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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ public class FileDAO {
+ "content_type, content_encoding, content_length, content_md5, name, n.location_id,\n"
+ "accept_views, provide_views, l.location_type, n.path <> n.relative_path AS virtual_parent,\n"
+ "(SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_id = creator_id) AS username, n.job_id,\n"
+ "base_path, get_os_path(n.node_id) AS os_path, ? AS vos_path, false AS is_directory\n"
+ "base_path, get_os_path(n.node_id) AS os_path, ? AS vos_path, false AS is_directory,\n"
+ "type = 'link' AS is_link\n"
+ "FROM node n\n"
+ "JOIN location l ON (n.location_id IS NOT NULL AND n.location_id = l.location_id) OR (n.location_id IS NULL AND l.location_id = ?)\n"
+ "LEFT JOIN storage s ON s.storage_id = l.storage_dest_id\n"
......@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ public class FileDAO {
// This should never happen thanks to database constraints
throw new IllegalStateException("More than one node at path: " + vosPath);
return nodes;
......@@ -174,7 +175,8 @@ public class FileDAO {
+ "n.accept_views, n.provide_views, l.location_type, n.path <> n.relative_path AS virtual_parent,\n"
+ "(SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_id = n.creator_id) AS username,\n"
+ "base_path, get_os_path(n.node_id) AS os_path, get_vos_path(n.node_id) AS vos_path,\n"
+ "n.type = 'container' AS is_directory,, n.location_id, n.job_id\n"
+ "n.type = 'container' AS is_directory,, n.location_id, n.job_id,\n"
+ "n.type = 'link' AS is_link, l.location_type\n"
+ "FROM node n\n"
+ "JOIN node p ON p.path @> n.path\n"
+ "LEFT JOIN location l ON l.location_id = n.location_id\n"
......@@ -198,15 +200,16 @@ public class FileDAO {
// TODO: same problem as get archive file infos
// TODO: same problem as get archive file infos
public List<FileInfo> getBranchFileInfos(String rootVosPath, String jobId) {
String sql = "SELECT n.node_id, n.is_public, n.group_read, n.group_write, n.creator_id, n.async_trans,\n"
+ "n.content_type, n.content_encoding, n.content_length, n.content_md5,\n"
+ "n.accept_views, n.provide_views, l.location_type, n.path <> n.relative_path AS virtual_parent,\n"
+ "(SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_id = n.creator_id) AS username,\n"
+ "base_path, get_os_path(n.node_id) AS os_path, get_vos_path(n.node_id) AS vos_path,\n"
+ "n.type = 'container' AS is_directory,, n.location_id, n.job_id\n"
+ "n.type = 'container' AS is_directory,, n.location_id, n.job_id,\n"
+ "n.type = 'link' AS is_link, l.location_type\n"
+ "FROM node n\n"
+ "JOIN node p ON p.path @> n.path\n"
+ "LEFT JOIN location l ON l.location_id = n.location_id\n"
......@@ -229,17 +232,17 @@ public class FileDAO {
public void setBranchLocationId(String rootVosPath, String jobId, int locationId) {
String cte = "SELECT n.node_id AS id\n"
+ "FROM node n\n"
+ "JOIN node p ON p.path @> n.path\n"
+ "WHERE (p.node_id = id_from_vos_path(?) AND n.job_id = ?)\n";
String update = "UPDATE node\n"
+ " SET location_id = ?\n"
+ "FROM cte\n"
+ "WHERE node_id =\n";
String sql = "WITH cte AS (\n"
+ cte
+ ")\n"
......@@ -253,16 +256,16 @@ public class FileDAO {
return ps;
// !! duplicate code from NodeDAO
public void releaseBusyNodesByJobId(String jobId) {
String sql = "UPDATE node SET job_id = NULL WHERE job_id = ?";
jdbcTemplate.update(conn -> {
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, jobId);
ps.setString(1, jobId);
return ps;
private FileInfo getFileInfo(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
......@@ -286,10 +289,12 @@ public class FileDAO {
int locationId = rs.getInt("location_id");
if (!rs.wasNull()) {
fillOsPath(fi, rs);
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ public class FileInfo {
private boolean isPublic;
private boolean virtualParent;
private boolean directory;
private boolean link;
private List<String> groupRead;
private List<String> groupWrite;
private String ownerId;
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ public class FileInfo {
private Long contentLength;
private String contentMd5;
private Integer locationId;
private String locationType;
private String jobId;
public int getNodeId() {
......@@ -109,6 +111,14 @@ public class FileInfo { = directory;
public boolean isLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(boolean link) { = link;
public boolean hasVirtualParent() {
return virtualParent;
......@@ -173,6 +183,14 @@ public class FileInfo {
this.locationId = locationId;
public String getLocationType() {
return locationType;
public void setLocationType(String locationType) {
this.locationType = locationType;
public String getJobId() {
return jobId;
......@@ -180,8 +198,8 @@ public class FileInfo {
public void setJobId(String jobId) {
this.jobId = jobId;
public static String getVosParentPath(FileInfo fileInfo) {
return fileInfo.getVirtualPath().substring(0, fileInfo.getVirtualPath().lastIndexOf("/"));
return fileInfo.getVirtualPath().substring(0, fileInfo.getVirtualPath().lastIndexOf("/"));
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public class ArchiveService {
if (fileInfo.getLocationId() != null && fileInfo.getLocationId() != uploadLocationId) {
if (fileInfo.getLocationId() != null && "portal".equals(fileInfo.getLocationType())) {
// remote file
if (portalLocationUrls == null) {
portalLocationUrls = locationDAO.getPortalLocationUrls();
......@@ -43,32 +43,32 @@ public class FileCopyService {
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private PutFileService putFileService;
private int uploadLocationId;
public void copyFiles(String sourceRootVosPath,
String destinationRootVosPath, String jobId, TokenPrincipal principal) {
LOG.trace("copyFiles called for source {}, destination {}, from jobId \"{}\"",
LOG.trace("copyFiles called for source {}, destination {}, from jobId \"{}\"",
sourceRootVosPath, destinationRootVosPath, jobId);
// We use jobId to identify nodes created by the REST part of CopyNode
// We expect them to be locked
List<FileInfo> sources
= fileDAO.getBranchFileInfos(sourceRootVosPath, jobId);
LOG.debug("found {} sources", sources.size());
if (sources.isEmpty()) {
throw new NodeNotFoundException(sourceRootVosPath);
// Set location of destinations to this file service update location
// Set location of destinations to this file service update location
// before retrieving file infos
fileDAO.setBranchLocationId(destinationRootVosPath, jobId, uploadLocationId);
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class FileCopyService {
= fileDAO.getBranchFileInfos(destinationRootVosPath, jobId);
LOG.debug("found {} destinations", destinations.size());
if (destinations.isEmpty()) {
throw new NodeNotFoundException(destinationRootVosPath);
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class FileCopyService {
private void fillDestinations(List<FileInfo> sourcesFileInfos,
List<FileInfo> destinationFileInfos,
String sourceRootVosPath,
......@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ public class FileCopyService {
TokenPrincipal principal) {
// it will be initialized only when necessary
Map<Integer, String> portalLocationUrls = null;
Map<Integer, String> portalLocationUrls = null;
for (FileInfo destinationFileInfo : destinationFileInfos) {
LOG.trace("Processing {} destination", destinationFileInfo.getVirtualPath());
// Cycle on files only
if (!destinationFileInfo.isDirectory()) {
if (!destinationFileInfo.isDirectory() && !destinationFileInfo.isLink()) {
// Calculate source file vos path
String correspondingSourceVosPath
= this.getCorrespondingSourceVosPath(sourceRootVosPath,
......@@ -134,25 +134,25 @@ public class FileCopyService {
if (sourceFileInfo.getLocationId() != null && sourceFileInfo.getLocationId() != uploadLocationId) {
if (sourceFileInfo.getLocationId() != null && "portal".equals(sourceFileInfo.getLocationType())) {
// remote file
if (portalLocationUrls == null) {
portalLocationUrls = locationDAO.getPortalLocationUrls();
String url = portalLocationUrls.get(sourceFileInfo.getLocationId());
// download file to destination disk path
principal, url, remainingQuota);
} else {
// local file
// local file
this.copyLocalFile(sourceFileInfo, destinationFileInfo, principal, remainingQuota);
private String getCorrespondingSourceVosPath(String sourceRootVosPath,
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class FileCopyService {
private void copyLocalFile(FileInfo sourceFileInfo,
FileInfo destinationFileInfo, TokenPrincipal tokenPrincipal, Long remainingQuota) {
// Check permission
if (!authorizationService.isDownloadable(sourceFileInfo, tokenPrincipal)) {
throw PermissionDeniedException.forPath(sourceFileInfo.getVirtualPath());
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class FileCopyService {
File file = new File(sourceFileInfo.getOsPath());
LOG.trace("Copying file: {} to {}",file.getAbsolutePath(), destinationFileInfo.getOsPath());
putFileService.copyLocalFile(sourceFileInfo, destinationFileInfo, remainingQuota);
......@@ -88,10 +88,14 @@ public class FileDAOTest {
assertEquals("/home/vospace/upload/user1/file1", fileInfos.get(0).getOsPath());
assertEquals("/home/vospace/upload/user1/file2", fileInfos.get(1).getOsPath());
assertEquals("user", fileInfos.get(1).getLocationType());
assertEquals("/home/username1/retrieve/subdir1/file3", fileInfos.get(3).getOsPath());
assertEquals("/home/username1/retrieve/subdir1/file4", fileInfos.get(4).getOsPath());
assertEquals("async", fileInfos.get(4).getLocationType());
assertEquals("portal-file", fileInfos.get(5).getVirtualName());
assertEquals("portal", fileInfos.get(5).getLocationType());