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import random
import subprocess
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import datetime, calendar, pytz
from import tzoffset

from .exceptions import ErrorMessage

# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Colormap (See
color_map = ["#440154", "#440558", "#450a5c", "#450e60", "#451465", "#461969",
             "#461d6d", "#462372", "#472775", "#472c7a", "#46307c", "#45337d",
             "#433880", "#423c81", "#404184", "#3f4686", "#3d4a88", "#3c4f8a",
             "#3b518b", "#39558b", "#37598c", "#365c8c", "#34608c", "#33638d",
             "#31678d", "#2f6b8d", "#2d6e8e", "#2c718e", "#2b748e", "#29788e",
             "#287c8e", "#277f8e", "#25848d", "#24878d", "#238b8d", "#218f8d",
             "#21918d", "#22958b", "#23988a", "#239b89", "#249f87", "#25a186",
             "#25a584", "#26a883", "#27ab82", "#29ae80", "#2eb17d", "#35b479",
             "#3cb875", "#42bb72", "#49be6e", "#4ec16b", "#55c467", "#5cc863",
             "#61c960", "#6bcc5a", "#72ce55", "#7cd04f", "#85d349", "#8dd544",
             "#97d73e", "#9ed93a", "#a8db34", "#b0dd31", "#b8de30", "#c3df2e",
             "#cbe02d", "#d6e22b", "#e1e329", "#eae428", "#f5e626", "#fde725"]

#  Utility functions

def booleanize(*args, **kwargs):
    # Handle both single value and kwargs to get arg name
    name = None
    if args and not kwargs:
    elif kwargs and not args:
        for item in kwargs:
            name  = item
            value = kwargs[item]
        raise Exception('Internal Error')
    # Handle shortcut: an arg with its name equal to ist value is considered as True
    if name==value:
        return True
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return value
        if value.upper() in ('TRUE', 'YES', 'Y', '1'):
            return True
            return False

def send_email(to, subject, text):

    # Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
    from django.conf import settings
    if settings.DJANGO_EMAIL_SERVICE == 'Sendgrid':
        import sendgrid
        from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email,Content,Mail

        sg = sendgrid.SendGridAPIClient(apikey=settings.DJANGO_EMAIL_APIKEY)
        from_email = Email(settings.DJANGO_EMAIL_FROM)
        to_email = Email(to)
        subject = subject
        content = Content('text/plain', text)
        mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content)
            response =

        except Exception as e:

def format_exception(e, debug=False):
    # Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
    from django.conf import settings

    if settings.DEBUG:
        # Cutting away the last char removed the newline at the end of the stacktrace 
        return str('Got exception "{}" of type "{}" with traceback:\n{}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, type(e), traceback.format_exc()))[:-1]
        return str('Got exception "{}" of type "{}" with traceback "{}"'.format(e.__class__.__name__, type(e), traceback.format_exc().replace('\n', '|')))

def log_user_activity(level, msg, request, caller=None):

    # Get the caller function name through inspect with some logic
    #import inspect
    #caller =  inspect.stack()[1][3]
    #if caller == "post":
    #    caller =  inspect.stack()[2][3]
        msg = str(caller) + " view - USER " + str( + ": " + str(msg)
    except AttributeError:
        msg = str(caller) + " view - USER UNKNOWN: " + str(msg)

        level = getattr(logging, level)
    logger.log(level, msg)

def username_hash(email):
    '''Create md5 base 64 (25 chrars) hash from user email:'''             
    m = hashlib.md5()
    username = m.hexdigest().decode('hex').encode('base64')[:-3]
    return username

def random_username():
    '''Create a random string of 156 chars to be used as username'''             
    username = ''.join(random.choice('abcdefghilmnopqrtuvz') for _ in range(16))
    return username

def finalize_user_creation(user, auth='local'):
    # Just an extra check
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
    except Profile.DoesNotExist:
        raise Exception('Consistency error: already found a profile for user "{}"'.format(user))

    # Create profile
    logger.debug('Creating user profile for user "{}"'.format(
    Profile.objects.create(user=user, auth=auth)

    # Generate user keys
    out = os_shell('mkdir -p /data/resources/keys/', capture=True)
    if not out.exit_code == 0:
        raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong in creating user keys folder. Please contact support')
    command= "/bin/bash -c \"ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -C {}@rosetta -f /data/resources/keys/{}_id_rsa 2>/dev/null <<< y >/dev/null\"".format('@')[0], user.username)                        
    out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
    if not out.exit_code == 0:
        raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong in creating user keys. Please contact support')
    # Create key objects
    KeyPair.objects.create(user = user,
                          default = True,
                          private_key_file = '/data/resources/keys/{}_id_rsa'.format(user.username),
                          public_key_file = '/data/resources/keys/{}'.format(user.username))

def sanitize_shell_encoding(text):
    return text.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore")

def format_shell_error(stdout, stderr, exit_code):
    string  = '\n#---------------------------------'
    string += '\n# Shell exited with exit code {}'.format(exit_code)
    string += '\n#---------------------------------\n'
    string += '\nStandard output: "'
    string += sanitize_shell_encoding(stdout)
    string += '"\n\nStandard error: "'
    string += sanitize_shell_encoding(stderr) +'"\n\n'
    string += '#---------------------------------\n'
    string += '# End Shell output\n'
    string += '#---------------------------------\n'

    return string

def os_shell(command, capture=False, verbose=False, interactive=False, silent=False):
    '''Execute a command in the OS shell. By default prints everything. If the capture switch is set,
    then it returns a namedtuple with stdout, stderr, and exit code.'''
    if capture and verbose:
        raise Exception('You cannot ask at the same time for capture and verbose, sorry')

    # Log command
    logger.debug('Shell executing command: "%s"', command)

    # Execute command in interactive mode    
    if verbose or interactive:
        exit_code =, shell=True)
        if exit_code == 0:
            return True
            return False

    # Execute command getting stdout and stderr
    process          = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    (stdout, stderr) = process.communicate()
    exit_code        = process.wait()

    # Convert to str (Python 3)
    stdout = stdout.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
    stderr = stderr.decode(encoding='UTF-8')

    # Formatting..
    stdout = stdout[:-1] if (stdout and stdout[-1] == '\n') else stdout
    stderr = stderr[:-1] if (stderr and stderr[-1] == '\n') else stderr

    # Output namedtuple
    Output = namedtuple('Output', 'stdout stderr exit_code')

    if exit_code != 0:
        if capture:
            return Output(stdout, stderr, exit_code)
            print(format_shell_error(stdout, stderr, exit_code))      
            return False    
        if capture:
            return Output(stdout, stderr, exit_code)
        elif not silent:
            # Just print stdout and stderr cleanly
            return True
            return True

def get_md5(string):
    if not string:
        raise Exception("Colund not compute md5 of empty/None value")
    m = hashlib.md5()
    # Fix for Python3
        if isinstance(string,unicode):
    except NameError:
    md5 = str(m.hexdigest())
    return md5

#   Time 

def timezonize(timezone):
    '''Convert a string representation of a timezone to its pytz object or do nothing if the argument is already a pytz timezone'''
    # Check if timezone is a valid pytz object is hard as it seems that they are spread arount the pytz package.
    # Option 1): Try to convert if string or unicode, else try to
    # instantiate a datetiem object with the timezone to see if it is valid 
    # Option 2): Get all memebers of the pytz package and check for type, see
    # Option 3) perform a hand.made test. We go for this one, tests would fail if it gets broken
    if not 'pytz' in str(type(timezone)):
        timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone)
    return timezone

def now_t():
    '''Return the current time in epoch seconds'''
    return now_s()

def now_s():
    '''Return the current time in epoch seconds'''
    return calendar.timegm(now_dt().utctimetuple())

def now_dt(tzinfo='UTC'):
    '''Return the current time in datetime format'''
    if tzinfo != 'UTC':
        raise NotImplementedError()
    return datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo = pytz.utc)

def dt(*args, **kwargs):
    '''Initialize a datetime object in the proper way. Using the standard datetime leads to a lot of
     problems with the tz package. Also, it forces UTC timezone if no timezone is specified'''
    if 'tz' in kwargs:
        tzinfo = kwargs.pop('tz')
        tzinfo  = kwargs.pop('tzinfo', None)
    offset_s  = kwargs.pop('offset_s', None)   
    trustme   = kwargs.pop('trustme', None)
    if kwargs:
        raise Exception('Unhandled arg: "{}".'.format(kwargs))
    if (tzinfo is None):
        # Force UTC if None
        timezone = timezonize('UTC')
        timezone = timezonize(tzinfo)
    if offset_s:
        # Special case for the offset
        if not tzoffset:
            raise Exception('For ISO date with offset please install dateutil')
        time_dt = datetime.datetime(*args, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, offset_s))
        # Standard  timezone
        time_dt = timezone.localize(datetime.datetime(*args))

    # Check consistency    
    if not trustme and timezone != pytz.UTC:
        if not check_dt_consistency(time_dt):
            raise Exception('Sorry, time {} does not exists on timezone {}'.format(time_dt, timezone))

    return  time_dt

def get_tz_offset_s(time_dt):
    '''Get the time zone offset in seconds'''
    return s_from_dt(time_dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)) - s_from_dt(time_dt)

def check_dt_consistency(date_dt):
    '''Check that the timezone is consistent with the datetime (some conditions in Python lead to have summertime set in winter)'''

    if date_dt.tzinfo is None:
        return True
        # This check is quite heavy but there is apparently no other way to do it.
        if date_dt.utcoffset() != dt_from_s(s_from_dt(date_dt), tz=date_dt.tzinfo).utcoffset():
            return False
            return True

def correct_dt_dst(datetime_obj):
    '''Check that the dst is correct and if not change it'''


    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        return datetime_obj

    # Create and return a New datetime object. This corrects the DST if errors are present.
    return dt(datetime_obj.year,

def change_tz(dt, tz):
    return dt.astimezone(timezonize(tz))

def dt_from_t(timestamp_s, tz=None):
    '''Create a datetime object from an epoch timestamp in seconds. If no timezone is given, UTC is assumed'''
    # TODO: check if uniform everything on this one or not.
    return dt_from_s(timestamp_s=timestamp_s, tz=tz)
def dt_from_s(timestamp_s, tz=None):
    '''Create a datetime object from an epoch timestamp in seconds. If no timezone is given, UTC is assumed'''

    if not tz:
        tz = "UTC"
        timestamp_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(timestamp_s))
    except TypeError:
        raise Exception('timestamp_s argument must be string or number, got {}'.format(type(timestamp_s)))

    pytz_tz = timezonize(tz)
    timestamp_dt = timestamp_dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(pytz_tz)
    return timestamp_dt

def s_from_dt(dt):
    '''Returns seconds with floating point for milliseconds/microseconds.'''
    if not (isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime)):
        raise Exception('s_from_dt function called without datetime argument, got type "{}" instead.'.format(dt.__class__.__name__))
    microseconds_part = (dt.microsecond/1000000.0) if dt.microsecond else 0
    return  ( calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple()) + microseconds_part)

def dt_from_str(string, timezone=None):

    # Supported formats on UTC
    # 1) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
    # 2) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.{u}Z

    # Supported formats with offset    
    # 3) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+ZZ:ZZ
    # 4) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.{u}+ZZ:ZZ

    # Split and parse standard part
    date, time = string.split('T')
    if time.endswith('Z'):
        # UTC
        offset_s = 0
        time = time[:-1]
    elif ('+') in time:
        # Positive offset
        time, offset = time.split('+')
        # Set time and extract positive offset
        offset_s = (int(offset.split(':')[0])*60 + int(offset.split(':')[1]) )* 60   
    elif ('-') in time:
        # Negative offset
        time, offset = time.split('-')
        # Set time and extract negative offset
        offset_s = -1 * (int(offset.split(':')[0])*60 + int(offset.split(':')[1])) * 60      
        raise Exception('Format error')
    # Handle time
    hour, minute, second = time.split(':')
    # Now parse date (easy)
    year, month, day = date.split('-') 

    # Convert everything to int
    year    = int(year)
    month   = int(month)
    day     = int(day)
    hour    = int(hour)
    minute  = int(minute)
    if '.' in second:
        usecond = int(second.split('.')[1])
        second  = int(second.split('.')[0])
        second  = int(second)
        usecond = 0
    return dt(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, usecond, offset_s=offset_s)

def dt_to_str(dt):
    '''Return the ISO representation of the datetime as argument'''
    return dt.isoformat()

class dt_range(object):

    def __init__(self, from_dt, to_dt, timeSlotSpan):

        self.from_dt      = from_dt
        self.to_dt        = to_dt
        self.timeSlotSpan = timeSlotSpan

    def __iter__(self):
        self.current_dt = self.from_dt
        return self

    def __next__(self):

        # Iterator logic
        if self.current_dt > self.to_dt:
            raise StopIteration
            prev_current_dt = self.current_dt
            self.current_dt = self.current_dt + self.timeSlotSpan
            return prev_current_dt

    # Python 2.x
    def next(self):
        return self.__next__()

#  Others

def debug_param(**kwargs):
    for item in kwargs:
        logger.critical('Param "{}": "{}"'.format(item, kwargs[item]))

def get_my_ip():
    import socket
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    my_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
    return my_ip

def get_webapp_conn_string():
    webapp_host = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_WEBAPP_HOST', get_my_ip())
    webapp_port = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_WEBAPP_PORT', '8080')
    webapp_conn_string = 'http://{}:{}'.format(webapp_host, webapp_port)
    return webapp_conn_string

def get_platform_registry():
    platform_registry_host = os.environ.get('PLATFORM_REGISTRY_HOST', 'proxy')
    platform_registry_port = os.environ.get('PLATFORM_REGISTRY_PORT', '5000')
    platform_registry_conn_string = '{}:{}'.format(platform_registry_host, platform_registry_port)
    return platform_registry_conn_string
def get_rosetta_tasks_tunnel_host():
    # Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
    from django.conf import settings
    tunnel_host = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_TASKS_TUNNEL_HOST', settings.ROSETTA_HOST)
    return tunnel_host
def get_rosetta_tasks_proxy_host():
    # Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
    from django.conf import settings
    proxy_host = os.environ.get('ROSETTA_TASKS_PROXY_HOST', settings.ROSETTA_HOST)
Stefano Alberto Russo's avatar
Stefano Alberto Russo committed
    return int(hashlib.sha1(string.encode('utf8')).hexdigest(), 16)
#  Tunnel (and proxy) setup
def setup_tunnel_and_proxy(task):

    # Importing here instead of on top avoids circular dependencies problems when loading booleanize in settings
    from .models import Task, KeyPair, TaskStatuses
    # If there is no tunnel port allocated yet, find one
        allocated_tcp_tunnel_ports = []
            if other_task.tcp_tunnel_port and not other_task.status in [TaskStatuses.exited, TaskStatuses.stopped]:
        if task.requires_proxy:
            # Proxy ports are in the 9000-range
            for port in range(9000, 9021):
                if not port in allocated_tcp_tunnel_ports:
                    tcp_tunnel_port = port
            # Direct tunnel ports are in the 7000-range
            for port in range(7000, 7021):
                if not port in allocated_tcp_tunnel_ports:
                    tcp_tunnel_port = port

            logger.error('Cannot find a free port for the tunnel for task "{}"'.format(task))
            raise ErrorMessage('Cannot find a free port for the tunnel to the task')

        task.tcp_tunnel_port = tcp_tunnel_port
    # Check if the tunnel is (still) active, if not create it
    logger.debug('Checking if task "{}" has a running tunnel'.format(task))
    out = os_shell('ps -ef | grep ":{}:{}:{}" | grep -v grep'.format(task.tcp_tunnel_port, task.interface_ip, task.interface_port), capture=True)
    if out.exit_code == 0:
        logger.debug('Task "{}" has a running tunnel, using it'.format(task))
        logger.debug('Task "{}" has no running tunnel, creating it'.format(task))

        # Get user keys
        user_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=task.user, default=True)

        # Tunnel command
        if task.computing.type == 'remotehop':           
            # Get computing params
            first_host = task.computing.conf.get('first_host')
            first_user = task.computing.conf.get('first_user')
            #second_host = task.computing.conf.get('second_host')
            #second_user = task.computing.conf.get('second_user')
            #setup_command = task.computing.conf.get('setup_command')
            #base_port = task.computing.conf.get('base_port')
            tunnel_command= 'ssh -4 -i {} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -nNT -L{}:{}:{} {}@{} & '.format(user_keys.private_key_file, task.tcp_tunnel_port, task.interface_ip, task.interface_port, first_user, first_host)

            tunnel_command= 'ssh -4 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -nNT -L{}:{}:{} localhost & '.format(task.tcp_tunnel_port, task.interface_ip, task.interface_port)
        background_tunnel_command = 'nohup {} >/dev/null 2>&1 &'.format(tunnel_command)

        # Log
        logger.debug('Opening tunnel with command: {}'.format(background_tunnel_command))

        # Execute
        subprocess.Popen(background_tunnel_command, shell=True)

    # Setup the proxy now (if required.)
    if task.requires_proxy:
        # Ensure conf directory exists
        if not os.path.exists('/shared/etc_apache2_sites_enabled'):
        # Set conf file name
        apache_conf_file = '/shared/etc_apache2_sites_enabled/{}.conf'.format(task.uuid)
        # Check if proxy conf exists 
        if not os.path.exists(apache_conf_file):
            # Write conf file
            # Some info about the various SSL switches:
            logger.debug('Writing task proxy conf to {}'.format(apache_conf_file))
            websocket_protocol = 'wss' if task.container.interface_protocol == 'https' else 'ws'
            rosetta_tasks_proxy_host = get_rosetta_tasks_proxy_host()
            apache_conf_content = '''
#  Task interface proxy 

<VirtualHost *:'''+str(task.tcp_tunnel_port)+'''>
    ServerAdmin admin@rosetta.platform
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /root/certificates/rosetta_platform/rosetta_platform.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /root/certificates/rosetta_platform/rosetta_platform.key
    SSLCACertificateFile /root/certificates/rosetta_platform/
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html
    ServerName  '''+rosetta_tasks_proxy_host+'''
    SSLCertificateFile /root/certificates/rosetta_platform/rosetta_tasks.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /root/certificates/rosetta_platform/rosetta_tasks.key
    SSLCACertificateFile /root/certificates/rosetta_platform/
    SSLProxyEngine On
    SSLProxyVerify none 
    SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
    SSLProxyCheckPeerName off  

    BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
        nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
        downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown

    # Use RewriteEngine to handle websocket connection upgrades
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} Upgrade [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC]
    RewriteRule /(.*) '''+str(websocket_protocol)+'''://webapp:'''+str(task.tcp_tunnel_port)+'''/$1 [P,L]

    <Location "/">
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "Restricted area"
      AuthUserFile /shared/etc_apache2_sites_enabled/'''+str(task.uuid)+'''.htpasswd
      Require valid-user  

      # preserve Host header to avoid cross-origin problems
      ProxyPreserveHost on
      # proxy to the port
      ProxyPass         '''+str(task.container.interface_protocol)+'''://webapp:'''+str(task.tcp_tunnel_port)+'''/
      ProxyPassReverse  '''+str(task.container.interface_protocol)+'''://webapp:'''+str(task.tcp_tunnel_port)+'''/


            with open(apache_conf_file, 'w') as f:
        # Now check if conf exist on proxy
        logger.debug('Checking if conf is enabled on proxy service')
        out = os_shell('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no proxy "[ -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{}.conf ]"'.format(task.uuid), capture=True)
        if out.exit_code == 1:
            logger.debug('Conf not enabled on proxy service, linkig it and reloading Apache conf')
            # Link on proxy since conf does not exist
            out = os_shell('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no proxy "sudo ln -s /shared/etc_apache2_sites_enabled/{0}.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/{0}.conf"'.format(task.uuid), capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise ErrorMessage('Somthing went wrong when activating the task proxy conf')        
            # Reload apache conf on Proxy
            out = os_shell('ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no proxy "sudo apache2ctl graceful"', capture=True)
            if out.exit_code != 0:
                raise ErrorMessage('Somthing went wrong when loading the task proxy conf')        
def get_ssh_access_mode_credentials(computing, user):
    from .models import KeyPair
    # Get computing host
        computing_host = computing.conf.get('host')
    except AttributeError:
        computing_host = None
    if not computing_host:
        raise ValueError('No computing host?!')
    # Get computing user and keys
    if computing.auth_mode == 'user_keys':
        computing_user = user.profile.get_extra_conf('computing_user', computing)
        if not computing_user:
            raise ValueError('No \'computing_user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in user profile'.format(
        # Get user key
        computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=user, default=True)
    elif computing.auth_mode == 'platform_keys':        
        computing_user = computing.conf.get('user')
        computing_keys = KeyPair.objects.get(user=None, default=True)
        raise NotImplementedError('Auth modes other than user_keys and platform_keys not supported.')
    if not computing_user:
            raise ValueError('No \'user\' parameter found for computing resource \'{}\' in its configuration'.format(
    return (computing_user, computing_host, computing_keys)
def sanitize_container_env_vars(env_vars):
    for env_var in env_vars:
        # Check only alphanumeric chars, slashed, dashes and underscores
        if not re.match("^[/A-Za-z0-9_-]*$", env_vars[env_var]):
            raise ValueError('Value "{}" for env var "{}" is not valid: only alphanumeric, slashes, dashes and underscores are.'.format(env_vars[env_var], env_var))

def get_or_create_container_from_repository(user, repository_url, repository_tag=None, container_name=None, container_description=None): 
    from .models import Container    
    logger.debug('Called get_or_create_container_from_repository with repository_url="{}" and repository_tag="{}"'.format(repository_url,repository_tag))

    # Set repo name
    repository_name = '{}/{}'.format(repository_url.split('/')[-2],repository_url.split('/')[-1])

    # If building:
    #{"message": "Successfully built 5a2089b2c334\n", "phase": "building"}
    #{"message": "Successfully tagged r2dhttps-3a-2f-2fgithub-2ecom-2fnorvig-2fpytudes5e745c3:latest\n", "phase": "building"}
    # If reusing:
    #{"message": "Reusing existing image (r2dhttps-3a-2f-2fgithub-2ecom-2fnorvig-2fpytudes5e745c3), not building."}
    appendix = 'CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--ip", "", "--NotebookApp.token", ""]'

    # Build the Docker container for this repo
    if repository_tag:
        command = 'sudo jupyter-repo2docker --ref {} --user-id 1000 --user-name jovyan --no-run --appendix \'{}\' --json-logs {}'.format(repository_tag, appendix, repository_url)
        command = 'sudo jupyter-repo2docker --user-id 1000 --user-name jovyan --no-run --appendix \'{}\' --json-logs {}'.format(repository_url, appendix)
    out = os_shell(command, capture=True)
    if out.exit_code != 0:
        raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when creating the Dockerfile for repository "{}"'.format(repository_url))   

    # Convert output to lines
    out_lines = out.stderr.split('\n')

    # Get rep2docker image name from output. Use "strip()" as sometimes the newline chars might jump in.
    last_line_message = json.loads(out_lines[-1])['message']
    if 'Reusing existing image' in last_line_message:
        repo2docker_image_name = last_line_message.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].strip()
    elif 'Successfully tagged' in last_line_message:
        repo2docker_image_name = last_line_message.split(' ')[2].strip()
        raise Exception('Cannot build')

    # Set image registry, name and tag. Use "strip()" as sometimes the newline chars might jump in.
    if repo2docker_image_name.endswith(':latest'):
        # Not clear why sometimes this happens. maybe if an existent image gets reused?
        image_name_for_tag = repo2docker_image_name.replace(':latest','')
        image_name_for_tag = repo2docker_image_name
    image_tag = image_name_for_tag[-7:] # The last part of the image name generated by repo2docker is the git short hash

    # Re-tag image taking into account that if we are using the proxy as registry we use localhost or it won't work
    if registry == 'proxy:5000':
        push_registry = 'localhost:5000'
        push_registry = registry
    out = os_shell('sudo docker tag {} {}/{}:{}'.format(repo2docker_image_name,push_registry,image_name,image_tag) , capture=True)
    if out.exit_code != 0:
        raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when tagging the container for repository "{}"'.format(repository_url))   

    # Push image to the (local) registry
    out = os_shell('sudo docker push {}/{}:{}'.format(push_registry,image_name,image_tag) , capture=True)
    if out.exit_code != 0:
        raise ErrorMessage('Something went wrong when pushing the container for repository "{}"'.format(repository_url))   

    # Create the container if not already existent
        container = Container.objects.get(user=user, registry=registry, image_name=image_name, image_tag=image_tag)
    except Container.DoesNotExist:

        # Get name repo name and description from remote if we have and if we can
        repository_name_from_source= None
        repository_description_from_source = None
        if not container_name or not container_description:
            if repository_url.startswith(''):
                    response = requests.get('{}'.format(repository_name))
                    json_content = json.loads(response.content)
                    repository_name_from_source = json_content['name'].title()
                    repository_description_from_source = json_content['description']
                    if not repository_description_from_source.endswith('.'):
                    repository_description_from_source += ' Built from {}'.format(repository_url)
        # Set default container name and description            
        if not container_name:
            container_name = repository_name_from_source if repository_name_from_source else repository_name
        if not container_description:
            container_description = repository_description_from_source if repository_description_from_source else 'Built from {}'.format(repository_url)

        # Ok, create the container
        container = Container.objects.create(user = user,
                                             name = container_name,
                                             description = container_description,
                                             registry = registry,
                                             image_name = image_name,
                                             image_tag  = image_tag,
                                             image_arch = 'amd64',
                                             image_os = 'linux',
                                             interface_port = '8888',
                                             interface_protocol = 'http',
                                             interface_transport = 'tcp/ip',
                                             supports_custom_interface_port = False,
                                             supports_interface_auth = False)
    return container