VARCHAR 255 true Logical data product type (image etc.) true true ObsDataset.dataProductType true VARCHAR 255 true Data product specific type true false ObsDataset.dataProductSubtype true INTEGER true false Calibration level {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} true true ObsDataset.calibLevel meta.code;obs.calib true VARCHAR 255 true false Name of the data collection true true DataID.collection true VARCHAR 255 true false Internal ID given by the ObsTAP service true true DataID.observationID true VARCHAR 255 true Brief description of dataset in free format true false DataID.title meta.title;obs true TIMESTAMP true Date when the dataset was created true false time;meta.dataset true VARCHAR 255 true Name of the creator of the data true false DataID.creator true VARCHAR 255 true IVOA dataset identifier given by the creator true false DataID.creatorDID false TIMESTAMP true Observation release date (ISO 8601) true false Curation.releaseDate time.release true VARCHAR 255 true IVOA-ID for the Publisher true false Curation.publisherID meta.ref.uri;meta.curation true VARCHAR 255 true Service bibliographic reference true false Curation.reference meta.bib false VARCHAR 255 true Public/Secure/Proprietary true false Curation.rights meta.code false VARCHAR 255 true false Dataset identifier given by the publisher true true Curation.publisherDID meta.ref.uri;meta.curation true CLOB 255 true URL used to access (download) dataset true true Access.reference meta.ref.url true VARCHAR 255 true Content format of the dataset true true Access.format meta.code.mime true BIGINT true Estimated size of dataset in kilo bytes true kbyte true Access.size kbyte phys.size;meta.file true VARCHAR 255 true Astronomical object observed, if any true true;src true VARCHAR 255 true Class of the Target object as in SSA true false Target.class src.class true DOUBLE true Central Spatial Position in ICRS Right ascension true deg true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Location.Coord.Position2D.Value2.C1 deg pos.eq.ra true DOUBLE true Central Spatial Position in ICRS Declination true deg true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Location.Coord.Position2D.Value2.C2 deg pos.eq.dec true DOUBLE true Estimated size of the covered region as the diameter of a containing circle true deg true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Extent.diameter deg phys.angSize;instr.fov true REGION 255 true Sky region covered by the data product (expressed in ICRS frame) true true Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Support.Area pos.outline;obs.field true BIGINT true Number of elements along the first coordinate of the spatial axis true true Char.SpatialAxis.numBins1 meta.number true BIGINT true Number of elements along the second coordinate of the spatial axis true true Char.SpatialAxis.numBins2 meta.number true VARCHAR 255 true UCD for the nature of the spatial axis (pos or u,v data) true false Char.SpatialAxis.ucd meta.ucd true VARCHAR 255 true Unit used for spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.unit meta.unit true DOUBLE true Spatial resolution of data as FWHM of PSF true true Char.SpatialAxis.Resolution.refval.value arcsec pos.angResolution true DOUBLE true Resolution min value on spatial axis (FHWM of PSF) true false Char.SpatialAxis.Resolution.Bounds.Limits.LoLimit arcsec pos.angResolution;stat.min true DOUBLE true Resolution max value on spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.Resolution.Bounds.Limits.HiLimit arcsec pos.angResolution;stat.max true VARCHAR 255 true Type of calibration along the spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual true DOUBLE true Astrometric precision along the spatial axis true arcsec false Char.SpatialAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value arcsec stat.error;pos.eq false DOUBLE true Sampling period in world coordinate units along the spatial axis true false Char.SpatialAxis.Sampling.RefVal.SamplingPeriod arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel true DOUBLE true Start time in MJD true d true Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StartTime time.start;obs.exposure true DOUBLE true Stop time in MJD true d true Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.StopTime time.end;obs.exposure true DOUBLE true Total exposure time true s true Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Support.Extent time.duration;obs.exposure true DOUBLE true Temporal resolution FWHM true s true Char.TimeAxis.Resolution.Refval.valueResolution.Refval.value time.resolution true VARCHAR 255 true Type of time coordinate calibration true false Char.TimeAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual false DOUBLE true Time coord statistical error true false Char.TimeAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value s stat.error;time false BIGINT true Number of elements along the time axis true true Char.TimeAxis.numBins meta.number true VARCHAR 255 true Time Axis Reference Position as defined in STC REC true false Char.TimeAxis.ReferencePosition DOUBLE true Start in spectral coordinates true m true Char.SpectralAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.LoLimit em.wl;stat.min true DOUBLE true Stop in spectral coordinates true m true Char.SpectralAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits.HiLimit em.wl;stat.max true DOUBLE true Value of the resolving power along the spectral axis. (R) true true Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.ResolPower.refVal spect.resolution true DOUBLE true Resolving power min value on spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.ResolPower.LoLimit spect.resolution;stat.min true DOUBLE true Resolving power max value on spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.ResolPower.HiLimit spect.resolution;stat.max true DOUBLE true Value of Resolution along the spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.Resolution.Refval.value m spect.resolution;stat.mean true DOUBLE true Spectral coord statistical error true false Char.SpectralAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value m stat.error;em false BIGINT true Number of elements along the spectral axis true true Char.SpectralAxis.numBins meta.number VARCHAR 255 true Nature of the spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.ucd meta.ucd true VARCHAR 255 true Units along the spectral axis true false Char.SpectralAxis.unit meta.unit true VARCHAR 255 true Type of spectral coord calibration true false Char.SpectralAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual false VARCHAR 255 true UCD of the observable axis (e.g. phot.flux.density, phot.count, etc.) true true Char.ObservableAxis.ucd meta.ucd true VARCHAR 255 true Units used for the observable values true false Char.ObservableAxis.unit meta.unit true VARCHAR 255 true Type of calibration for the observable coordinate true false Char.ObservableAxis.calibrationStatus meta.code.qual true DOUBLE true Statistical error on the Observable axis true false Char.ObservableAxis.Accuracy.StatError.Refval.value stat.error;phot.flux false VARCHAR 255 true List of polarization states present in the data file or NULL if not applicable true true Char.PolarizationAxis.stateList meta.code;phys.polarization true BIGINT true Number of elements along the polarization axis true true Char.PolarizationAxis.numBins meta.number true VARCHAR 255 true Name of the facility used for this observation true true; true VARCHAR 255 true The name of the instrument used for the observation true true;instr true VARCHAR 255 true Identifier of proposal to which observation belongs false true Provenance.Proposal.identifier; obs.proposal false