10–12 Apr 2017
Orto Botanico, Padova
Europe/Rome timezone
<span style="font-size:1.3em; color:#000000">Registrazione aperta fino al 15 Marzo</span>

High contrast imaging in exoplanets science: results and perspectives

Not scheduled
Orto Botanico, Padova

Orto Botanico, Padova

Via Orto Botanico, 15, 35123, Padova PD, Italy


Dino Mesa


High contrast imaging is one the most important techniques to operate in a lot of different astrophysical contexts. It allows to image point sources or extended structure even in cases when they are near to a much brighter object. It is then very useful in the imaging of extrasolar planets or of protoplanetary disks. I will focus in particular on the results obtained with this technique using SPHERE, the planet hunter instrument operating at the VLT since 2 years.

Primary author

Dino Mesa

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