# TASMAN - [TA]P_[S]CHEMA [Man]ager See also the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md). ## Build ### Build the API cd TASMAN-core mvn install #### WARNING: test Test suite for the TASMAN-core assumes some hardcoded values. If they fail simply put an _@Ignore_ in front on the test class. ### Build the Web application cd TASMAN-webapp Edit configuration properties file (`src/main/resources/webapp.properties`): ucd_service_url= config_file_path= IA2 UCD service is at http://ia2-vo.oats.inaf.it:8080/ucd/ If the UCD web service is unreachable the web app will work anyway, but without the UCD search functionality. Then build the web application: * GlassFish war package (default): mvn install * Tomcat war package: mvn -P Tomcat install ## Supported application servers The web app was tested with: * GlassFish 4.1 * Tomcat 8.0.33 The web app relies on specific JSF and EL versions, so it could not work in different application servers without a proper configuration. #### WARNING: maven repo Build requires _Ucidy_ and _Unity_ that are not available at central maven repo. You should have them installed in a local maven repo. To do this: download the jar files listed in the following credits section and runn a couple of `mvn install:install-file` commands based upond the dependencies description in the _TASMAN-webapp_ _pom.xml_ file. ## Credits TAP_SCHEMA Manager web application uses the following VO libraries: * Ucidy, by Grégory Mantelet (https://github.com/gmantele/ucidy) * Unity, by Norman Gray (https://bitbucket.org/nxg/unity)