# software-di-controllo Instrument Control Software for small class observatory. Currently in use at OARPAF ## Python dependencies: ``` # For the core routines: pip3 install requests loguru astropy pip3 install gnuplotlib pyvantagepro # maybe I'll drop these. # For the API: pip3 install flask flask-restx werkzeug # Tested with flask==3.0.2 werkzeug-3.0.1 flask-restx==1.3.0 # For the web interface: pip3 install flask flask-socketio flask-httpauth # Tested with flask==3.0.2 werkzeug-3.0.1 flask-socketio==5.3.6 flask-httpauth==4.8.0 ``` ## Add the nodes of your observatory: For example, in `config/nodes.ini`: ``` [MY_ASCOM_REMOTE_SERVER] protocol = http ip = hostname = ascom.myobservatory.net port = 533 endpoint = /api/v1 [MY_SONOFF_ADDRESS] protocol = https user = admin password = admin ip = hostname = sonoff.myobservatory.net port = 1234 ``` ## Connect the devices in your observatory to the nodes: For example, in `config/devices.ini`: ``` [my_tel] module = alpaca class = Telescope node = MY_ASCOM_REMOTE_SERVER [my_dome] module = alpaca class = Dome node = MY_ASCOM_REMOTE_SERVER [my_light] module = domotics class = Switch node = MY_SONOFF_ADDRESS outlet = 3 [my_dome_temperature] module = domotics class = Sensor node = MY_SONOFF_ADDRESS outlet1 = 1 outlet2 = 2 ``` ## Low-level control of your devices using ipython: ``` import devices devices.my_dome.azimuth # 123 devices.my_dome.azimuth = 234 ``` ## Give to every device a REST API endpoint, or more For example, in `config/api.ini`: ``` [/dome/position] resource = Position device = my_dome [/dome/light] resource = State device = my_light [/alias/to/light] resource = State device = my_light [/dome/temperature] resource = State device = my_dome_temperature [/telescope/coordinates] resource = Coordinates device = my_tel ``` ## REST API-level control of your devices using curl: First, start the API server with `./app.py 1111 localhost --noweb` ``` curl http://localhost:1111/api/dome/position # { # "error" : [], # "raw" : true, # "response" : { # "azimuth" : 123.00, # "parked" : "Yes" # }, # "timestamp" : "2024-03-26T16:48:13.766195" # } # other examples: # Change azimuth curl -X POST http://localhost:1111/api/dome/position -d '234' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' # Retrieve all GET endpoints relative to the dome curl http://localhost:1111/all/dome ``` ## Web-based control of your observatory: Doc in progress # Dome board: ``` sudo apt-get install python-dev libusb-dev swig libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev git clone https://github.com/rm-hull/k8055.git cd k8055 sed -i.bak 's/CC = gcc/CC = g++/' Makefile sed -i.bak 's/\t/ /g' pyk8055/pyk8055.py sed -i.bak 's/IOError, "Could not open device"/IOError("Could not open device")/g' pyk8055/pyk8055.py make all sudo make install make pylib k8055gui sudo make pyinstall guiinstall ``` # Dome software + Alpaca driver: ``` git clone https://github.com/lfini/SW-OPC-2.git ``` ## git configuration on observatory pc To push directly on observatory pc (for people without access to INAF repo) ``` # on obseravatory pc git config receive.denyCurrentBranch updateInstead # on local machine git remote add machine user@machine:software-di-controllo git push machine main ``` ## System dependencies: ``` sudo apt install gnuplot gnupot-x11 sudo /home/zap/MBB/mbb -w 9000 -i 22000 -l /home/zap/MBB/mbb.log ``` # Branches: - main - dev [![Latest Release](https://www.ict.inaf.it/gitlab/davide.ricci/software-di-controllo/-/badges/release.svg)](https://www.ict.inaf.it/gitlab/davide.ricci/software-di-controllo/-/releases)