10–12 Apr 2017
Orto Botanico, Padova
Europe/Rome timezone
<span style="font-size:1.3em; color:#000000">Registrazione aperta fino al 15 Marzo</span>

MAORY - progress status and science team activity

Not scheduled
Orto Botanico, Padova

Orto Botanico, Padova

Via Orto Botanico, 15, 35123, Padova PD, Italy


Giuliana Fiorentino


The MAORY science team activity and working plan will be presented together with the prompt positive feedback received from the INAF scientific community.Resolved stellar populations will be discussed, going from nearby single resolved objects to the outskirt of the Local Volume. These studies fully exploit the potential of the high resolution imaging and faint spectroscopy possible with MICADO+MAORY. The main observing modes and constraints for these instruments will be overviewed.

Primary author

Giuliana Fiorentino

Presentation materials

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