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parsley.js 92.8 KiB
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      return type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox' || this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT' && null !== this.element.getAttribute('multiple');
    // Multiples fields are a real nightmare :(
    // Maybe some refactoring would be appreciated here...
    handleMultiple: function handleMultiple() {
      var _this = this;

      var name;
      var parsleyMultipleInstance; // Handle multiple name

      this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || (name = this.element.getAttribute('name')) || this.element.getAttribute('id'); // Special select multiple input

      if (this.element.nodeName === 'SELECT' && null !== this.element.getAttribute('multiple')) {
        this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple || this.__id__;
        return this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple'); // Else for radio / checkboxes, we need a `name` or `data-parsley-multiple` to properly bind it
      } else if (!this.options.multiple) {
        Utils.warn('To be bound by Parsley, a radio, a checkbox and a multiple select input must have either a name or a multiple option.', this.$element);
        return this;
      } // Remove special chars

      this.options.multiple = this.options.multiple.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|\{|\}|\$)/g, ''); // Add proper `data-parsley-multiple` to siblings if we have a valid multiple name

      if (name) {
        $('input[name="' + name + '"]').each(function (i, input) {
          var type = Utils.getType(input);
          if (type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox') input.setAttribute(_this.options.namespace + 'multiple', _this.options.multiple);
      } // Check here if we don't already have a related multiple instance saved

      var $previouslyRelated = this._findRelated();

      for (var i = 0; i < $previouslyRelated.length; i++) {
        parsleyMultipleInstance = $($previouslyRelated.get(i)).data('Parsley');

        if ('undefined' !== typeof parsleyMultipleInstance) {
          if (!this.$'FieldMultiple')) {

      } // Create a secret Field instance for every multiple field. It will be stored in `data('FieldMultiple')`
      // And will be useful later to access classic `Field` stuff while being in a `FieldMultiple` instance

      this.bind('parsleyField', true);
      return parsleyMultipleInstance || this.bind('parsleyFieldMultiple');
    // Return proper `Form`, `Field` or `FieldMultiple`
    bind: function bind(type, doNotStore) {
      var parsleyInstance;

      switch (type) {
        case 'parsleyForm':
          parsleyInstance = $.extend(new Form(this.element, this.domOptions, this.options), new Base(), window.ParsleyExtend)._bindFields();

        case 'parsleyField':
          parsleyInstance = $.extend(new Field(this.element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent), new Base(), window.ParsleyExtend);

        case 'parsleyFieldMultiple':
          parsleyInstance = $.extend(new Field(this.element, this.domOptions, this.options, this.parent), new Multiple(), new Base(), window.ParsleyExtend)._init();

          throw new Error(type + 'is not a supported Parsley type');

      if (this.options.multiple) Utils.setAttr(this.element, this.options.namespace, 'multiple', this.options.multiple);

      if ('undefined' !== typeof doNotStore) {
        this.$'FieldMultiple', parsleyInstance);
        return parsleyInstance;
      } // Store the freshly bound instance in a DOM element for later access using jQuery `data()`

      this.$'Parsley', parsleyInstance); // Tell the world we have a new Form or Field instance!



      return parsleyInstance;

  var vernums = $.fn.jquery.split('.');

  if (parseInt(vernums[0]) <= 1 && parseInt(vernums[1]) < 8) {
    throw "The loaded version of jQuery is too old. Please upgrade to 1.8.x or better.";

  if (!vernums.forEach) {
    Utils.warn('Parsley requires ES5 to run properly. Please include');
  } // Inherit `on`, `off` & `trigger` to Parsley:

  var Parsley = _extends(new Base(), {
    element: document,
    $element: $(document),
    actualizeOptions: null,
    _resetOptions: null,
    Factory: Factory,
    version: '2.9.2'
  }); // Supplement Field and Form with Base
  // This way, the constructors will have access to those methods

  _extends(Field.prototype, UI.Field, Base.prototype);

  _extends(Form.prototype, UI.Form, Base.prototype); // Inherit actualizeOptions and _resetOptions:

  _extends(Factory.prototype, Base.prototype); // ### jQuery API
  // `$('.elem').parsley(options)` or `$('.elem').psly(options)`

  $.fn.parsley = $.fn.psly = function (options) {
    if (this.length > 1) {
      var instances = [];
      this.each(function () {
      return instances;
    } // Return undefined if applied to non existing DOM element

    if (this.length == 0) {

    return new Factory(this[0], options);
  }; // ### Field and Form extension
  // Ensure the extension is now defined if it wasn't previously

  if ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyExtend) window.ParsleyExtend = {}; // ### Parsley config
  // Inherit from ParsleyDefault, and copy over any existing values

  Parsley.options = _extends(Utils.objectCreate(Defaults), window.ParsleyConfig);
  window.ParsleyConfig = Parsley.options; // Old way of accessing global options
  // ### Globals

  window.Parsley = window.psly = Parsley;
  Parsley.Utils = Utils;
  window.ParsleyUtils = {};
  $.each(Utils, function (key, value) {
    if ('function' === typeof value) {
      window.ParsleyUtils[key] = function () {
        Utils.warnOnce('Accessing `window.ParsleyUtils` is deprecated. Use `window.Parsley.Utils` instead.');
        return Utils[key].apply(Utils, arguments);
  }); // ### Define methods that forward to the registry, and deprecate all access except through window.Parsley

  var registry = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry = new ValidatorRegistry(window.ParsleyConfig.validators, window.ParsleyConfig.i18n);
  window.ParsleyValidator = {};
  $.each('setLocale addCatalog addMessage addMessages getErrorMessage formatMessage addValidator updateValidator removeValidator hasValidator'.split(' '), function (i, method) {
    window.Parsley[method] = function () {
      return registry[method].apply(registry, arguments);

    window.ParsleyValidator[method] = function () {
      var _window$Parsley;

      Utils.warnOnce("Accessing the method '".concat(method, "' through Validator is deprecated. Simply call 'window.Parsley.").concat(method, "(...)'"));
      return (_window$Parsley = window.Parsley)[method].apply(_window$Parsley, arguments);
  }); // ### UI
  // Deprecated global object

  window.Parsley.UI = UI;
  window.ParsleyUI = {
    removeError: function removeError(instance, name, doNotUpdateClass) {
      var updateClass = true !== doNotUpdateClass;
      Utils.warnOnce("Accessing UI is deprecated. Call 'removeError' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method.");
      return instance.removeError(name, {
        updateClass: updateClass
    getErrorsMessages: function getErrorsMessages(instance) {
      Utils.warnOnce("Accessing UI is deprecated. Call 'getErrorsMessages' on the instance directly.");
      return instance.getErrorsMessages();
  $.each('addError updateError'.split(' '), function (i, method) {
    window.ParsleyUI[method] = function (instance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) {
      var updateClass = true !== doNotUpdateClass;
      Utils.warnOnce("Accessing UI is deprecated. Call '".concat(method, "' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method."));
      return instance[method](name, {
        message: message,
        assert: assert,
        updateClass: updateClass
  }); // ### PARSLEY auto-binding
  // Prevent it by setting `ParsleyConfig.autoBind` to `false`

  if (false !== window.ParsleyConfig.autoBind) {
    $(function () {
      // Works only on `data-parsley-validate`.
      if ($('[data-parsley-validate]').length) $('[data-parsley-validate]').parsley();

  var o = $({});

  var deprecated = function deprecated() {
    Utils.warnOnce("Parsley's pubsub module is deprecated; use the 'on' and 'off' methods on parsley instances or window.Parsley");
  }; // Returns an event handler that calls `fn` with the arguments it expects

  function adapt(fn, context) {
    // Store to allow unbinding
    if (!fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback) {
      fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback = function () {
        var args =, 0);
        fn.apply(context || o, args);

    return fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback;

  var eventPrefix = 'parsley:'; // Converts 'parsley:form:validate' into 'form:validate'

  function eventName(name) {
    if (name.lastIndexOf(eventPrefix, 0) === 0) return name.substr(eventPrefix.length);
    return name;
  } // $.listen is deprecated. Use Parsley.on instead.

  $.listen = function (name, callback) {
    var context;

    if ('object' === _typeof(arguments[1]) && 'function' === typeof arguments[2]) {
      context = arguments[1];
      callback = arguments[2];

    if ('function' !== typeof callback) throw new Error('Wrong parameters');
    window.Parsley.on(eventName(name), adapt(callback, context));

  $.listenTo = function (instance, name, fn) {
    if (!(instance instanceof Field) && !(instance instanceof Form)) throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');
    if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn) throw new Error('Wrong parameters');
    instance.on(eventName(name), adapt(fn));

  $.unsubscribe = function (name, fn) {
    if ('string' !== typeof name || 'function' !== typeof fn) throw new Error('Wrong arguments');, fn.parsleyAdaptedCallback);

  $.unsubscribeTo = function (instance, name) {
    if (!(instance instanceof Field) && !(instance instanceof Form)) throw new Error('Must give Parsley instance');;

  $.unsubscribeAll = function (name) {
    $('form,input,textarea,select').each(function () {
      var instance = $(this).data('Parsley');

      if (instance) {;
  }; // $.emit is deprecated. Use jQuery events instead.

  $.emit = function (name, instance) {
    var _instance;

    var instanceGiven = instance instanceof Field || instance instanceof Form;
    var args =, instanceGiven ? 2 : 1);

    if (!instanceGiven) {
      instance = window.Parsley;

    (_instance = instance).trigger.apply(_instance, _toConsumableArray(args));

  $.extend(true, Parsley, {
    asyncValidators: {
      'default': {
        fn: function fn(xhr) {
          // By default, only status 2xx are deemed successful.
          // Note: we use status instead of state() because responses with status 200
          // but invalid messages (e.g. an empty body for content type set to JSON) will
          // result in state() === 'rejected'.
          return xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300;
        url: false
      reverse: {
        fn: function fn(xhr) {
          // If reverse option is set, a failing ajax request is considered successful
          return xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300;
        url: false
    addAsyncValidator: function addAsyncValidator(name, fn, url, options) {
      Parsley.asyncValidators[name] = {
        fn: fn,
        url: url || false,
        options: options || {}
      return this;
  Parsley.addValidator('remote', {
    requirementType: {
      '': 'string',
      'validator': 'string',
      'reverse': 'boolean',
      'options': 'object'
    validateString: function validateString(value, url, options, instance) {
      var data = {};
      var ajaxOptions;
      var csr;
      var validator = options.validator || (true === options.reverse ? 'reverse' : 'default');
      if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley.asyncValidators[validator]) throw new Error('Calling an undefined async validator: `' + validator + '`');
      url = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].url || url; // Fill current value

      if (url.indexOf('{value}') > -1) {
        url = url.replace('{value}', encodeURIComponent(value));
      } else {
        data[instance.element.getAttribute('name') || instance.element.getAttribute('id')] = value;
      } // Merge options passed in from the function with the ones in the attribute

      var remoteOptions = $.extend(true, options.options || {}, Parsley.asyncValidators[validator].options); // All `$.ajax(options)` could be overridden or extended directly from DOM in `data-parsley-remote-options`

      ajaxOptions = $.extend(true, {}, {
        url: url,
        data: data,
        type: 'GET'
      }, remoteOptions); // Generate store key based on ajax options

      instance.trigger('field:ajaxoptions', instance, ajaxOptions);
      csr = $.param(ajaxOptions); // Initialise querry cache

      if ('undefined' === typeof Parsley._remoteCache) Parsley._remoteCache = {}; // Try to retrieve stored xhr

      var xhr = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] = Parsley._remoteCache[csr] || $.ajax(ajaxOptions);

      var handleXhr = function handleXhr() {
        var result = Parsley.asyncValidators[validator], xhr, url, options);
        if (!result) // Map falsy results to rejected promise
          result = $.Deferred().reject();
        return $.when(result);

      return xhr.then(handleXhr, handleXhr);
    priority: -1
  Parsley.on('form:submit', function () {
    Parsley._remoteCache = {};

  Base.prototype.addAsyncValidator = function () {
    Utils.warnOnce('Accessing the method `addAsyncValidator` through an instance is deprecated. Simply call `Parsley.addAsyncValidator(...)`');
    return Parsley.addAsyncValidator.apply(Parsley, arguments);

  // This is included with the Parsley library itself,
  Parsley.addMessages('en', {
    defaultMessage: "This value seems to be invalid.",
    type: {
      email: "This value should be a valid email.",
      url: "This value should be a valid url.",
      number: "This value should be a valid number.",
      integer: "This value should be a valid integer.",
      digits: "This value should be digits.",
      alphanum: "This value should be alphanumeric."
    notblank: "This value should not be blank.",
    required: "This value is required.",
    pattern: "This value seems to be invalid.",
    min: "This value should be greater than or equal to %s.",
    max: "This value should be lower than or equal to %s.",
    range: "This value should be between %s and %s.",
    minlength: "This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.",
    maxlength: "This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.",
    length: "This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.",
    mincheck: "You must select at least %s choices.",
    maxcheck: "You must select %s choices or fewer.",
    check: "You must select between %s and %s choices.",
    equalto: "This value should be the same.",
    euvatin: "It's not a valid VAT Identification Number."

  function InputEvent() {
    var _this = this;

    var globals = window || global; // Slightly odd way construct our object. This way methods are force bound.
    // Used to test for duplicate library.

    _extends(this, {
      // For browsers that do not support isTrusted, assumes event is native.
      isNativeEvent: function isNativeEvent(evt) {
        return evt.originalEvent && evt.originalEvent.isTrusted !== false;
      fakeInputEvent: function fakeInputEvent(evt) {
        if (_this.isNativeEvent(evt)) {
      misbehaves: function misbehaves(evt) {
        if (_this.isNativeEvent(evt)) {

          $(document).on('change.inputevent',, _this.fakeInputEvent);

      behavesOk: function behavesOk(evt) {
        if (_this.isNativeEvent(evt)) {
          $(document) // Simply unbinds the testing handler
          .off('input.inputevent',, _this.behavesOk).off('change.inputevent',, _this.misbehaves);
      // Bind the testing handlers
      install: function install() {
        if (globals.inputEventPatched) {

        globals.inputEventPatched = '0.0.3';

        for (var _i = 0, _arr = ['select', 'input[type="checkbox"]', 'input[type="radio"]', 'input[type="file"]']; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
          var selector = _arr[_i];
          $(document).on('input.inputevent', selector, {
            selector: selector
          }, _this.behavesOk).on('change.inputevent', selector, {
            selector: selector
          }, _this.misbehaves);
      uninstall: function uninstall() {
        delete globals.inputEventPatched;
  var inputevent = new InputEvent();


  return Parsley;
