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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
using namespace std;
extern void cluster(string config_file, string data_file, string output_path);
extern void cluster(const string& config_file, const string& data_file, const string& output_path);
/*! \brief Main program entry point.
......@@ -99,12 +99,10 @@ public:
/*! \brief C1 instance constructor.
* \param ns: `int` Number of spheres.
* \param l_max: `int` Maximum order of field expansion.
* \param nshl: `int *` Array of number of layers in spheres.
* \param iog: `int *` Vector of spherical units ID numbers.
* \param gconf: `GeometryConfiguration *` Pointer to a geometry configuration object.
* \param sconf: `ScattererConfiguration *` Pointer to a scatterer configuration object.
C1(int ns, int l_max, int *nshl, int *iog);
C1(GeometryConfiguration *gconf, ScattererConfiguration *sconf);
/*! \brief C1 instance constructor copying all contents from a preexisting template
......@@ -142,12 +140,10 @@ public:
/*! \brief C2 instance constructor.
* \param ns: `int` Number of spheres.
* \param nl: `int`
* \param npnt: `int`
* \param npntts: `int`
* \param gconf: `GeometryConfiguration*` Pointer to a GeometryConfiguration instance.
* \param sconf: `ScattererConfiguration*` Pointer to a ScattererConfiguration instance.
C2(int ns, int nl, int npnt, int npntts);
C2(GeometryConfiguration *gconf, ScattererConfiguration *sconf);
/*! \brief C2 instance constructor copying its contents from preexisting instance.
......@@ -193,39 +189,44 @@ public:
class C4 {
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
//! \brief LITPO = 2 * LI + 1.
int litpo;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
//! \brief LITPOS = LITPO * LITPO
int litpos;
//! \brief Maximum field expansion order plus one. QUESTION: correct?
//! \brief LMPO = LM + 1.
int lmpo;
//! \brief Twice maximum field expansion order plus one. QUESTION: correct?
//! \brief LMTPO = 2 * LM + 1.
int lmtpo;
//! \brief Square of `lmtpo`.
//! \brief LMTPOS = LMTPO * LMTPO.
int lmtpos;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
//! \brief Internal field expansion order.
int li;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
int nlim;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
//! \brief External field expansion order.
int le;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
int nlem;
//! \brief Maximum field expansion order. QUESTION: correct?
//! \brief Maximum field expansion order.
int lm;
//! \brief Number of spheres.
int nsph;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
int nv3j;
/*! \brief C3 instance constructor.
/*! \brief C4 instance constructor.
* \param gconf: `GeometryConfiguration*` Pointer to a GeometryConfiguration instance.
C4(int li, int le, int nsph);
/*! \brief C3 instance constructor copying its contents from a preexisting object.
C4(GeometryConfiguration *gconf);
/*! \brief C4 instance constructor copying its contents from a preexisting object.
* \param rhs: `C4&` Reference of the object to be copied.
C4(const C4& rhs);
/*! \brief C3 instance destroyer.
/*! \brief C4 instance destroyer.
......@@ -268,6 +269,8 @@ public:
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
dcomplex **am0m;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
dcomplex *am0v;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
dcomplex *vintm;
//! \brief QUESTION: definition?
dcomplex *vintt;
......@@ -382,4 +385,183 @@ public:
/*! \brief A data structure representing the information used for a single scale
* of the CLUSTER case.
class ClusterIterationData {
//! \brief Pointer to a C1 structure.
C1 *c1;
//! \brief Pointer to a C1_AddOns structure.
C1_AddOns *c1ao;
//! \brief Pointer to a C2 structure.
C2 *c2;
//! \brief Pointer to a C3 structure.
C3 *c3;
//! brief Pointer to a C4 structure.
C4 *c4;
//! \brief Pointer to a C6 structure.
C6 *c6;
//! \brief Pointer to a C9 structure.
C9 *c9;
//! \brief Pointer to a formatted output file.
double *gaps;
double **tqse;
dcomplex **tqspe;
double **tqss;
dcomplex **tqsps;
double ****zpv;
double **gapm;
dcomplex **gappm;
double *argi;
double *args;
double **gap;
dcomplex **gapp;
double **tqce;
dcomplex **tqcpe;
double **tqcs;
dcomplex **tqcps;
double *duk;
double **cextlr;
double **cext;
double **cmullr;
double **cmul;
double *gapv;
double *tqev;
double *tqsv;
double *u;
double *us;
double *un;
double *uns;
double *up;
double *ups;
double *unmp;
double *unsmp;
double *upmp;
double *upsmp;
double scan;
double cfmp;
double sfmp;
double cfsp;
double sfsp;
double qsfi;
double sqsfi;
dcomplex *am_vector;
dcomplex **am;
dcomplex arg;
//! \brief Wave vector.
double vk;
//! \brief Wave number.
double wn;
double xip;
ClusterIterationData(GeometryConfiguration *gconf, ScattererConfiguration *sconf);
ClusterIterationData(const ClusterIterationData& rhs);
/*! \brief A data structure representing the angles to be evaluated in the problem.
class ScatteringAngles {
//! \brief Number of incident field azimuth angles.
int _nth;
//! \brief Number of scattered field azimuth angles.
int _nths;
//! \brief Number of incident field elevation angles.
int _nph;
//! \brief Number of scattered field elevation angles.
int _nphs;
//! \brief Number of incident field propagation angles.
int _nk;
//! \brief Number of scattered field propagation angles.
int _nks;
//! \brief Total number of field propagation angles.
int _nkks;
//! \brief First incident field azimuth angle.
double _th;
//! \brief Incident field azimuth angle increment.
double _thstp;
//! \brief Last incident field azimuth angle.
double _thlst;
//! \brief First scattered field azimuth angle.
double _ths;
//! \brief Scattered field azimuth angle increment.
double _thsstp;
//! \brief Last scattered field azimuth angle.
double _thslst;
//! \brief First incident field elevation angle.
double _ph;
//! \brief Incident field elevation angle increment.
double _phstp;
//! \brief Last incident field elevation angle.
double _phlst;
//! \brief First scattered field elevation angle.
double _phs;
//! \brief Scattered field elevation angle increment.
double _phsstp;
//! \brief Last scattered field elevation angle.
double _phslst;
//! \brief Azimuth scattering deflection.
double _thsca;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nth`.
const int& nth = _nth;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nths`.
const int& nths = _nths;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nph`.
const int& nph = _nph;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nphs`.
const int& nphs = _nphs;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nk`.
const int& nk = _nk;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nks`.
const int& nks = _nks;
//! \brief Read only view of `_nkks`.
const int& nkks = _nkks;
//! \brief Read only view of `_th`.
const double& th = _th;
//! \brief Read only view of `_thstp`.
const double& thstp = _thstp;
//! \brief Read only view of `_thlst`.
const double& thlst = _thlst;
//! \brief Read only view of `_ths`.
const double& ths = _ths;
//! \brief Read only view of `_thsstp`.
const double& thsstp = _thsstp;
//! \brief Read only view of `_thslst`.
const double& thslst = _thslst;
//! \brief Read only view of `_ph`.
const double& ph = _ph;
//! \brief Read only view of `_phstp`.
const double& phstp = _phstp;
//! \brief Read only view of `_phlst`.
const double& phlst = _phlst;
//! \brief Read only view of `_phs`.
const double& phs = _phs;
//! \brief Read only view of `_phsstp`.
const double& phsstp = _phsstp;
//! \brief Read only view of `_phslst`.
const double& phslst = _phslst;
//! \brief Read only view of `_thsca`.
const double& thsca = _thsca;
/*! \brief ScatteringAngles instance constructor.
* \param gconf: `GeometryConfiguration*` Pointer to a GeometryConfiguration object.
ScatteringAngles(GeometryConfiguration *gconf);
/*! \brief ScatteringAngles copy constructor.
* \param rhs: `ScatteringAngles&` Reference to the ScatteringAngles object to be copied.
ScatteringAngles(const ScatteringAngles &rhs);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@
* \return array_lines `string*` An array of strings, one for each input
* file line.
std::string *load_file(std::string file_name, int *count);
std::string *load_file(const std::string& file_name, int *count);
#endif /* INCLUDE_PARSERS_H_ */
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class TransitionMatrix {
* \return config: `TransitionMatrix *` Pointer to object containing the
* transition matrix data.
static TransitionMatrix *from_hdf5(std::string file_name);
static TransitionMatrix *from_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Build transition matrix from a legacy binary input file.
......@@ -44,23 +44,102 @@ class TransitionMatrix {
* \return config: `TransitionMatrix *` Pointer to object containing the
* transition matrix data.
static TransitionMatrix *from_legacy(std::string file_name);
static TransitionMatrix *from_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Write the Transition Matrix to HDF5 binary output.
* This function takes care of the specific task of building a transition
* matrix memory data structure from a binary input file formatted according
* to the structure used by the original FORTRAN code.
* This function takes care of the specific task of writing the transition
* matrix memory data structure to a binary output file formatted according
* to the HDF5 standard.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the binary configuration data file.
void write_hdf5(std::string file_name);
void write_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Write transition matrix data to HDF5 binary output.
* This function takes care of the specific task of writing the transition
* matrix memory data structure to a binary output file formatted according
* to the HDF5 standard without a pre-existing instance. It is designed to
* work for the case of a cluster of spheres.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the binary configuration data file.
* \param _nlemt: `np_int` Size of the matrix (2 * LE * (LE + 2)).
* \param _lm: `int` Maximum field expansion order.
* \param _vk: `double` Wave number in scale units.
* \param _exri: `double` External medium refractive index.
* \param _am0m: `complex double **`
static void write_hdf5(
const std::string& file_name, np_int _nlemt, int _lm, double _vk,
double _exri, dcomplex **_am0m
/*! \brief Write transition matrix data to HDF5 binary output.
* This function takes care of the specific task of writing the transition
* matrix memory data structure to a binary output file formatted according
* to the HDF5 standard without a pre-existing instance. It is designed to
* work for the case of a single sphere.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the binary configuration data file.
* \param _lm: `int` Maximum field expansion order.
* \param _vk: `double` Wave number in scale units.
* \param _exri: `double` External medium refractive index.
* \param _rmi: `complex double **`
* \param _rei: `complex double **`
* \param _sphere_radius: `double` Radius of the sphere.
static void write_hdf5(
const std::string& file_name, int _lm, double _vk, double _exri,
dcomplex **_rmi, dcomplex **_rei, double _sphere_radius
/*! \brief Write the Transition Matrix to legacy binary output.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the binary configuration data file.
void write_legacy(std::string file_name);
void write_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Write transition matrix data to binary output using legacy format.
* This function takes care of the specific task of writing the transition
* matrix memory data structure to a binary output file formatted according
* to the format used by the legacy FORTRAN code. It is designed to work for
* the case of clusters of spheres.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the binary configuration data file.
* \param _nlemt: `np_int` Size of the matrix (2 * LE * (LE + 2)).
* \param _lm: `int` Maximum field expansion order.
* \param _vk: `double` Wave number in scale units.
* \param _exri: `double` External medium refractive index.
* \param _am0m: `complex double **`
static void write_legacy(
const std::string& file_name, np_int _nlemt, int _lm, double _vk,
double _exri, dcomplex **_am0m
/*! \brief Write transition matrix data to binary output using legacy format.
* This function takes care of the specific task of writing the transition
* matrix memory data structure to a binary output file formatted according
* to the original code structure without a pre-existing instance. It is designed
* to work for the case of a single sphere.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the binary configuration data file.
* \param _lm: `int` Maximum field expansion order.
* \param _vk: `double` Wave number in scale units.
* \param _exri: `double` External medium refractive index.
* \param _rmi: `complex double **`
* \param _rei: `complex double **`
* \param _sphere_radius: `double` Radius of the sphere.
static void write_legacy(
const std::string& file_name, int _lm, double _vk, double _exri,
dcomplex **_rmi, dcomplex **_rei, double _sphere_radius
/*! \brief Default Transition Matrix instance constructor.
......@@ -126,7 +205,7 @@ class TransitionMatrix {
* \return config: `TransitionMatrix *` Pointer to object containing the transition
* matrix data.
static TransitionMatrix* from_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
static TransitionMatrix* from_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Write the Transition Matrix to a binary file.
......@@ -140,8 +219,64 @@ class TransitionMatrix {
* \param mode: `string` Binary encoding. Can be one of ["LEGACY", "HDF5"] . Optional
* (default is "LEGACY").
void write_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
void write_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Write a cluster Transition Matrix to a binary file without instanciating it.
* Transition Matrix data can take a large amount of memory. For such reason, attempts
* to create TransitionMatrix instances only for writing purposes can create
* unnecessary resource consumption and computing time to duplicate the data into
* the output buffer. This function offers output to file as a static method. It
* takes the arguments of a constructor together with the usual arguments to specify
* the output file name and format, to write the required data directly to a file,
* without creating a new TransitionMatrix instance. The implementation works for
* TransitionMatrix objects built for the CLUSTER case. It belongs to the public class
* interface and it calls the proper versions of `write_legacy()` and `write_hdf5()`,
* depending on the requested output format.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
* \param _nlemt: `np_int` Size of the matrix (2 * LE * (LE + 2)).
* \param _lm: `int` Maximum field expansion order.
* \param _vk: `double` Wave number in scale units.
* \param _exri: `double` External medium refractive index.
* \param _am0m: `complex double **`
* \param mode: `string` Binary encoding. Can be one of ["LEGACY", "HDF5"] . Optional
* (default is "LEGACY").
static void write_binary(
const std::string& file_name, np_int _nlemt, int _lm, double _vk,
double _exri, dcomplex **_am0m, const std::string& mode="LEGACY"
/*! \brief Write a single sphere Transition Matrix to a binary file without instanciating it.
* Transition Matrix data can take a large amount of memory. For such reason, attempts
* to create TransitionMatrix instances only for writing purposes can create
* unnecessary resource consumption and computing time to duplicate the data into
* the output buffer. This function offers output to file as a static method. It
* takes the arguments of a constructor together with the usual arguments to specify
* the output file name and format, to write the required data directly to a file,
* without creating a new TransitionMatrix instance. The implementation works for
* TransitionMatrix objects built for the single sphere case. It belongs to the public
* class interface and it calls the proper versions of `write_legacy()` and `write_hdf5()`,
* depending on the requested output format.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
* \param _lm: `int` Maximum field expansion order.
* \param _vk: `double` Wave number in scale units.
* \param _exri: `double` External medium refractive index.
* \param _rmi: `complex double **`
* \param _rei: `complex double **`
* \param _sphere_radius: `double` Radius of the sphere.
* \param mode: `string` Binary encoding. Can be one of ["LEGACY", "HDF5"] . Optional
* (default is "LEGACY").
static void write_binary(
const std::string& file_name, int _lm, double _vk, double _exri,
dcomplex **_rmi, dcomplex **_rei, double _sphere_radius,
const std::string& mode="LEGACY"
/*! \brief Test whether two instances of TransitionMatrix are equal.
* Transition matrices can be the result of a calculation or of a file input operation,
......@@ -344,14 +344,14 @@ void scr2(
* to radial coordinates, then it calls `sphar()` to calculate the vector of spherical
* harmonics of the incident field.
* \param rcf: `double **` Matrix of double.
* \param sconf: `ScattererConfiguration *` Pointer to scatterer configuration object.
* \param c1: `C1 *` Pointer to a C1 instance.
* \param c1ao: `C1_AddOns *` Pointer to C1_AddOns instance.
* \param c3: `C3 *` Pointer to a C3 instance.
* \param c4: `C4 *` Pointer to a C4 structure.
* \param c6: `C6 *` Pointer to a C6 instance.
void str(double **rcf, C1 *c1, C1_AddOns *c1ao, C3 *c3, C4 *c4, C6 *c6);
void str(ScattererConfiguration *sconf, C1 *c1, C1_AddOns *c1ao, C3 *c3, C4 *c4, C6 *c6);
/*! \brief Compute radiation torques on particles on a k-vector oriented system.
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public:
* \param name: `string` Name of the file that was accessed.
OpenConfigurationFileException(std::string name) { file_name = name; }
OpenConfigurationFileException(const std::string& name) { file_name = name; }
* \brief Exception message.
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
* \param problem: `string` Description of the problem that occurred.
MatrixOutOfBoundsException(std::string problem) { message = problem; }
MatrixOutOfBoundsException(const std::string& problem) { message = problem; }
* \brief Exception message.
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
* \param problem: `string` Description of the problem that occurred.
UnrecognizedConfigurationException(std::string problem) { message = problem; }
UnrecognizedConfigurationException(const std::string& problem) { message = problem; }
* \brief Exception message.
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public:
* \param problem: `string` Description of the problem that occurred.
UnrecognizedFormatException(std::string problem) { message = problem; }
UnrecognizedFormatException(const std::string& problem) { message = problem; }
* \brief Exception message.
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public:
* \param problem: `string` Description of the problem that occurred.
UnrecognizedParameterException(std::string problem) { message = problem; }
UnrecognizedParameterException(const std::string& problem) { message = problem; }
* \brief Exception message.
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class FileSchema {
* \param rec_types: `string *` Description of the records in the file.
* \param rec_names: `string *` Names of the records in the file.
FileSchema(int num_rec, std::string *rec_types, std::string *rec_names=NULL);
FileSchema(int num_rec, const std::string *rec_types, const std::string *rec_names=NULL);
/*! \brief FileSchema instance destroyer.
......@@ -43,12 +43,13 @@ class FileSchema {
int get_record_number() { return num_records; }
/*! \brief Get a copy of the record types.
/*! \brief Get a copy of the record names.
* \return rec_types: `string *` A new vector of strings with description of records.
std::string *get_record_names();
/*! \brief Get a copy of the record names.
/*! \brief Get a copy of the record types.
* \return rec_names: `string *` A new vector of strings with record names.
......@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class HDFFile {
* \param fapl_id: `hid_t` File access property list identifier (default is `H5P_DEFAULT`).
std::string name, unsigned int flags=H5F_ACC_EXCL,
const std::string& name, unsigned int flags=H5F_ACC_EXCL,
hid_t fcpl_id=H5P_DEFAULT, hid_t fapl_id=H5P_DEFAULT
......@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ class HDFFile {
* \return hdf_file: `HDFFile *` Pointer to a new, open HDF5 file.
static HDFFile* from_schema(
FileSchema &schema, std::string name, unsigned int flags=H5F_ACC_EXCL,
FileSchema &schema, const std::string& name, unsigned int flags=H5F_ACC_EXCL,
hid_t fcpl_id=H5P_DEFAULT, hid_t fapl_id=H5P_DEFAULT
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ class HDFFile {
* \return status: `herr_t` Exit status of the operation.
herr_t read(
std::string dataset_name, std::string data_type, void *buffer,
const std::string& dataset_name, const std::string& data_type, void *buffer,
hid_t mem_space_id=H5S_ALL, hid_t file_space_id=H5S_ALL,
hid_t dapl_id=H5P_DEFAULT, hid_t dxpl_id=H5P_DEFAULT
......@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ class HDFFile {
* \return status: `herr_t` Exit status of the operation.
herr_t write(
std::string dataset_name, std::string data_type, const void *buffer,
const std::string& dataset_name, const std::string& data_type, const void *buffer,
hid_t mem_space_id=H5S_ALL, hid_t file_space_id=H5S_ALL,
hid_t dapl_id=H5P_DEFAULT, hid_t dxpl_id=H5P_DEFAULT
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class Logger {
* \param message: `string` The message to be printed.
void err(std::string message);
void err(const std::string& message);
/*! \brief Print a summary of recurrent messages and clear the stack.
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Logger {
* \param message: `string` The message to be printed.
* \param level: `int` The priority level (default is `LOG_INFO = 1`).
void log(std::string message, int level=LOG_INFO);
void log(const std::string& message, int level=LOG_INFO);
/*! \brief Push a recurrent message to the message stack.
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class Logger {
* \param message: `string` The message to be stacked.
void push(std::string message);
void push(const std::string& message);
......@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ protected:
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be loaded.
* \return instance: `Swap1 *` Pointer to a new Swap1 instance.
static Swap1 *from_hdf5(std::string file_name);
static Swap1 *from_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Load a Swap1 instance from a legacy binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be loaded.
* \return instance: `Swap1 *` Pointer to a new Swap1 instance.
static Swap1 *from_legacy(std::string file_name);
static Swap1 *from_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Save a Swap1 instance to a HDF5 binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
void write_hdf5(std::string file_name);
void write_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Save a Swap1 instance to a legacy binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
void write_legacy(std::string file_name);
void write_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Swap1 instance constructor.
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
* or "LGEACY". Default is "LEGACY").
* \return instance: `Swap1 *` Pointer to a newly created Swap1 instance.
static Swap1* from_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
static Swap1* from_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Calculate the necessary amount of memory to create a new instance.
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
* \param mode: `string` Format of the file (can be either "HDF5"
* or "LGEACY". Default is "LEGACY").
void write_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
void write_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Test whether two instances of Swap1 are equal.
......@@ -157,26 +157,26 @@ protected:
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be loaded.
* \return instance: `Swap2 *` Pointer to a new Swap2 instance.
static Swap2 *from_hdf5(std::string file_name);
static Swap2 *from_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Load a Swap2 instance from a legacy binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be loaded.
* \return instance: `Swap2 *` Pointer to a new Swap2 instance.
static Swap2 *from_legacy(std::string file_name);
static Swap2 *from_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Save a Swap2 instance to a HDF5 binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
void write_hdf5(std::string file_name);
void write_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Save a Swap2 instance to a legacy binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
void write_legacy(std::string file_name);
void write_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Swap2 instance constructor.
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public:
* or "LGEACY". Default is "LEGACY").
* \return instance: `Swap2 *` Pointer to a newly created Swap2 instance.
static Swap2* from_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
static Swap2* from_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Get the pointer to the VKZM matrix.
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public:
* \param param_name: `string` Name of the parameter.
* \return value: `double` The value of the requested parameter.
double get_param(std::string param_name);
double get_param(const std::string& param_name);
/*! \brief Get the pointer to the VKV vector.
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public:
* \param param_name: `string` Name of the parameter.
* \param value: `double` The value of the parameter.
void set_param(std::string param_name, double value);
void set_param(const std::string& param_name, double value);
/*! \brief Write a Swap2 instance to binary file.
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public:
* \param mode: `string` Format of the file (can be either "HDF5"
* or "LGEACY". Default is "LEGACY").
void write_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
void write_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Test whether two instances of Swap2 are equal.
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ protected:
* \return instance: `TFRFME *` Pointer to a new trapping configuration
* instance.
static TFRFME *from_hdf5(std::string file_name);
static TFRFME *from_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Load a configuration instance from a legacy binary file.
......@@ -329,19 +329,19 @@ protected:
* \return instance: `TFRFME *` Pointer to a new trapping configuration
* instance.
static TFRFME *from_legacy(std::string file_name);
static TFRFME *from_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Save a configuration instance to a HDF5 binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
void write_hdf5(std::string file_name);
void write_hdf5(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Save a configuration instance to a legacy binary file.
* \param file_name: `string` Name of the file to be written.
void write_legacy(std::string file_name);
void write_legacy(const std::string& file_name);
/*! \brief Trapping configuration instance constructor.
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ public:
* \return instance: `TFRFME *` Pointer to a newly created configuration
* instance.
static TFRFME* from_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
static TFRFME* from_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Get the pointer to the WSUM matrix.
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public:
* \param param_name: `string` Name of the parameter.
* \return value: `double` The value of the requested parameter.
double get_param(std::string param_name);
double get_param(const std::string& param_name);
/*! \brief Get the pointer to the X coordinates vector.
......@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ public:
* \param param_name: `string` Name of the parameter.
* \param value: `double` Value to be stored as parameter.
void set_param(std::string param_name, double value);
void set_param(const std::string& param_name, double value);
/*! \brief Write a trapping configuration instance to binary file.
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ public:
* \param mode: `string` Format of the file (can be either "HDF5"
* or "LGEACY". Default is "LEGACY").
void write_binary(std::string file_name, std::string mode="LEGACY");
void write_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode="LEGACY");
/*! \brief Test whether two instances of configuration are equal.
......@@ -439,6 +439,6 @@ public:
* \return result: `bool` True, if the two instances are equal,
* false otherwise.
bool operator ==(TFRFME &other);
bool operator ==(const TFRFME& other);
......@@ -2,28 +2,29 @@
/*! \file Commons.cpp
* The construction of common blocks requires some information
* that is stored in configuration objects and is needed to compute
* the allocation size of vectors and matrices. Currently, this
* information is passed as arguments to the constructors of the
* common blocks. A simpler and more logical way to operate would
* be to design the constructors to take as arguments only pointers
* to the configuration objects. These, on their turn, need to
* expose methods to access the relevant data in read-only mode.
* \brief Implementation of the common data structures.
#include "../include/types.h"
#include "../include/Configuration.h"
#include "../include/Commons.h"
C1::C1(int ns, int l_max, int *_nshl, int *_iog) {
nlmmt = 2 * (l_max * (l_max + 2));
nsph = ns;
lm = l_max;
C1::C1(GeometryConfiguration *gconf, ScattererConfiguration *sconf) {
lm = gconf->l_max;
int li = gconf->li;
int le = gconf->le;
if (lm == 0) {
lm = (li > le) ? li : le;
nsph = gconf->number_of_spheres;
nlmmt = 2 * (lm * (lm + 2));
vec_rmi = new dcomplex[nsph * lm]();
vec_rei = new dcomplex[nsph * lm]();
......@@ -36,23 +37,20 @@ C1::C1(int ns, int l_max, int *_nshl, int *_iog) {
vec_w = new dcomplex[4 * nlmmt]();
w = new dcomplex*[nlmmt];
for (int wi = 0; wi < nlmmt; wi++) w[wi] = &(vec_w[4 * wi]);
configurations = 0;
for (int ci = 1; ci <= nsph; ci++) {
if (_iog[ci - 1] >= ci) configurations++;
configurations = sconf->configurations;
vint = new dcomplex[16]();
vec_vints = new dcomplex[nsph * 16]();
vints = new dcomplex*[nsph];
rc = new double*[nsph];
nshl = new int[nsph]();
rc = new double*[configurations];
nshl = new int[configurations]();
iog = new int[nsph]();
int conf_index = 0;
for (int vi = 0; vi < nsph; vi++) {
vints[vi] = &(vec_vints[vi * 16]);
iog[vi] = _iog[vi];
iog[vi] = sconf->get_iog(vi);
if (iog[vi] >= vi + 1) {
nshl[conf_index] = _nshl[conf_index];
rc[conf_index] = new double[_nshl[conf_index]]();
nshl[conf_index] = sconf->get_nshl(conf_index);
rc[conf_index] = new double[nshl[conf_index]]();
......@@ -67,7 +65,17 @@ C1::C1(int ns, int l_max, int *_nshl, int *_iog) {
rxx = new double[nsph]();
ryy = new double[nsph]();
rzz = new double[nsph]();
ros = new double[nsph]();
if (nsph > 1) {
for (int c1i = 0; c1i < nsph; c1i++) {
rxx[c1i] = gconf->get_sph_x(c1i);
ryy[c1i] = gconf->get_sph_y(c1i);
rzz[c1i] = gconf->get_sph_z(c1i);
ros = new double[configurations]();
for (int ri = 0; ri < configurations; ri++) {
ros[ri] = sconf->get_radius(ri);
sas = new dcomplex**[nsph];
for (int si = 0; si < nsph; si++) {
......@@ -209,9 +217,10 @@ C1_AddOns::C1_AddOns(C4 *c4) {
vj = new dcomplex[1]();
vyhj = new dcomplex[(nsph * nsph - 1) * litpos]();
vyj0 = new dcomplex[nsph * lmtpos]();
am0v = new dcomplex[nlemt * nlemt]();
am0m = new dcomplex*[nlemt];
for (int ai = 0; ai < nlemt; ai++) {
am0m[ai] = new dcomplex[nlemt]();
am0m[ai] = (am0v + nlemt * ai);
vintm = new dcomplex[16]();
vintt = new dcomplex[16]();
......@@ -263,10 +272,11 @@ C1_AddOns::C1_AddOns(const C1_AddOns& rhs) {
int vyj0size = nsph * lmtpos;
vyj0 = new dcomplex[vyj0size]();
for (int hi=0; hi<vyj0size; hi++) vyj0[hi] = rhs.vyj0[hi];
am0v = new dcomplex[nlemt * nlemt]();
am0m = new dcomplex*[nlemt];
for (int ai = 0; ai < nlemt; ai++) {
am0m[ai] = new dcomplex[nlemt]();
for (int aj = 0; aj < nlemt; aj++) am0m[ai][aj] = rhs.am0m[ai][aj];
for (int aj = 0; aj < nlemt; aj++) am0v[nlemt * ai + aj] = rhs.am0v[nlemt * ai + aj];
am0m[ai] = (am0v + nlemt * ai);
vintm = new dcomplex[16]();
vintt = new dcomplex[16]();
......@@ -326,10 +336,8 @@ C1_AddOns::~C1_AddOns() {
delete[] vh;
delete[] vj0;
delete[] vj;
for (int ai = nlemt - 1; ai > -1; ai--) {
delete[] am0m[ai];
delete[] am0m;
delete[] am0v;
delete[] vintm;
delete[] vintt;
for (int fi = 1; fi > -1; fi--) {
......@@ -350,11 +358,14 @@ C1_AddOns::~C1_AddOns() {
delete[] ecsc;
C2::C2(int ns, int _nl, int npnt, int npntts) {
nsph = ns;
C2::C2(GeometryConfiguration *gconf, ScattererConfiguration *sconf) {
nsph = gconf->number_of_spheres;
int npnt = gconf->npnt;
int npntts = gconf->npntts;
int max_n = (npnt > npntts) ? npnt : npntts;
nhspo = 2 * max_n - 1;
nl = _nl;
nl = sconf->configurations;
if (nsph == 1 && nl == 1) nl = 5;
ris = new dcomplex[nhspo]();
dlri = new dcomplex[nhspo]();
vkt = new dcomplex[nsph]();
......@@ -420,20 +431,20 @@ C3::~C3() {
delete[] tsas;
C4::C4(int _li, int _le, int _nsph) {
li = _li;
le = _le;
lm = (li > le) ? li : le;
nv3j = (lm * (lm + 1) * (2 * lm + 7)) / 6;
nsph = _nsph;
// The following is needed to initialize C1_AddOns
litpo = li + li + 1;
litpos = litpo * litpo;
lmtpo = li + le + 1;
lmtpos = lmtpo * lmtpo;
nlim = li * (li + 2);
nlem = le * (le + 2);
lmpo = lm + 1;
C4::C4(GeometryConfiguration *gconf) {
li = gconf->li;
le = gconf->le;
lm = (li > le) ? li : le;
nv3j = (lm * (lm + 1) * (2 * lm + 7)) / 6;
nsph = gconf->number_of_spheres;
// The following is needed to initialize C1_AddOns
litpo = li + li + 1;
litpos = litpo * litpo;
lmtpo = li + le + 1;
lmtpos = lmtpo * lmtpo;
nlim = li * (li + 2);
nlem = le * (le + 2);
lmpo = lm + 1;
C4::C4(const C4& rhs) {
......@@ -517,3 +528,387 @@ C9::~C9() {
for (int si = sam_size_0 - 1; si > -1; si--) delete[] sam[si];
delete[] sam;
ClusterIterationData::ClusterIterationData(GeometryConfiguration *gconf, ScattererConfiguration *sconf) {
c1 = new C1(gconf, sconf);
c2 = new C2(gconf, sconf);
c3 = new C3();
c4 = new C4(gconf);
c1ao = new C1_AddOns(c4);
c6 = new C6(c4->lmtpo);
const int ndi = c4->nsph * c4->nlim;
const np_int ndit = 2 * ndi;
c9 = new C9(ndi, c4->nlem, 2 * ndi, 2 * c4->nlem);
gaps = new double[c4->nsph]();
tqev = new double[3]();
tqsv = new double[3]();
tqse = new double*[2];
tqspe = new dcomplex*[2];
tqss = new double*[2];
tqsps = new dcomplex*[2];
tqce = new double*[2];
tqcpe = new dcomplex*[2];
tqcs = new double*[2];
tqcps = new dcomplex*[2];
for (int ti = 0; ti < 2; ti++) {
tqse[ti] = new double[c4->nsph]();
tqspe[ti] = new dcomplex[c4->nsph]();
tqss[ti] = new double[c4->nsph]();
tqsps[ti] = new dcomplex[c4->nsph]();
tqce[ti] = new double[3]();
tqcpe[ti] = new dcomplex[3]();
tqcs[ti] = new double[3]();
tqcps[ti] = new dcomplex[3]();
gapv = new double[3]();
gapp = new dcomplex*[3];
gappm = new dcomplex*[3];
gap = new double*[3];
gapm = new double*[3];
for (int gi = 0; gi < 3; gi++) {
gapp[gi] = new dcomplex[2]();
gappm[gi] = new dcomplex[2]();
gap[gi] = new double[2]();
gapm[gi] = new double[2]();
u = new double[3]();
us = new double[3]();
un = new double[3]();
uns = new double[3]();
up = new double[3]();
ups = new double[3]();
unmp = new double[3]();
unsmp = new double[3]();
upmp = new double[3]();
upsmp = new double[3]();
argi = new double[1]();
args = new double[1]();
duk = new double[3]();
cextlr = new double*[4];
cext = new double*[4];
cmullr = new double*[4];;
cmul = new double*[4];
for (int ci = 0; ci < 4; ci++) {
cextlr[ci] = new double[4]();
cext[ci] = new double[4]();
cmullr[ci] = new double[4]();
cmul[ci] = new double[4]();
zpv = new double***[c4->lm];
for (int zi = 0; zi < c4->lm; zi++) {
zpv[zi] = new double**[3];
for (int zj = 0; zj < 3; zj++) {
zpv[zi][zj] = new double*[2];
for (int zk = 0; zk < 2; zk++) {
zpv[zi][zj][zk] = new double[2]();
am_vector = new dcomplex[ndit * ndit]();
am = new dcomplex*[ndit];
for (int ai = 0; ai < ndit; ai++) {
am[ai] = (am_vector + ai * ndit);
arg = 0.0 + 0.0 * I;
// These are suspect initializations
scan = 0.0;
cfmp = 0.0;
sfmp = 0.0;
cfsp = 0.0;
sfsp = 0.0;
qsfi = 0.0;
// End of suspect initializations
wn = sconf->wp / 3.0e8;
xip = sconf->xip;
sqsfi = 1.0;
vk = 0.0;
ClusterIterationData::ClusterIterationData(const ClusterIterationData& rhs) {
c1 = new C1(*(rhs.c1));
c2 = new C2(*(rhs.c2));
c3 = new C3(*(rhs.c3));
c4 = new C4(*(rhs.c4));
c1ao = new C1_AddOns(*(rhs.c1ao));
c6 = new C6(*(rhs.c6));
const int ndi = c4->nsph * c4->nlim;
const np_int ndit = 2 * ndi;
c9 = new C9(*(rhs.c9));
gaps = new double[c4->nsph]();
for (int gi = 0; gi < c4->nsph; gi++) gaps[gi] = rhs.gaps[gi];
tqev = new double[3]();
tqsv = new double[3]();
for (int ti = 0; ti < 3; ti++) {
tqev[ti] = rhs.tqev[ti];
tqsv[ti] = rhs.tqsv[ti];
tqse = new double*[2];
tqspe = new dcomplex*[2];
tqss = new double*[2];
tqsps = new dcomplex*[2];
tqce = new double*[2];
tqcpe = new dcomplex*[2];
tqcs = new double*[2];
tqcps = new dcomplex*[2];
for (int ti = 0; ti < 2; ti++) {
tqse[ti] = new double[c4->nsph]();
tqspe[ti] = new dcomplex[c4->nsph]();
tqss[ti] = new double[c4->nsph]();
tqsps[ti] = new dcomplex[c4->nsph]();
for (int tj = 0; tj < c4->nsph; tj++) {
tqse[ti][tj] = rhs.tqse[ti][tj];
tqspe[ti][tj] = rhs.tqspe[ti][tj];
tqss[ti][tj] = rhs.tqss[ti][tj];
tqsps[ti][tj] = rhs.tqsps[ti][tj];
tqce[ti] = new double[3]();
tqcpe[ti] = new dcomplex[3]();
tqcs[ti] = new double[3]();
tqcps[ti] = new dcomplex[3]();
for (int tj = 0; tj < 3; tj++) {
tqce[ti][tj] = rhs.tqce[ti][tj];
tqcpe[ti][tj] = rhs.tqcpe[ti][tj];
tqcs[ti][tj] = rhs.tqcs[ti][tj];
tqcps[ti][tj] = rhs.tqcps[ti][tj];
gapv = new double[3]();
gapp = new dcomplex*[3];
gappm = new dcomplex*[3];
gap = new double*[3];
gapm = new double*[3];
for (int gi = 0; gi < 3; gi++) {
gapv[gi] = rhs.gapv[gi];
gapp[gi] = new dcomplex[2]();
gappm[gi] = new dcomplex[2]();
gap[gi] = new double[2]();
gapm[gi] = new double[2]();
for (int gj = 0; gj < 2; gj++) {
gapp[gi][gj] = rhs.gapp[gi][gj];
gappm[gi][gj] = rhs.gappm[gi][gj];
gap[gi][gj] =[gi][gj];
gapm[gi][gj] = rhs.gapm[gi][gj];
u = new double[3]();
us = new double[3]();
un = new double[3]();
uns = new double[3]();
up = new double[3]();
ups = new double[3]();
unmp = new double[3]();
unsmp = new double[3]();
upmp = new double[3]();
upsmp = new double[3]();
duk = new double[3]();
for (int ui = 0; ui < 3; ui++) {
u[ui] = rhs.u[ui];
us[ui] =[ui];
un[ui] = rhs.un[ui];
uns[ui] = rhs.uns[ui];
up[ui] = rhs.up[ui];
ups[ui] =[ui];
unmp[ui] = rhs.unmp[ui];
unsmp[ui] = rhs.unsmp[ui];
upmp[ui] = rhs.upmp[ui];
upsmp[ui] = rhs.upsmp[ui];
duk[ui] = rhs.duk[ui];
argi = new double[1]();
args = new double[1]();
argi[0] = rhs.argi[0];
args[0] = rhs.args[0];
cextlr = new double*[4];
cext = new double*[4];
cmullr = new double*[4];;
cmul = new double*[4];
for (int ci = 0; ci < 4; ci++) {
cextlr[ci] = new double[4]();
cext[ci] = new double[4]();
cmullr[ci] = new double[4]();
cmul[ci] = new double[4]();
for (int cj = 0; cj < 4; cj++) {
cextlr[ci][cj] = rhs.cextlr[ci][cj];
cext[ci][cj] = rhs.cext[ci][cj];
cmullr[ci][cj] = rhs.cmullr[ci][cj];
cmul[ci][cj] = rhs.cmul[ci][cj];
zpv = new double***[c4->lm];
for (int zi = 0; zi < c4->lm; zi++) {
zpv[zi] = new double**[3];
for (int zj = 0; zj < 3; zj++) {
zpv[zi][zj] = new double*[2];
for (int zk = 0; zk < 2; zk++) {
zpv[zi][zj][zk] = new double[2]();
zpv[zi][zj][zk][0] = rhs.zpv[zi][zj][zk][0];
zpv[zi][zj][zk][1] = rhs.zpv[zi][zj][zk][1];
am_vector = new dcomplex[ndit * ndit]();
for (np_int ai = 0; ai < ndit * ndit; ai++) am_vector[ai] = rhs.am_vector[ai];
am = new dcomplex*[ndit];
for (np_int ai = 0; ai < ndit; ai++) {
am[ai] = (am_vector + ai * ndit);
arg = rhs.arg;
// These are suspect initializations
scan = rhs.scan;
cfmp = rhs.cfmp;
sfmp = rhs.sfmp;
cfsp = rhs.cfsp;
sfsp = rhs.sfsp;
qsfi = rhs.qsfi;
// End of suspect initializations
wn = rhs.wn;
xip = rhs.xip;
sqsfi = rhs.sqsfi;
vk = rhs.vk;
ClusterIterationData::~ClusterIterationData() {
const int nsph = c4->nsph;
delete[] am_vector;
delete[] am;
for (int zi = c4->lm - 1; zi > -1; zi--) {
for (int zj = 2; zj > -1; zj--) {
delete[] zpv[zi][zj][1];
delete[] zpv[zi][zj][0];
delete[] zpv[zi][zj];
delete[] zpv[zi];
delete[] zpv;
delete c1;
delete c1ao;
delete c2;
delete c3;
delete c4;
delete c6;
delete c9;
delete[] gaps;
for (int ti = 1; ti > -1; ti--) {
delete[] tqse[ti];
delete[] tqss[ti];
delete[] tqspe[ti];
delete[] tqsps[ti];
delete[] tqce[ti];
delete[] tqcpe[ti];
delete[] tqcs[ti];
delete[] tqcps[ti];
delete[] tqse;
delete[] tqss;
delete[] tqspe;
delete[] tqsps;
delete[] tqce;
delete[] tqcpe;
delete[] tqcs;
delete[] tqcps;
delete[] tqev;
delete[] tqsv;
for (int gi = 2; gi > -1; gi--) {
delete[] gapp[gi];
delete[] gappm[gi];
delete[] gap[gi];
delete[] gapm[gi];
delete[] gapp;
delete[] gappm;
delete[] gap;
delete[] gapm;
delete[] gapv;
delete[] u;
delete[] us;
delete[] un;
delete[] uns;
delete[] up;
delete[] ups;
delete[] unmp;
delete[] unsmp;
delete[] upmp;
delete[] upsmp;
delete[] argi;
delete[] args;
delete[] duk;
for (int ci = 3; ci > -1; ci--) {
delete[] cextlr[ci];
delete[] cext[ci];
delete[] cmullr[ci];
delete[] cmul[ci];
delete[] cextlr;
delete[] cext;
delete[] cmullr;
delete[] cmul;
ScatteringAngles::ScatteringAngles(GeometryConfiguration *gconf) {
int isam = gconf->isam;
_th = gconf->in_theta_start;
_thstp = gconf->in_theta_step;
_thlst = gconf->in_theta_end;
_ths = gconf->sc_theta_start;
_thsstp = gconf->sc_theta_step;
_thslst = gconf->sc_theta_end;
_ph = gconf->in_phi_start;
_phstp = gconf->in_phi_step;
_phlst = gconf->in_phi_end;
_phs = gconf->sc_phi_start;
_phsstp = gconf->sc_phi_step;
_phslst = gconf->sc_phi_end;
double small = 1.0e-3;
_nth = 0;
_nph = 0;
if (_thstp != 0.0) _nth = int((_thlst - _th) / _thstp + small);
if (_phstp != 0.0) _nph = int((_phlst - _ph) / _phstp + small);
_nths = 0;
_nphs = 0;
_thsca = 0.0;
if (isam > 1) {
_nths = 1;
_thsca = _ths - _th;
} else { // ISAM <= 1
if (_thsstp == 0.0) _nths = 0;
else _nths = int ((_thslst - _ths) / _thsstp + small);
if (isam >= 1) {
_nphs = 1;
} else {
if (_phsstp == 0.0) _nphs = 0;
else _nphs = int((_phslst - _phs) / _phsstp + small);
_nk = nth * nph;
_nks = nths * nphs;
_nkks = nk * nks;
ScatteringAngles::ScatteringAngles(const ScatteringAngles &rhs) {
_th = rhs._th;
_thstp = rhs._thstp;
_thlst = rhs._thlst;
_ths = rhs._ths;
_thsstp = rhs._thsstp;
_thslst = rhs._thslst;
_ph = rhs._ph;
_phstp = rhs._phstp;
_phlst = rhs._phlst;
_phs = rhs._phs;
_phsstp = rhs._phsstp;
_phslst = rhs._phslst;
_nth = rhs._nth;
_nph = rhs._nph;
_nths = rhs._nths;
_nphs = rhs._nphs;
_thsca = rhs._thsca;
_nk = rhs._nk;
_nks = rhs._nks;
_nkks = rhs._nkks;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include "../include/Parsers.h"
std::string *load_file(std::string file_name, int *count = 0) {
std::string *load_file(const std::string& file_name, int *count = 0) {
std::fstream input_file(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::in);
List<std::string> *file_lines = new List<std::string>();
std::string line;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ TransitionMatrix::TransitionMatrix(
TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_binary(string file_name, string mode) {
TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode) {
TransitionMatrix *tm = NULL;
if ("LEGACY") == 0) {
tm = TransitionMatrix::from_legacy(file_name);
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_binary(string file_name, string mode) {
return tm;
TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_hdf5(string file_name) {
TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_hdf5(const std::string& file_name) {
TransitionMatrix *tm = NULL;
unsigned int flags = H5F_ACC_RDONLY;
HDFFile *hdf_file = new HDFFile(file_name, flags);
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_hdf5(string file_name) {
return tm;
TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_legacy(string file_name) {
TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_legacy(const std::string& file_name) {
fstream ttms;
TransitionMatrix *tm = NULL;, ios::binary | ios::in);
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ TransitionMatrix* TransitionMatrix::from_legacy(string file_name) {
return tm;
void TransitionMatrix::write_binary(string file_name, string mode) {
void TransitionMatrix::write_binary(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& mode) {
if ("LEGACY") == 0) {
} else if ("HDF5") == 0) {
......@@ -218,7 +218,36 @@ void TransitionMatrix::write_binary(string file_name, string mode) {
void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(string file_name) {
void TransitionMatrix::write_binary(
const std::string& file_name, np_int _nlemt, int _lm, double _vk,
double _exri, dcomplex **_am0m, const std::string& mode
) {
if ("LEGACY") == 0) {
write_legacy(file_name, _nlemt, _lm, _vk, _exri, _am0m);
} else if ("HDF5") == 0) {
write_hdf5(file_name, _nlemt, _lm, _vk, _exri, _am0m);
} else {
string message = "Unknown format mode: \"" + mode + "\"";
throw UnrecognizedFormatException(message);
void TransitionMatrix::write_binary(
const std::string& file_name, int _lm, double _vk, double _exri,
dcomplex **_rmi, dcomplex **_rei, double _sphere_radius,
const std::string& mode
) {
if ("LEGACY") == 0) {
write_legacy(file_name, _lm, _vk, _exri, _rmi, _rei, _sphere_radius);
} else if ("HDF5") == 0) {
write_hdf5(file_name, _lm, _vk, _exri, _rmi, _rei, _sphere_radius);
} else {
string message = "Unknown format mode: \"" + mode + "\"";
throw UnrecognizedFormatException(message);
void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(const std::string& file_name) {
if (is == 1 || is == 1111) {
List<string> rec_name_list(1);
List<string> rec_type_list(1);
......@@ -237,17 +266,10 @@ void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(string file_name) {
str_type = "FLOAT64_(" + to_string(shape[0]) + "," + to_string(2 * shape[1]) + ")";
str_type = "COMPLEX128_(" + to_string(shape[0]) + "," + to_string(shape[1]) + ")";
// The (N x M) matrix of complex is converted to a (N x 2M) matrix of double,
// where REAL(E_i,j) -> E_i,(2 j) and IMAG(E_i,j) -> E_i,(2 j + 1)
int num_elements = 2 * shape[0] * shape[1];
double *ptr_elements = new double[num_elements]();
for (int ei = 0; ei < num_elements / 2; ei++) {
ptr_elements[2 * ei] = real(elements[ei]);
ptr_elements[2 * ei + 1] = imag(elements[ei]);
dcomplex *p_first = elements;
if (is == 1111) {
......@@ -264,7 +286,7 @@ void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(string file_name) {
hdf_file->write(rec_names[ri], rec_types[ri], rec_pointers[ri]);
delete[] ptr_elements;
p_first = NULL;
delete[] rec_names;
delete[] rec_types;
delete[] rec_pointers;
......@@ -275,7 +297,104 @@ void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(string file_name) {
void TransitionMatrix::write_legacy(string file_name) {
void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(
const std::string& file_name, np_int _nlemt, int _lm, double _vk,
double _exri, dcomplex **_am0m
) {
int is = 1;
List<string> rec_name_list(1);
List<string> rec_type_list(1);
List<void *> rec_ptr_list(1);
string str_type, str_name;
rec_name_list.set(0, "IS");
rec_type_list.set(0, "INT32_(1)");
rec_ptr_list.set(0, &is);
str_type = "COMPLEX128_(" + to_string(_nlemt) + "," + to_string(_nlemt) + ")";
// The (N x M) matrix of complex is converted to a (N x 2M) matrix of double,
// where REAL(E_i,j) -> E_i,(2 j) and IMAG(E_i,j) -> E_i,(2 j + 1)
dcomplex *p_first = _am0m[0];
string *rec_names = rec_name_list.to_array();
string *rec_types = rec_type_list.to_array();
void **rec_pointers = rec_ptr_list.to_array();
const int rec_num = rec_name_list.length();
FileSchema schema(rec_num, rec_types, rec_names);
HDFFile *hdf_file = HDFFile::from_schema(schema, file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
for (int ri = 0; ri < rec_num; ri++)
hdf_file->write(rec_names[ri], rec_types[ri], rec_pointers[ri]);
p_first = NULL;
delete[] rec_names;
delete[] rec_types;
delete[] rec_pointers;
delete hdf_file;
void TransitionMatrix::write_hdf5(
const std::string& file_name, int _lm, double _vk, double _exri,
dcomplex **_rmi, dcomplex **_rei, double _sphere_radius
) {
int is = 1111;
List<string> rec_name_list(1);
List<string> rec_type_list(1);
List<void *> rec_ptr_list(1);
string str_type, str_name;
rec_name_list.set(0, "IS");
rec_type_list.set(0, "INT32_(1)");
rec_ptr_list.set(0, &is);
dcomplex *_elements = new dcomplex[2 * _lm]();
for (int ei = 0; ei < _lm; ei++) {
_elements[2 * ei] = -1.0 / _rmi[ei][0];
_elements[2 * ei + 1] = -1.0 / _rei[ei][0];
str_type = "COMPLEX128_(" + to_string(_lm) + "," + to_string(2) + ")";
string *rec_names = rec_name_list.to_array();
string *rec_types = rec_type_list.to_array();
void **rec_pointers = rec_ptr_list.to_array();
const int rec_num = rec_name_list.length();
FileSchema schema(rec_num, rec_types, rec_names);
HDFFile *hdf_file = HDFFile::from_schema(schema, file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
for (int ri = 0; ri < rec_num; ri++)
hdf_file->write(rec_names[ri], rec_types[ri], rec_pointers[ri]);
delete[] _elements;
delete[] rec_names;
delete[] rec_types;
delete[] rec_pointers;
delete hdf_file;
void TransitionMatrix::write_legacy(const std::string& file_name) {
fstream ttms;
if (is == 1111 || is == 1) {, ios::binary | ios::out);
......@@ -308,6 +427,66 @@ void TransitionMatrix::write_legacy(string file_name) {
void TransitionMatrix::write_legacy(
const std::string& file_name, np_int _nlemt, int _lm, double _vk,
double _exri, dcomplex **_am0m
) {
fstream ttms;
int is = 1;, ios::binary | ios::out);
if (ttms.is_open()) {
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is), sizeof(int));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_lm), sizeof(int));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_vk), sizeof(double));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_exri), sizeof(double));
double rval, ival;
for (np_int ei = 0; ei < _nlemt; ei++) {
for (np_int ej = 0; ej < _nlemt; ej++) {
rval = real(_am0m[ei][ej]);
ival = imag(_am0m[ei][ej]);
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&rval), sizeof(double));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ival), sizeof(double));
} else { // Failed to open output file. Should never happen.
printf("ERROR: could not open Transition Matrix file for writing.\n");
void TransitionMatrix::write_legacy(
const std::string& file_name, int _lm, double _vk, double _exri,
dcomplex **_rmi, dcomplex **_rei, double _sphere_radius
) {
fstream ttms;
int is = 1111;, ios::binary | ios::out);
if (ttms.is_open()) {
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&is), sizeof(int));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_lm), sizeof(int));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_vk), sizeof(double));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_exri), sizeof(double));
double rval, ival;
dcomplex element;
for (int ei = 0; ei < _lm; ei++) {
element = -1.0 / _rmi[ei][0];
rval = real(element);
ival = imag(element);
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&rval), sizeof(double));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ival), sizeof(double));
element = -1.0 / _rei[ei][0];
rval = real(element);
ival = imag(element);
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&rval), sizeof(double));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ival), sizeof(double));
ttms.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&_sphere_radius), sizeof(double));
} else { // Failed to open output file. Should never happen.
printf("ERROR: could not open Transition Matrix file for writing.\n");
bool TransitionMatrix::operator ==(TransitionMatrix &other) {
if (is != {
return false;
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
#include "../include/types.h"
#include "../include/Configuration.h"
#include "../include/Commons.h"
......@@ -1814,7 +1818,7 @@ void scr2(
} // ipo1 loop
void str(double **rcf, C1 *c1, C1_AddOns *c1ao, C3 *c3, C4 *c4, C6 *c6) {
void str(ScattererConfiguration *sconf, C1 *c1, C1_AddOns *c1ao, C3 *c3, C4 *c4, C6 *c6) {
dcomplex *ylm;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
c3->gcs = 0.0;
......@@ -1826,7 +1830,7 @@ void str(double **rcf, C1 *c1, C1_AddOns *c1ao, C3 *c3, C4 *c4, C6 *c6) {
c1->gcsv[i18 - 1] = gcss;
int nsh = c1->nshl[i18 - 1];
for (int j16 = 1; j16 <= nsh; j16++) {
c1->rc[i18 - 1][j16 - 1] = rcf[i18 - 1][j16 - 1] * c1->ros[i18 - 1];
c1->rc[i18 - 1][j16 - 1] = sconf->get_rcf(i18 - 1, j16 - 1) * c1->ros[i18 - 1];
} // j16 loop
c3->gcs += gcss;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
#include "../include/types.h"
#include "../include/Configuration.h"
#include "../include/Commons.h"
This diff is collapsed.