dataproduct_type VARCHAR 255 true Logical data product type (image etc.) true true ObsDataset.dataProductType true dataproduct_subtype VARCHAR 255 true Data product specific type true false ObsDataset.dataProductSubtype true calib_level INTEGER true false Calibration level {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} true true ObsDataset.calibLevel meta.code;obs.calib true obs_collection VARCHAR 255 true false Name of the data collection true true DataID.collection true obs_id VARCHAR 255 true false Internal ID given by the ObsTAP service true true DataID.observationID true obs_title VARCHAR 255 true Brief description of dataset in free format true false DataID.title meta.title;obs true obs_creation_date TIMESTAMP true Date when the dataset was created true false time;meta.dataset true obs_creator_name VARCHAR 255 true Name of the creator of the data true false DataID.creator true obs_creator_did VARCHAR 255 true IVOA dataset identifier given by the creator true false DataID.creatorDID false obs_release_date TIMESTAMP true Observation release date (ISO 8601) true false Curation.releaseDate time.release true publisher_id VARCHAR 255 true IVOA-ID for the Publisher true false Curation.publisherID meta.ref.uri;meta.curation true bib_reference VARCHAR 255 true Service bibliographic reference true false Curation.reference meta.bib false data_rights VARCHAR 255 true Public/Secure/Proprietary true false Curation.rights meta.code false obs_publisher_did VARCHAR 255 true false Dataset identifier given by the publisher true true Curation.publisherDID meta.ref.uri;meta.curation true access_url CLOB 255 true URL used to access (download) dataset true true Access.reference meta.ref.url true access_format VARCHAR 255 true Content format of the dataset true true Access.format meta.code.mime true access_estsize BIGINT true Estimated size of dataset in kilo bytes true kbyte true Access.size kbyte phys.size;meta.file true target_name VARCHAR 255 true Astronomical object observed, if any true true;src true target_class VARCHAR 255 true Class of the Target object as in SSA true false Target.class src.class true s_ra DOUBLE true Central Spatial Position in ICRS Right ascension true deg true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Location.Coord.Position2D.Value2.C1 deg pos.eq.ra true s_dec DOUBLE true Central Spatial Position in ICRS Declination true deg true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Location.Coord.Position2D.Value2.C2 deg pos.eq.dec true s_fov DOUBLE true Estimated size of the covered region as the diameter of a containing circle true deg true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Extent.diameter deg phys.angSize;instr.fov true s_region VARCHAR 255 true Sky region covered by the data product (expressed in ICRS frame) true true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Support.Area pos.outline;obs.field true s_xel1 BIGINT true Number of elements along the first coordinate of the spatial axis true true Char.SpatialAxis.numBins1 meta.number true s_xel2 BIGINT true Number of elements along the second coordinate of the spatial axis true true Char.SpatialAxis.numBins2 meta.number true s_ucd VARCHAR 255 true UCD for the nature of the spatial axis (pos or u,v data) true false Char.SpatialAxis.ucd meta.ucd true s_unit VARCHAR 255 true Unit used for spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.unit meta.unit true s_resolution DOUBLE true Spatial resolution of data as FWHM of PSF true true Char.SpatialAxis.Resolution.refval.value arcsec pos.angResolution true s_resolution_min DOUBLE true Resolution min value on spatial axis (FHWM of PSF) true false Char.SpatialAxis.Resolution.Bounds.Limits.LoLimit arcsec pos.angResolution;stat.min true s_resolution_max DOUBLE true Resolution max value on spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis .Resolution.Bounds.Limits.HiLimit arcsec pos.angResolution;stat.max true s_calib_status VARCHAR 255 true Type of calibration along the spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual true s_stat_error DOUBLE true Astrometric precision along the spatial axis true arcsec false Char.SpatialAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value arcsec stat.error;pos.eq false s_pixel_scale DOUBLE true Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.Sampling.RefVal.SamplingPeriod arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel true t_min DOUBLE true Start time in MJD true d true Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StartTime time.start;obs.exposure true t_max DOUBLE true Stop time in MJD true d true Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StopTime time.end;obs.exposure true t_exptime DOUBLE true Total exposure time true s true Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Support.Extent time.duration;obs.exposure true t_resolution DOUBLE true Temporal resolution FWHM true s true Char.TimeAxis.Resolution.Refval.valueResolution.Refval.value time.resolution true t_calib_status VARCHAR 255 true Type of time coordinate calibration true false Char.TimeAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual false t_stat_error DOUBLE true Time coord statistical error true false Char.TimeAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value s stat.error;time false t_xel BIGINT true Number of elements along the time axis true true Char.TimeAxis.numBins meta.number true t_refpos VARCHAR 255 true Time Axis Reference Position as defined in STC REC true false Char.TimeAxis.ReferencePosition em_min DOUBLE true Start in spectral coordinates true m true Char.SpectralAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.LoLimit em.wl;stat.min true em_max DOUBLE true Stop in spectral coordinates true m true Char.SpectralAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.HiLimit em.wl;stat.max true em_res_power DOUBLE true Value of the resolving power along the spectral axis. (R) true true Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.ResolPower.refVal spect.resolution true em_res_power_min DOUBLE true Resolving power min value on spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.ResolPower.LoLimit spect.resolution;stat.min true em_res_power_max DOUBLE true Resolving power max value on spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.ResolPower.HiLimit spect.resolution;stat.max true em_resolution DOUBLE true Value of Resolution along the spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.Refval.value m spect.resolution;stat.mean true em_stat_error DOUBLE true Spectral coord statistical error true false Char.SpectralAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value m stat.error;em false em_xel BIGINT true Number of elements along the spectral axis true true Char.SpectralAxis.numBins meta.number em_ucd VARCHAR 255 true Nature of the spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.ucd meta.ucd true em_unit VARCHAR 255 true Units along the spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.unit meta.unit true em_calib_status VARCHAR 255 true Type of spectral coord calibration true false Char.SpectralAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual false o_ucd VARCHAR 255 true UCD of the observable axis (e.g. phot.flux.density, phot.count, etc.) true true Char.ObservableAxis.ucd meta.ucd true o_unit VARCHAR 255 true Units used for the observable values true false Char.ObservableAxis.unit meta.unit true o_calib_status VARCHAR 255 true Type of calibration for the observable coordinate true false Char.ObservableAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual true o_stat_error DOUBLE true Statistical error on the Observable axis true false Char.ObservableAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value stat.error;phot.flux false pol_states VARCHAR 255 true List of polarization states present in the data file or NULL if not applicable true true Char.PolarizationAxis.stateList meta.code;phys.polarization true pol_xel BIGINT true Number of elements along the polarization axis true true Char.PolarizationAxis.numBins meta.number true facility_name VARCHAR 255 true Name of the facility used for this observation true true; true instrument_name VARCHAR 255 true The name of the instrument used for the observation true true;instr true proposal_id VARCHAR 255 true Identifier of proposal to which observation belongs false true Provenance.Proposal.identifier; obs.proposal false