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import requests
from django.conf import settings
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseNotFound
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models import Q
from .models import Profile, LoginToken, Task, TaskStatuses, Container, Computing, KeyPair, Page
from .utils import send_email, format_exception, timezonize, os_shell, booleanize, get_rosetta_tasks_tunnel_host
from .utils import get_rosetta_tasks_proxy_host, random_username, setup_tunnel_and_proxy, finalize_user_creation
from .utils import sanitize_container_env_vars, get_or_create_container_from_repository
from .decorators import public_view, private_view
from .exceptions import ErrorMessage

# Setup logging
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#  Page views

def login_view(request):
    # Set post login page
    post_login_page = request.COOKIES.get('post_login_redirect')
    if post_login_page is None:
        post_login_page = '/main'

    # If authenticated user reloads the main URL
    if request.method == 'GET' and request.user.is_authenticated:
        response = HttpResponseRedirect(post_login_page)
        return response
        # If local auth disabled, just redirect to OIDC
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/oidc/authenticate/')
    # If unauthenticated user tries to log in
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            username = request.POST.get('username')
            password = request.POST.get('password')
            # Use Django's machinery to attempt to see if the username/password
            # combination is valid - a User object is returned if it is.
            if "@" in username:
                # Get the username from the email
                    user = User.objects.get(email=username)
                    username = user.username
                except User.DoesNotExist:
                    if password:
                        raise ErrorMessage('Check email and password')
                        # Return here, we don't want to give any hints about existing users
                        data['success'] = 'Ok, if we have your data you will receive a login link by email shortly.'
                        return render(request, 'success.html', {'data': data})
                if user.profile.auth != 'local':
                    # This actually hides that the user cannot be authenticated using the local auth.
                    raise ErrorMessage('Check email and password')
                user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
                if user:
                    login(request, user)
                    response = HttpResponseRedirect(post_login_page)
                    return response
                    raise ErrorMessage('Check email and password')
                # If empty password and local auth, send mail with login token
                if user.profile.auth == 'local':
                    logger.debug('Sending login token via mail to {}'.format(
                    token = uuid.uuid4()
                    # Create token or update if existent (and never used)
                        loginToken = LoginToken.objects.get(user=user)
                    except LoginToken.DoesNotExist:
                        LoginToken.objects.create(user=user, token=token)
                        loginToken.token = token
                        send_email(, subject='Rosetta login link', text='Hello,\n\nhere is your login link: https://{}/login/?token={}\n\nOnce logged in, you can go to "My Account" and change password (or just keep using the login link feature).\n\nThe Rosetta Team.'.format(settings.ROSETTA_HOST, token))
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong. Please retry later.')
                    # Return here, we don't want to give any hints about existing users
                    data['success'] = 'Ok, if we have your data you will receive a login link by email shortly.'
                    return render(request, 'success.html', {'data': data})
            # This should never happen.
            # User tried to log-in while already logged in: log him out and then render the login
        # If we are logging in through a token
        token = request.GET.get('token', None)
            loginTokens = LoginToken.objects.filter(token=token)
            if not loginTokens:
                raise ErrorMessage('Token not valid or expired')
            if len(loginTokens) > 1:
                raise Exception('Consistency error: more than one user with the same login token ({})'.format(len(loginTokens)))
            # Use the first and only token (todo: use the objects.get and correctly handle its exceptions)
            loginToken = loginTokens[0]
            # Get the user from the table
            user = loginToken.user
            # Set auth backend
            user.backend = 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'
            # Ok, log in the user
            login(request, user)
            response = HttpResponseRedirect(post_login_page)
            return response
    # All other cases, render the login page again with no other data than title
    return render(request, 'login.html', {'data': data})
def logout_view(request):
    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

def register_view(request):

    data = {}

    # If authenticated user reloads the main URL
    if request.method == 'GET' and request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/main/')

    # If unauthenticated register if post
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if not request.user.is_authenticated:
            email    = request.POST.get('email')
            password = request.POST.get('password')
            invitation = request.POST.get('invitation')
            if settings.INVITATION_CODE:
                if invitation != settings.INVITATION_CODE:
                    raise ErrorMessage('Wrong invitation code')

            if '@' not in email:
                raise ErrorMessage('Detected invalid email address')
            # Register the user
            user = User.objects.create_user(random_username(), password=password, email=email)

            # Is this necessary?
            data['user'] = user

            # Manually set the auth backend for the user
            user.backend = 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'
            login(request, user)
            data['status'] = 'activated'

    # All other cases, render the login page again with no other data than title
    return render(request, 'register.html', {'data': data})

def entrypoint(request):
        page = Page.objects.get(id='main')
        data['page'] = page
    except Page.DoesNotExist:
    return render(request, 'main.html', {'data': data})

def page_view(request, page_id):

    # Init data
    data = {}
    # Get the page
        page = Page.objects.get(id=page_id)
        data['page'] = page
    except Page.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound('Page not found')

    return render(request, 'page.html', {'data': data})

# Account view

def account(request):

    data['user'] = request.user
        profile = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user)
    except Profile.DoesNotExist:
        profile = Profile.objects.create(user=request.user)
    data['profile'] = profile

    # Set values from POST and GET
    edit = request.POST.get('edit', None)
    if not edit:
        edit = request.GET.get('edit', None)
        data['edit'] = edit
    value = request.POST.get('value', None)
    # Fix None
    if value and value.upper() == 'NONE':
        value = None
    if edit and edit.upper() == 'NONE':
        edit = None
    # Set data.default_public_key
    with open(KeyPair.objects.get(user=request.user, default=True).public_key_file) as f:
        data['default_public_key'] =

    # Add computings (for extra confs)
    if request.user.profile.extra_confs:
        data['computings'] = list(Computing.objects.filter(group=None)) + list(Computing.objects.filter(group__user=request.user))

    # Edit values
    if edit and value:
  'Setting "{}" to "{}"'.format(edit,value))
            # Timezone
            if edit=='timezone' and value:
                # Validate
                profile.timezone = value
            # Email
            elif edit=='email' and value:
                # If no local auth, you should never get here
                if request.user.profile.auth != 'local':
                    raise ErrorMessage('Cannot change password using an external authentication service')
            # Password
            elif edit=='password' and value:
                # If no local auth, you should never get here
                if request.user.profile.auth != 'local':
                    raise ErrorMessage('Cannot change password using an external authentication service')
            # Generic property
            elif edit and value:
                raise Exception('Attribute to change is not valid')
        except Exception as e:
            data['error'] = 'The property "{}" does not exists or the value "{}" is not valid.'.format(edit, value)
            return render(request, 'error.html', {'data': data})

    # Lastly, do we have to remove an extra conf?
    delete_extra_conf_uuid = request.GET.get('delete_extra_conf_uuid', None)
    if delete_extra_conf_uuid:
        #logger.debug('Deleting extra conf "{}"'.format(delete_extra_conf_uuid))
        new_extra_confs = {}
        for extra_conf_uuid in profile.extra_confs:
            if extra_conf_uuid != delete_extra_conf_uuid:
                new_extra_confs[extra_conf_uuid] = profile.extra_confs[extra_conf_uuid]
        profile.extra_confs = new_extra_confs
        return redirect('/account')
    return render(request, 'account.html', {'data': data})

#  Tasks view

def set_verified_status(task):
    # Chech status with ping
    if task.status == 'running':
        logger.debug('Task is running, check if startup completed')

        logger.debug('Trying to establish connection on: "{}:{}"'.format(task.interface_ip,task.interface_port))
        s = socket.socket()
            s.connect((task.interface_ip, task.interface_port))
            # Not necessary, we just check that the container interfcae is up
            #if not s.recv(10):
            #    logger.debug('No data read from socket')
            #    raise Exception('Could not read any data from socket')
        except Exception as e:
            logger.debug('Could not connect to socket')
            task.verified_status = 'starting up...'
            task.verified_status = 'running'
        task.verified_status = task.status

def tasks(request):

    # Init data
    data['user']  = request.user
    data['profile'] = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user)
    data['title'] = 'Tasks'
    action  = request.GET.get('action', None)
    uuid    = request.GET.get('uuid', None)
    fromlist = request.GET.get('fromlist', False)
            # Get the task (raises if none available including no permission)
                task = Task.objects.get(user=request.user, uuid=uuid)
            except Task.DoesNotExist:
                raise ErrorMessage('Task does not exists or no access rights')
            if action=='delete':
                if task.status not in [TaskStatuses.stopped, TaskStatuses.exited]:
                    # Get the task (raises if none available including no permission)
                    task = Task.objects.get(user=request.user, uuid=uuid)

                    # Re-remove proxy files before deleting the task itself just to be sure
                    # Delete
                    # Unset task
                    data['task'] = None    
                except Exception as e:
                    data['error'] = 'Error in deleting the task'
                    logger.error('Error in deleting task with uuid="{}": "{}"'.format(uuid, e))
                    return render(request, 'error.html', {'data': data})
            elif action=='stop': # or delete,a and if delete also remove object
                # Remove proxy files. Do it here or will cause issues when reloading the conf re-using ports of stopped tasks.
        except Exception as e:
            data['error'] = 'Error in getting the task or performing the required action'
            logger.error('Error in getting the task with uuid="{}" or performing the required action: "{}"'.format(uuid, e))
            return render(request, 'error.html', {'data': data})
        # Ok, redirect if there was an action
        if action:
            if fromlist:
                return redirect('/tasks')
                if not task.uuid:
                    # it has just been deleted
                    return redirect('/tasks')
                    return redirect('/tasks/?uuid={}'.format(task.uuid))

    # Do we have to list all the tasks?
    if not uuid or (uuid and not details):
            tasks = Task.objects.filter(user=request.user).order_by('created') 
        except Exception as e:
            data['error'] = 'Error in getting Tasks info'
            logger.error('Error in getting Virtual Devices: "{}"'.format(e))
            return render(request, 'error.html', {'data': data})
        # Update task statuses
        for task in tasks:
        # Set task and tasks variables
        data['task']  = None   
        data['tasks'] = tasks

    return render(request, 'tasks.html', {'data': data})



    # Init data
    data['user']    = request.user
    # Get task container helper function
    def get_task_container(request):
        task_container_uuid = request.POST.get('task_container_uuid', None)
        if not task_container_uuid:
            # At the second step the task uuid is set via a GET request 
            task_container_uuid = request.GET.get('task_container_uuid', None)
            task_container = Container.objects.get(uuid=task_container_uuid, user=None)
                task_container =  Container.objects.get(uuid=task_container_uuid, user=request.user)
                raise Exception('Consistency error, container with uuid "{}" does not exists or user "{}" does not have access rights'.format(task_container_uuid,
    # Get task computing helper function
    def get_task_computing(request):
        task_computing_uuid = request.POST.get('task_computing_uuid', None)
            task_computing = Computing.objects.get(uuid=task_computing_uuid, group=None)
                task_computing =  Computing.objects.get(uuid=task_computing_uuid, group__user=request.user)
                raise Exception('Consistency error, computing with uuid "{}" does not exists or user "{}" does not have access rights'.format(task_computing_uuid,        
        return task_computing

    # Get task name helper function
    def get_task_name(request):
        task_name = request.POST.get('task_name', None)
        if not task_name:
            raise ErrorMessage('Missing task name')
        return task_name

    # Get step if any, check both POST and GET
    step = request.POST.get('step', None)
    if not step:
        step = request.GET.get('step', None)
    # Handle the various steps
    if not step:
        # Step one is assumed: chose software container
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/software/?mode=new_task')
        data['task_container'] = get_task_container(request)
        # List all computing resources 
        data['computings'] = list(Computing.objects.filter(group=None)) + list(Computing.objects.filter(group__user=request.user))
        data['step'] = 'two'
        data['next_step'] = 'three'

    elif step == 'three':

        data['task_container'] = get_task_container(request)

        # Get computing resource
        data['task_computing'] = get_task_computing(request)
        # Check that container required architecture is compatible with the computing resource
        # TODO: support setting the container engine/engine when creating the task
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
        if data['task_computing'].supported_archs is None: data['task_computing'].supported_archs=[]
        if data['task_computing'].emulated_archs is None: data['task_computing'].emulated_archs={}
        data['arch_emulation'] = False
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
            if (data['task_container'].image_arch != data['task_computing'].arch) and (data['task_container'].image_arch not in data['task_computing'].supported_archs):

                # Does container engines/engines support emulated archs?
                    # For now by default our container engine is the first one
                    container_engine = data['task_computing'].container_engines[0]
                    # Check for emulation against the engine
                    if container_engine in data['task_computing'].emulated_archs and data['task_container'].image_arch in data['task_computing'].emulated_archs[container_engine]:

                    # Check for emulation against the engine
                    def get_engines(container_engine):
                        if not '[' in container_engine:
                            return None
                            container_engines = container_engine.split('[')[1].replace(']','').split(',')
                            return container_engines
                    for container_engine in get_engines(container_engine):
                        if container_engine in data['task_computing'].emulated_archs and data['task_container'].image_arch in data['task_computing'].emulated_archs[container_engine]:
                            data['arch_emulation'] = True

                    if not data['arch_emulation']:
                        raise ErrorMessage('This computing resource does not support architecture \'{}\' nor as native or emulated'.format(data['task_container'].image_arch))
                    raise ErrorMessage('This computing resource does not support architecture \'{}\' nor as native or emulated'.format(data['task_container'].image_arch))
            data['arch_auto_selection'] = True
            #raise ErrorMessage('Auto selecting architectures is not supported yet')

        # Generate random auth token        
        data['task_auth_token'] = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Set current and next step
        data['step'] = 'three'
        data['next_step'] = 'last'

    elif step == 'last':

        data['task_container'] = get_task_container(request)

        # Get computing resource
        data['task_computing'] = get_task_computing(request)

        # Get task name
        data['task_name'] = get_task_name(request)

        # Generate the task uuid
        task_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Create the task object
        task = Task(uuid      = task_uuid,
                    user      = request.user,
                    name      = data['task_name'],
                    status    = TaskStatuses.created,
                    container = data['task_container'],
                    computing = data['task_computing'])

        # Add auth
        task_auth_password = request.POST.get('task_auth_password', None)
        if task_auth_password and not request.user.profile.is_power_user:
            raise ErrorMessage('Sorry, only power users can set a custom task password.')
        task_auth_token = request.POST.get('task_auth_token', None)
        if task_auth_password:
            if task_auth_password != task_auth_token: # Just an extra check probably not much useful
                if not task_auth_password:
                    raise ErrorMessage('No task password set')
                if len(task_auth_password) < 6:
                    raise ErrorMessage('Task password must be at least 6 chars')
                task.password = task_auth_password # Not stored in the ORM model, just a temporary var.
            task.auth_token = task_auth_token # This is saved on the ORM model
            task.password = task_auth_token # Not stored

        # Any task requires the TCP tunnel for now
        task.requires_tcp_tunnel = True
        access_method = request.POST.get('access_method', 'auto')
        if access_method and access_method != 'auto' and not request.user.profile.is_power_user:
            raise ErrorMessage('Sorry, only power users can set a task access method other than \'auto\'.')
        if access_method == 'auto':
            if task.container.interface_protocol in ['http','https']:
                task.requires_proxy      = True
                task.requires_proxy_auth = True
                task.requires_proxy      = False
                task.requires_proxy_auth = False                
        elif access_method == 'direct_tunnel':
            task.requires_proxy      = False
            task.requires_proxy_auth = False            
        elif access_method == 'https_proxy':
            task.requires_proxy      = True
            task.requires_proxy_auth = True
            raise ErrorMessage('Unknown access method "{}"'.format(access_method))
        # Container engine if any set
        container_engine = request.POST.get('container_engine', None)
        if container_engine:
            if not container_engine in data['task_computing'].container_engines:
                raise ErrorMessage('Unknown container engine "{}"'.format(container_engine))
            computing_options['container_engine'] = container_engine
        computing_cpus = request.POST.get('computing_cpus', None)
        computing_memory = request.POST.get('computing_memory', None)
        computing_partition = request.POST.get('computing_partition', None)
        if computing_cpus:
                raise Exception('Cannot convert computing_cpus to int')
            computing_options['cpus'] = int(computing_cpus)
        if computing_memory:
            computing_options['memory'] = computing_memory
        if computing_partition:
            computing_options['partition'] = computing_partition        
        if computing_options:
            task.computing_options = computing_options
        # Save the task before starting it, or the computing manager will not be able to work properly

        # Start the task
            # Delete the task if could not start it
            # ..and re-raise

        # Ensure proxy conf directory exists
        if not os.path.exists('/shared/etc_apache2_sites_enabled'):
        # Add here proxy auth file as we have the password
        if task.requires_proxy_auth:
            out = os_shell('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no proxy "cd /shared/etc_apache2_sites_enabled/ && htpasswd -bc {}.htpasswd {} {}"'.format(task.uuid,, task.password), capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when enabling proxy auth')   

    return render(request, 'new_task.html', {'data': data})
#  Task log

def task_log(request):

    # Init data
    data['user']  = request.user
    data['profile'] = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user)
    data['title'] = 'Tasks'

    # Get uuid and refresh if any
    uuid    = request.GET.get('uuid', None)
    refresh = request.GET.get('refresh', None)

    if not uuid:
        return render(request, 'error.html', {'data': 'uuid not set'})

    # Get the task (raises if none available including no permission)
    task = Task.objects.get(user=request.user, uuid=uuid)

    # Set back task and refresh
    data['task']    = task 
    data['refresh'] = refresh

    # Get the log

        data['log'] = task.computing.manager.get_task_log(task)

    except Exception as e:
        data['error'] = 'Error in viewing task log'
        logger.error('Error in viewing task log with uuid="{}": "{}"'.format(uuid, e))

    # Init data
    data['user']    = request.user
    data['profile'] = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user)
    container_uuid = request.GET.get('container_uuid', None)
    container_family_id = request.GET.get('container_family_id', None)
    action = request.GET.get('action', None)
    details = booleanize(request.GET.get('details', False))

    # Get filter/search if any
    search_text   = request.POST.get('search_text', '')
    search_owner  = request.POST.get('search_owner', 'All')
    data['search_owner'] = search_owner
    data['search_text']  = search_text
    # Are we using this page as first step of a new task?
    data['mode'] = request.GET.get('mode', None)
    if not data['mode']:
        data['mode'] = request.POST.get('mode', None)

    # Do we have to operate on a specific container, or family of containers?
    if container_uuid:
            # Get the container (raises if none available including no permission)
                container = Container.objects.get(uuid=container_uuid)
            except Container.DoesNotExist:
                raise ErrorMessage('Container does not exists or no access rights')                
            if container.user and container.user != request.user:
                raise ErrorMessage('Container does not exists or no access rights')
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/software')
            data['error'] = 'Error in getting the software container or performing the required action'
            logger.error('Error in getting container with uuid="{}" or performing the required action: "{}"'.format(uuid, e))
            return render(request, 'error.html', {'data': data})
        # Ddo we have to operate on a container family?
        if container_family_id:
            # Get back name, registry and image from contsainer url
            container_name, container_registry, container_image_name = base64.b64decode(container_family_id.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8').split('\t')
            # get containers from the DB
            user_containers = Container.objects.filter(user=request.user, name=container_name, registry=container_registry, image_name=container_image_name)
            platform_containers = Container.objects.filter(user=None, name=container_name, registry=container_registry, image_name=container_image_name)
            # Get containers (fitered by search term, or all)
            if search_text:
                search_query=(Q(name__icontains=search_text) | Q(description__icontains=search_text) | Q(image_name__icontains=search_text))
                user_containers = Container.objects.filter(search_query, user=request.user)
                platform_containers = Container.objects.filter(search_query, user=None)
                user_containers = Container.objects.filter(user=request.user)
                platform_containers = Container.objects.filter(user=None)
        # Ok, nilter by owner
        if search_owner != 'All':
            if search_owner == 'User':
                platform_containers =[]
            if search_owner == 'Platform':
                user_containers = []
        # Create all container list
        data['containers'] = list(user_containers) + list(platform_containers)
        # Merge containers with the same name, registry and image name
        data['container_families'] = {}
        # Container family support class
        class ContainerFamily(object):
            def __init__(self, id, name, registry, image_name):
       = id
       = name
                self.registry = registry
                self.image_name = image_name
                self.description = None
                self.members = []
                self.all_archs = []
                self.container_by_tags_by_arch = {} 
            def add(self, container):
                if not self.description:
                    self.description = container.description
                if not container.image_arch in self.all_archs:
                if not container.image_arch in self.container_by_tags_by_arch:
                self.container_by_tags_by_arch[container.image_arch][container.image_tag] = container
                # Lastly, add the container to the "all tags"
                #if None not in self.container_by_tags_by_arch:
                #    self.container_by_tags_by_arch[None]={}
                #self.container_by_tags_by_arch[None][container.image_tag] = container
            @ property
            def color(self):
                    return self.members[0].color
                except IndexError:
                    return '#000000'
        # Populate container families
        for container in data['containers']:
            if container.family_id not in data['container_families']:
                data['container_families'][container.family_id] = ContainerFamily(container.family_id,, container.registry, container.image_name)
        # Finalize the families
        #for container.family_id in data['container_families']:
        #    if len(data['container_families'][container.family_id].all_archs) == 1:
        #        if data['container_families'][container.family_id].all_archs[0] != None:
        #            data['container_families'][container.family_id].container_by_tags_by_arch.pop(None)
    return render(request, 'software.html', {'data': data})
def add_software(request):
    data = {}
    data['user'] = request.user
    # Loop back the new container mode in the page to handle the switch
    data['new_container_from'] = request.GET.get('new_container_from', 'registry')
    # Container name if setting up a new container
    container_name = request.POST.get('container_name', None)
        # How do we have to add this new container?
        new_container_from = request.POST.get('new_container_from', None)
        if new_container_from == 'registry':
            # Container description
            container_description = request.POST.get('container_description', None)
            # Container registry
            container_registry = request.POST.get('container_registry', None)
            # Container image name
            container_image_name = request.POST.get('container_image_name',None)
            # Container image tag
            container_image_tag = request.POST.get('container_image_tag', None)
            # Container image architecture
            container_image_arch = request.POST.get('container_image_arch', None)
            # Container image OS 
            container_image_os = request.POST.get('container_image_os', None)
            # Container image digest
            container_image_digest = request.POST.get('container_image_digest', None)
            # Container interface port
            container_interface_port = request.POST.get('container_interface_port', None) 
            if container_interface_port:       
                    container_interface_port = int(container_interface_port)
                    raise ErrorMessage('Invalid container port "{}"')
                container_interface_port = None
            # Container interface protocol 
            container_interface_protocol = request.POST.get('container_interface_protocol', None)
            if container_interface_protocol and not container_interface_protocol in ['http','https']:
                raise ErrorMessage('Sorry, only power users can add custom software containers with interface protocols other than \'http\' or \'https\'.')
            # Container interface transport 
            container_interface_transport = request.POST.get('container_interface_transport')
            # Capabilities
            container_supports_custom_interface_port = request.POST.get('container_supports_custom_interface_port', None)
            if container_supports_custom_interface_port and container_supports_custom_interface_port == 'True':
                container_supports_custom_interface_port = True
                container_supports_custom_interface_port = False