package tap.db; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import adql.db.DBChecker; import adql.db.DBColumn; import adql.db.DBTable; import adql.db.DBType; import adql.db.DBType.DBDatatype; import adql.parser.ADQLParser; import adql.parser.ParseException; import adql.query.ADQLQuery; import adql.query.IdentifierField; import adql.translator.AstroH2Translator; import adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator; import; import; import; import tap.db_testtools.DBTools; import tap.metadata.TAPColumn; import tap.metadata.TAPForeignKey; import tap.metadata.TAPMetadata; import tap.metadata.TAPMetadata.STDSchema; import tap.metadata.TAPMetadata.STDTable; import tap.metadata.TAPSchema; import tap.metadata.TAPTable; public class TestJDBCConnection { private static Connection h2Connection; private static JDBCConnection h2JDBCConnection; private static JDBCConnection sensH2JDBCConnection; private static Connection sqliteConnection; private static JDBCConnection sqliteJDBCConnection; private static JDBCConnection sensSqliteJDBCConnection; private static String uploadExamplePath; private final static String sqliteDbFile = "./test/tap/db_testtools/db-test/sqlite_testDB.db"; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception{ uploadExamplePath = "./test/tap/db/upload_example.vot"; DBTools.createTestDB(); h2Connection = DBTools.createConnection("h2", null, null, DBTools.DB_TEST_PATH, DBTools.DB_TEST_USER, DBTools.DB_TEST_PWD); h2JDBCConnection = new JDBCConnection(h2Connection, new AstroH2Translator(false), "H2", new QueryExecutor(), null); sensH2JDBCConnection = new JDBCConnection(h2Connection, new AstroH2Translator(true, true, true, true), "SensitiveH2", new QueryExecutor(), null); sqliteConnection = DBTools.createConnection("sqlite", null, null, sqliteDbFile, null, null); sqliteJDBCConnection = new JDBCConnection(sqliteConnection, new PostgreSQLTranslator(false), "SQLITE", new QueryExecutor(), null); sensSqliteJDBCConnection = new JDBCConnection(sqliteConnection, new PostgreSQLTranslator(true), "SensitiveSQLite", new QueryExecutor(), null); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception{ // Drop the H2 database: DBTools.dropTestDB(); // Drop the SQLite database: (new File(sqliteDbFile)).delete(); } /* ***** */ /* TESTS */ /* ***** */ @Test public void testGetTAPSchemaTablesDef(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ TAPMetadata meta = createCustomSchema(); TAPTable customColumns = meta.getTable(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.toString(), STDTable.COLUMNS.toString()); TAPTable[] tapTables = conn.mergeTAPSchemaDefs(meta); TAPSchema stdSchema = TAPMetadata.getStdSchema(conn.supportsSchema); assertEquals(5, tapTables.length); assertTrue(equals(tapTables[0], stdSchema.getTable(STDTable.SCHEMAS.label))); assertEquals(customColumns.getSchema(), tapTables[0].getSchema()); assertTrue(equals(tapTables[1], stdSchema.getTable(STDTable.TABLES.label))); assertEquals(customColumns.getSchema(), tapTables[1].getSchema()); assertTrue(equals(tapTables[2], customColumns)); assertTrue(equals(tapTables[3], stdSchema.getTable(STDTable.KEYS.label))); assertEquals(customColumns.getSchema(), tapTables[3].getSchema()); assertTrue(equals(tapTables[4], stdSchema.getTable(STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label))); assertEquals(customColumns.getSchema(), tapTables[4].getSchema()); } } @Test public void testSetTAPSchema(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ short cnt = -1; while(cnt < 1){ /* NO CUSTOM DEFINITION */ // Prepare the test: if (cnt == -1) dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); else createTAPSchema(conn); // Do the test: try{ TAPMetadata meta = new TAPMetadata(); int[] expectedCounts = getStats(meta); conn.setTAPSchema(meta); int[] effectiveCounts = getStats(conn, meta); for(int i = 0; i < expectedCounts.length; i++) assertEquals(expectedCounts[i], effectiveCounts[i]); }catch(DBException dbe){ dbe.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("[" + conn.getID() + ";no def] No error should happen here ; when an empty list of metadata is given, at least the TAP_SCHEMA should be created and filled with a description of itself."); } /* CUSTOM DEFINITION */ // Prepare the test: if (cnt == -1) dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); // Do the test: try{ TAPMetadata meta = createCustomSchema(); int[] expectedCounts = getStats(meta); conn.setTAPSchema(meta); int[] effectiveCounts = getStats(conn, meta); for(int i = 0; i < expectedCounts.length; i++) assertEquals(expectedCounts[i], effectiveCounts[i]); }catch(DBException dbe){ dbe.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("[" + conn.getID() + ";custom def] No error should happen here!"); } cnt++; } } } @Test public void testGetCreationOrder(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ assertEquals(-1, conn.getCreationOrder(null)); assertEquals(0, conn.getCreationOrder(STDTable.SCHEMAS)); assertEquals(1, conn.getCreationOrder(STDTable.TABLES)); assertEquals(2, conn.getCreationOrder(STDTable.COLUMNS)); assertEquals(3, conn.getCreationOrder(STDTable.KEYS)); assertEquals(4, conn.getCreationOrder(STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS)); } } @Test public void testGetDBMSDatatype(){ assertEquals("VARCHAR", h2JDBCConnection.defaultTypeConversion(null)); assertEquals("TEXT", sqliteJDBCConnection.defaultTypeConversion(null)); assertEquals("VARBINARY", h2JDBCConnection.defaultTypeConversion(new DBType(DBDatatype.VARBINARY))); assertEquals("BLOB", sqliteJDBCConnection.defaultTypeConversion(new DBType(DBDatatype.VARBINARY))); } @Test public void testMergeTAPSchemaDefs(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ // TEST WITH NO METADATA OBJECT: // -> expected: throws a NULL exception. try{ conn.mergeTAPSchemaDefs(null); }catch(Exception e){ assertEquals(NullPointerException.class, e.getClass()); } // TEST WITH EMPTY METADATA OBJECT: // -> expected: returns at least the 5 tables of the TAP_SCHEMA. TAPTable[] stdTables = conn.mergeTAPSchemaDefs(new TAPMetadata()); assertEquals(5, stdTables.length); for(TAPTable t : stdTables) assertEquals(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.toString(), t.getADQLSchemaName()); assertEquals(STDTable.SCHEMAS.toString(), stdTables[0].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.TABLES.toString(), stdTables[1].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.COLUMNS.toString(), stdTables[2].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.KEYS.toString(), stdTables[3].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.toString(), stdTables[4].getADQLName()); // TEST WITH INCOMPLETE TAP_SCHEMA TABLES LIST + 1 CUSTOM TAP_SCHEMA TABLE (here: TAP_SCHEMA.columns): // -> expected: the 5 tables of the TAP_SCHEMA including the modification of the standard tables & ignore the additional table(s) if any (which is the case here). TAPMetadata customMeta = createCustomSchema(); stdTables = conn.mergeTAPSchemaDefs(customMeta); assertEquals(5, stdTables.length); for(TAPTable t : stdTables) assertEquals(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.toString(), t.getADQLSchemaName()); assertEquals(STDTable.SCHEMAS.toString(), stdTables[0].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.TABLES.toString(), stdTables[1].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.COLUMNS.toString(), stdTables[2].getADQLName()); assertEquals("Columns", stdTables[2].getDBName()); assertNotNull(stdTables[2].getColumn("TestNewColumn")); assertEquals(STDTable.KEYS.toString(), stdTables[3].getADQLName()); assertEquals(STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.toString(), stdTables[4].getADQLName()); } } @Test public void testEquals(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ // NULL tests: assertFalse(conn.equals("tap_schema", null, false)); assertFalse(conn.equals("tap_schema", null, true)); assertFalse(conn.equals(null, "tap_schema", false)); assertFalse(conn.equals(null, "tap_schema", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals(null, null, false)); assertFalse(conn.equals(null, null, true)); // CASE SENSITIVE tests: if (conn.supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifier || conn.mixedCaseQuoted){ assertFalse(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", true)); }else if (conn.lowerCaseQuoted){ assertTrue(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", true)); }else if (conn.upperCaseQuoted){ assertFalse(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", true)); assertFalse(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", true)); }else{ assertTrue(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", true)); assertTrue(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", true)); } // CASE INSENSITIVE tests: if (conn.supportsMixedCaseUnquotedIdentifier){ assertTrue(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", false)); }else if (conn.lowerCaseUnquoted){ assertTrue(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertFalse(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertFalse(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", false)); assertFalse(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", false)); }else if (conn.upperCaseUnquoted){ assertFalse(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", false)); assertFalse(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", false)); assertFalse(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", false)); }else{ assertTrue(conn.equals("tap_schema", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "TAP_SCHEMA", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("TAP_SCHEMA", "tap_schema", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("Columns", "columns", false)); assertTrue(conn.equals("columns", "Columns", false)); } } } @Test public void testGetTAPSchema(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ try{ // Prepare the test: createTAPSchema(conn); // Try to get it (which should work without any problem here): conn.getTAPSchema(); }catch(DBException de){ de.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("No pbm should happen here (either for the creation of a std TAP_SCHEMA or for its reading)! CAUSE: " + de.getMessage()); } try{ // Prepare the test: dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); // Try to get it (which should work without any problem here): conn.getTAPSchema(); fail("DBException expected, because none of the TAP_SCHEMA tables exist."); }catch(DBException de){ assertTrue(de.getMessage().equals("Impossible to load schemas from TAP_SCHEMA.schemas!")); } } } @Test public void testIsTableExisting(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ try{ // Get the database metadata: DatabaseMetaData dbMeta = conn.connection.getMetaData(); // Prepare the test: createTAPSchema(conn); // Test the existence of all TAP_SCHEMA tables: assertTrue(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.SCHEMAS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.SCHEMAS.label), dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.TABLES.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.TABLES.label), dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.COLUMNS.label), dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEYS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEYS.label), dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label), dbMeta)); // Test the non-existence of any other table: assertFalse(conn.isTableExisting(null, "foo", dbMeta)); // Prepare the test: dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); // Test the non-existence of all TAP_SCHEMA tables: assertFalse(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.SCHEMAS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.SCHEMAS.label), dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.TABLES.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.TABLES.label), dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.COLUMNS.label), dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEYS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEYS.label), dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isTableExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label), dbMeta)); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.getID() + "} Testing the existence of a table should not throw an error!"); } } } @Test public void testIsColumnExisting(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; int i = -1; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ i++; try{ // Get the database metadata: DatabaseMetaData dbMeta = conn.connection.getMetaData(); // Prepare the test: createTAPSchema(conn); // Test the existence of one column for all TAP_SCHEMA tables: assertTrue(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.SCHEMAS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.SCHEMAS.label), "schema_name", dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.TABLES.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.TABLES.label), "table_name", dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.COLUMNS.label), "column_name", dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEYS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEYS.label), "key_id", dbMeta)); assertTrue(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label), "key_id", dbMeta)); // Test the non-existence of any column: assertFalse(conn.isColumnExisting(null, null, "foo", dbMeta)); // Prepare the test: dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); // Test the non-existence of the same column for all TAP_SCHEMA tables: assertFalse(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.SCHEMAS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.SCHEMAS.label), "schema_name", dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.TABLES.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.TABLES.label), "table_name", dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.COLUMNS.label), "column_name", dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEYS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEYS.label), "key_id", dbMeta)); assertFalse(conn.isColumnExisting(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, (conn.supportsSchema ? STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label : STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label + "_" + STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label), "key_id", dbMeta)); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.getID() + "} Testing the existence of a column should not throw an error!"); } } } @Test public void testAddUploadedTable(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; TAPTable tableDef = null; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ InputStream io = null; try{ io = new FileInputStream(uploadExamplePath); TableIterator it = new VOTableIterator(io); TAPColumn[] cols = it.getMetadata(); tableDef = new TAPTable("UploadExample"); for(TAPColumn c : cols) tableDef.addColumn(c); // Test with no schema set: try{ conn.addUploadedTable(tableDef, it); fail("The table is not inside a TAPSchema, so this test should have failed!"); }catch(Exception ex){ assertTrue(ex instanceof DBException); assertEquals("Missing upload schema! An uploaded table must be inside a schema whose the ADQL name is strictly equals to \"" + STDSchema.UPLOADSCHEMA.label + "\" (but the DB name may be different).", ex.getMessage()); } // Specify the UPLOAD schema for the table to upload: TAPSchema schema = new TAPSchema(STDSchema.UPLOADSCHEMA.label); schema.addTable(tableDef); // Prepare the test: no TAP_UPLOAD schema and no table TAP_UPLOAD.UploadExample: dropSchema(STDSchema.UPLOADSCHEMA.label, conn); // Test: try{ assertTrue(conn.addUploadedTable(tableDef, it)); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} This error should not happen: no TAP_UPLOAD schema."); } close(io); io = new FileInputStream(uploadExamplePath); it = new VOTableIterator(io); // Prepare the test: the TAP_UPLOAD schema exist but not the table TAP_UPLOAD.UploadExample: dropTable(tableDef.getDBSchemaName(), tableDef.getDBName(), conn); // Test: try{ assertTrue(conn.addUploadedTable(tableDef, it)); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} This error should not happen: no TAP_UPLOAD schema."); } close(io); io = new FileInputStream(uploadExamplePath); it = new VOTableIterator(io); // Prepare the test: the TAP_UPLOAD schema and the table TAP_UPLOAD.UploadExample BOTH exist: ; // Test: try{ assertFalse(conn.addUploadedTable(tableDef, it)); }catch(Exception ex){ if (ex instanceof DBException) assertEquals("Impossible to create the user uploaded table in the database: " + conn.translator.getTableName(tableDef, conn.supportsSchema) + "! This table already exists.", ex.getMessage()); else{ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} DBException was the expected exception!"); } } }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} This error should never happen except there is a problem with the file (" + uploadExamplePath + ")."); }finally{ close(io); } } } @Test public void testDropUploadedTable(){ TAPTable tableDef = new TAPTable("TableToDrop"); TAPSchema uploadSchema = new TAPSchema(STDSchema.UPLOADSCHEMA.label); uploadSchema.addTable(tableDef); // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ try{ // 1st TEST CASE: the schema TAP_UPLOAD does not exist -> no error should be raised! // drop the TAP_UPLOAD schema: dropSchema(uploadSchema.getDBName(), conn); // try to drop the table: assertTrue(conn.dropUploadedTable(tableDef)); // 2nd TEST CASE: the table does not exists -> no error should be raised! // create the TAP_UPLOAD schema, but not the table: createSchema(uploadSchema.getDBName(), conn); // try to drop the table: assertTrue(conn.dropUploadedTable(tableDef)); // 3rd TEST CASE: the table and the schema exist -> the table should be created without any error! // create the fake uploaded table: createFooTable(tableDef.getDBSchemaName(), tableDef.getDBName(), conn); // try to drop the table: assertTrue(conn.dropUploadedTable(tableDef)); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} This error should not happen. The table should be dropped and even if it does not exist, no error should be thrown."); } } } @Test public void testExecuteQuery(){ // There should be no difference between a H2 connection and a SQLITE one! JDBCConnection[] connections = new JDBCConnection[]{h2JDBCConnection,sensH2JDBCConnection,sqliteJDBCConnection,sensSqliteJDBCConnection}; for(JDBCConnection conn : connections){ TAPSchema schema = TAPMetadata.getStdSchema(conn.supportsSchema); ArrayList tables = new ArrayList(schema.getNbTables()); for(TAPTable t : schema) tables.add(t); ADQLParser parser = new ADQLParser(new DBChecker(tables)); parser.setDebug(false); /*if (conn.ID.equalsIgnoreCase("SQLITE")){ for(DBTable t : tables){ TAPTable tapT = (TAPTable)t; tapT.getSchema().setDBName(null); tapT.setDBName(tapT.getSchema().getADQLName() + "_" + tapT.getDBName()); } }*/ TableIterator result = null; try{ // Prepare the test: create the TAP_SCHEMA: dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); // Build the ADQLQuery object: ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT table_name FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables;"); // Execute the query: result = conn.executeQuery(query, null); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} This test should have failed because TAP_SCHEMA was supposed to not exist!"); }catch(DBException de){ assertTrue(de.getMessage().startsWith("Unexpected error while executing a SQL query: ")); assertTrue(de.getMessage().indexOf("tap_schema") > 0 || de.getMessage().indexOf("TAP_SCHEMA") > 0); }catch(ParseException pe){ pe.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("There should be no pbm to parse the ADQL expression!"); }finally{ if (result != null){ try{ result.close(); }catch(DataReadException de){} result = null; } } try{ // Prepare the test: create the TAP_SCHEMA: createTAPSchema(conn); // Build the ADQLQuery object: ADQLQuery query = parser.parseQuery("SELECT table_name FROM TAP_SCHEMA.tables;"); // Execute the query: result = conn.executeQuery(query, null); assertEquals(1, result.getMetadata().length); int cntRow = 0; while(result.nextRow()){ cntRow++; assertTrue(result.hasNextCol()); assertNotNull(TAPMetadata.resolveStdTable((String)result.nextCol())); assertFalse(result.hasNextCol()); } assertEquals(5, cntRow); }catch(DBException de){ de.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("No ADQL/SQL query error was expected here!"); }catch(ParseException pe){ fail("There should be no pbm to parse the ADQL expression!"); }catch(DataReadException e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("There should be no pbm when accessing rows and the first (and only) columns of the result!"); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("There should be no pbm when reading the query result!"); }finally{ if (result != null){ try{ result.close(); }catch(DataReadException de){} result = null; } } } } /* ************** */ /* TOOL FUNCTIONS */ /* ************** */ public final static void main(final String[] args) throws Throwable{ JDBCConnection conn = new JDBCConnection(DBTools.createConnection("h2", null, null, DBTools.DB_TEST_PATH, DBTools.DB_TEST_USER, DBTools.DB_TEST_PWD), new AstroH2Translator(), "TEST_H2", new QueryExecutor(), null); TestJDBCConnection.createTAPSchema(conn); TestJDBCConnection.dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); } /** *

Build a table prefix with the given schema name.

* *

By default, this function returns: schemaName + "_".

* *

CAUTION: * This function is used only when schemas are not supported by the DBMS connection. * It aims to propose an alternative of the schema notion by prefixing the table name by the schema name. *

* *

Note: * If the given schema is NULL or is an empty string, an empty string will be returned. * Thus, no prefix will be set....which is very useful when the table name has already been prefixed * (in such case, the DB name of its schema has theoretically set to NULL). *

* * @param schemaName (DB) Schema name. * * @return The corresponding table prefix, or "" if the given schema name is an empty string or NULL. */ protected static String getTablePrefix(final String schemaName){ if (schemaName != null && schemaName.trim().length() > 0) return schemaName + "_"; else return ""; } private static String getOfficialSchemaName(final String schemaName, final JDBCConnection conn){ Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); rs = conn.connection.getMetaData().getSchemas(); while({ if (schemaName.equalsIgnoreCase(rs.getString(1))) return rs.getString(1); } close(rs); rs = null; }catch(Exception ex){ rollback(conn); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} Impossible to fetch the official DB schema name of " + schemaName + "!"); }finally{ close(rs); close(stmt); } return null; } private static void dropSchema(String schemaName, final JDBCConnection conn){ Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); final boolean caseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA); if (conn.supportsSchema){ // search the official case sensitive schema name: schemaName = getOfficialSchemaName(schemaName, conn); // do nothing if the schema does not exist: if (schemaName == null) return; // then, list all its tables: startTransaction(conn); rs = conn.connection.getMetaData().getTables(null, schemaName, null, null); ArrayList tablesToDrop = new ArrayList(); while( tablesToDrop.add(rs.getString(3)); close(rs); rs = null; // drop them: for(String t : tablesToDrop) stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"" + t + "\";"); // finally drop the schema itself: stmt.executeUpdate("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + formatIdentifier(schemaName, true) + ";"); commit(conn); }else{ startTransaction(conn); final String tablePrefix = getTablePrefix(schemaName); final int prefixLen = tablePrefix.length(); if (prefixLen <= 0) return; rs = conn.connection.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, null); ArrayList tablesToDrop = new ArrayList(); while({ String table = rs.getString(3); if (table.length() > prefixLen){ if (equals(schemaName, table.substring(0, prefixLen - 1), caseSensitive)) tablesToDrop.add(table); } } close(rs); rs = null; for(String t : tablesToDrop) stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"" + t + "\";"); commit(conn); } }catch(Exception ex){ rollback(conn); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} Impossible to prepare a test by: dropping the schema " + schemaName + "!"); }finally{ close(rs); close(stmt); } } private static void dropTable(final String schemaName, final String tableName, final JDBCConnection conn){ Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ final boolean sCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA); final boolean tCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.TABLE); stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); if (conn.supportsSchema) stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + formatIdentifier(schemaName, sCaseSensitive) + "." + formatIdentifier(tableName, tCaseSensitive) + ";"); else{ rs = conn.connection.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, null); String tableToDrop = null; while({ String table = rs.getString(3); if (equals(tableName, table, tCaseSensitive)){ tableToDrop = table; break; } } close(rs); if (tableToDrop != null) stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"" + tableToDrop + "\";"); } }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} Impossible to prepare a test by: dropping the table " + schemaName + "." + tableName + "!"); }finally{ close(rs); close(stmt); } } private static void createSchema(final String schemaName, final JDBCConnection conn){ if (!conn.supportsSchema) return; dropSchema(schemaName, conn); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ final boolean sCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA); stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA " + formatIdentifier(schemaName, sCaseSensitive) + ";"); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} Impossible to prepare a test by: creating the schema " + schemaName + "!"); }finally{ close(rs); close(stmt); } } private static void createFooTable(final String schemaName, final String tableName, final JDBCConnection conn){ dropTable(schemaName, tableName, conn); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try{ final boolean sCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA); final boolean tCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.TABLE); String tablePrefix = formatIdentifier(schemaName, sCaseSensitive); if (!conn.supportsSchema || tablePrefix == null) tablePrefix = ""; else tablePrefix += "."; stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tablePrefix + formatIdentifier(tableName, tCaseSensitive) + " (ID integer);"); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} Impossible to prepare a test by: creating the table " + schemaName + "." + tableName + "!"); }finally{ close(rs); close(stmt); } } private static TAPMetadata createTAPSchema(final JDBCConnection conn){ dropSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, conn); TAPMetadata metadata = new TAPMetadata(); Statement stmt = null; try{ final boolean sCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA); final boolean tCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.TABLE); final boolean cCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.COLUMN); String[] tableNames = new String[]{STDTable.SCHEMAS.label,STDTable.TABLES.label,STDTable.COLUMNS.label,STDTable.KEYS.label,STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.label}; if (conn.supportsSchema){ for(int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) tableNames[i] = formatIdentifier(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, sCaseSensitive) + "." + formatIdentifier(tableNames[i], tCaseSensitive); }else{ for(int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) tableNames[i] = formatIdentifier(getTablePrefix(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label) + tableNames[i], tCaseSensitive); } startTransaction(conn); stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); if (conn.supportsSchema) stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA " + formatIdentifier(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label, sCaseSensitive) + ";"); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tableNames[0] + "(" + formatIdentifier("schema_name", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("description", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("utype", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("dbname", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(" + formatIdentifier("schema_name", cCaseSensitive) + "));"); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tableNames[0] + ";"); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tableNames[1] + "(" + formatIdentifier("schema_name", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("table_name", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("table_type", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("description", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("utype", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("dbname", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(" + formatIdentifier("schema_name", cCaseSensitive) + ", " + formatIdentifier("table_name", cCaseSensitive) + "));"); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tableNames[1] + ";"); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tableNames[2] + "(" + formatIdentifier("table_name", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("column_name", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("description", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("unit", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("ucd", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("utype", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("datatype", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("arraysize", cCaseSensitive) + " INTEGER," + formatIdentifier("size", cCaseSensitive) + " INTEGER," + formatIdentifier("principal", cCaseSensitive) + " INTEGER," + formatIdentifier("indexed", cCaseSensitive) + " INTEGER," + formatIdentifier("std", cCaseSensitive) + " INTEGER," + formatIdentifier("dbname", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(" + formatIdentifier("table_name", cCaseSensitive) + ", " + formatIdentifier("column_name", cCaseSensitive) + "));"); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tableNames[2] + ";"); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tableNames[3] + "(" + formatIdentifier("key_id", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("from_table", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("target_table", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("description", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("utype", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(" + formatIdentifier("key_id", cCaseSensitive) + "));"); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tableNames[3] + ";"); stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE " + tableNames[4] + "(" + formatIdentifier("key_id", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("from_column", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR," + formatIdentifier("target_column", cCaseSensitive) + " VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY(" + formatIdentifier("key_id", cCaseSensitive) + "));"); stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tableNames[4] + ";"); /*if (!conn.supportsSchema){ TAPSchema stdSchema = TAPMetadata.getStdSchema(); for(TAPTable t : stdSchema) t.setDBName(getTablePrefix(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.label) + t.getADQLName()); metadata.addSchema(stdSchema); }else*/ metadata.addSchema(TAPMetadata.getStdSchema(conn.supportsSchema)); ArrayList lstTables = new ArrayList(); for(TAPSchema schema : metadata){ stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableNames[0] + " VALUES('" + schema.getADQLName() + "','" + schema.getDescription() + "','" + schema.getUtype() + "','" + schema.getDBName() + "')"); for(TAPTable t : schema) lstTables.add(t); } ArrayList lstCols = new ArrayList(); for(TAPTable table : lstTables){ stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableNames[1] + " VALUES('" + table.getADQLSchemaName() + "','" + table.getADQLName() + "','" + table.getType() + "','" + table.getDescription() + "','" + table.getUtype() + "','" + table.getDBName() + "')"); for(DBColumn c : table) lstCols.add(c); } lstTables = null; for(DBColumn c : lstCols){ TAPColumn col = (TAPColumn)c; stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + tableNames[2] + " VALUES('" + col.getTable().getADQLName() + "','" + col.getADQLName() + "','" + col.getDescription() + "','" + col.getUnit() + "','" + col.getUcd() + "','" + col.getUtype() + "','" + col.getDatatype().type + "'," + col.getDatatype().length + "," + col.getDatatype().length + "," + (col.isPrincipal() ? 1 : 0) + "," + (col.isIndexed() ? 1 : 0) + "," + (col.isStd() ? 1 : 0) + ",'" + col.getDBName() + "')"); } commit(conn); }catch(Exception ex){ rollback(conn); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("{" + conn.ID + "} Impossible to prepare a test by: creating TAP_SCHEMA!"); }finally{ close(stmt); } return metadata; } private static void startTransaction(final JDBCConnection conn){ try{ conn.connection.setAutoCommit(false); }catch(SQLException se){} } private static void commit(final JDBCConnection conn){ try{ conn.connection.commit(); conn.connection.setAutoCommit(true); }catch(SQLException se){} } private static void rollback(final JDBCConnection conn){ try{ conn.connection.rollback(); conn.connection.setAutoCommit(true); }catch(SQLException se){} } private static String formatIdentifier(final String identifier, final boolean caseSensitive){ if (identifier == null) return null; else if (identifier.charAt(0) == '"') return identifier; else if (caseSensitive) return "\"" + identifier + "\""; else return identifier; } private static boolean equals(final String name1, final String name2, final boolean caseSensitive){ return (name1 != null && name2 != null && (caseSensitive ? name1.equals(name2) : name1.equalsIgnoreCase(name2))); } private static boolean equals(final TAPTable table1, final TAPTable table2){ if (table1 == null || table2 == null){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] tables null!"); return false; } if (!table1.getFullName().equals(table2.getFullName())){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] tables name different: " + table1.getFullName() + " != " + table2.getFullName() + "!"); return false; } if (table1.getType() != table2.getType()){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] tables type different: " + table1.getType() + " != " + table2.getType() + "!"); return false; } if (table1.getNbColumns() != table2.getNbColumns()){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] tables length different: " + table1.getNbColumns() + " columns != " + table2.getNbColumns() + " columns!"); return false; } Iterator it = table1.getColumns(); while(it.hasNext()){ TAPColumn col1 =; if (!equals(col1, table2.getColumn(col1.getADQLName()))){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] tables columns different!"); return false; } } return true; } private static boolean equals(final TAPColumn col1, final TAPColumn col2){ if (col1 == null || col2 == null){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] columns null!"); return false; } if (!col1.getADQLName().equals(col2.getADQLName())){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] columns name different: " + col1.getADQLName() + " != " + col2.getADQLName() + "!"); return false; } if (!equals(col1.getDatatype(), col2.getDatatype())){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] columns type different: " + col1.getDatatype() + " != " + col2.getDatatype() + "!"); return false; } if (col1.getUnit() != col2.getUnit()){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] columns unit different: " + col1.getUnit() + " != " + col2.getUnit() + "!"); return false; } if (col1.getUcd() != col2.getUcd()){ //System.out.println("[EQUALS] columns ucd different: " + col1.getUcd() + " != " + col2.getUcd() + "!"); return false; } return true; } private static boolean equals(final DBType type1, final DBType type2){ return type1 != null && type2 != null && type1.type == type2.type && type1.length == type2.length; } private static TAPMetadata createCustomSchema(){ TAPMetadata tapMeta = new TAPMetadata(); TAPSchema tapSchema = new TAPSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.toString()); TAPTable customColumns = (TAPTable)TAPMetadata.getStdTable(STDTable.COLUMNS).copy("Columns", STDTable.COLUMNS.label); customColumns.addColumn("TestNewColumn", new DBType(DBDatatype.VARCHAR), "This is a fake column, just for test purpose.", null, null, null); tapSchema.addTable(customColumns); TAPTable addTable = new TAPTable("AdditionalTable"); addTable.addColumn("Blabla"); addTable.addColumn("Foo"); tapSchema.addTable(addTable); tapMeta.addSchema(tapSchema); return tapMeta; } /** *

Get the expected counts after a call of {@link JDBCConnection#setTAPSchema(TAPMetadata)}.

* *

Counts are computed from the given metadata ; the same metadata that will be given to {@link JDBCConnection#setTAPSchema(TAPMetadata)}.

* * @param meta * * @return An integer array with the following values: [0]=nbSchemas, [1]=nbTables, [2]=nbColumns, [3]=nbKeys and [4]=nbKeyColumns. */ private static int[] getStats(final TAPMetadata meta){ int[] counts = new int[]{1,5,0,0,0}; int[] stdColCounts = new int[]{4,6,13,5,3}; // 4,6 because of the addition of `dbname` ; 13 because of the addition of `dbname` and `arraysize` (tap-1.1) for(int c = 0; c < stdColCounts.length; c++) counts[2] += stdColCounts[c]; Iterator itSchemas = meta.iterator(); while(itSchemas.hasNext()){ TAPSchema schema =; boolean isTapSchema = (schema.getADQLName().equalsIgnoreCase(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.toString())); if (!isTapSchema) counts[0]++; Iterator itTables = schema.iterator(); while(itTables.hasNext()){ TAPTable table =; if (isTapSchema && TAPMetadata.resolveStdTable(table.getADQLName()) != null){ int ind = h2JDBCConnection.getCreationOrder(TAPMetadata.resolveStdTable(table.getADQLName())); counts[2] -= stdColCounts[ind]; }else counts[1]++; Iterator itColumns = table.iterator(); while(itColumns.hasNext()){; counts[2]++; } Iterator itKeys = table.getForeignKeys(); while(itKeys.hasNext()){ TAPForeignKey fk =; counts[3]++; counts[4] += fk.getNbRelations(); } } } return counts; } /** *

Get the effective counts after a call of {@link JDBCConnection#setTAPSchema(TAPMetadata)}.

* *

Counts are computed directly from the DB using the given connection; the same connection used to set the TAP schema in {@link JDBCConnection#setTAPSchema(TAPMetadata)}.

* * @param conn * @param meta Metadata, in order to get the standard TAP tables' name. * * @return An integer array with the following values: [0]=nbSchemas, [1]=nbTables, [2]=nbColumns, [3]=nbKeys and [4]=nbKeyColumns. */ private static int[] getStats(final JDBCConnection conn, final TAPMetadata meta){ int[] counts = new int[5]; Statement stmt = null; try{ stmt = conn.connection.createStatement(); TAPSchema tapSchema = meta.getSchema(STDSchema.TAPSCHEMA.toString()); String schemaPrefix = formatIdentifier(tapSchema.getDBName(), conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.SCHEMA)); if (!conn.supportsSchema || schemaPrefix == null) schemaPrefix = ""; else schemaPrefix += "."; boolean tCaseSensitive = conn.translator.isCaseSensitive(IdentifierField.TABLE); TAPTable tapTable = tapSchema.getTable(STDTable.SCHEMAS.toString()); counts[0] = count(stmt, schemaPrefix + formatIdentifier(tapTable.getDBName(), tCaseSensitive), tapSchema.getADQLName() + "." + tapTable.getADQLName()); tapTable = tapSchema.getTable(STDTable.TABLES.toString()); counts[1] = count(stmt, schemaPrefix + formatIdentifier(tapTable.getDBName(), tCaseSensitive), tapSchema.getADQLName() + "." + tapTable.getADQLName()); tapTable = tapSchema.getTable(STDTable.COLUMNS.toString()); counts[2] = count(stmt, schemaPrefix + formatIdentifier(tapTable.getDBName(), tCaseSensitive), tapSchema.getADQLName() + "." + tapTable.getADQLName()); tapTable = tapSchema.getTable(STDTable.KEYS.toString()); counts[3] = count(stmt, schemaPrefix + formatIdentifier(tapTable.getDBName(), tCaseSensitive), tapSchema.getADQLName() + "." + tapTable.getADQLName()); tapTable = tapSchema.getTable(STDTable.KEY_COLUMNS.toString()); counts[4] = count(stmt, schemaPrefix + formatIdentifier(tapTable.getDBName(), tCaseSensitive), tapSchema.getADQLName() + "." + tapTable.getADQLName()); }catch(SQLException se){ fail("Can not create a statement!"); }finally{ try{ if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); }catch(SQLException ex){} } return counts; } private static int count(final Statement stmt, final String qualifiedTableName, final String adqlTableName){ ResultSet rs = null; try{ rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + qualifiedTableName + ";");; return rs.getInt(1); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(System.err); fail("Can not count! Maybe " + qualifiedTableName + " (in ADQL: " + adqlTableName + ") does not exist."); return -1; }finally{ close(rs); } } private static void close(final ResultSet rs){ if (rs == null) return; try{ rs.close(); }catch(SQLException se){} } private static void close(final Statement stmt){ try{ if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); }catch(SQLException se){} } private static void close(final InputStream io){ try{ if (io != null) io.close(); }catch(IOException ioe){} } }