FROM lofaruser/imaging-pipeline:v3.10 # Set non-interactive ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive # Always update when extending base images RUN apt update #------------------------ # Install deps #------------------------ # Git, Curl, sudo and Nano RUN apt-get install git curl sudo nano -y RUN cd /opt/ && git clone RUN mkdir /opt/LOFARBeam/build && cd /opt/LOFARBeam/build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/lofarsoft -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python) -DCASACORE_INCLUDE_DIRS=/opt/lofarsoft/include/casacore/ -DCASACORE_LIBRARIES=/opt/lofarsoft/lib/ -DCASACORE_ROOT_DIR=/opt/lofarsoft/ ../ && make -j16 && make install #------------------------ # Lofar user #------------------------ # Add group. We chose GID 65527 to try avoiding conflicts. RUN groupadd -g 65527 lofar # Add user. We chose UID 65527 to try avoiding conflicts. RUN useradd lofar -d /home/lofar -u 65527 -g 65527 -m -s /bin/bash # Add metuaser user to sudoers RUN adduser lofar sudo # No pass sudo (for everyone, actually) COPY sudoers /etc/sudoers # Setup home and input/output data directories COPY data/input_data /input_data COPY data/output_data /output_data RUN chown lofar:lofar /home/lofar && chown -R lofar:lofar /input_data && chown -R lofar:lofar /output_data # This is required mainly for Singularity RUN mv /home/lofar /home/vanilla_lofar RUN ln -s /tmp/lofarhome /home/lofar RUN rm -rf /tmp/lofarhome #---------------------- # Entrypoint #---------------------- # Copy entrypoint COPY / # Give right permissions RUN chmod 755 / # Set entrypoint ENTRYPOINT ["/"] # Set user lofar USER lofar # Set container name ENV CONTAINER_NAME='base3.10'