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{% extends "gbase.html" %}
{% load static %}

{% block css %}
{{ block.super }}

    <link href="{% static '/DataTables/dataTables.bootstrap5.min.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="{% static '/datepicker/css/datepicker.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">

{% endblock css %}


  <!-- =============================================== -->


    <!-- Main content -->

{% block right_col %}
             <div class="right_col" role="main">
             <div class="row">
                     <div class="col-md-10 col-sm-10  ">
              <div class="x_panel">
                <div class="x_title">
                  <h1>Procedura Acquisti</h1>
                  <ul class="nav navbar-right panel_toolbox">
                    <li><a class="collapse-link"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a>
                    <li class="dropdown">
                      <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i></a>
                      <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton">
                          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Settings 1</a>
                          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Settings 2</a>
                    <li><a class="close-link"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></a>
                  <div class="clearfix"></div>
                <div class="x_content">
                  <ul class="list-unstyled timeline">
                      <div class="block">
                        <div class="tags">
                          <a href="" class="tag">
                        <div class="block_content">
                          <h2 class="title">
                                          <a>{{direttore.first_name}} {{ direttore.last_name}}</a>
                          <div class="byline">
                            <span>13 hours ago</span> by <a>Jane Smith</a>
                          <p class="excerpt"> Responsabile Unico delle procedure di acquisto</a>
                      <div class="block">
                        <div class="tags">
                          <a href="" class="tag">
                            <span>Responsabile Ufficio Contabilita'</span>
                        <div class="block_content">
                          <h2 class="title">
                                          <a>{{resp_cont.first_name}} {{ resp_cont.last_name}}</a>
                          <div class="byline">
                            <span>13 hours ago</span> by <a>Jane Smith</a>
                          <p class="excerpt">Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where you met the producers that could fund your project, and if the buyers liked your flick, they’d pay to Fast-forward and… <a>Read&nbsp;More</a>
                      <div class="block">
                        <div class="tags">
                          <a href="" class="tag">
                            <span>Responsabile Ufficio Acquisti</span>
                        <div class="block_content">
                          <h2 class="title">
                                          <a>{{resp_acqu.first_name}} {{ resp_acqu.last_name}}</a>
                          <div class="byline">
                            <span>13 hours ago</span> by <a>Jane Smith</a>
                          <p class="excerpt">Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where you met the producers that could fund your project, and if the buyers liked your flick, they’d pay to Fast-forward and… <a>Read&nbsp;More</a>
                      <div class="block">
                        <div class="tags">
                          <a href="" class="tag">
                            <span>Personale addetto agli Acquisti</span>
                        <div class="block_content">
                          <h2 class="title">
                          {% for addetto in addetti %}
                                          <li>{{addetto.first_name}} {{ addetto.last_name}}</li>
                          {% endfor %}
                          <div class="byline">
                            <span>13 hours ago</span> by <a>Jane Smith</a>
                          <p class="excerpt">Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where you met the producers that could fund your project, and if the buyers liked your flick, they’d pay to Fast-forward and… <a>Read&nbsp;More</a>

                       {% endblock right_col %}

{% block javascripts %}
{{ block.super }}

    <script src="{% static '/DataTables/jquery.dataTables5.min.js' %}"></script>

    <script src="{% static '/DataTables/dataTables.bootstrap5.min.js' %}"></script>
    <script src="{% static '/datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js' %}"></script>

{% endblock javascripts %}