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Newer Older's avatar committed
 ****  C A N A D I A N   A S T R O N O M Y   D A T A   C E N T R E  *****
 * (c) 2010.                            (c) 2010.
 * National Research Council            Conseil national de recherches
 * Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6              Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
 * All rights reserved                  Tous droits reserves
 * NRC disclaims any warranties         Le CNRC denie toute garantie
 * expressed, implied, or statu-        enoncee, implicite ou legale,
 * tory, of any kind with respect       de quelque nature que se soit,
 * to the software, including           concernant le logiciel, y com-
 * without limitation any war-          pris sans restriction toute
 * ranty of merchantability or          garantie de valeur marchande
 * fitness for a particular pur-        ou de pertinence pour un usage
 * pose.  NRC shall not be liable       particulier.  Le CNRC ne
 * in any event for any damages,        pourra en aucun cas etre tenu
 * whether direct or indirect,          responsable de tout dommage,
 * special or general, consequen-       direct ou indirect, particul-
 * tial or incidental, arising          ier ou general, accessoire ou
 * from the use of the software.        fortuit, resultant de l'utili-
 *                                      sation du logiciel.
 * @author adriand
 * @version $Revision: $
 ****  C A N A D I A N   A S T R O N O M Y   D A T A   C E N T R E  *****

package ca.nrc.cadc.cred.client.priv;


import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.X509CertificateChain;

 * Class to access the private interface of CADC CDP.
 * @deprecated just use <code>new CredClient(serviceURI)</code>'s avatar committed
public class CredPrivateClient

    private static Logger LOGGER = Logger

    protected URL baseServiceURL;
     * Implementors must provide an extension of this class of the
     * name ca.nrc.cadc.cred.client.priv.impl.CredPrivateClientImpl.'s avatar committed
     * @param baseServiceURL
Patrick Dowler's avatar
Patrick Dowler committed
     * @return's avatar committed
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             implementation class
     *             ca.nrc.cadc.cred.client.priv.impl.CredPrivateClientImpl
     *             not found in the class path
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     *             constructor of class
     *             ca.nrc.cadc.cred.client.priv.impl.CredPrivateClientImpl
     *             not accessible
Patrick Dowler's avatar
Patrick Dowler committed
     * @throws java.lang.InstantiationException
    public static CredPrivateClient getInstance(URL baseServiceURL)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException,
        InstantiationException's avatar committed
        Class<?> implClass = Class
        CredPrivateClient client = (CredPrivateClient) implClass.newInstance();
        return client;
     * Constructor.
    protected CredPrivateClient()
    {'s avatar committed

     * Method that returns a X509CertificateChain in accordance to
     * Subject's credentials. The lifetime of the certificate is the default
     * one generated by the server. Subclasses must implement this class;'s avatar committed
     * @return a certificate corresponding user's (Subject) credentials.'s avatar committed
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws AuthorizationException -
     *             user not authorize to access resource
    public X509CertificateChain getCertificate()
            throws AuthorizationException, CertificateException
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "To be implemented in the subclass");
     * Method that returns a X509CertificateChain in accordance to
     * Subject's credentials. The lifetime of the certificate is specified. 
     * Subclasses must implement this class;
     * @param daysValid requested lifetime for the proxy certificate
     * @return a certificate corresponding user's (Subject) credentials 
     * matching the requested lifetime or null if such a certificate does 
     * not exist and cannot be created.
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws AuthorizationException -
     *             user not authorize to access resource
    public X509CertificateChain getCertificate(float daysValid)
            throws AuthorizationException, CertificateException
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "To be implemented in the subclass");
    protected URL getBaseServiceURL()
        return baseServiceURL;

    protected void setBaseServiceURL(URL baseServiceURL)
        this.baseServiceURL = baseServiceURL;