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Dockerfile 1003 B
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# This is necessary due to some base image permission errors.
RUN chown -R podman:podman /home/podman

# Change user
RUN usermod -l testuser podman
RUN usermod -d /home/testuser testuser
RUN ln -s /home/podman /home/testuser
RUN groupmod -n testuser podman

# Replace uid/gid mapping from podman to testuser user
COPY subuid /etc/subuid
COPY subgid /etc/subgid

#RUN dnf repolist 
#RUN dnf update --refresh
RUN dnf install -y docker singularity openssh-server
RUN ssh-keygen -A
RUN mkdir /home/testuser/.ssh
COPY keys/ /home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN dnf install -y python wget

# Install iputils (ping)
RUN dnf install -y iputils

# Copy registries.conf to allow insecure access to dregistry
COPY registries.conf /etc/containers/registries.conf

# Entrypoint

# Copy entrypoint

# Give right permissions
RUN chmod 755 /

# Set entrypoint