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import argparse
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import yaml
from operator import attrgetter
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from glob import glob
from argparse import HelpFormatter
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from datetime import datetime
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class SortingHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
    def add_arguments(self, actions):
        actions = sorted(actions, key=attrgetter('option_strings'))
        super(SortingHelpFormatter, self).add_arguments(actions)

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def parse_arguments(description, add_dl2=False, add_irf=False, add_job=False, add_dl3=False, create_runlist=False, add_common=False):
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    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=SortingHelpFormatter)

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    # parser.add_argument('--config-analysis',
    #                     type=str, default=None, dest='config_analysis',
    #                     help='Specify a config file which describes analysis profile to use')
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    parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v',
                        action='store_true', dest='verbose',
                        help='Increase output verbosity')

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    if create_runlist:
        parser.add_argument('--source_name', '-n', required=True, default=None,
                            dest='source_name', type=str,
                            help='Name of the source')
        parser.add_argument('--ra', type=float, dest='ra',
                            help='RA coordinate of the target. To add if you want to use custom position')
        parser.add_argument('--dec', type=float, dest='dec',
                            help='Dec coordinate of the target. To add if you want to use custom position')
        parser.add_argument('--night', type=str, dest='night',
                            nargs='+', required=False,
                            help='Night of the observation in the format YYYYMMDD. More nights can be specified')

    if add_common:
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        parser.add_argument('--source_name', '-n', required=True,
                            default=None, dest='source_name', type=str,
                            help='Name of the source')
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        parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', type=str, default=None,
                            required=True, dest='config', help='Specify a personal config file for the analysis')
                            default=False, required=False, action='store_true', dest='dry',
                            help='Make a dry run, no true submission')
    if add_dl2:
        parser.add_argument('--outdir', '-o', dest='outdir', required=False,
                            type=str, default=None, help='Directory to store the output')
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                            default=None, dest='tcuname', type=str,
                            help='Apply run selection based on TCU source name')
        parser.add_argument('--runlist', '-rl',
                            default=None, dest='runlist', type=str,
                            help='File with a list of run and the associated night to be analysed')
        parser.add_argument('--distance', '-dis',
                            type=float, dest='distance', default=-1,
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                            help='Max distance in degrees between the target position and the run pointing position for the run selection. Negative value means no selection using this parameter (default: %(default)s).')
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                            type=float, dest='ra', default=-1,
                            help='RA coordinate of the target. To add if you want to use custom position')
                            type=float, dest='dec', default=-91,
                            help='Dec coordinate of the target. To add if you want to use custom position')

    if add_irf:
                            required=False, type=float, dest='gh_cut',
                            help='Fixed selection cut for gh_score (gammaness)')
                            required=False, type=float, dest='theta_cut',
                            help='Fixed selection cut for theta')
                            required=False, type=float, dest='obs_time',
                            help='Observation time for IRF in hours')

    if add_dl3:
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        parser.add_argument('--outdir', '-o', dest='outdir', type=str,
                            default=None, help='Directory to store the output')
        parser.add_argument('--runlist', '-rl',
                            default=None, dest='runlist', type=str,
                            help='File with a list of run and the associated night to be analysed')
                            type=float, dest='ra', default=-1,
                            help='RA coordinate of the target. To add if you want to use custom position')
                            type=float, dest='dec', default=-91,
                            help='Dec coordinate of the target. To add if you want to use custom position')
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        parser.add_argument('--cut_file', '-cut',
                            default=None, dest='cut_file', type=str,
                            help='Cut file')
                            required=False, type=float, dest='gh_cut',
                            help='Fixed selection cut for gh_score (gammaness)')
                            required=False, type=float, dest='theta_cut',
                            help='Fixed selection cut for theta')
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    if add_job:
        parser.add_argument('--submit', default=False, dest='submit',
                            action='store_true', required=False, help='Submit the cmd to slurm on site')
        parser.add_argument('--globber', '-g',
                            dest='globber', action='store_true', required=False, default=False,
                            help='If True, overwrites existing output file without asking (default: %(default)s).')

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    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def get_db(database_filename):
    database_filename : name of database file
    Returns the DB

    db_file = os.environ.get('CONFIG_FOLDER') + '/' + database_filename
    database = pd.read_csv(db_file, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
    return database

def get_config(config_filename):
    config_filename : name of the configuration file
    Returns the configuration file

    config_file = os.environ.get('CONFIG_FOLDER') + '/' + config_filename
    with open(config_file) as f:
        config_analysis = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    return config_analysis

def get_runs_database(args, database):

    # make the run list into a np array
    databaseRuns = np.array(database.index)

    # Apply selection of data if argument is specified. Based on tcuname, run or coordinates
    selection = database

    #if args.tcuname[0] == 'all' and args.night[0] == 'all' and args.runlist[0] == 'none':
    #    raise RuntimeError("Cannont make a run selection. Either tcuname, night or runlist or distance is needed")

    if args.tcuname is not None:
        selection = database.loc[database['Target']].isin([args.tcuname])
        if args.verbose:
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            print("Selection of runs based on the TCU name", args.tcuname, ". Only runs with the name in the TCU are kept")
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    # if args.night[0] != 'all':
    #     selection = database.loc[database['day'].isin(args.night)]
    #     if args.verbose:
    #         print("selection of night", args.night[0])
    #         print(selection.index)
    if args.distance > 0:
        if args.ra == -1 or args.dec == -91:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannont make a run selection. Ra and Dec value of the source are not given.")
        selection = database.loc[((database['RA_Obs'] - args.ra)**2 + (database['Dec_Obs'] - args.dec)**2) < args.distance**2]
        if args.verbose:
            print("Selection based on angular distance ", args.distance, "°")

    databaseRuns = np.array(selection.index)
    if args.runlist is not None:
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        rl = np.loadtxt(os.environ.get('CONFIG_FOLDER') + '/' + args.runlist, unpack=True, dtype=int)
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        #databaseRuns = np.array([a for a in rl if a in databaseRuns])
        databaseRuns = np.array([a for a in rl])

    if args.verbose:
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        print("Final run selection: ", databaseRuns)
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    return databaseRuns

def create_DL1_list(args, config, runs, night):
    create list with all the DL1 run path to analyze
        runs: List of run numbers
        night: night to analyze

    version = config['dl1_data']['version']
    cleaning = config['dl1_data']['cleaning']
    folder = config['data_folder'] + '/DL1/' + night + '/' + version + '/' + cleaning + '/dl1*'  # Current format of LST data path
    if args.verbose:
        print("Looking for files here :", folder)

    filepath_glob = glob(folder)

    # initializa data frame
    filelist = pd.DataFrame(columns=['path', 'night'])

    # Create a list of files with matching run numbers
    newEntry = {}
    for filename in filepath_glob:
        for run in runs:
            if (f"Run{run:>05}.h5" in filename):
                newEntry['path'] = filename
                newEntry['night'] = night
                filelist.loc[run] = newEntry['path'], newEntry['night']
    return filelist

def create_DL2_list(args, config, runs, night):
        create list with all the DL2 run path to analyze
    runs: List of run numbers
    version = config['dl2_data']['version']
    cleaning = config['dl2_data']['cleaning']
    folder = config['data_folder'] + '/DL2/' + night + '/' + version + '/' + cleaning + '/dl2*'  # Current format of LST data path
    if args.verbose:
        print("looking for files here :", folder)

    filepath_glob = glob(folder)

    filelist = pd.DataFrame(columns=['path'])

    # Create a list of files with matching run numbers
    newEntry = {}
    for filename in filepath_glob:
        for run in runs:
            if (f"Run{run:>05}.h5" in filename):
                newEntry['path'] = filename
                filelist.loc[run] = newEntry
    return filelist

def manage_submission(args, config, cmd, run, level="3"):
    config: personal configuration file with analysis settings
    cmd : command to be run
    run : run number

    print("Submission of the jobs to the slurm farm.")

    os.makedirs(config['jobmanager'], exist_ok=True)
    template = open(os.environ.get('CODE_DIR') + "/SubmitTemplate_dl" + level + ".sh", "r").readlines()

    scriptname = config['jobmanager'] + "/Script_dl" + level + "_" + str(run) + ".sh"
    logfile = config['jobmanager'] + "/Slurm_dl" + level + "_" + str(run) + ".out"
    script = open(scriptname, "w")
    for t in template:
        script.write(t.replace("jobname", "Job_DL" + level + "_" + f"Run{run:>05}").replace("logfile", logfile))

    os.system("chmod +x " + scriptname)
    return scriptname

def get_coordinates(args):
    returns the name and the Ra/Dec of the source
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    success = False
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    if args.source_name is None:
        raise ValueError("Please provide the name of the analysed source by using --source_name")

    if args.verbose:
        print("Search Coordinates for ", args.source_name, " using Astropy and based on the target name.")
        c = SkyCoord.from_name(args.source_name)
        ra = c.ra.value
        dec = c.dec.value
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        success = True
        if args.verbose:
            print("Coordinates of ", args.source_name, "found using Astropy: RA ", ra, ", Dec ", dec)
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        print("Cannot resolve target name", args.source_name, "using Astropy. Switch to the Ra and Dec provided by the user.")
        if all(item is not None for item in [args.ra, args.dec]):
            if args.ra >= 0 and args.ra < 360 and args.dec >= -90 and args.dec < 90:
                ra = args.ra
                dec = args.dec
                if args.verbose:
                    print("Coordinates provided by the user: RA ", ra, ", Dec", dec)
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            print("Please provide RA and Dec values by using --ra and --dec")
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    if (success is True and args.ra and args.dec):
        if args.ra != ra or args.dec != dec:
            print(f"WARNING! Astropy coordinates RA {ra}, Dec {dec} are different than the ones provided by the user RA {args.ra}, Dec {args.dec}.")
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    return ra, dec
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def print_runs(table, mask, by_date=False):
    function to print out the run numbers that survive a certain set of cuts
    print(f"{mask.sum()} wobble runs for the selected source")
    print(f"Observation time: {table['elapsed_time'][mask].sum()/3600:.2f} hours")
    print(np.array2string(np.array(table['runnumber'][mask]), separator=', '))
    if by_date:
        dates = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t - 0.5 * 86400).date() for t in table['time'][mask]]
        for i, date in enumerate(np.unique(dates)):
            rr = []
            for d, run in zip(dates, table['runnumber'][mask]):
                if d != date:
            print(i + 1, ":", date, ":", rr)