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aprod.c 40.1 KiB
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Fabio Roberto Vitello's avatar
Fabio Roberto Vitello committed
#ifdef OMP
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpi.h"
//#include "pardef.h"
#include "util.h"
void aprod(int mode, long int m, long int n, double *vVect, double *knownTerms,
           double *systemMatrix, long int *matrixIndex, int *instrCol, int *instrConstrIlung, struct comData comlsqr, time_t *ompSec)
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Fabio Roberto Vitello committed

    // Parallel definitions
    int myid, nproc;
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Fabio Roberto Vitello committed
    long int *mapNoss, *mapNcoeff;
    int nthreads, tid, ntasks;
    long **mapForThread;
    ///    struct comData *comlsqr;

    FILE *fk, *fk0;

    double zero = 0.0;
    double sum, yi;
    long int l1, l2;
    long int i, i1;
    long int l, j, k;
    int i2 = 0, j2 = 0, j3 = 0, na = 0;
Fabio Roberto Vitello's avatar
Fabio Roberto Vitello committed
    int setBound[4];

    double localSum;
    short nAstroPSolved = comlsqr.nAstroPSolved;

    long localAstro = comlsqr.VrIdAstroPDim * nAstroPSolved;
    long localAstroMax = comlsqr.VrIdAstroPDimMax * nAstroPSolved;
    //  Initialize.
    myid = comlsqr.myid;
    nproc = comlsqr.nproc;
    mapNcoeff = comlsqr.mapNcoeff;
    mapNoss = comlsqr.mapNoss;
    nthreads = comlsqr.nthreads;
    ntasks= comlsqr.ntasks;
    mapForThread = comlsqr.mapForThread;
    int multMI = comlsqr.multMI;
    long nparam = comlsqr.parOss;
    short nAttAxes = comlsqr.nAttAxes;
    int numOfExtStar = comlsqr.numOfExtStar;
    int numOfBarStar = comlsqr.numOfBarStar;
    int numOfExtAttCol = comlsqr.numOfExtAttCol;
    long VrIdAstroPDimMax = comlsqr.VrIdAstroPDimMax;
    int startingAttColExtConstr = comlsqr.startingAttColExtConstr;
    int nOfElextObs = comlsqr.nOfElextObs;
    int nEqExtConstr = comlsqr.nEqExtConstr;
    int nOfElBarObs = comlsqr.nOfElBarObs;
    int nEqBarConstr = comlsqr.nEqBarConstr;
    int debugMode = comlsqr.debugMode;
    short nInstrPSolved = comlsqr.nInstrPSolved;
    int nOfInstrConstr = comlsqr.nOfInstrConstr;
    int nElemIC = comlsqr.nElemIC;
    short nAttP = comlsqr.nAttP;
    short nGlobP = comlsqr.nGlobP;

    setBound[0] = comlsqr.setBound[0];
    setBound[1] = comlsqr.setBound[1];
    setBound[2] = comlsqr.setBound[2];
    setBound[3] = comlsqr.setBound[3];
    long nDegFreedomAtt = comlsqr.nDegFreedomAtt;
    short nAttParAxis = comlsqr.nAttParAxis;
    long offsetAttParam = comlsqr.offsetAttParam;
    long offsetInstrParam = comlsqr.offsetInstrParam;
    long offsetGlobParam = comlsqr.offsetGlobParam;
    /* for(int n=0;n<ntasks;n++)
        comlsqr->mapForThread[n]=(long *) calloc(3,sizeof(long));
    //nthreads = 1;
    tid = 0;
    FILE *fp1, *fp2;
    //        fp1=fopen("test1_aprod","w");
    //        fp2=fopen("test2_aprod","w");

    if (mode != 1 && mode != 2)
Fabio Roberto Vitello's avatar
Fabio Roberto Vitello committed
        printf("ERROR: Invalid mode=%d in aprod function\n", mode);
    l1 = 0;
    l2 = 0;
    myid = comlsqr.myid;
    if (mode == 1)
        time_t startTime = time(NULL);
////        #pragma omp parallel private(myid, sum, k, l1, l2, l, j, tid, nthreads, i2, na) shared(mapNoss, instrCol, comlsqr, vVect, systemMatrix, matrixIndex, knownTerms, j2)
Fabio Roberto Vitello's avatar
Fabio Roberto Vitello committed
            myid = comlsqr.myid;
            if (comlsqr.itn == 1 && debugMode)
                printf("PE=%d Aprod1 OpenMP num of threads =%d from thread =%d icycle=%ld  comlsqr.itn=%d\n", myid, nthreads, tid, i, comlsqr.itn);
            long miValAstro = 0;
            long miValAtt = 0;
            long jstartAtt = 0;
            long jstartAstro = 0;
            long lset = 0;
            long offLocalAstro = 0;
            long offLocalAtt = 0;
            long offLocalInstr = 0; //Offset on Instruments
            long ixInstr = 0;
            int nInstrVal = 0;
            offLocalInstr = offsetInstrParam + (localAstroMax - offsetAttParam); //Offset on Instruments
            nInstrVal = nAstroPSolved + nAttP;
            offLocalAstro = comlsqr.mapStar[myid][0] * nAstroPSolved;               //Offset on my mstars
            offLocalAtt = localAstroMax - offsetAttParam;                           //Offset on attitude
            long offLocalGlob = offsetGlobParam + (localAstroMax - offsetAttParam); //Offset on GlobP
            int nGlobVal = nAstroPSolved + nAttP + nInstrPSolved;
            jstartAstro = miValAstro - offLocalAstro;

            //FV_ EDIT ompSs
            for(int nt=0; nt < ntasks; nt++ )
                #pragma omp task label(mode1)
                    for (long ix = mapForThread[nt][0]; ix < mapForThread[nt][2]; ix++)
                        sum = 0.;
                        /// Mode 1 Astrometric Sect
                        if (nAstroPSolved)

                            lset = ix * nparam;
                            if (matrixIndex[multMI * ix] != miValAstro)
                                miValAstro = matrixIndex[multMI * ix];
                                jstartAstro = miValAstro - offLocalAstro;
                            for (long jx = jstartAstro; jx < jstartAstro + nAstroPSolved; jx++)
                                sum = sum + systemMatrix[lset] * vVect[jx];
                        /// Mode 1 Attitude Sect
                        if (nAttP)
                            lset = ix * nparam + nAstroPSolved;
                            miValAtt = matrixIndex[multMI * ix + (multMI - 1)];
                            for (int nax = 0; nax < nAttAxes; nax++)
                                jstartAtt = miValAtt + offLocalAtt + nax * nDegFreedomAtt;
                                for (long inpax = jstartAtt; inpax < jstartAtt + nAttParAxis; inpax++)
                                    sum = sum + systemMatrix[lset] * vVect[inpax];
                        /// Mode 1 Instrument Sect
                        if (nInstrPSolved)

                            lset = ix * nparam + nInstrVal;
                            long iiVal = ix * nInstrPSolved;
                            for (int inInstr = 0; inInstr < nInstrPSolved; inInstr++)
                                ixInstr = offLocalInstr + instrCol[iiVal + inInstr];
                                sum = sum + systemMatrix[lset] * vVect[ixInstr];
                        /// Mode 1 Global sect
                        if (nGlobP)
                            lset = ix * nparam + nGlobVal;
                            for (long inGlob = offLocalGlob; inGlob < offLocalGlob + nGlobP; inGlob++)
                                sum = sum + systemMatrix[lset] * vVect[inGlob];
                        knownTerms[ix] += sum;
                    } //for ix
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