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import logging
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status, serializers, viewsets
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from .utils import format_exception, send_email, os_shell, now_t, get_ssh_access_mode_credentials, get_or_create_container_from_repository
from .models import Profile, Task, TaskStatuses, Computing, Storage, KeyPair
from .exceptions import ConsistencyException
# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#  Common returns
# Ok (with data)
def ok200(data=None):
    return Response({"results": data}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
# Error 400
def error400(data=None):
    return Response({"detail": data}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
# Error 401
def error401(data=None):
    return Response({"detail": data}, status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
# Error 404
def error404(data=None):
    return Response({"detail": data}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
# Error 500
def error500(data=None):
    return Response({"detail": data}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

#  Authentication helper
def rosetta_authenticate(request):

    # Get data
    user      = request.user if request.user.is_authenticated else None
    username  ='username', None)
    password  ='password', None)
    authtoken ='authtoken', None)

    # Try standard user authentication
    if user:
        return user

    # Try username/password  authentication
    elif username or password:
        # Check we got both
        if not username:
            return error400('Got empty username')
        if not password:
            return error400('Got empty password')
        # Authenticate
        user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
        if not user:
            return error401('Wrong username/password')  
            login(request, user)
            return user

    # Try auth toekn authentication 
    elif authtoken:
            profile = Profile.objects.get(authtoken=authtoken)
        except Profile.DoesNotExist:
            return error400('Wrong auth token')
        login(request, profile.user)
        return profile.user
        return error401('This is a private API. Login or provide username/password or auth token')

#  CSRF exempt auth class

from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication, BasicAuthentication 

class CsrfExemptSessionAuthentication(SessionAuthentication):

    def enforce_csrf(self, request):
        return  # To not perform the csrf check previously happening

#  Base public API class
class PublicPOSTAPI(APIView):
    '''Base public POST API class'''
    # POST
    def post(self, request):
            return self._post(request)
        except Exception as e:
            return error500('Got error in processing request: {}'.format(e))
class PublicGETAPI(APIView):
    '''Base public GET API class''' 
    # GET
    def get(self, request):
            return self._get(request)
        except Exception as e:
            return error500('Got error in processing request: {}'.format(e))

#  Base private API class
class PrivatePOSTAPI(APIView):
    '''Base private POST API class'''
    # POST
    def post(self, request):
            # Authenticate using rosetta authentication
            response = rosetta_authenticate(request)
            # If we got a response return it, otherwise set it as the user.
            if isinstance(response, Response):
                return response
                self.user = response
            # Call API logic
            return self._post(request)
        except Exception as e:
            return error500('Got error in processing request: {}'.format(e))
class PrivateGETAPI(APIView):
    '''Base private GET API class'''

    # GET  
    def get(self, request):
            # Authenticate using rosetta authentication
            response = rosetta_authenticate(request)
            # If we got a response return it, otherwise set it as the user.
            if isinstance(response, Response):
                return response
                self.user = response
            # Call API logic
            return self._get(request)
        except Exception as e:
            return error500('Got error in processing request: {}'.format(e))

#  User & profile APIs

class login_api(PrivateGETAPI, PrivatePOSTAPI):
    Returns the auth token.

    Authorize and returns the auth token.
    def _post(self, request):
        return ok200({'authtoken': self.user.profile.authtoken})

    def _get(self, request):
        return ok200({'authtoken': self.user.profile.authtoken}) 
class logout_api(PrivateGETAPI):
    Logout the user
    def _get(self, request):
        return ok200()

class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    API endpoint that allows Users to be viewed or edited.

    class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
        class Meta:
            model = User
            fields = ('url', 'username', 'email', 'groups')

    queryset = User.objects.all().order_by('-date_joined')    
    serializer_class = UserSerializer

class agent_api(PublicGETAPI):
    def _get(self, request):
        task_uuid = request.GET.get('task_uuid', None)
        if not task_uuid:
            return HttpResponse('MISSING task_uuid')

        from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

            task = Task.objects.get(uuid=task_uuid)
        except (Task.DoesNotExist, ValidationError):
            return HttpResponse('Unknown task uuid "{}"'.format(task_uuid))
        from.utils import get_webapp_conn_string
        webapp_conn_string = get_webapp_conn_string()
        action = request.GET.get('action', None)
        if not action:
            # Return the agent code
import logging
import socket
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlopen

# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger('Agent')

hostname = socket.gethostname()

# Task id set by the API
task_uuid = "'''+ task_uuid  +'''"

# Log'Reporting for task uuid: "{}"'.format(task_uuid))

# Get IP
ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
if ip == '':
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname+'.local')' - ip: "{}"'.format(ip))

# Get port
from random import randint
while True:

    # Get a random ephimeral port
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
    port = randint(49152, 65535-2)

    # Check port is available
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
    result1 = sock.connect_ex(('', port))
    result2 = sock.connect_ex(('', port+1))
    result3 = sock.connect_ex(('', port+2))
    if (result1 == 0) or (result2 == 0) or (result3 == 0):'Found not available ephemeral port triplet ({},{},{}) , choosing another one...'.format(port,port+1,port+2))
        import time
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed' - ports: "{},{},{}"'.format(port, port+1, port+2))
response = urlopen("'''+webapp_conn_string+'''/api/v1/base/agent/?task_uuid={}&action=set_ip_port&ip={}&port={}".format(task_uuid, ip, port))
response_content = 
if response_content not in ['OK', b'OK']:
    logger.error(response_content)'Not everything OK, exiting with status code =1')
else:'Everything OK')
            task_interface_ip   = request.GET.get('ip', None)
            if not task_interface_ip:
                return HttpResponse('IP not valid (got "{}")'.format(task_interface_ip))
            task_interface_port = request.GET.get('port', None)
            if not task_interface_port:
                return HttpResponse('Port not valid (got "{}")'.format(task_interface_port))
                return HttpResponse('Port not valid (got "{}")'.format(task_interface_port))
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Stefano Alberto Russo committed
  'Agent API setting task "{}" to ip "{}" and port "{}"'.format(task.uuid, task_interface_ip, task_interface_port))
            task.interface_ip = task_interface_ip
            # Get container engine
            container_engine = None
                container_engine = task.computing_options.get('container_engine', None)
            if not container_engine:
                container_engine = task.computing.default_container_engine
            if container_engine=='singularity':
                # For Singularity, set this only if the container supports custom
                # interface ports. Otherwise, use the task container interface port.
                if task.container.supports_custom_interface_port:
                    task.interface_port = int(task_interface_port)
                    task.interface_port = task.container.interface_port
                # For all other container engines, set it in any case
                task.interface_port = int(task_interface_port)
            # Notify the user that the task called back home if using a WMS
            if task.computing.wms:
                if settings.DJANGO_EMAIL_APIKEY:
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
          'Agent API sending task ready mail notification to "{}"'.format(
                    mail_subject = 'Your Task "{}" is now starting up'.format(
                    mail_text = 'Hello,\n\nyour Task "{}" on {} is now starting up. Check logs or connect here: https://{}/tasks/?uuid={}\n\nThe Rosetta notifications bot.'.format(, task.computing, settings.ROSETTA_HOST, task.uuid)
                        send_email(, subject=mail_subject, text=mail_text)
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.error('Cannot send task ready email: "{}"'.format(e))
            return HttpResponse('Unknown action "{}"'.format(action))
# File manager APIs

class FileManagerAPI(PrivateGETAPI, PrivatePOSTAPI):
    Return directory listings or file contents.

    Perform actions or upload files.
    # The RichFilemanager has no CSRF support...
    authentication_classes = (CsrfExemptSessionAuthentication, BasicAuthentication)

    def prepare_scp_command(self, source, dest, user, computing, mode='get'):
        # Prepare paths for scp. They have been already made shell-ready, but we need to triple-escape
        # spaces on remote source or destination: My\ Folder must become My\\\ Folder.
        if mode=='get':
            source = source.replace('\ ', '\\\\\\ ')
            dest = dest.replace('\ ', '\\\\\\ ')
        # Get credentials
        computing_user, computing_host, computing_keys = get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(computing, user)
            command = 'scp -o LogLevel=ERROR -i {} -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {}@{}:{} {}'.format(computing_keys.private_key_file, computing_user, computing_host, source, dest)
            command = 'scp -o LogLevel=ERROR -i {} -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {} {}@{}:{}'.format(computing_keys.private_key_file, source, computing_user, computing_host, dest)
            raise ValueError('Unknown mode "{}"'.format(mode))

        return command

    def prepare_sh_command(self, command, user, storage):
        if storage.access_mode == 'ssh+cli':
            if storage.access_through_computing:
                # Get credentials
                computing_user, computing_host, computing_keys = get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(storage.computing, user)
                # Command
                command = 'ssh -o LogLevel=ERROR -i {} -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {}@{} "{}"'.format(computing_keys.private_key_file, computing_user, computing_host, command)
                raise NotImplementedError('Not accessing through computing is not implemented for storage type "{}"'.format(storage.type))               
        elif storage.access_mode == 'cli':
                    as_user = storage.conf['as_user']
                    # Is "as_user" a UID?
                        uid = int(as_user)
                        # What is the user for this uid?
                        out = os_shell('sudo getent passwd "1000" | cut -d: -f1', capture=True)
                        if out.exit_code != 0:
                            raise Exception(out.sterr)
                            if not out.stdout.strip():
                                # No user found, create it
                                os_shell('sudo groupadd -g {0} group_{0}'.format(uid), capture=True)
                                if out.exit_code != 0:
                                    raise Exception(out.sterr)
                                os_shell('sudo useradd user_{0} -d /home_{0} -u {0} -g {0} -m -s /bin/bash'.format(uid), capture=True)
                                if out.exit_code != 0:
                                    raise Exception(out.sterr)
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Stefano Alberto Russo committed
                                as_user = 'user_' + str(uid)
                                as_user = out.stdout.strip() 
                except (KeyError, TypeError):
                    as_user = None
                if as_user:
                    command = 'sudo -i -u {} /bin/bash -c "{}"'.format(as_user, command)
                    command = '/bin/bash -c "{}"'.format(command)
            raise NotImplementedError('Access mode "{}" not implemented for storage type "{}"'.format(storage.access_mode, storage.type))               
    def clean_path(path):
        cleaner = re.compile('(?:\/)+')
        path = re.sub(cleaner,'/',path)
        return path

    def sanitize_shell_path(path):
        path = path.replace(' ', '\ ')
        cleaner = re.compile('(?:\\\)+')
        path = re.sub(cleaner,r"\\",path)
        return path
    def sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(path, user, storage, escapes=True):
        if escapes:
            path = path.replace(' ', '\ ')
            cleaner = re.compile('(?:\\\)+')
            path = re.sub(cleaner,r"\\",path)
        # Prepare the base path (expand it with variables substitution)
        base_path_expanded = storage.base_path        
        if '$SSH_USER' in base_path_expanded:
            if storage.access_through_computing:
                computing = storage.computing
                if computing.auth_mode == 'user_keys':
                    computing_user = user.profile.get_extra_conf('computing_user', storage.computing)
                    if not computing_user:
                        raise ValueError('No \'computing_user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in user profile'.format(
                    base_path_expanded = base_path_expanded.replace('$SSH_USER', computing_user)
                    base_path_expanded = base_path_expanded.replace('$SSH_USER', computing.conf.get('user'))
                raise NotImplementedError('Accessing a storage with ssh+cli without going through its computing resource is not implemented')
        if '$USER' in base_path_expanded:
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Stefano Alberto Russo committed
            base_path_expanded = base_path_expanded.replace('$USER', user.username)
        # If the path is not starting with the base path, do it
        if not path.startswith(base_path_expanded):
            path = base_path_expanded+'/'+path
        return path
    def get_storage_from_path(self, path, request):
        # Get the storage based on the "root" folder name
        # TODO: this is extremely weak..
        storage_id = path.split('/')[1]
            computing_name = storage_id.split(':')[0]
            storage_name = storage_id.split(':')[1]
        except IndexError:
            storage_name = storage_id
            computing_name = None
        # Get all the storages this user has access to:
        storages = list(Storage.objects.filter(group=None, name=storage_name)) + list(Storage.objects.filter(group__user=request.user, name=storage_name))
        # Filter by computing resource name (or None)
        if computing_name:
            unfiltered_storages = storages
            storages = []
            for storage in unfiltered_storages:
                if == computing_name:
            unfiltered_storages = storages
            storages = []
            for storage in unfiltered_storages:
                if storage.computing is None:

        # Check that we had at least and no more than one storage in the end
        if len(storages) == 0:
            raise Exception('Found no storage for id "{}", cannot continue!'.format(storage_id))
        if len(storages) > 1:
            raise Exception('Found more than one storage for id "{}", cannot continue!'.format(storage_id))

        # Assign the storage
        storage = storages[0]

        return storage
    def ls(self, path, user, storage):
        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':

            shell_path = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(path, user, storage)
            # Prepare command
            command = self.prepare_sh_command('cd {} && stat --printf=\'%F/%s/%Y/%n\\n\' * .*'.format(shell_path), user, storage)

            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:

                # Did we just get a "cannot stat - No such file or directory" (bash) or a "can't cd to" (sh) error?
                if 'No such file or directory' in out.stderr or 'can\'t cd to' in out.stderr :
                    # Create the folder if this was the root for the user (storage base path)
                    # Note: if the folder is completely empty, this gets execute as well.
                    # TODO: fix me (e.g. check for "cannot stat" or similar)
                    if path == '/':
                        self.mkdir(self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path('/', user, storage), user, storage, force=True)
                    # Return (empty) data
                    return data
                    raise Exception(out.stderr)
            # Log        
            #logger.debug('Shell exec output: "{}"'.format(out))
            out_lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
            for line in out_lines:
                # Example line: directory/My folder/68/1617030350
                # Set name
                line_pieces = line.split('/')
                type = line_pieces[0]
                size = line_pieces[1]
                timestamp = line_pieces[2]
                name = line_pieces[3]
                # Define and clean listing path:
                listing_path = '/{}/{}/{}/'.format(, path, name)
                listing_path = self.clean_path(listing_path)
                # File or directory?
                if type == 'directory':
                    if name not in ['.', '..']:
                                     'id': listing_path,
                                     'type': 'folder',
                                          'modified': timestamp,
                                          'name': name,
                                          'readable': 1,
                                          'writable': 1,
                                          'path': listing_path                                 
                                 'id': listing_path[:-1], # Remove trailing slash 
                                 'type': 'file',
                                      'name': name,
                                      'readable': 1,
                                      'writable': 1,
                                      "size": size,
                                      'path': listing_path[:-1] # Remove trailing slash                               
            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               
    def stat(self, path, user, storage):

        # Data container 
        data = []

        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':

            shell_path = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(path, user, storage)
            # Prepare command. See the ls function above for some more info
            command = self.prepare_sh_command('stat --printf=\'%F/%s/%Y/%n\\n\' {}'.format(shell_path), user, storage)
            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                # Did we just get a "cannot stat - No such file or directory error?
                if 'No such file or directory' in out.stderr:
                    raise Exception(out.stderr)
            # Log        
            #logger.debug('Shell exec output: "{}"'.format(out))
            out_lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
            if len(out_lines) > 1:
                raise Exception('Internal error on stat: more than one ouput line')
            out_line = out_lines[0]
            # Example output line: directory:My folder:68/1617030350
            # In this context, we also might get the following output:
            # directory/68/1617030350//My folder/
            #, use the clean path to remove all extra slashes.
            # The only uncovered case is to rename the root folder...
            out_line = self.clean_path(out_line)
            # Set names
            line_pieces = out_line.split('/')
            type = line_pieces[0]
            size = line_pieces[1]
            timestamp = line_pieces[2]
            name = '/'.join(line_pieces[3:])
            data = {'type': type, 'name': name, 'size': size, 'timestamp': timestamp}

            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))                           
    def delete(self, path, user, storage):
        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':
            shell_path = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(path, user, storage)
            # Prepare command
            command = self.prepare_sh_command('rm -rf {}'.format(shell_path), user, storage)
            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise Exception(out.stderr)
            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               

        path = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(path, user, storage)

        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':
            # Prepare command
            if force:
                command = self.prepare_sh_command('mkdir -p {}'.format(path), user, storage)
                command = self.prepare_sh_command('mkdir {}'.format(path), user, storage)
            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise Exception(out.stderr)
            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               
    def cat(self, path, user, storage):
        # Data container 
        data = []
        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':
            shell_path = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(path, user, storage)
            # Prepare command
            command = self.prepare_sh_command('cat {}'.format(shell_path), user, storage)
            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise Exception(out.stderr)
            data = out.stdout
            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               

        return data
    def rename(self, old, new, user, storage):

        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':
            old = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(old, user, storage)
            new = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(new, user, storage)
            # Prepare command
            command = self.prepare_sh_command('mv {} {}'.format(old, new), user, storage)
            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise Exception(out.stderr)
            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               
    def copy(self, source, target, user, storage):
        if storage.type == 'generic_posix':
            source = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(source, user, storage)
            target = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(target, user, storage)
            # Prepare command
            command = self.prepare_sh_command('cp -a {} {}'.format(source, target), user, storage)
            # Execute_command
            out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise Exception(out.stderr)
            raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               
    def scp_from(self, source, target, user, storage, mode='get'):
        source = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(source, user, storage)
        target = self.sanitize_shell_path(target) # This is a folder on Rosetta (/tmp)
        command = self.prepare_scp_command(source, target, user, storage.computing, mode)

        # Execute_command
        out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
        if out.exit_code != 0:
            raise Exception(out.stderr)

    def scp_to(self, source, target, user, storage, mode='get'):

        source = self.sanitize_shell_path(source) # This is a folder on Rosetta (/tmp)
        target = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(target, user, storage)

        # Prepare command
        command = self.prepare_scp_command(source, target, user, storage.computing, mode)

        # Execute_command
        out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
        if out.exit_code != 0:
            raise Exception(out.stderr)

    #   API GET
    def _get(self, request):
        mode = request.GET.get('mode', None)
        time = request.GET.get('time', None)
        path = request.GET.get('path', None)
        _ = request.GET.get('_', None)
        # Clean for some issues that happen sometimes
        if path:
        # Init
        if mode == 'initiate':
            data = json.loads('{"data":{"attributes":{"config":{"options":{"culture":"en"},"security":{"allowFolderDownload":true,"extensions":{"ignoreCase":true,"policy":"DISALLOW_LIST","restrictions":[]},"readOnly":false}}},"id":"/","type":"initiate"}}')

        elif mode == 'readfolder':
            # Base folder (computing resource-level)
            if path == '/':
                # Get storages
                storages = list(Storage.objects.filter(group=None,browsable=True)) + list(Storage.objects.filter(group__user=request.user,browsable=True))
                # Oder storages (re-orderded in the file manager anyway)
                storages.sort(key=lambda storage:
                # Prepare the output
                for storage in storages:
                    # For now, we only support generic posix, SSH-based storages
                    if not storage.type=='generic_posix'  and storage.access_mode=='ssh+cli':
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
                    if storage.access_through_computing and not storage.computing.manager.is_configured_for(user=request.user):
                                         'id': '/{}/'.format(,
                                              'path': '/{}/'.format(                                   
                storage = self.get_storage_from_path(path, request)
                # Get base directoris and files for this storage:                
                ls_path = '/'+'/'.join(path.split('/')[2:])
                data = {'data':, request.user, storage)}
        elif mode in ['download', 'getimage']:
            logger.debug('Downloading "{}"'.format(path))

            # Set support vars
            storage = self.get_storage_from_path(path, request)
            file_path = '/'+'/'.join(path.split('/')[2:])
            if path.endswith('/'):
                return error400('Downloading a folder is not supported')
            if storage.type != 'generic_posix':
                raise NotImplementedError('Storage type "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.type))               

            # TODO: here we are not handling the ajax request, Maybe they have been deperacted?
            # The download process consists of 2 requests:
            #  - Ajax GET request. Perform all checks and validation. Should return file/folder object in the response data to proceed.
            #  - Regular GET request. Response headers should be properly configured to output contents to the browser and start download.
            # See here:
            if storage.access_mode == 'ssh+cli':
                target_path = '/tmp/{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())
                # Get the file
                self.scp_from(file_path, target_path, request.user, storage, mode='get') 
                # Detect content type
                    content_type =  str(magic.from_file(target_path, mime=True))
                    content_type = None
                # Read file data
                with open(target_path, 'rb') as f:
                    data =
                # Remove temporary file
            elif storage.access_mode == 'cli':
                # Define storage internal source path
                storage_source_path = self.sanitize_and_prepare_shell_path(file_path, request.user, storage, escapes=False)
                # Detect content type
                    content_type =  str(magic.from_file(storage_source_path, mime=True))
                    content_type = None
                # Read file data
                with open(storage_source_path, 'rb') as f:
                    data =
                raise NotImplementedError('Storage access mode "{}" not implemented'.format(storage.access_mode))               

            # Return file data
            response = HttpResponse(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK, content_type=content_type)
            response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(file_path.split('/')[-1])
            return response

        elif mode == 'readfile':
            logger.debug('Reading "{}"'.format(path))
            storage = self.get_storage_from_path(path, request)
            file_path = '/'+'/'.join(path.split('/')[2:])

            # Get file contents
            data =, request.user, storage)
            # Return file contents
            return HttpResponse(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

        elif mode == 'delete':
            logger.debug('Deleting "{}"'.format(path))
            # Set support vars
            storage = self.get_storage_from_path(path, request)
            path = '/'+'/'.join(path.split('/')[2:])

            # Is it a folder?
            if path.endswith('/'):

            # Delete
            self.delete(path, request.user, storage)

            # Response data
            data = { 'data': {
                            'id': '/{}{}'.format(, path),
                            'type': 'folder' if is_folder else 'file',
                                'name': path,
                                'readable': 1,
                                'writable': 1,
                                'path': '/{}{}'.format(, path)                            
            # Return file contents
            return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

        elif mode == 'addfolder':
            logger.debug('Deleting "{}"'.format(path))
            name = request.GET.get('name', None)
            if not name:
                raise ValueError('No folder name set')
            # Set support vars
            storage = self.get_storage_from_path(path, request)
            path = '/'+'/'.join(path.split('/')[2:]) + name

            # Create the directory
            self.mkdir(path, request.user, storage)