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Fabio Roberto Vitello's avatar
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/* lsqr.c
   This C version of LSQR was first created by
      Michael P Friedlander <>
   as part of his BCLS package:
   The present file is maintained by
      Michael Saunders <>

   31 Aug 2007: First version of this file lsqr.c obtained from
                Michael Friedlander's BCLS package, svn version number
                $Revision: 273 $ $Date: 2006-09-04 15:59:04 -0700 (Mon, 04 Sep 2006) $

                The stopping rules were slightly altered in that version.
                They have been restored to the original rules used in the f77 LSQR.

Parallelized for ESA Gaia Mission. U. becciani A. Vecchiato 2013

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "util.h"
#include <limits.h>

//#ifdef __APPLE__
//  #include <vecLib/vecLib.h>
//  #include "cblas.h"

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#define ZERO 0.0
#define ONE 1.0
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void aprod(int mode, long int m, long int n, double x[], double y[],
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           double *ra, long int *matrixIndex, int *instrCol, int *instrConstrIlung, struct comData comlsqr, time_t *ompSec);
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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// d2norm  returns  sqrt( a**2 + b**2 )  with precautions
// to avoid overflow.
// 21 Mar 1990: First version.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static double
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d2norm(const double a, const double b)
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    double scale;
    const double zero = 0.0;

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    scale = fabs(a) + fabs(b);
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    if (scale == zero)
        return zero;
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        return scale * sqrt((a / scale) * (a / scale) + (b / scale) * (b / scale));
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static void
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dload(const long int n, const double alpha, double x[])
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    long int i;
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/// FV_ EDIT
    ///#pragma omp for
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        x[i] = alpha;
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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469
void lsqr(
    long int m,
    long int n,
    //          void (*aprod)(int mode, int m, int n, double x[], double y[],
    //                        void *UsrWrk),
    double damp,
    //          void   *UsrWrk,
    double *knownTerms,    // len = m  reported as u
    double *vVect,         // len = n reported as v
    double *wVect,         // len = n  reported as w
    double *xSolution,     // len = n reported as x
    double *standardError, // len at least n.  May be NULL. reported as se
    double atol,
    double btol,
    double conlim,
    int itnlim,
    // The remaining variables are output only.
    int *istop_out,
    int *itn_out,
    double *anorm_out,
    double *acond_out,
    double *rnorm_out,
    double *arnorm_out,
    double *xnorm_out,
    double *systemMatrix,  // reported as a
    long int *matrixIndex, // reported as janew
    int *instrCol,
    int *instrConstrIlung,
    double *preCondVect,
    struct comData comlsqr)
    //     ------------------------------------------------------------------
    //     LSQR  finds a solution x to the following problems:
    //     1. Unsymmetric equations --    solve  A*x = b
    //     2. Linear least squares  --    solve  A*x = b
    //                                    in the least-squares sense
    //     3. Damped least squares  --    solve  (   A    )*x = ( b )
    //                                           ( damp*I )     ( 0 )
    //                                    in the least-squares sense
    //     where A is a matrix with m rows and n columns, b is an
    //     m-vector, and damp is a scalar.  (All quantities are real.)
    //     The matrix A is intended to be large and sparse.  It is accessed
    //     by means of subroutine calls of the form
    //                aprod ( mode, m, n, x, y, UsrWrk )
    //     which must perform the following functions:
    //                If mode = 1, compute  y = y + A*x.
    //                If mode = 2, compute  x = x + A(transpose)*y.
    //     The vectors x and y are input parameters in both cases.
    //     If  mode = 1,  y should be altered without changing x.
    //     If  mode = 2,  x should be altered without changing y.
    //     The parameter UsrWrk may be used for workspace as described
    //     below.
    //     The rhs vector b is input via u, and subsequently overwritten.
    //     Note:  LSQR uses an iterative method to approximate the solution.
    //     The number of iterations required to reach a certain accuracy
    //     depends strongly on the scaling of the problem.  Poor scaling of
    //     the rows or columns of A should therefore be avoided where
    //     possible.
    //     For example, in problem 1 the solution is unaltered by
    //     row-scaling.  If a row of A is very small or large compared to
    //     the other rows of A, the corresponding row of ( A  b ) should be
    //     scaled up or down.
    //     In problems 1 and 2, the solution x is easily recovered
    //     following column-scaling.  Unless better information is known,
    //     the nonzero columns of A should be scaled so that they all have
    //     the same Euclidean norm (e.g., 1.0).
    //     In problem 3, there is no freedom to re-scale if damp is
    //     nonzero.  However, the value of damp should be assigned only
    //     after attention has been paid to the scaling of A.
    //     The parameter damp is intended to help regularize
    //     ill-conditioned systems, by preventing the true solution from
    //     being very large.  Another aid to regularization is provided by
    //     the parameter acond, which may be used to terminate iterations
    //     before the computed solution becomes very large.
    //     Note that x is not an input parameter.
    //     If some initial estimate x0 is known and if damp = 0,
    //     one could proceed as follows:
    //       1. Compute a residual vector     r0 = b - A*x0.
    //       2. Use LSQR to solve the system  A*dx = r0.
    //       3. Add the correction dx to obtain a final solution x = x0 + dx.
    //     This requires that x0 be available before and after the call
    //     to LSQR.  To judge the benefits, suppose LSQR takes k1 iterations
    //     to solve A*x = b and k2 iterations to solve A*dx = r0.
    //     If x0 is "good", norm(r0) will be smaller than norm(b).
    //     If the same stopping tolerances atol and btol are used for each
    //     system, k1 and k2 will be similar, but the final solution x0 + dx
    //     should be more accurate.  The only way to reduce the total work
    //     is to use a larger stopping tolerance for the second system.
    //     If some value btol is suitable for A*x = b, the larger value
    //     btol*norm(b)/norm(r0)  should be suitable for A*dx = r0.
    //     Preconditioning is another way to reduce the number of iterations.
    //     If it is possible to solve a related system M*x = b efficiently,
    //     where M approximates A in some helpful way
    //     (e.g. M - A has low rank or its elements are small relative to
    //     those of A), LSQR may converge more rapidly on the system
    //           A*M(inverse)*z = b,
    //     after which x can be recovered by solving M*x = z.
    //     NOTE: If A is symmetric, LSQR should not be used!
    //     Alternatives are the symmetric conjugate-gradient method (cg)
    //     and/or SYMMLQ.
    //     SYMMLQ is an implementation of symmetric cg that applies to
    //     any symmetric A and will converge more rapidly than LSQR.
    //     If A is positive definite, there are other implementations of
    //     symmetric cg that require slightly less work per iteration
    //     than SYMMLQ (but will take the same number of iterations).
    //     Notation
    //     --------
    //     The following quantities are used in discussing the subroutine
    //     parameters:
    //     Abar   =  (   A    ),          bbar  =  ( b )
    //               ( damp*I )                    ( 0 )
    //     r      =  b  -  A*x,           rbar  =  bbar  -  Abar*x
    //     rnorm  =  sqrt( norm(r)**2  +  damp**2 * norm(x)**2 )
    //            =  norm( rbar )
    //     relpr  =  the relative precision of floating-point arithmetic
    //               on the machine being used.  On most machines,
    //               relpr is about 1.0e-7 and 1.0d-16 in single and double
    //               precision respectively.
    //     LSQR  minimizes the function rnorm with respect to x.
    //     Parameters
    //     ----------
    //     m       input      m, the number of rows in A.
    //     n       input      n, the number of columns in A.
    //     aprod   external   See above.
    //     damp    input      The damping parameter for problem 3 above.
    //                        (damp should be 0.0 for problems 1 and 2.)
    //                        If the system A*x = b is incompatible, values
    //                        of damp in the range 0 to sqrt(relpr)*norm(A)
    //                        will probably have a negligible effect.
    //                        Larger values of damp will tend to decrease
    //                        the norm of x and reduce the number of
    //                        iterations required by LSQR.
    //                        The work per iteration and the storage needed
    //                        by LSQR are the same for all values of damp.
    //     rw      workspace  Transit pointer to user's workspace.
    //                        Note:  LSQR  does not explicitly use this
    //                        parameter, but passes it to subroutine aprod for
    //                        possible use as workspace.
    //     u(m)    input      The rhs vector b.  Beware that u is
    //                        over-written by LSQR.
    //     v(n)    workspace
    //     w(n)    workspace
    //     x(n)    output     Returns the computed solution x.
    //     se(*)   output     If m .gt. n  or  damp .gt. 0,  the system is
    //             (maybe)    overdetermined and the standard errors may be
    //                        useful.  (See the first LSQR reference.)
    //                        Otherwise (m .le. n  and  damp = 0) they do not
    //                        mean much.  Some time and storage can be saved
    //                        by setting  se = NULL.  In that case, se will
    //                        not be touched.
    //                        If se is not NULL, then the dimension of se must
    //                        be n or more.  se(1:n) then returns standard error
    //                        estimates for the components of x.
    //                        For each i, se(i) is set to the value
    //                           rnorm * sqrt( sigma(i,i) / t ),
    //                        where sigma(i,i) is an estimate of the i-th
    //                        diagonal of the inverse of Abar(transpose)*Abar
    //                        and  t = 1      if  m .le. n,
    //                             t = m - n  if  m .gt. n  and  damp = 0,
    //                             t = m      if  damp .ne. 0.
    //     atol    input      An estimate of the relative error in the data
    //                        defining the matrix A.  For example,
    //                        if A is accurate to about 6 digits, set
    //                        atol = 1.0e-6 .
    //     btol    input      An estimate of the relative error in the data
    //                        defining the rhs vector b.  For example,
    //                        if b is accurate to about 6 digits, set
    //                        btol = 1.0e-6 .
    //     conlim  input      An upper limit on cond(Abar), the apparent
    //                        condition number of the matrix Abar.
    //                        Iterations will be terminated if a computed
    //                        estimate of cond(Abar) exceeds conlim.
    //                        This is intended to prevent certain small or
    //                        zero singular values of A or Abar from
    //                        coming into effect and causing unwanted growth
    //                        in the computed solution.
    //                        conlim and damp may be used separately or
    //                        together to regularize ill-conditioned systems.
    //                        Normally, conlim should be in the range
    //                        1000 to 1/relpr.
    //                        Suggested value:
    //                        conlim = 1/(100*relpr)  for compatible systems,
    //                        conlim = 1/(10*sqrt(relpr)) for least squares.
    //             Note:  If the user is not concerned about the parameters
    //             atol, btol and conlim, any or all of them may be set
    //             to zero.  The effect will be the same as the values
    //             relpr, relpr and 1/relpr respectively.
    //     itnlim  input      An upper limit on the number of iterations.
    //                        Suggested value:
    //                        itnlim = n/2   for well-conditioned systems
    //                                       with clustered singular values,
    //                        itnlim = 4*n   otherwise.
    //     nout    input      File number for printed output.  If positive,
    //                        a summary will be printed on file nout.
    //     istop   output     An integer giving the reason for termination:
    //                0       x = 0  is the exact solution.
    //                        No iterations were performed.
    //                1       The equations A*x = b are probably
    //                        compatible.  Norm(A*x - b) is sufficiently
    //                        small, given the values of atol and btol.
    //                2       damp is zero.  The system A*x = b is probably
    //                        not compatible.  A least-squares solution has
    //                        been obtained that is sufficiently accurate,
    //                        given the value of atol.
    //                3       damp is nonzero.  A damped least-squares
    //                        solution has been obtained that is sufficiently
    //                        accurate, given the value of atol.
    //                4       An estimate of cond(Abar) has exceeded
    //                        conlim.  The system A*x = b appears to be
    //                        ill-conditioned.  Otherwise, there could be an
    //                        error in subroutine aprod.
    //                5       The iteration limit itnlim was reached.
    //     itn     output     The number of iterations performed.
    //     anorm   output     An estimate of the Frobenius norm of  Abar.
    //                        This is the square-root of the sum of squares
    //                        of the elements of Abar.
    //                        If damp is small and if the columns of A
    //                        have all been scaled to have length 1.0,
    //                        anorm should increase to roughly sqrt(n).
    //                        A radically different value for anorm may
    //                        indicate an error in subroutine aprod (there
    //                        may be an inconsistency between modes 1 and 2).
    //     acond   output     An estimate of cond(Abar), the condition
    //                        number of Abar.  A very high value of acond
    //                        may again indicate an error in aprod.
    //     rnorm   output     An estimate of the final value of norm(rbar),
    //                        the function being minimized (see notation
    //                        above).  This will be small if A*x = b has
    //                        a solution.
    //     arnorm  output     An estimate of the final value of
    //                        norm( Abar(transpose)*rbar ), the norm of
    //                        the residual for the usual normal equations.
    //                        This should be small in all cases.  (arnorm
    //                        will often be smaller than the true value
    //                        computed from the output vector x.)
    //     xnorm   output     An estimate of the norm of the final
    //                        solution vector x.
    //     Subroutines and functions used
    //     ------------------------------
    //     USER               aprod
    //     CBLAS              dcopy, dnrm2, dscal (see Lawson et al. below)
    //     References
    //     ----------
    //     C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders,  LSQR: An algorithm for sparse
    //          linear equations and sparse least squares,
    //          ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 8, 1 (March 1982),
    //          pp. 43-71.
    //     C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders,  Algorithm 583, LSQR: Sparse
    //          linear equations and least-squares problems,
    //          ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 8, 2 (June 1982),
    //          pp. 195-209.
    //     C.L. Lawson, R.J. Hanson, D.R. Kincaid and F.T. Krogh,
    //          Basic linear algebra subprograms for Fortran usage,
    //          ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5, 3 (Sept 1979),
    //          pp. 308-323 and 324-325.
    //     ------------------------------------------------------------------
    //     LSQR development:
    //     22 Feb 1982: LSQR sent to ACM TOMS to become Algorithm 583.
    //     15 Sep 1985: Final F66 version.  LSQR sent to "misc" in netlib.
    //     13 Oct 1987: Bug (Robert Davies, DSIR).  Have to delete
    //                     if ( (one + dabs(t)) .le. one ) GO TO 200
    //                  from loop 200.  The test was an attempt to reduce
    //                  underflows, but caused w(i) not to be updated.
    //     17 Mar 1989: First F77 version.
    //     04 May 1989: Bug (David Gay, AT&T).  When the second beta is zero,
    //                  rnorm = 0 and
    //                  test2 = arnorm / (anorm * rnorm) overflows.
    //                  Fixed by testing for rnorm = 0.
    //     05 May 1989: Sent to "misc" in netlib.
    //     14 Mar 1990: Bug (John Tomlin via IBM OSL testing).
    //                  Setting rhbar2 = rhobar**2 + dampsq can give zero
    //                  if rhobar underflows and damp = 0.
    //                  Fixed by testing for damp = 0 specially.
    //     15 Mar 1990: Converted to lower case.
    //     21 Mar 1990: d2norm introduced to avoid overflow in numerous
    //                  items like  c = sqrt( a**2 + b**2 ).
    //     04 Sep 1991: wantse added as an argument to LSQR, to make
    //                  standard errors optional.  This saves storage and
    //                  time when se(*) is not wanted.
    //     13 Feb 1992: istop now returns a value in [1,5], not [1,7].
    //                  1, 2 or 3 means that x solves one of the problems
    //                  Ax = b,  min norm(Ax - b)  or  damped least squares.
    //                  4 means the limit on cond(A) was reached.
    //                  5 means the limit on iterations was reached.
    //     07 Dec 1994: Keep track of dxmax = max_k norm( phi_k * d_k ).
    //                  So far, this is just printed at the end.
    //                  A large value (relative to norm(x)) indicates
    //                  significant cancellation in forming
    //                  x  =  D*f  =  sum( phi_k * d_k ).
    //                  A large column of D need NOT be serious if the
    //                  corresponding phi_k is small.
    //     27 Dec 1994: Include estimate of alfa_opt in iteration log.
    //                  alfa_opt is the optimal scale factor for the
    //                  residual in the "augmented system", as described by
    //                  A. Bjorck (1992),
    //                  Pivoting and stability in the augmented system method,
    //                  in D. F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson (eds.),
    //                  "Numerical Analysis 1991",
    //                  Proceedings of the 14th Dundee Conference,
    //                  Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics 260,
    //                  Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, Essex, 1992.
    //     14 Apr 2006: "Line-by-line" conversion to ISO C by
    //                  Michael P. Friedlander.
    //     Michael A. Saunders        
    //     Dept of Operations Research
    //     Stanford University
    //     Stanford, CA 94305-4022              (415) 723-1875

    //  Local copies of output variables.  Output vars are assigned at exit.

    int istop = 0;
    int itn = 0;

    anorm = ZERO,
    acond = ZERO,
    rnorm = ZERO,
    arnorm = ZERO,
    xnorm = ZERO;
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//  Local variables

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const bool
    extra = false, // true for extra printing below.
    damped = damp > ZERO,
    wantse = standardError != NULL;
long int i;
    nconv, nstop;
    alpha, arnorm0, beta, bnorm,
    cs, cs1, cs2, ctol,
    delta, dknorm, dknormSum, dnorm, dxk, dxmax,
    gamma, gambar, phi, phibar, psi,
    res2, rho, rhobar, rhbar1,
    rhs, rtol, sn, sn1, sn2,
    t, tau, temp, test1, test2, test3,
    theta, t1, t2, t3, xnorm1, z, zbar;
    enter[] = "Enter LSQR.  ",
    exitLsqr[] = "Exit  LSQR.  ",
    msg[6][100] =
Fabio Roberto Vitello's avatar
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            {"The exact solution is  x = 0"},
            {"A solution to Ax = b was found, given atol, btol"},
            {"A least-squares solution was found, given atol"},
            {"A damped least-squares solution was found, given atol"},
            {"Cond(Abar) seems to be too large, given conlim"},
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            {"The iteration limit was reached"}};
char lsqrOut[] = "lsqr-output"; // (buffer flush problem)
char wpath[1024];
size_t sizePath = 1020;

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//  Format strings.
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char fmt_1000[] =
    " %s        Least-squares solution of  Ax = b\n"
    " The matrix  A  has %ld rows  and %ld columns\n"
    " damp   = %-22.2e    wantse = %10i\n"
    " atol   = %-22.2e    conlim = %10.2e\n"
    " btol   = %-22.2e    itnlim = %10d\n\n";
char fmt_1200[] =
    "    Itn       x(1)           Function"
    "     Compatible    LS      Norm A   Cond A\n";
char fmt_1300[] =
    "    Itn       x(1)           Function"
    "     Compatible    LS      Norm Abar   Cond Abar\n";
char fmt_1400[] =
    "     phi    dknorm  dxk  alfa_opt\n";
char fmt_1500_extra[] =
    " %6d %16.9e %16.9e %9.2e %9.2e %8.1e %8.1e %8.1e %7.1e %7.1e %7.1e\n";
char fmt_1500[] =
    " %6d %16.9e %16.9e %9.2e %9.2e %8.1e %8.1e\n";
char fmt_1550[] =
    " %6d %16.9e %16.9e %9.2e %9.2e\n";
char fmt_1600[] =
char fmt_2000[] =
    " %s       istop  = %-10d      itn    = %-10d\n"
    " %s       anorm  = %11.5e     acond  = %11.5e\n"
    " %s       vnorm  = %11.5e     xnorm  = %11.5e\n"
    " %s       rnorm  = %11.5e     arnorm = %11.5e\n";
char fmt_2100[] =
    " %s       max dx = %7.1e occured at itn %-9d\n"
    " %s              = %7.1e*xnorm\n";
char fmt_3000[] =
    " %s       %s\n";
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///////////// Specific definitions

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time_t startCycleTime, endCycleTime, totTime, partialTime, CPRtimeStart, CPRtimeEnd, ompSec = 0;
int writeCPR; //=0 no write CPR, =1 write CPR and continue, =2 write CPR and return
int noCPR;
int myid, nproc;
long int *mapNoss, *mapNcoeff;
MPI_Status status;
long int nunkSplit, localAstro, localAstroMax, other;
int nAstroElements;
int debugMode;
long VrIdAstroPDim, VrIdAstroPDimMax;
long nDegFreedomAtt;
int nAttAxes;
int nAttParam, nInstrParam, nGlobalParam, itnTest, nAttP, numOfExtStar, numOfBarStar, numOfExtAttCol, nobs;
long mapNossBefore;
short nAstroPSolved, nInstrPsolved;
double cycleStartMpiTime, cycleEndMpiTime;
double *vAuxVect;
int CPRCount;
FILE *fpCPRend, *nout, *fpItnLimitNew;
int nEqExtConstr, nEqBarConstr;
int nElemIC, nOfInstrConstr;
double *kAuxcopy;
double *kcopy;
int ntasks;
int nthreads;
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//  Initialize.
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myid = comlsqr.myid;
nproc = comlsqr.nproc;
mapNcoeff = comlsqr.mapNcoeff;
mapNoss = comlsqr.mapNoss;
nAttParam = comlsqr.nAttParam;
nInstrParam = comlsqr.nInstrParam;
nGlobalParam = comlsqr.nGlobalParam;
nunkSplit = comlsqr.nunkSplit;
VrIdAstroPDim = comlsqr.VrIdAstroPDim;
VrIdAstroPDimMax = comlsqr.VrIdAstroPDimMax;
nAstroPSolved = comlsqr.nAstroPSolved;
nEqExtConstr = comlsqr.nEqExtConstr;
nEqBarConstr = comlsqr.nEqBarConstr;
nDegFreedomAtt = comlsqr.nDegFreedomAtt;
nAttAxes = comlsqr.nAttAxes;
localAstro = VrIdAstroPDim * nAstroPSolved;
localAstroMax = VrIdAstroPDimMax * nAstroPSolved;
numOfExtStar = comlsqr.numOfExtStar;
numOfBarStar = comlsqr.numOfBarStar;
nAttP = comlsqr.nAttP;
numOfExtAttCol = comlsqr.numOfExtAttCol;
mapNossBefore = comlsqr.mapNossBefore;
nobs = comlsqr.nobs;
debugMode = comlsqr.debugMode;
noCPR = comlsqr.noCPR;
nElemIC = comlsqr.nElemIC;
nOfInstrConstr = comlsqr.nOfInstrConstr;
nInstrPsolved = comlsqr.nInstrPSolved;
ntasks= comlsqr.ntasks;
nthreads= comlsqr.nthreads;

    other = (long)nAttParam + nInstrParam + nGlobalParam;
if (nAstroPSolved)
    vAuxVect = (double *)calloc(localAstroMax, sizeof(double));

comlsqr.itn = itn;
totTime = comlsqr.totSec;
partialTime = comlsqr.totSec;

if (debugMode)
    for (long i = 0; i < mapNoss[myid] + nEqExtConstr + nEqBarConstr + nOfInstrConstr; i++)
        printf("PE=%d Knowterms[%d]=%e\n", myid, i, knownTerms[i]);
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    int nStar = comlsqr.nStar;
    int c1 = 0;
    int colix = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < mapNoss[myid]; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < nAstroPSolved + nAttP; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                colix = matrixIndex[j * 2];
            else if (i == nAstroPSolved)
                colix = matrixIndex[j * 2 + 1];
            else if (i == nAstroPSolved + nAttP / nAttAxes)
                colix = matrixIndex[j * 2 + 1] + nDegFreedomAtt;
            else if (i == nAstroPSolved + 2 * nAttP / nAttAxes)
                colix = matrixIndex[j * 2 + 1] + 2 * nDegFreedomAtt;
            printf("PE=%d systemMatrix[%ld][%d]=%f\n", myid, mapNossBefore + j, colix, systemMatrix[c1]);
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    for (int k = 0; k < nEqExtConstr; k++)
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfExtStar * nAstroPSolved + numOfExtAttCol * nAttAxes; i++)
            printf("PE=%d systemMatrix[%d][%ld]=%f\n", myid, nobs + k, i - mapNcoeff[myid], systemMatrix[c1]);
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    for (int k = 0; k < nEqBarConstr; k++)
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfBarStar * nAstroPSolved; i++)
            printf("PE=%d systemMatrix[%d][%ld]=%f\n", myid, nobs + k, i - mapNcoeff[myid], systemMatrix[c1]);
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    int counter = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < nOfInstrConstr; k++)
        for (int j = 0; j < instrConstrIlung[k]; j++)
            printf("PE=%d systemMatrix[%d][%ld]=%f\n", myid, nobs + nEqExtConstr + k, instrCol[mapNoss[myid] * nInstrPsolved + counter], systemMatrix[c1]);

if (myid == 0)
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    nout = fopen(lsqrOut, "a");
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    if (nout != NULL)
        fprintf(nout, fmt_1000,
                enter, m, n, damp, wantse,
                atol, conlim, btol, itnlim);
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        printf("Error while opening %s (1)\n", lsqrOut);
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
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itn = 0;
istop = 0;
nstop = 0;
maxdx = 0;
ctol = ZERO;
if (conlim > ZERO)
    ctol = ONE / conlim;
anorm = ZERO;
acond = ZERO;
dnorm = ZERO;
dxmax = ZERO;
res2 = ZERO;
psi = ZERO;
xnorm = ZERO;
xnorm1 = ZERO;
cs2 = -ONE;
sn2 = ZERO;
z = ZERO;

CPRCount = 0;
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//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Set up the first vectors u and v for the bidiagonalization.
//  These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alpha*v = A(transpose)*u.
//  ------------------------------------------------------------------
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dload(nunkSplit, 0.0, vVect);
dload(nunkSplit, 0.0, xSolution);
if (wantse)
    dload(nunkSplit, 0.0, standardError);
alpha = ZERO;
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// Find the maximum value on u
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double betaLoc;
if (myid == 0)
    betaLoc = cblas_dnrm2(mapNoss[myid] + nEqExtConstr + nEqBarConstr + nOfInstrConstr, knownTerms, 1);
    betaLoc = cblas_dnrm2(mapNoss[myid], knownTerms, 1);
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double betaLoc2 = betaLoc * betaLoc;
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double betaGlob;
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MPI_Allreduce(&betaLoc2, &betaGlob, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
beta = sqrt(betaGlob);
if (beta > ZERO)
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    cblas_dscal(mapNoss[myid] + nEqExtConstr + nEqBarConstr + nOfInstrConstr, (ONE / beta), knownTerms, 1);
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//only processor 0 accumulate and distribute the v array
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    // FV EDIT 
    //#pragma omp for
    for (i = 0; i < localAstroMax; i++)
        vAuxVect[i] = vVect[i];
        vVect[i] = 0;
    if (myid != 0)
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        // FV EDIT 
        //#pragma omp for
        for (i = localAstroMax; i < nunkSplit; i++)
            vVect[i] = 0;
    aprod(2, m, n, vVect, knownTerms, systemMatrix, matrixIndex, instrCol, instrConstrIlung, comlsqr, &ompSec);

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    double *dcopy;
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    dcopy = (double *)calloc(comlsqr.nAttParam, sizeof(double));
    if (!dcopy)
        exit(err_malloc("dcopy", myid));
    mpi_allreduce(&vVect[localAstroMax], dcopy, (long int)comlsqr.nAttParam, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // FV EDIT 
    //#pragma omp for
    for (i = 0; i < comlsqr.nAttParam; i++)
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        vVect[localAstroMax + i] = dcopy[i];
    dcopy = (double *)calloc(comlsqr.nInstrParam, sizeof(double));
    if (!dcopy)
        exit(err_malloc("dcopy", myid));

    mpi_allreduce(&vVect[localAstroMax + comlsqr.nAttParam], dcopy, (long int)comlsqr.nInstrParam, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // FV EDIT 
    //#pragma omp for
    for (i = 0; i < comlsqr.nInstrParam; i++)
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        vVect[localAstroMax + comlsqr.nAttParam + i] = dcopy[i];
    dcopy = (double *)calloc(comlsqr.nGlobalParam, sizeof(double));
    if (!dcopy)
        exit(err_malloc("dcopy", myid));
    MPI_Allreduce(&vVect[localAstroMax + comlsqr.nAttParam + comlsqr.nInstrParam], dcopy, (int)comlsqr.nGlobalParam, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // FV EDIT 
    //#pragma omp for
    for (i = 0; i < comlsqr.nGlobalParam; i++)
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        vVect[localAstroMax + comlsqr.nAttParam + comlsqr.nInstrParam + i] = dcopy[i];
    if (nAstroPSolved)
        SumCirc(vVect, comlsqr);
    // FV EDIT 
    //#pragma omp for
    for (i = 0; i < localAstro; i++)
        vVect[i] += vAuxVect[i];

    nAstroElements = comlsqr.mapStar[myid][1] - comlsqr.mapStar[myid][0] + 1;
    if (myid < nproc - 1)
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        nAstroElements = comlsqr.mapStar[myid][1] - comlsqr.mapStar[myid][0] + 1;
        if (comlsqr.mapStar[myid][1] == comlsqr.mapStar[myid + 1][0])

    double alphaLoc = 0;
    if (nAstroPSolved)
        alphaLoc = cblas_dnrm2(nAstroElements * comlsqr.nAstroPSolved, vVect, 1);
    double alphaLoc2 = alphaLoc * alphaLoc;
    if (myid == 0)
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        double alphaOther = cblas_dnrm2(comlsqr.nunkSplit - localAstroMax, &vVect[localAstroMax], 1);
        double alphaOther2 = alphaOther * alphaOther;
        alphaLoc2 = alphaLoc2 + alphaOther2;
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    double alphaGlob2 = 0;
    MPI_Allreduce(&alphaLoc2, &alphaGlob2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    alpha = sqrt(alphaGlob2);

if (alpha > ZERO)
    cblas_dscal(nunkSplit, (ONE / alpha), vVect, 1);
    cblas_dcopy(nunkSplit, vVect, 1, wVect, 1);
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//	printf("LSQR T4: PE=%d alpha=%15.12lf beta=%15.12lf arnorm=%15.12lf\n",myid,alpha,beta,arnorm);

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arnorm = alpha * beta;
arnorm0 = arnorm;
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//	printf("LSQR T5: PE=%d alpha=%15.12lf beta=%15.12lf arnorm=%15.12lf\n",myid,alpha,beta,arnorm);

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if (arnorm == ZERO)
    goto goto_800;
rhobar = alpha;
phibar = beta;
bnorm = beta;
rnorm = beta;
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if (myid == 0)
    nout = fopen(lsqrOut, "a");
    if (nout != NULL)
        if (damped)
            fprintf(nout, fmt_1300);
            fprintf(nout, fmt_1200);
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        printf("Error while opening %s (2)\n", lsqrOut);
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
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    test1 = ONE;
    test2 = alpha / beta;

    if (extra)
        fprintf(nout, fmt_1400);

    fprintf(nout, fmt_1550, itn, xSolution[0], rnorm, test1, test2);
    fprintf(nout, fmt_1600);

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//  ==================================================================
//  CheckPointRestart
//  ==================================================================
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if (!noCPR)
    if (myid == 0)
        printf("PE=%d  call restart setup\n", myid);
if (myid == 0)
    printf("PE=%d  end restart setup\n", myid);
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//  ==================================================================
//  Main iteration loop.
//  ==================================================================
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if (myid == 0)
    startCycleTime = time(NULL);
////////////////////////  START ITERATIONS
while (1)
    writeCPR = 0; // No write CPR
    cycleStartMpiTime = MPI_Wtime();
    itnTest = -1;
    if (myid == 0)
        fpItnLimitNew = NULL;
        fpItnLimitNew = fopen("ITNLIMIT_NEW", "r");
        if (fpItnLimitNew != NULL)
            fscanf(fpItnLimitNew, "%d\n", &itnTest);
            if (itnTest > 0)
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                comlsqr.itnLimit = itnTest;
                if (itnlim != itnTest)
                    itnlim = itnTest;
                    if (myid == 0)
                        printf("itnLimit forced with ITNLIMIT_NEW file to value %d\n", itnlim);
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    if (myid == 0)
        endCycleTime = time(NULL) - startCycleTime;
        startCycleTime = time(NULL);
        totTime = totTime + endCycleTime;
        partialTime = partialTime + endCycleTime;
        if (!noCPR)
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            if (partialTime > comlsqr.timeCPR * 60)
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                writeCPR = 1;
                partialTime = 0;
            if (totTime + endCycleTime * 2 > comlsqr.timeLimit * 60)
                writeCPR = 2;

            if (CPRCount > 0 && CPRCount % comlsqr.itnCPR == 0)
                writeCPR = 1;
            if (CPRCount > 0 && CPRCount == comlsqr.itnCPRstop)
                writeCPR = 2;
            if (CPRCount == itnlim)
                writeCPR = 2;
            fpCPRend = NULL;
            fpCPRend = fopen("CPR_END", "r");
            if (fpCPRend != NULL)
                itnTest = -1;
                fscanf(fpCPRend, "%d\n", &itnTest);
                if (itnTest > 0)
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                    if (comlsqr.itnCPRend != itnTest)
                        comlsqr.itnCPRend = itnTest;
                        printf("itnCPRend forced with CPR_END file to value %d\n", comlsqr.itnCPRend);
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            if (comlsqr.itnCPRend > 0 && comlsqr.itnCPRend <= itn)
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                writeCPR = 2;
                printf("itnCPRend condition triggered  to value %d. writeCPR set to 2.\n", comlsqr.itnCPRend);
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        } //if(!noCPR)
    }     //if(myid==0)
    MPI_Bcast(&writeCPR, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(&itnlim, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(&comlsqr.itnLimit, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (myid == 0)
        printf("lsqr: Iteration number %d. Iteration seconds %ld. OmpSec %d Global Seconds %ld \n", itn, endCycleTime, ompSec, totTime);
        if (writeCPR == 1)
            printf("... writing CPR files\n");
        if (writeCPR == 2)
            printf("... writing CPR files and return\n");
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    if (writeCPR > 0)
        if (myid == 0)
            CPRtimeStart = time(NULL);

        if (myid == 0)
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            CPRtimeEnd = time(NULL) - CPRtimeStart;