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import glob
import os
import os.path
import tables
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from astropy.table import vstack
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from import read_table
from utils import (

# Argument parser
args = parse_arguments(description="Runlist creation",

user = False
source = args.source_name
if args.verbose:
    print(f'Selected source: {source}')

# overwrite search through astropy if user specifies coordinates
if args.ra and args.dec:
    ra = args.ra
    dec = args.dec
    user = True
    ra, dec = get_coordinates(args)
source_coordinates = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg)
if user is True and args.verbose:
    print(f'Coordinates in deg of selected source given by the user: {source_coordinates}')

# Load all the available night-wise DL1_datacheck_YYYYMMDD.h5 files (or at least those of the nights which contain the data you intend to analyze)
# The files are available in the IT cluster under the directories: /fefs/aswg/data/real/OSA/DL1DataCheck_LongTerm/v0.9/YYYYMMDD/
datacheck_files = []
if args.night:
    add_date = []
    for night in args.night:
        sub_day = datetime.strptime(night, '%Y%m%d').date() - timedelta(days=1)
    for date in add_date:
        if date not in args.night:
    args.night.sort(key=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d'))
    if args.verbose:
        print(f"Nights selected: {args.night}.")
    for night in args.night:
        datacheck_file = glob.glob(f"/fefs/aswg/data/real/OSA/DL1DataCheck_LongTerm/v0.9/{night}/DL1_datacheck_20*.h5")
    datacheck_files = glob.glob("/fefs/aswg/data/real/OSA/DL1DataCheck_LongTerm/v0.9/20*/DL1_datacheck_20*.h5")
if args.verbose:
    print(f'A total of {len(datacheck_files)} files will be read')

dcheck_runsummary = []
for file in datacheck_files:
    # print(file)
    # Check that the file contains the necessary info
    with tables.open_file(file) as a:
        if "pedestals" not in a.root:
            if args.verbose:
                print(f"file {file} does not contain the interleaved pedestals table... Skipping!!")
        if "flatfield" not in a.root:
            if args.verbose:
                print(f"file {file} does not contain the interleaved flatfield table... Skipping!!")
    table = read_table(file, "/runsummary/table")
    # Set to 0 the number of flatfield events in nan (means none was found)
    table['num_flatfield'] = np.where(np.isnan(table['num_flatfield']), 0, table['num_flatfield'])

# Ignore metadata conflicts below. i.e. metadata_conflicts='silent'. 
# It is just that columns which contain some nan are float64, while those which do not are float32
dcheck_runsummary = vstack(dcheck_runsummary, metadata_conflicts='silent')

# Exclude runs with issues in interleaved pedestals
ped_ok_mask = np.isfinite(dcheck_runsummary['num_pedestals'])
print('Removed runs:', np.array(dcheck_runsummary['runnumber'][~ped_ok_mask]))

# Find the runs with pointing close to the source of interest
telescope_pointing = SkyCoord(ra=dcheck_runsummary['mean_ra'] * u.deg, dec=dcheck_runsummary['mean_dec'] * u.deg)
angular_distance = source_coordinates.separation(telescope_pointing)
# Select wobble pointings at ~0.4 deg from the source:
source_mask = ((angular_distance > 0.35 * u.deg) & (angular_distance < 0.45 * u.deg))
print_runs(dcheck_runsummary, source_mask, by_date=True)

dates = [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t - 0.5 * 86400).strftime('%Y%m%d') for t in dcheck_runsummary['time'][source_mask]]
dcheck_runsummary_masked = dcheck_runsummary['runnumber', 'time'][source_mask]
dcheck_runsummary_masked['date'] = dates
del dcheck_runsummary_masked['time']

if args.verbose:

# write the txt file
dcheck_runsummary_masked.write(os.environ.get('CONFIG_FOLDER') + f'/{source}_runlist.txt', format='pandas.csv', header=False, sep=' ')
if args.verbose:
    if os.path.exists(os.environ.get('CONFIG_FOLDER') + f'/{source}_runlist.txt'):
        print(f'Runlist file {source}_runlist.txt created in {os.environ.get("CONFIG_FOLDER")}')
        print('ERROR: Not able to create runlist file.')