Skip to content
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def is_computing_configured(computing, user):
return computing.manager.is_configured_for(user)
# {% is_computing_configured computing user %}
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import re
import hashlib
import traceback
import hashlib
import json
import requests
import random
import subprocess
import logging
......@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ def finalize_user_creation(user, auth='local'):
# Just an extra check
except Profile.DoesNotExists:
except Profile.DoesNotExist:
raise Exception('Consistency error: already found a profile for user "{}"'.format(user))
......@@ -507,11 +509,11 @@ def get_webapp_conn_string():
webapp_conn_string = 'http://{}:{}'.format(webapp_host, webapp_port)
return webapp_conn_string
def get_local_docker_registry_conn_string():
local_docker_registry_host = os.environ.get('LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST', 'dregistry')
local_docker_registry_port = os.environ.get('LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT', '5000')
local_docker_registry_conn_string = '{}:{}'.format(local_docker_registry_host, local_docker_registry_port)
return local_docker_registry_conn_string
def get_platform_registry():
platform_registry_host = os.environ.get('PLATFORM_REGISTRY_HOST', 'proxy')
platform_registry_port = os.environ.get('PLATFORM_REGISTRY_PORT', '5000')
platform_registry_conn_string = '{}:{}'.format(platform_registry_host, platform_registry_port)
return platform_registry_conn_string
def get_task_tunnel_host():
tunnel_host = os.environ.get('TASK_TUNNEL_HOST', 'localhost')
......@@ -713,13 +715,13 @@ def get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(computing, user):
except AttributeError:
computing_host = None
if not computing_host:
raise Exception('No computing host?!')
raise ValueError('No computing host?!')
# Get computing user and keys
if computing.auth_mode == 'user_keys':
computing_user = user.profile.get_extra_conf('computing_user', computing)
if not computing_user:
raise Exception('Computing resource \'{}\' user is not configured'.format(
raise ValueError('No \'computing_user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in user profile'.format(
# Get user key
computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=user, default=True)
elif computing.auth_mode == 'platform_keys':
......@@ -728,7 +730,7 @@ def get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(computing, user):
raise NotImplementedError('Auth modes other than user_keys and platform_keys not supported.')
if not computing_user:
raise Exception('No computing user?!')
raise ValueError('No \'user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in its configuration'.format(
return (computing_user, computing_host, computing_keys)
......@@ -743,3 +745,116 @@ def sanitize_container_env_vars(env_vars):
return env_vars
def get_or_create_container_from_repository(user, repository_url, repository_tag=None, container_name=None, container_description=None):
from .models import Container
logger.debug('Called get_or_create_container_from_repository with repository_url="{}" and repository_tag="{}"'.format(repository_url,repository_tag))
# Set repo name
repository_name = '{}/{}'.format(repository_url.split('/')[-2],repository_url.split('/')[-1])
# If building:
#{"message": "Successfully built 5a2089b2c334\n", "phase": "building"}
#{"message": "Successfully tagged r2dhttps-3a-2f-2fgithub-2ecom-2fnorvig-2fpytudes5e745c3:latest\n", "phase": "building"}
# If reusing:
#{"message": "Reusing existing image (r2dhttps-3a-2f-2fgithub-2ecom-2fnorvig-2fpytudes5e745c3), not building."}
appendix = 'CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip", "", "--NotebookApp.token", ""]'
# Build the Docker container for this repo
if repository_tag:
command = 'sudo jupyter-repo2docker --ref {} --user-id 1000 --user-name jovyan --no-run --appendix \'{}\' --json-logs {}'.format(repository_tag, appendix, repository_url)
command = 'sudo jupyter-repo2docker --user-id 1000 --user-name jovyan --no-run --appendix \'{}\' --json-logs {}'.format(repository_url, appendix)
out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
if out.exit_code != 0:
raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when creating the Dockerfile for repository "{}"'.format(repository_url))
# Convert output to lines
out_lines = out.stderr.split('\n')
# Get rep2docker image name from output. Use "strip()" as sometimes the newline chars might jump in.
last_line_message = json.loads(out_lines[-1])['message']
if 'Reusing existing image' in last_line_message:
repo2docker_image_name = last_line_message.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].strip()
elif 'Successfully tagged' in last_line_message:
repo2docker_image_name = last_line_message.split(' ')[2].strip()
raise Exception('Cannot build')
# Set image registry, name and tag. Use "strip()" as sometimes the newline chars might jump in.
registry = get_platform_registry()
image_name = repository_name.lower().strip()
if repo2docker_image_name.endswith(':latest'):
# Not clear why sometimes this happens. maybe if an existent image gets reused?
image_name_for_tag = repo2docker_image_name.replace(':latest','')
image_name_for_tag = repo2docker_image_name
image_tag = image_name_for_tag[-7:] # The last part of the image name generated by repo2docker is the git short hash
# Re-tag image taking into account that if we are using the proxy as registry we use localhost or it won't work
if registry == 'proxy:5000':
push_registry = 'localhost:5000'
push_registry = registry
out = os_shell('sudo docker tag {} {}/{}:{}'.format(repo2docker_image_name,push_registry,image_name,image_tag) , capture=True)
if out.exit_code != 0:
raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when tagging the container for repository "{}"'.format(repository_url))
# Push image to the (local) registry
out = os_shell('sudo docker push {}/{}:{}'.format(push_registry,image_name,image_tag) , capture=True)
if out.exit_code != 0:
raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when pushing the container for repository "{}"'.format(repository_url))
# Create the container if not already existent
container = Container.objects.get(user=user, registry=registry, image_name=image_name, image_tag=image_tag)
except Container.DoesNotExist:
# Get name repo name and description from remote if we have and if we can
repository_name_from_source= None
repository_description_from_source = None
if not container_name or not container_description:
if repository_url.startswith(''):
response = requests.get('{}'.format(repository_name))
json_content = json.loads(response.content)
repository_name_from_source = json_content['name'].title()
repository_description_from_source = json_content['description']
if not repository_description_from_source.endswith('.'):
repository_description_from_source += ' Built from {}'.format(repository_url)
# Set default container name and description
if not container_name:
container_name = repository_name_from_source if repository_name_from_source else repository_name
if not container_description:
container_description = repository_description_from_source if repository_description_from_source else 'Built from {}'.format(repository_url)
# Ok, create the container
container = Container.objects.create(user = user,
name = container_name,
description = container_description,
registry = registry,
image_name = image_name,
image_tag = image_tag,
image_arch = 'amd64',
image_os = 'linux',
interface_port = '8888',
interface_protocol = 'http',
interface_transport = 'tcp/ip',
supports_custom_interface_port = False,
supports_interface_auth = False)
return container
import os
import uuid
import json
import requests
import socket
import subprocess
import base64
from django.conf import settings
......@@ -11,7 +13,9 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.db.models import Q
from .models import Profile, LoginToken, Task, TaskStatuses, Container, Computing, KeyPair, Page
from .utils import send_email, format_exception, timezonize, os_shell, booleanize, get_task_tunnel_host, get_task_proxy_host, random_username, setup_tunnel_and_proxy, finalize_user_creation, sanitize_container_env_vars
from .utils import send_email, format_exception, timezonize, os_shell, booleanize, get_task_tunnel_host
from .utils import get_task_proxy_host, random_username, setup_tunnel_and_proxy, finalize_user_creation
from .utils import sanitize_container_env_vars, get_or_create_container_from_repository
from .decorators import public_view, private_view
from .exceptions import ErrorMessage
......@@ -32,15 +36,21 @@ _task_cache = {}
def login_view(request):
data = {}
# Set post login page
post_login_page = request.COOKIES.get('post_login_redirect')
if post_login_page is None:
post_login_page = '/main'
# If authenticated user reloads the main URL
if request.method == 'GET' and request.user.is_authenticated:
return HttpResponseRedirect('/main/')
response = HttpResponseRedirect(post_login_page)
return response
# If local auth disabled, just render login page
# (will be rendered an open id connect url only)
# If local auth disabled, just redirect to OIDC
return render(request, 'login.html', {'data': data})
return HttpResponseRedirect('/oidc/authenticate/')
# If unauthenticated user tries to log in
if request.method == 'POST':
......@@ -70,7 +80,9 @@ def login_view(request):
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user:
login(request, user)
return HttpResponseRedirect('/main')
response = HttpResponseRedirect(post_login_page)
return response
raise ErrorMessage('Check email and password')
......@@ -135,8 +147,9 @@ def login_view(request):
# Now redirect to site
return HttpResponseRedirect('/main/')
response = HttpResponseRedirect(post_login_page)
return response
# All other cases, render the login page again with no other data than title
return render(request, 'login.html', {'data': data})
......@@ -329,6 +342,30 @@ def account(request):
# Tasks view
def set_verified_status(task):
# Chech status with ping
if task.status == 'running':
logger.debug('Task is running, check if startup completed')
logger.debug('Trying to establish connection on: "{}:{}"'.format(task.interface_ip,task.interface_port))
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((task.interface_ip, task.interface_port))
# Not necessary, we just check that the container interfcae is up
#if not s.recv(10):
# logger.debug('No data read from socket')
# raise Exception('Could not read any data from socket')
except Exception as e:
logger.debug('Could not connect to socket')
task.verified_status = 'starting up...'
task.verified_status = 'running'
task.verified_status = task.status
def tasks(request):
......@@ -355,8 +392,10 @@ def tasks(request):
task = Task.objects.get(user=request.user, uuid=uuid)
except Task.DoesNotExist:
raise ErrorMessage('Task does not exists or no access rights')
data['task'] = task
# Task actions
if action=='delete':
if task.status not in [TaskStatuses.stopped, TaskStatuses.exited]:
......@@ -435,7 +474,8 @@ def tasks(request):
# Update task statuses
for task in tasks:
# Set task and tasks variables
data['task'] = None
data['tasks'] = tasks
......@@ -897,89 +937,112 @@ def add_software(request):
# Init data
data = {}
data['user'] = request.user
# Loop back the new container mode in the page to handle the switch
data['new_container_from'] = request.GET.get('new_container_from', 'registry')
# Container name if setting up a new container
container_name = request.POST.get('container_name', None)
if container_name:
# Container description
container_description = request.POST.get('container_description', None)
# Container registry
container_registry = request.POST.get('container_registry', None)
# Container image name
container_image_name = request.POST.get('container_image_name',None)
# Container image tag
container_image_tag = request.POST.get('container_image_tag', None)
# How do we have to add this new container?
new_container_from = request.POST.get('new_container_from', None)
# Container image architecture
container_image_arch = request.POST.get('container_image_arch', None)
# Container image OS
container_image_os = request.POST.get('container_image_os', None)
# Container image digest
container_image_digest = request.POST.get('container_image_digest', None)
# Container interface port
container_interface_port = request.POST.get('container_interface_port', None)
if container_interface_port:
container_interface_port = int(container_interface_port)
raise ErrorMessage('Invalid container port "{}"')
container_interface_port = None
# Container interface protocol
container_interface_protocol = request.POST.get('container_interface_protocol', None)
if container_interface_protocol and not container_interface_protocol in ['http','https']:
raise ErrorMessage('Sorry, only power users can add custom software containers with interface protocols other than \'http\' or \'https\'.')
if new_container_from == 'registry':
# Container description
container_description = request.POST.get('container_description', None)
# Container registry
container_registry = request.POST.get('container_registry', None)
# Container image name
container_image_name = request.POST.get('container_image_name',None)
# Container image tag
container_image_tag = request.POST.get('container_image_tag', None)
# Container image architecture
container_image_arch = request.POST.get('container_image_arch', None)
# Container image OS
container_image_os = request.POST.get('container_image_os', None)
# Container image digest
container_image_digest = request.POST.get('container_image_digest', None)
# Container interface port
container_interface_port = request.POST.get('container_interface_port', None)
if container_interface_port:
container_interface_port = int(container_interface_port)
raise ErrorMessage('Invalid container port "{}"')
container_interface_port = None
# Container interface protocol
container_interface_protocol = request.POST.get('container_interface_protocol', None)
if container_interface_protocol and not container_interface_protocol in ['http','https']:
raise ErrorMessage('Sorry, only power users can add custom software containers with interface protocols other than \'http\' or \'https\'.')
# Container interface transport
container_interface_transport = request.POST.get('container_interface_transport')
# Capabilities
container_supports_custom_interface_port = request.POST.get('container_supports_custom_interface_port', None)
if container_supports_custom_interface_port and container_supports_custom_interface_port == 'True':
container_supports_custom_interface_port = True
container_supports_custom_interface_port = False
container_supports_interface_auth = request.POST.get('container_supports_interface_auth', None)
if container_supports_interface_auth and container_supports_interface_auth == 'True':
container_supports_pass_auth = True
container_supports_pass_auth = False
# Environment variables
container_env_vars = request.POST.get('container_env_vars', None)
if container_env_vars:
container_env_vars = sanitize_container_env_vars(json.loads(container_env_vars))
# Log
#logger.debug('Creating new container object with image="{}", type="{}", registry="{}", ports="{}"'.format(container_image, container_type, container_registry, container_ports))
# Create
Container.objects.create(user = request.user,
name = container_name,
description = container_description,
registry = container_registry,
image_name = container_image_name,
image_tag = container_image_tag,
image_arch = container_image_arch,
image_os = container_image_os,
image_digest = container_image_digest,
interface_port = container_interface_port,
interface_protocol = container_interface_protocol,
interface_transport = container_interface_transport,
supports_custom_interface_port = container_supports_custom_interface_port,
supports_interface_auth = container_supports_pass_auth,
env_vars = container_env_vars)
elif new_container_from == 'repository':
# Container interface transport
container_interface_transport = request.POST.get('container_interface_transport')
container_description = request.POST.get('container_description', None)
repository_url = request.POST.get('repository_url', None)
repository_tag = request.POST.get('repository_tag', 'HEAD')
# Capabilities
container_supports_custom_interface_port = request.POST.get('container_supports_custom_interface_port', None)
if container_supports_custom_interface_port and container_supports_custom_interface_port == 'True':
container_supports_custom_interface_port = True
container_supports_custom_interface_port = False
return HttpResponseRedirect('/import_repository/?repository_url={}&repository_tag={}&container_name={}&container_description={}'.format(repository_url,repository_tag,container_name,container_description))
# The return type here is a container, not created
#get_or_create_container_from_repository(request.user, repository_url, repository_tag=repository_tag, container_name=container_name, container_description=container_description)
container_supports_interface_auth = request.POST.get('container_supports_interface_auth', None)
if container_supports_interface_auth and container_supports_interface_auth == 'True':
container_supports_pass_auth = True
container_supports_pass_auth = False
# Environment variables
container_env_vars = request.POST.get('container_env_vars', None)
if container_env_vars:
container_env_vars = sanitize_container_env_vars(json.loads(container_env_vars))
# Log
#logger.debug('Creating new container object with image="{}", type="{}", registry="{}", ports="{}"'.format(container_image, container_type, container_registry, container_ports))
# Create
Container.objects.create(user = request.user,
name = container_name,
description = container_description,
registry = container_registry,
image_name = container_image_name,
image_tag = container_image_tag,
image_arch = container_image_arch,
image_os = container_image_os,
image_digest = container_image_digest,
interface_port = container_interface_port,
interface_protocol = container_interface_protocol,
interface_transport = container_interface_transport,
supports_custom_interface_port = container_supports_custom_interface_port,
supports_interface_auth = container_supports_pass_auth,
env_vars = container_env_vars)
raise Exception('Unknown new container mode "{}"'.format(new_container_from))
# Set added switch
data['added'] = True
......@@ -1166,14 +1229,72 @@ def sharable_link_handler(request, short_uuid):
return redirect(redirect_string)
# New Binder Task
def new_binder_task(request, repository):
# Init data
data['user'] = request.user
# Convert the Git repository as a Docker container
logger.debug('Got a new Binder task request for repository "%s"', repository)
# Set repository name/tag/url
repository_tag = repository.split('/')[-1]
repository_url = repository.replace('/'+repository_tag, '')
# I have no idea why the https:// of the repo part of the url gets transfrmed in https:/
# Here i work around this, but TODO: understand what the hell is going on.
if 'https:/' in repository_url and not 'https://' in repository_url:
repository_url = repository_url.replace('https:/', 'https://')
if not repository_tag:
data['repository_url'] = repository_url
data['repository_tag'] = repository_tag
data['mode'] = 'new_task' #new container
# Render the import page. This will call an API, and when the import is done, it
# will automatically redirect to the page "new_task/?step=two&task_container_uuid=..."
return render(request, 'import_repository.html', {'data': data})
# Import repository
def import_repository(request):
# Init data
data['user'] = request.user
repository_url = request.GET.get('repository_url', None)
# I have no idea why the https:// of the repo part of the url gets transfrmed in https:/
# Here i work around this, but TODO: understand what the hell is going on.
if 'https:/' in repository_url and not 'https://' in repository_url:
repository_url = repository_url.replace('https:/', 'https://')
repository_tag= request.GET.get('repository_tag', None)
if not repository_tag:
data['repository_url'] = repository_url
data['repository_tag'] = repository_tag
data['container_name'] = request.GET.get('container_name', None)
data['container_description'] = request.GET.get('container_description', None)
data['mode'] = 'new_container'
# Render the import page. This will call an API, and when the import is done, it
# will automatically say "Ok, crrated, go to software".
return render(request, 'import_repository.html', {'data': data})
......@@ -263,7 +263,10 @@ if OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID:
# Optional
OIDC_USE_NONCE = booleanize(os.environ.get('OIDC_USE_NONCE', False))
OIDC_TOKEN_USE_BASIC_AUTH = booleanize(os.environ.get('OIDC_TOKEN_USE_BASIC_AUTH', True))
OIDC_TOKEN_USE_BASIC_AUTH = booleanize(os.environ.get('OIDC_TOKEN_USE_BASIC_AUTH', False))
# Custom callback to enable session-based post-login redirects
OIDC_CALLBACK_CLASS = 'rosetta.auth.RosettaOIDCAuthenticationCallbackView'
# Non-customizable stuff
......@@ -274,6 +277,8 @@ if OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID:
# Required for the Open ID connect redirects to work properly
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
# Software
url(r'^add_software/$', core_app_views.add_software),
url(r'^import_repository/$', core_app_views.import_repository),
url(r'^computing/$', core_app_views.computing),
......@@ -84,6 +85,11 @@ urlpatterns = [
path('api/v1/base/logout/', core_app_api.logout_api.as_view(), name='logout_api'),
path('api/v1/base/agent/', core_app_api.agent_api.as_view(), name='agent_api'),
path('api/v1/filemanager/', core_app_api.FileManagerAPI.as_view(), name='filemanager_api'),
path('api/v1/import_repository/', core_app_api.ImportRepositoryAPI.as_view(), name='import_repository_api'),
# Binder compatibility
path('v2/git/<path:repository>', core_app_views.new_binder_task),
......@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ sendgrid==5.3.0