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Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
         A computer code (procedure) written in Interactive Data Language 
         (IDL, version 8.4) to compute the spectral line profile indicators used 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
         by Lanza et al. (2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 616, A155; 
         arXiv:1804.07039). The procedure takes the fits files provided by the 
         data reduction software (DRS) of HARPS or HARPS-N as an input. 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
         An example for the input files is provided in the directory /input with
         the sole purpose of allowing you to test the proper compilation and 
         running of the procedure. Details on an auxiliary source file ( 
         required for compilation are provided in the header of the procedure 
         file and in Appendix A of the above mentioned paper. Interested users 
         are warmly recommended to read them before compiling and running the 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
         procedure. Information on how to use these indicators can be found in
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
         Lanza et al 2018, A&A 616, A155,
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed

File summary and contents:
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed

- Readme: this description ASCII file; 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
- the IDL procedure to compute the asymmetry indicators and the 
  FWHM of the CCF as specified by Lanza et al. 2018; please change the string 
  PATH and the string OPERATION before compiling and running as explained in the
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  header of the procedure file (see also Appendix A of Lanza et al. 2018); 
  WARNING: when using files produced by the DRS of HARPS@ESO, please check the 
  dimensions of the matrixes extracted from the FITS files because the current 
  version of the procedure assumes those of the files produced by the DRS of 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
- the fitting routine used by (see the header of the 
  above file for instructions about the compilation and Lanza et al. 2018, 
  Appendix A); this procedure is authored by Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC; see
- /input: a directory containing a sample dataset consisting of *_ccf_* and 
  *_bis_* files of the star HD108874 as provided by the DRS of HARPS-N 
  (see Lanza et al. 2018, Appendix A); for more information on this dataset you 
  can refer to the GAPS series paper dedicated to HD 108874, that is Benatti 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  et al. 2017, A&A 599, A90; this directory contains also two files that list
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  the names of the *_bis_* and *_ccf_* FITS files, that is flistbis.lis and 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  flistccf.lis, respectively. You have to prepare files like these when you use 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  a different dataset - Unix operating systems allow you to make these file with 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  the commands > ls -1 *_bis_* > flistbis.lis and > ls -1 *_ccf_* > flistccf.lis
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
- output.dat: the sample output file containing the asymmetry parameters and the
  FWHM of the CCF together with other information as specified in the header of 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed The format of this file lines is '(1x,3f20.8,i9,20f20.8)'. 
Antonino Francesco Lanza's avatar
Antonino Francesco Lanza committed
  For further info please send an email to: