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# cadcAccessControl

## Description
The cadcAccessControl module contains the shared model classes and exceptions used by the access control clients and server.  It also contains the UserClient and GMSClient (group management service client).

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## Build and Test Dependencies

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### opencadc dependencies:
- opencadc/core/cadcUtil
- opencadc/reg/cadcRegistry
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### external build dependencies
- json.jar (
- jdom2.jar (jdom-2.0.5.jar)
- log4j.jar (log4j-1.2.17.jar)

### external test dependencies
- xerces.jar (xerces-2_9_1)
- asm.jar (hibernate-3.2.3)
- cglib.jar (hibernate-3.2.3)
- easymock.jar (easymock-3.0.jar)
- junit.jar (junit-4.6.jar)
- objenesis.jar (objenesis-1.2.jar)
- jsonassert.jar (jsonassert-1.2.3.jar)