(function ($) { window.showWaiting = function () { $('.loading').removeClass('hide'); }; window.hideWaiting = function () { $('.loading').addClass('hide'); }; var restPath, windowId; TSM = { init: function (path, wid) { restPath = path; windowId = wid; }, getRestPath: function (action) { path = restPath + '/' + action; if (path.indexOf("?") !== -1) { path += '&'; } else { path += '?'; } return path + 'dswid=' + windowId; }, showError: function (errorMessage) { $('#errorModal .errorName').text(""); $('#errorModal .errorMessage').text(errorMessage); $('#errorModal').modal('show'); } }; $(document).ready(function () { // Starting keep alive if (window.name && window.name !== '') { setInterval(function () { $.get(TSM.getRestPath('keepalive')); }, 60000); } if (jsf) { jsf.ajax.addOnError(function (error) { $('#errorModal .errorName').text(error.errorName); $('#errorModal .errorMessage').text(error.errorMessage); if (error.errorName.indexOf('ViewExpiredException') !== -1) { // If view has expired reload the page to display error message location.reload(); } else { $('#errorModal').modal('show'); } }); // Setup loading animation jsf.ajax.addOnEvent(function (data) { if ($(data.source).is('input[type="text"]')) { return; // special case } switch (data.status) { case "begin": showWaiting(); break; case "complete": hideWaiting(); break; } }); } }); })(jQuery);