/* * ASTRI - Template based on ALMA Software Templates * (c) INAF/UNIPG, 2014 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * WARNING! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! * --------------------------------------------------------- * | This is generated code! Do not modify this file. | * | Any changes will be lost when the file is re-generated. | * --------------------------------------------------------- * * Generated by: $Author * Date: $Date * Description: $Description * */ package astri.acceptance.generated; import astri.acceptance.gui.ACSConnector; import org.omg.CORBA.LongHolder; import astri.TCSControlExceptions.OPCUAErrorEx; import astri.TCSControlExceptions.INACTErrorEx; import java.util.Optional; import alma.acs.logging.AcsLogger; import java.util.logging.Level; import astri.tcs.${Assembly}Helper; import astri.tcs.${Assembly}; public class ${Assembly}GUIBridgeComponent { public static ${Assembly} component; private static final String COMPONENTNAME = "${Assembly}"; private ACSConnector connector; private AcsLogger logger; public ${Assembly}GUIBridgeComponent(ACSConnector connector) throws Exception{ this.connector=connector; } public void connect(){ try{ component = ${Assembly}Helper.narrow(connector.getComponent(COMPONENTNAME)); logger = connector.getLogger(); logger.info("Connected to "+COMPONENTNAME); }catch(Exception e){ logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error connecting to component "+COMPONENTNAME, e); } } public void release(){ try{ logger.info("Trying to release "+COMPONENTNAME); connector.releaseComponent(COMPONENTNAME); logger.info(COMPONENTNAME+" released"); }catch(Exception e){ logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error releasing "+COMPONENTNAME, e); } } #for $idx in $range(0,$x.GetSheet["NRows"]) #if ($x.GetSheet["OPC UA Data type"][$idx]).upper()[-1]==']' ## test for arrays #set $type=($x.GetSheet["OPC UA Data type"][$idx].upper()).split("[")[0]+"[]" #else #set $type=$x.GetSheet["OPC UA Data type"][$idx].upper() #end if public Optional<${y[$type][6]}> get${x.GetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}() { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".get${x.GetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}()"); try { return Optional.ofNullable(component.${x.GetSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}(new LongHolder())); } catch (OPCUAErrorEx | INACTErrorEx e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".get${x.GetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}()", e); return Optional.empty(); } } #end for #for $idx in $range(0,$x.SetSheet["NRows"]) #if ($x.SetSheet["OPC UA Data type"][$idx]).upper()[-1]==']' ## test for arrays #set $type=($x.SetSheet["OPC UA Data type"][$idx].upper()).split("[")[0]+"[]" public void ${x.SetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}(${y[$type][6]} param) throws Exception { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".${x.SetSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}("+param+")"); component.${x.SetSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}(param); } #else #set $type=$x.SetSheet["OPC UA Data type"][$idx].upper() public void ${x.SetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}(${y[$type][4]} param) throws Exception { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".${x.SetSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}("+param+")"); component.${x.SetSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}(param); } #end if public Optional<${y[$type][6]}> get${x.SetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}() { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".get${x.SetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}()"); try { return Optional.ofNullable(component.G${x.SetSheet["Name of command"][$idx][1:]}(new LongHolder())); } catch (OPCUAErrorEx | INACTErrorEx e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".get${x.SetSheet["Short name"][$idx]}()", e); return Optional.empty(); } } #end for #for $idx in $range(0,$x.CmdSheet["NRows"]) public void ${x.CmdSheet["Short name"][$idx]}() throws Exception { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".${x.CmdSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}()"); component.${x.CmdSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}(); } #end for #for $idx in $range(0,$x.ModeSheet["NRows"]) public void ${x.ModeSheet["Short name"][$idx]}() throws Exception { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Calling "+COMPONENTNAME+".${x.ModeSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}()"); component.${x.ModeSheet["Name of command"][$idx]}(); } #end for }