# CL_1ES_1927p654 ## Pre-requisites Install [Julia]( (version > 1.5), and prepare the `AT2018zf` directory with spectral data. ## Installation ``` git clone cd cl_1es_1927p654 ``` Start Julia, then: ```julia using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") Pkg.instantiate() ``` ## Update The analysis code can be updated with: ``` cd cl_1es_1927p654 git pull ``` Then, in Julia: ```julia using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") Pkg.update() ``` ## Usage ### Load packages and read spectrum file names (one for each epoch): ```julia using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") using Revise using QSFit, GFit, Gnuplot, GFitViewer using CL_1ES_1927p654 epochs = Vector{String}() for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir("AT2018zf") for file in files if file[end-3:end] == ".dat" push!(epochs, root * "/" * file) end end end ``` ### Plot spectrum at all epochs ([gnuplot]( is required to display the plot) ```julia @gp ylog=true xr=[3e3,1e4] yr=[1e-16, 1e-13] cbr=[1,26] :- @gp :- cblabel="Epoch" xlab="Rest frame wavelength[A]" ylab="Flux density" for ii in 1:length(epochs) file = epochs[ii] println(file) l = readlines(file) @gp :- l "u (\$1/1.017):2:($ii) w l notit lc pal" #(readline() == "q") && break end ``` ### Run analysis on a specific epoch ```julia chosen_epoch = 17 file = epochs[chosen_epoch] source = QSO{q1927p654}("1ES 1927+654 ($chosen_epoch)", 0.019422, ebv=0.077); source.options[:min_spectral_coverage][:OIII_5007] = 0.5 # source.options[:host_template] = "/home/gcalderone/Mbi1.30Zm1.49T00.0700_iTp0.00_baseFe_linear_FWHM_2.51" add_spec!(source, Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), file, columns=[1,2]));[1].val .*= 1e17;[1].unc .= 0.05 .*[1].val; (model, bestfit) = fit(source); viewer(model,, bestfit, selcomps=[:qso_cont, :galaxy, :balmer]) ``` ### Multiepoch analysis ```julia source = QSO{q1927p654}("1ES 1927+654", 0.019422, ebv=0.077); source.options[:min_spectral_coverage][:OIII_5007] = 0.5 add_spec!(source, Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), "AT2018zf/AT2018zf_optspec_20180716.dat", columns=[1,2])); add_spec!(source, Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), "AT2018zf/AT2018zf_optspec_20180528.dat", columns=[1,2])); add_spec!(source, Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), "AT2018zf/AT2018zf_optspec_20180812.dat", columns=[1,2])); add_spec!(source, Spectrum(Val(:ASCII), "AT2018zf/AT2018zf_optspec_20181113.dat", columns=[1,2])); for id in 1:length(source.domain)[id].val .*= 1e17;[id].unc .= 0.05 .*[id].val; end (model, bestfit) = multi_fit(source); viewer(model,, bestfit, selcomps=[:qso_cont, :galaxy, :balmer]) ``` ## Analysis recipes The default QSFit analysis recipes are implemented here: - [single epoch]( - [multi epoch]( This package implements a custom recipe named `q1927p654` whose code is available in `src/CL_1ES_1927p654.jl`.