to extract DatabasePort value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  databasePort;

		//	Try to initialize DatabaseUsername from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  databaseUsername;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize DatabaseUsername from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  databaseUsername;
		//	And try to extract DatabaseUsername value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  databaseUsername;

		//	Try to initialize DatabasePassword from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  databasePassword;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize DatabasePassword from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  databasePassword;
		//	And try to extract DatabasePassword value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  databasePassword;

		//	Try to initialize DatabaseSchema from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  databaseSchema;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize DatabaseSchema from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  databaseSchema;
		//	And try to extract DatabaseSchema value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  databaseSchema;

		//	Try to initialize DatabaseTable from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  databaseTable;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize DatabaseTable from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  databaseTable;
		//	And try to extract DatabaseTable value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  databaseTable;

		//	Try to initialize RefreshTime from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  refreshTime;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RefreshTime from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  refreshTime;
		//	And try to extract RefreshTime value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  refreshTime;

		//	Try to initialize Timeout from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  timeout;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize Timeout from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  timeout;
		//	And try to extract Timeout value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  timeout;
		//	Try to initialize RecoveryTime from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  recoveryTime;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize RecoveryTime from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  recoveryTime;
		//	And try to extract RecoveryTime value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  recoveryTime;

		//	Try to initialize AutoStart from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  autoStart;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AutoStart from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  autoStart;
		//	And try to extract AutoStart value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  autoStart;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseHost from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabaseHost;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseHost from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabaseHost;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabaseHost value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabaseHost;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabasePort from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabasePort;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabasePort from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabasePort;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabasePort value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabasePort;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseUsername from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabaseUsername;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseUsername from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabaseUsername;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabaseUsername value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabaseUsername;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabasePassword from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabasePassword;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabasePassword from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabasePassword;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabasePassword value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabasePassword;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseSchema from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabaseSchema;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseSchema from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabaseSchema;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabaseSchema value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabaseSchema;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseTimestampTable from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabaseTimestampTable;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseTimestampTable from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabaseTimestampTable;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabaseTimestampTable value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabaseTimestampTable;

		//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseFailedTable from class property
		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  auxDatabaseFailedTable;
		else {
			//	Try to initialize AuxDatabaseFailedTable from default device value
			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  auxDatabaseFailedTable;
		//	And try to extract AuxDatabaseFailedTable value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  auxDatabaseFailedTable;

		//	Try to initialize WhereCondition from class property
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		cl_prop = ds_class->get_class_property(dev_prop[++i].name);
		if (cl_prop.is_empty()==false)	cl_prop  >>  whereCondition;
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		else {
			//	Try to initialize WhereCondition from default device value
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			def_prop = ds_class->get_default_device_property(dev_prop[i].name);
			if (def_prop.is_empty()==false)	def_prop  >>  whereCondition;
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		//	And try to extract WhereCondition value from database
		if (dev_prop[i].is_empty()==false)	dev_prop[i]  >>  whereCondition;

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::get_device_property_after) ENABLED START -----*/

                throw(invalid_argument("CertificateFile property is empty or not defined"));


            throw(invalid_argument("StoragePath property is empty or not defined"));


            throw(invalid_argument("RemoteHost property is empty or not defined"));

        if(remotePort<1 || remotePort>MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
            throw(invalid_argument("RemotePort property out of range or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("RemoteUsername property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("RemotePassword property is empty or not defined"));

        // If remoteSchema is not set, use databaseSchema

        // If remoteTable is not set, use databaseTable

                throw(invalid_argument("DatabaseHost property is empty or not defined"));

        if(databasePort<1 || databasePort>MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
            throw(invalid_argument("DatabasePort property out of range or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("DatabaseUsername property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("DatabasePassword property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("DatabaseSchema property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("DatabaseTable property is empty or not defined"));

        if(refreshTime<1 || refreshTime>MAX_REFRESH_TIME)
            throw(invalid_argument("RefreshTime property out of range or not defined"));

        if(timeout<1 || timeout>MAX_TIMEOUT)
            throw(invalid_argument("Timeout property out of range or not defined"));

        if(recoveryTime<1 || recoveryTime>MAX_RECOVERY_TIME)
            throw(invalid_argument("RecoveryTime property out of range or not defined"));

                throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabaseHost property is empty or not defined"));

        if(auxDatabasePort<1 || auxDatabasePort>MAX_PORT_NUMBER)
            throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabasePort property out of range or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabaseUsername property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabasePassword property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabaseSchema property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabaseTimestampTable property is empty or not defined"));

            throw(invalid_argument("AuxDatabaseFailedTable property is empty or not defined"));

        m_configuration_sp = Configuration::create(certificateFile, storagePath,
            remoteHost, remotePort, remoteUsername, remotePassword, remoteSchema, remoteTable, databaseHost,
            databasePort, databaseUsername, databasePassword, databaseSchema,
            databaseTable, refreshTime, timeout, recoveryTime, auxDatabaseHost,
            auxDatabasePort, auxDatabaseUsername, auxDatabasePassword,
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            auxDatabaseSchema, auxDatabaseTimestampTable,
            auxDatabaseFailedTable, whereCondition);
    catch(invalid_argument& ex)
        stringstream error_stream;
        error_stream << "DataImporter::get_device_property() " << ex.what() << endl;

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::get_device_property_after
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 *	Method      : DataImporter::always_executed_hook()
 *	Description : method always executed before any command is executed
void DataImporter::always_executed_hook()
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::always_executed_hook()  " << device_name << endl;
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::always_executed_hook) ENABLED START -----*/

    if(get_state() != Tango::FAULT)


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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::always_executed_hook

 *	Method      : DataImporter::read_attr_hardware()
 *	Description : Hardware acquisition for attributes
void DataImporter::read_attr_hardware(TANGO_UNUSED(vector<long> &attr_list))
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::read_attr_hardware(vector<long> &attr_list) entering... " << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::read_attr_hardware) ENABLED START -----*/
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	//	Add your own code
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::read_attr_hardware

 *	Read attribute RegularFileCounter related method
 *	Description:
 *	Data type:	Tango::DevULong
 *	Attr type:	Scalar
void DataImporter::read_RegularFileCounter(Tango::Attribute &attr)
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::read_RegularFileCounter(Tango::Attribute &attr) entering... " << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::read_RegularFileCounter) ENABLED START -----*/

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock regularCounterLock(m_regularCounterMutex);


	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::read_RegularFileCounter
 *	Read attribute FailedFileCounter related method
 *	Description:
 *	Data type:	Tango::DevULong
 *	Attr type:	Scalar
void DataImporter::read_FailedFileCounter(Tango::Attribute &attr)
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::read_FailedFileCounter(Tango::Attribute &attr) entering... " << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::read_FailedFileCounter) ENABLED START -----*/

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock failedCounterLock(m_failedCounterMutex);


	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::read_FailedFileCounter
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 *	Method      : DataImporter::add_dynamic_attributes()
 *	Description : Create the dynamic attributes if any
 *                for specified device.
void DataImporter::add_dynamic_attributes()
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::add_dynamic_attributes) ENABLED START -----*/
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	//	Add your own code to create and add dynamic attributes if any
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	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::add_dynamic_attributes

 *	Command On related method
 *	Description: Activate data importer
void DataImporter::on()
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::On()  - " << device_name << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::on) ENABLED START -----*/
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::on
 *	Command Off related method
 *	Description: Deactivate data importer
void DataImporter::off()
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::Off()  - " << device_name << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::off) ENABLED START -----*/
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::off
 *	Command ResetCounter related method
 *	Description:
void DataImporter::reset_counter()
	DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::ResetCounter()  - " << device_name << endl;
	/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::reset_counter) ENABLED START -----*/

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock regularCounterLock(m_regularCounterMutex);

	*attr_RegularFileCounter_read = 0;

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock failedCounterLock(m_failedCounterMutex);

	*attr_FailedFileCounter_read = 0;

	/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::reset_counter
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/*----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DataImporter::namespace_ending) ENABLED START -----*/

//      DataImporter::incrementRegularCounter()
void DataImporter::incrementRegularCounter()
    DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::incrementRegularCounter()  - " << device_name << endl;

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock regularCounterLock(m_regularCounterMutex);


//      DataImporter::incrementFailedCounter()
void DataImporter::incrementFailedCounter()
    DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::incrementFailedCounter()  - " << device_name << endl;

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock failedCounterLock(m_failedCounterMutex);


//      DataImporter::decrementFailedCounter()
void DataImporter::decrementFailedCounter()
    DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::decrementFailedCounter()  - " << device_name << endl;

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock failedCounterLock(m_failedCounterMutex);

	if(*attr_FailedFileCounter_read > 0)

//      DataImporter::checkIfFileExists()
void DataImporter::checkIfFileExists(std::string fileName)
    DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::checkIfFileExists()  - " << device_name << endl;

    boost::filesystem::path path(fileName);

        std::stringstream errorStream;
        errorStream << "File " << fileName
            << " not exists" << std::endl;
        throw std::invalid_argument(errorStream.str());

    INFO_STREAM << "DataImporter::checkIfFileExists() " << fileName << endl;

//      DataImporter::checkIfDirectoryExists()
void DataImporter::checkIfDirectoryExists(std::string directoryName)
    DEBUG_STREAM << "DataImporter::checkIfFileExists()  - " << device_name << endl;

    boost::filesystem::path path(directoryName);

        std::stringstream errorStream;
        errorStream << "Directory " << directoryName << " not exists" << std::endl;
        throw std::invalid_argument(errorStream.str());

        std::stringstream errorStream;
        errorStream << directoryName << " is not a directory" << std::endl;
        throw std::invalid_argument(errorStream.str());

    INFO_STREAM << "DataImporter::checkIfDirectoryExists() " << directoryName << endl;

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/*----- PROTECTED REGION END -----*/	//	DataImporter::namespace_ending
} //	namespace