#SHELL=/bin/sh OBJS= fly_h.o fly.o open_mpi_win.o close_mpi_win.o null.o error.o \ sys_init.o read_params.o read_redsh.o\ read_b_asc.o read_b_bin.o ini_bal.o init_pars.o init_ew.o \ init_pos.o reset_pos.o inpar_dyn.o step.o step_force.o \ tree_build.o tree_sort.o ch_all.o ch_dall.o \ tree_gen.o find_group.o \ cell_prop.o acc_comp.o \ ilist_group.o force_group.o force.o ilist.o upd_pos.o upd_vel.o \ wr_native.o write_b_asc.o write_b_bin.o out_32.o leapf_corr.o \ io.o ch_linee.o dt_comp.o \ flashBlockToFlyCell.o findParticlesInCell.o # Tunable parameters # # CF Name of the fortran compiling system to use # LDFLAGS Flags to the loader # LIBS List of libraries # CMD Name of the executable # PROFLIB Library needed for profiling # CF = ifort CC = gcc LIBS =-L/usr/local/lib -lmpich -L. CMD = ../bin_16ml/FLY_mpi_sort FFLAGS = -DSORT -quiet -O0 -r8 -w95 -Vaxlib -I/usr/local/include CFLAGS = -DSORT LD = $(CF) # Lines from here on down should not need to be changed. They are the # actual rules which make uses to build a.out. # all: $(CMD) .SUFFIXES : .SUFFIXES : .o .F90 .c $(OBJS): fly_h.F90 .F90.o : $(CF) $(FFLAGS) -c $< .c.o : $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< $(CMD): $(OBJS) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(@) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) # Make the profiled version of the command and call it a.out.prof # $(CMD).prof: $(OBJS) $(CF) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(@) $(OBJS) $(PROFLIB) $(LIBS) clean: -rm -f $(OBJS) clobber: clean -rm -f $(CMD) $(CMD).prof void: clobber -rm -f $(SRCS) makefile