10–12 Apr 2017
Orto Botanico, Padova
Europe/Rome timezone
<span style="font-size:1.3em; color:#000000">Registrazione aperta fino al 15 Marzo</span>

Planet formation with AdOpt and ALMA: results and prospects

Not scheduled
Orto Botanico, Padova

Orto Botanico, Padova

Via Orto Botanico, 15, 35123, Padova PD, Italy


Leonardo Testi


The combination of high contrast imaging at large telescopes and high angular resolution observations at millimetre wavelength with ALMA are transforming our view on planet formation. Millimetre and infrared observations of disks are showing features that are attributed to the presence of forming planets in the disks. But the presence of planets remains elusive in most cases and their presence and properties are only constrained indirectly. Well designed programs using the best capabilities available at VLT and LBT are starting to detect protoplanets in a few favourable cases. I will show the initial results of our LBT program to search for forming planets in protoplanetary disks and elaborate on the requirements for future AdOpt systems that will allow us to improve on our current detection limits.

Primary author

Leonardo Testi

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