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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
.vpadding {
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.hpadding {
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.schema-info {
Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
.columns-wrapper {
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
.columns-selector {
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.columns-selector .nav-pills li {
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
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.columns-selector .nav-pills .column-name {
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
.columns-selector .remove-btn {
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    color: #a94442;
Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
.column-info {
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    border-left: 1px solid #ddd;
    min-height: 500px;
Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

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    border-style: dashed;
Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
input[type="checkbox"].changed  {
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

#info-panel {
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

#info-panel .alert {
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.clickable-input {
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/* UCD Flags colours */
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed

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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
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Sonia Zorba's avatar
Sonia Zorba committed
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/* Trick to avoid horrible displaying of h:selectOneRadio */
table input+label {
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/* CSS3 multicolumn layout */
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/* Margin fix for multicolumn layout */
#addablesModal .checkbox:first-child {
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/* Columns sorting */
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ul.sortable li {
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