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Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
                       pro asymmetry_analysis
                       common path, path, n_file 

; This IDL procedure computes the CCF asymmetry indexes, its FWHM, and its contrast using files provided by the HARPS Data Reduction Software, 
; see Lanza et al. 2018, A&A, in press. It is recommended that you read that paper and in particular its Appendix A before compiling and using 
; this IDL procedure. Please cite that paper if you use this procedure to produce data appearing in a scientific publication or a thesis. 
; To compile this procedure, first you have to compile the procedure file MPFIT.PRO and then you have to compile this file twice 
; because its first compilation will report an apparent error. MPFIT.PRO is accessible at
; Input information to be specified 
; path: specify the path of the subdirectory containing the *_ccf_*.fits and *_bis_*.fits files on your own computer; 
; these file are produced by the HARPS Data Reduction Software (DRS) that is described in the DRS User Manual and HARPS-N User Manual 
; (see Sect. 8 - Data Products) on the web site:
; file_list_ccf [string]: a file in the path subdirectory listing all the *_ccf_* files to be analysed
; file_list_bis [string]: a file in the path subdirectory listing all the *_bis_* files to be analysed
; operation [string]: a string specifying interactive operation with plots on the X11 terminal and warnings for the user; 
;            set it to 'interactive' for this option, otherwise leave it blank to have an automated processing [not recommended for the first run];
;            even when the processing is automated, the procedure may still ask the user for confirmation when some deviation from the expected data accuracy 
;            is detected. Therefore, pay attention on a possible request from the procedure even if you put operation=' '; 
; spectrogr_string [string]: specifies which spectrograph has acquired the data; it is required to read the keywords fields 
;            in the fits files; it can be 'TNG' for HARPS-N@TNG or 'ESO' for HARPS@ESO La Silla; please check the dimensions of the matrixes extracted
;            from the FITS files of the DRS of HARPS@ESO because it can be different from those of the files of the DRS of HARPS-N@TNG used in this version.  
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
; file_out_ind [string]: the name of the output file where the output will be written. It is an ASCII file that contains the following columns from left to right 
;                        [they are all floating point numbers, except for maxcpp that is an integer]: 
;  - time: the barycentric julian date as given by the DRS keyword DRS BJD;
;  - rv_ccf: the radial velocity as given by the DRS keyword CCF RVC in km/s;
;  - rv_ccf_err: the error on the radial velocity as given by the DRS keyword CCF NOISE in km/s;
;  - maxcpp: the maximum number of counts per pixel as given by the DRS keyword CCF MAXCPP;
;  - bisector: the BIS calculated as specified in Lanza et al. 2018 in km/s;
;  - sterr_bis: the standard error on the BIS calculated as specified in Lanza et al. 2018 in km/s;
;  - delta_V_nardetto: the \Delta V indicator calculated as specified in Lanza et al. 2018 in km/s;
;  - sigma_delta_V: the standard deviation of the \Delta V indicator in km/s calculated by by means of the covariance matrix and the best fit residuals [not recommended for use, see Lanza et al. 2017];
;  - v_asy: the old V_asy indicator as defined by Figueira et al. 2013, A&A 557, A93; it is given only for 
;           reference, but it is not recommended for use because of its systematic correlation with the RV;
;  - stdev_v_asy: the standard deviation of the old V_asy indicator calculated as specified in Lanza et al. 2018;
;  - v_asy_mod: the new CCF asymmetry indicator V_asy(mod) defined and calculated as specified in Lanza et al. 2018;
;  - stdev_v_asy_mod: the standard deviation of the new CCF asymmetry indicator v_asy_mod calculated as specified in Lanza et al. 2018;
;  - fwhm_drs: the full width at half maximum of the CCF as given by the DRS keyword CCF FWHM in km/s;
;  - fwhm_gaussfit: the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the CCF as computed by our Gaussian best fit with in km/s;
;  - sigma_fwhm_gaussfit: the standard deviation of the FWHM in km/s as computed by by means of the covariance matrix and the residuals of the best fit [not recommended for use, see Lanza et al. 2017];
;  - contrast_drs: the fractional depth of the CCF with respect to its continuum (CCF contrast) as given by the DRS keyword CCF CONTRAST;
;  - contrast_gaussfit: the CCF contrast as given by our Gaussian best fit with;
;  - sigma_contrast_gaussfit: the standard deviation of the CCF contrast as given by our Gaussian best fit using the covariance matrix and the residuals of the best fit calculated by [not recommended for use, see Lanza et al. 2017];
;  - fwhm_set: the FWHM in km/s obtained as the median of the 200 realizations with random and correlated noise [recommended for use, see Lanza et al. 2018];
;  - sigma_fwhm_set: the standard deviation of the FWHM in km/s as obtained from the 200 realizations with random and correlated noise [recommended for use];
;  - delta_v_nardetto_set: the \Delta V indicator in km/s obtained as the median of the 200 realizations with random and correlated noise [recommended for use];
;  - sigma_delta_v_set: the standard  deviation of the \Delta V indicator in km/s obtained from the 200 realizations with random and correlated noise [recommended for use];
;  - contrast_set: the fractional depth of the CCF with respect to its continuum (CCF contrast) obtained as the median of the 200 realizations with random and correlated noise [recommended for use];
;  - sigma_contrast_set: the standard deviation of the CCF contrast as obtained from the 200 realizations with random and correlated noise [recommended for use]. 
;   VERSION 1.0 - 10 April 2018 - Author: A. F. Lanza with contributions by L. Malavolta, S. Desidera, A. Bignamini 
;   e-mail: 
; the path to the subdirectory containing the *_ccf_* and *_bis_* DRS files

; specify the file with the list of the names of *_ccf_* files 
; note an example file name for a *_ccf_*.fits file: 'HARPN.2012-09-29T05-46-30.718_ccf_K5_A.fits' ; 
; files not to be read, e.g., because of low S/N, can be flagged with a # that comments that line.


; specify the file with the list of the names of the *_bis_* files
; specify the operation mode: 'iteractive' or blank ' ' 
 operation='interactive' ; or ' ' for automated operation without plots and user checks    
; specify which spectrograph have acquired the data; for HARPS@ESO use 'ESO'; for HARPS-N@TNG use 'TNG'

; reading the names of the *_ccf_* and *_bis_* files 
 readcol, data_file, filenames, format='a', comment='#'
 readcol, list_bis_files, filenameb0, format='a', comment='#'
 if(n_spectra_bis ne n_spectra) then begin 
  print, 'The number of CCF files is not the same as the number of BIS files: stop'


 close, 1,2,3,4 ; closing possibly open units 

; specify the name of the output file where the indicators are listed (it will be written in the same directory as the present procedure file) 
 openw, 1, file_out_ind 
; analysing spectra by extracting information from the *_ccf_* and *_bis_* files one after the other
     for j=0, n_spectra-1 do begin 


          asymmetry_indexes, filename_ccf, filename_bis, operation, spectrogr_string, time, rv_ccf, rv_ccf_err, maxcpp, bisector, sterr_bis, delta_V_nardetto, sigma_deltaV, v_asy, stdev_v_asy, $
                v_asy_mod, stdev_v_asy_mod, fwhm_drs, fwhm_gaussfit, sigma_fwhm_gaussfit, contrast_drs, contrast_gaussfit, sigma_contrast_gaussfit, $ 
                fwhm_set, sigma_fwhm_set, delta_v_nardetto_set, sigma_delta_v_set, contrast_set, sigma_contrast_set

     printf, 1, time, rv_ccf, rv_ccf_err, maxcpp, bisector, sterr_bis, delta_v_nardetto, sigma_deltaV, v_asy, stdev_v_asy, $
               v_asy_mod, stdev_v_asy_mod, fwhm_drs, fwhm_gaussfit, sigma_fwhm_gaussfit, contrast_drs, contrast_gaussfit, sigma_contrast_gaussfit, $
               fwhm_set, sigma_fwhm_set, delta_v_nardetto_set, sigma_delta_v_set, contrast_set, sigma_contrast_set, format='(1x,3f20.8,i9,20f20.8)'
  close, 1    

pro asymmetry_indexes, filename_i, filename_bi, oper, sp_string, time, rv_ccf, rv_ccf_err, maxcpp, bisector, sterr_bis, delta_V_nardetto, sigma_deltaV, v_asy, stdev_v_asy, $
  v_asy_mod, stdev_v_asy_mod, fwhm_drs, fwhm_gaussfit, sigma_fwhm_gaussfit, contrast_drs, contrast_gaussfit, sigma_contrast_gaussfit, $ 
   fwhm_set, sigma_fwhm_set, delta_v_nardetto_set, sigma_delta_v_set, contrast_set, sigma_contrast_set

                           common path, path, number_file    
                             set_plot, 'x' 
                             if(oper eq 'interactive' or oper eq 'INTERACTIVE') then begin 
                             endif else begin
                             result0=readfits(filename, header)
                             crval1=sxpar(header, 'CRVAL1')
                             cdelt1=sxpar(header, 'CDELT1')
                             nx=sxpar(header, 'NAXIS1')
                             ny=sxpar(header, 'NAXIS2')
                             if(ny ne 70) then begin 
                               print, 'The second dimension of the CCF matrix is not 70: STOP'
; reading the S/N ratios of the different orders 
                               keyword='HIERARCH '+sp_string+' DRS SPE EXT SN'
                             for i=0, ny-2 do begin ; note ny-2 instead of ny-1 because there is no SNR value for ny-1
                               if(i le 9) then begin
                                 x=where(strmid(header,0,28) eq keys)
                                 snr[i]=float(strmid(header[x[0]], 31, 4))
                               endif else begin 
                                 x=where(strmid(header,0,29) eq keys)
                                 snr[i]=float(strmid(header[x[0]], 32, 4))

; reading MAXCPP parameter 
                             keyword='HIERARCH '+sp_string+' DRS CCF MAXCPP'
                             x=where(strmid(header,0,27) eq keyword)
                             maxcpp=double(strmid(header[x[0]], 30, 6))
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