package tap.config; /* * This file is part of TAPLibrary. * * TAPLibrary is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * TAPLibrary is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with TAPLibrary. If not, see . * * Copyright 2016-2017 - Astronomisches Rechen Institut (ARI) */ import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_BACKUP_BY_USER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.DEFAULT_BACKUP_FREQUENCY; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_BACKUP_BY_USER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_BACKUP_FREQUENCY; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DATABASE_ACCESS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DB_PASSWORD; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_DB_USERNAME; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_JDBC_DRIVER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_JDBC_URL; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JDBC; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JDBC_DRIVERS; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_JNDI; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_MYSQL; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_NEVER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_PGSPHERE; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_POSTGRESQL; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_SQLSERVER; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.VALUE_USER_ACTION; import static tap.config.TAPConfiguration.getProperty; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import adql.translator.JDBCTranslator; import adql.translator.MySQLTranslator; import adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator; import adql.translator.PostgreSQLTranslator; import adql.translator.SQLServerTranslator; import tap.AbstractTAPFactory; import tap.ServiceConnection; import tap.TAPException; import tap.TAPFactory; import tap.backup.DefaultTAPBackupManager; import tap.db.DBConnection; import tap.db.JDBCConnection; import uws.UWSException; import uws.service.UWSService; import uws.service.backup.UWSBackupManager; import uws.service.log.UWSLog.LogLevel; /** *

Concrete implementation of a {@link TAPFactory} which is parameterized by a TAP configuration file.

* *

* All abstract or NULL-implemented methods/functions left by {@link AbstractTAPFactory} are implemented using values * of a TAP configuration file. The concerned methods are: {@link #getConnection(String)}, {@link #freeConnection(DBConnection)}, * {@link #destroy()}, {@link #createADQLTranslator()} and {@link #createUWSBackupManager(UWSService)}. *

* * @author Grégory Mantelet (ARI) * @version 2.1 (08/2017) * @since 2.0 */ public class ConfigurableTAPFactory extends AbstractTAPFactory { /* ADQL to SQL translation: */ /** The {@link JDBCTranslator} to use when a ADQL query must be executed in the database. * This translator is also used to convert ADQL types into database types. */ protected Class translator; /* JNDI DB access: */ /** The {@link DataSource} to use in order to access the database. * This attribute is actually used only if the chosen database access method is JNDI. */ protected final DataSource datasource; /* Simple JDBC access: */ /** Classpath of the JDBC driver to use in order to access the database. * This attribute is actually used only if the chosen database access method is JDBC. */ protected final String driverPath; /** JDBC URL of the database to access. * This attribute is actually used only if the chosen database access method is JDBC. */ protected final String dbUrl; /** Name of the database user to use in order to access the database. * This attribute is actually used only if the chosen database access method is JDBC. */ protected final String dbUser; /** Password of the database user to use in order to access the database. * This attribute is actually used only if the chosen database access method is JDBC. */ protected final String dbPassword; /* UWS's jobs backup: */ /** Indicate whether the jobs must be backuped gathered by user or just all mixed together. */ protected boolean backupByUser; /** Frequency at which the jobs must be backuped. */ protected long backupFrequency; /** * Build a {@link TAPFactory} using the given TAP service description and TAP configuration file. * * @param service The TAP service description. * @param tapConfig The TAP configuration file containing particularly information about the database access. * * @throws NullPointerException If one of the parameter is NULL. * @throws TAPException If some properties of the TAP configuration file are wrong. */ public ConfigurableTAPFactory(ServiceConnection service, final Properties tapConfig) throws NullPointerException, TAPException{ super(service); if (tapConfig == null) throw new NullPointerException("Missing TAP properties! "); /* 1. Configure the database access */ final String dbAccessMethod = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DATABASE_ACCESS); // Case a: Missing access method => error! if (dbAccessMethod == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_DATABASE_ACCESS + "\" is missing! It is required to connect to the database. Two possible values: \"" + VALUE_JDBC + "\" and \"" + VALUE_JNDI + "\"."); // Case b: JDBC ACCESS else if (dbAccessMethod.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_JDBC)){ // Extract the DB type and deduce the JDBC Driver path: String jdbcDriver = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_JDBC_DRIVER); String dbUrl = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_JDBC_URL); if (jdbcDriver == null){ if (dbUrl == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_JDBC_URL + "\" is missing! Since the choosen database access method is \"" + VALUE_JDBC + "\", this property is required."); else if (!dbUrl.startsWith(JDBCConnection.JDBC_PREFIX)) throw new TAPException("JDBC URL format incorrect! It MUST begins with " + JDBCConnection.JDBC_PREFIX); else{ String dbType = dbUrl.substring(JDBCConnection.JDBC_PREFIX.length()); if (dbType.indexOf(':') <= 0) throw new TAPException("JDBC URL format incorrect! Database type name is missing."); dbType = dbType.substring(0, dbType.indexOf(':')); jdbcDriver = VALUE_JDBC_DRIVERS.get(dbType); if (jdbcDriver == null) throw new TAPException("No JDBC driver known for the DBMS \"" + dbType + "\"!"); } } // Set the DB connection parameters: this.driverPath = jdbcDriver; this.dbUrl = dbUrl; this.dbUser = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DB_USERNAME); this.dbPassword = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DB_PASSWORD); // Set the other DB connection parameters: this.datasource = null; } // Case c: JNDI ACCESS else if (dbAccessMethod.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_JNDI)){ // Get the datasource JDNI name: String dsName = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME); if (dsName == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME + "\" is missing! Since the choosen database access method is \"" + VALUE_JNDI + "\", this property is required."); try{ // Load the JNDI context: InitialContext cxt = new InitialContext(); // Look for the specified datasource: datasource = (DataSource)cxt.lookup(dsName); if (datasource == null) throw new TAPException("No datasource found with the JNDI name \"" + dsName + "\"!"); // Set the other DB connection parameters: this.driverPath = null; this.dbUrl = null; this.dbUser = null; this.dbPassword = null; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new TAPException("No datasource found with the JNDI name \"" + dsName + "\"!"); } } // Case d: unsupported value else throw new TAPException("Unsupported value for the property " + KEY_DATABASE_ACCESS + ": \"" + dbAccessMethod + "\"! Allowed values: \"" + VALUE_JNDI + "\" or \"" + VALUE_JDBC + "\"."); /* 2. Set the ADQLTranslator to use in function of the sql_translator property */ String sqlTranslator = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR); // case a: no translator specified if (sqlTranslator == null) throw new TAPException("The property \"" + KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR + "\" is missing! ADQL queries can not be translated without it. Allowed values: \"" + VALUE_POSTGRESQL + "\", \"" + VALUE_PGSPHERE + "\" or a class path of a class implementing SQLTranslator."); // case b: PostgreSQL translator else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_POSTGRESQL)) translator = PostgreSQLTranslator.class; // case c: PgSphere translator else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_PGSPHERE)) translator = PgSphereTranslator.class; // case d: SQLServer translator else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_SQLSERVER)) translator = SQLServerTranslator.class; // case e: MySQL translator else if (sqlTranslator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_MYSQL)) translator = MySQLTranslator.class; // case f: a client defined ADQLTranslator (with the provided class name) else if (TAPConfiguration.isClassName(sqlTranslator)) translator = TAPConfiguration.fetchClass(sqlTranslator, KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR, JDBCTranslator.class); // case g: unsupported value else throw new TAPException("Unsupported value for the property " + KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR + ": \"" + sqlTranslator + "\" !"); /* 3. Test the construction of the ADQLTranslator */ createADQLTranslator(); /* 4. Test the DB connection (note: a translator is needed to create a connection) */ DBConnection dbConn = getConnection("0"); freeConnection(dbConn); /* 5. Set the UWS Backup Parameter */ // Set the backup frequency: String propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_BACKUP_FREQUENCY); // determine whether the value is a time period ; if yes, set the frequency: if (propValue != null){ try{ backupFrequency = Long.parseLong(propValue); if (backupFrequency <= 0) backupFrequency = DEFAULT_BACKUP_FREQUENCY; }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){ // if the value was not a valid numeric time period, try to identify the different textual options: if (propValue.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_NEVER)) backupFrequency = DefaultTAPBackupManager.MANUAL; else if (propValue.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_USER_ACTION)) backupFrequency = DefaultTAPBackupManager.AT_USER_ACTION; else throw new TAPException("Long expected for the property \"" + KEY_BACKUP_FREQUENCY + "\", instead of: \"" + propValue + "\"!"); } }else backupFrequency = DEFAULT_BACKUP_FREQUENCY; // Specify whether the backup must be organized by user or not: propValue = getProperty(tapConfig, KEY_BACKUP_BY_USER); backupByUser = (propValue == null) ? DEFAULT_BACKUP_BY_USER : Boolean.parseBoolean(propValue); } /** * Build a {@link JDBCTranslator} instance with the given class ({@link #translator} ; * specified by the property sql_translator). If the instance can not be build, * whatever is the reason, a TAPException MUST be thrown. * * Note: This function is called at the initialization of {@link ConfigurableTAPFactory} * in order to check that a translator can be created. */ protected JDBCTranslator createADQLTranslator() throws TAPException{ try{ return translator.getConstructor().newInstance(); }catch(Exception ex){ if (ex instanceof TAPException) throw (TAPException)ex; else throw new TAPException("Impossible to create a JDBCTranslator instance with the empty constructor of \"" + translator.getName() + "\" (see the property " + KEY_SQL_TRANSLATOR + ") for the following reason: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Build a {@link JDBCConnection} thanks to the database parameters specified * in the TAP configuration file (the properties: jdbc_driver_path, db_url, db_user, db_password). * * @see JDBCConnection#JDBCConnection(java.sql.Connection, JDBCTranslator, String, tap.log.TAPLog) * @see JDBCConnection#JDBCConnection(String, String, String, String, JDBCTranslator, String, tap.log.TAPLog) */ @Override public DBConnection getConnection(String jobID) throws TAPException{ if (datasource != null){ try{ return new JDBCConnection(datasource.getConnection(), createADQLTranslator(), jobID, this.service.getQueryExecutor(), this.service.getLogger()); }catch(SQLException se){ throw new TAPException("Impossible to establish a connection to the database using the set up datasource!", se); } }else return new JDBCConnection(driverPath, dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword, createADQLTranslator(), jobID, this.service.getQueryExecutor(), this.service.getLogger()); } @Override public void freeConnection(DBConnection conn){ try{ // End properly any query that is not yet stopped and cleaned (i.e. no more transaction opened): conn.endQuery(); // Close the connection (if a connection pool is used, the connection is not really closed but is freed and kept in the pool for further usage): ((JDBCConnection)conn).getInnerConnection().close(); }catch(SQLException se){ service.getLogger().error("Can not close properly the connection \"" + conn.getID() + "\"!", se); } } @Override public void destroy(){ // Unregister the JDBC driver, only if registered by the library (i.e. database_access=jdbc): if (dbUrl != null){ // Now deregister JDBC drivers in this context's ClassLoader: // Get the webapp's ClassLoader ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // Loop through all drivers Enumeration drivers = DriverManager.getDrivers(); while(drivers.hasMoreElements()){ Driver driver = drivers.nextElement(); if (driver.getClass().getClassLoader() == cl){ // This driver was registered by the webapp's ClassLoader, so deregister it: try{ DriverManager.deregisterDriver(driver); service.getLogger().logTAP(LogLevel.INFO, null, "STOP", "JDBC driver " + driver.getClass().getName() + " successfully deregistered!", null); }catch(SQLException ex){ service.getLogger().logTAP(LogLevel.FATAL, null, "STOP", "Error deregistering JDBC driver " + driver.getClass().getName() + "!", ex); } } } } } /** * Build an {@link DefaultTAPBackupManager} thanks to the backup manager parameters specified * in the TAP configuration file (the properties: backup_frequency, backup_by_user). * * Note: If the specified backup_frequency is negative, no backup manager is returned. * * @return null if the specified backup frequency is negative, or an instance of {@link DefaultTAPBackupManager} otherwise. * * @see tap.AbstractTAPFactory#createUWSBackupManager(uws.service.UWSService) * @see DefaultTAPBackupManager */ @Override public UWSBackupManager createUWSBackupManager(UWSService uws) throws TAPException{ try{ return (backupFrequency < 0) ? null : new DefaultTAPBackupManager(uws, backupByUser, backupFrequency); }catch(UWSException ex){ throw new TAPException("Impossible to create a backup manager, because: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } }