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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource
from .data_access_object import ObservationBlockObject
from .data_access_object import SetupObject
from util.instances import dao tpl
from util.instances import dao, tpl
api = Namespace('blocks', description='Observation blocks')
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource, fields
# Custom modules
from util import exception
from util.instances import seq dao
from util.instances import seq, dao
api = Namespace('sequencer', description='Sequencer')
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import sys
# Third-party modules
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_cors import CORS
#from flask_cors import CORS
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
# Custom modules
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import api
app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(api.api_blueprint, url_prefix='/api')
app.threaded = True
cors = CORS(app)
#cors = CORS(app)
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -191,17 +191,17 @@ class SHARKNIR_cal_tec_NCPA_PD_lab(SHINSApp):
# from util import master_listener_davide
# thread = master_listener_davide.PLOT_THREAD()
thread.RUN = True
print("plot thread started")
# thread.start()
# thread.RUN = True
# print("plot thread started")
flat_name = ufun.save_flat(self.obsController, thread)"Save DM flat file... DONE")
thread.CLOSE = True
thread.RUN = False
print("plot thread stopped")
# thread.CLOSE = True
# thread.RUN = False
# print("plot thread stopped")"Flaten DM")
modes = [0] * 39
......@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import numpy as np
from tpl.shinsapp import SHINSApp
from util import functions as ufun
from util.mini_os import obsController
class DevicesObject(object):
def __init__(self):
self.mini_os = SHINSApp()
self.obsController = self.mini_os.os()
self.obsController = obsController
self.json_state = {}
self.soul_deltas = [-999,-999]
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class PLOT_THREAD(threading.Thread):
num_frames = 0
restart = 0
img_frame = []
if self.CLOSE:
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class PLOT_THREAD(threading.Thread):
# Instance
thread = master_listener_davide.PLOT_THREAD()
thread = PLOT_THREAD()
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Unique sequencer instance for all APIs'''
# Custom modules
from tpl.shinsapp import SHINSApp
mini_os = SHINSApp()
obsController = mini_os.os()
......@@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ import datetime
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from tpl.shinsapp import SHINSApp
from util import functions as ufun
from util import variables as uvars
from util.master_listener_davide import thread
from util.mini_os import obsController
signs_list = []
with open(str(uvars.sign_map), "r") as f:
......@@ -24,32 +26,12 @@ class RtcObject(object):
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
self.todos = []
self.mini_os = SHINSApp()
self.obsController = self.mini_os.os()
self.rotating_ncpa = False
self.ncpa_file = "No file"
self.json_state = {}
self.thread = thread
# try:
# self.thread.start()
# self.thread.RUN = True
# print("plot thread started")
# except KeyboardInterrupt:
# print(" Intercepted Keyboard Interrupt")
# self.thread.CLOSE = True
# self.thread.RUN = False
# del self.obsController
# print("plot thread stopped")
# sys.exit(1)
# except Exception as e:
# print("here")
# print(e)
# self.thread.CLOSE = True
# self.thread.RUN = False
# del self.obsController
# print("plot thread stopped")
# sys.exit(1)
self.obsController = obsController
def reset(self):
......@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
<!-- SHARK-NIR Specific -->
<script type="text/javascript" >
// var api_base_url = "{{ ext_base_url|safe }}"
{% block head %}
{% endblock head %}
{% if not included %}
{% extends 'index.html' %}
{% block title %}
{% endblock title %}
{% endif %}
{% block head %}
<!-- Externals -->
<script src="/static/js/webgl-utils.js"></script>
<!-- Mine -->
<script src="/static/colorbars.js"></script>
<script src="/static/draw-webgl.js"></script>
{% endblock head %}
{% set included = True %}
{% block content %}
<div id="webgl" class="form mt-2 row">
<div class="col">
<figure class="card">
<canvas id="canvas-webgl" class="card-img-top"
alt="canvas webgl">
<figcaption class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Webgl FITS</h5>
<fieldset class="row">
<div class="row mt-2">
<div class="input-group col">
<button data-control="get-fits-api" class="btn btn-primary w-100" type="button"
>Display http</button>
<div class="row mt-2">
<div class="input-group col">
<button data-control="get-fits" class="btn btn-primary w-100" type="button"
>Display websocket</button>
<label for="min_value">min</label>
<input id="min_value" type="number" min="0" max="65535" value="0" step="1">
<label for="max_value">max</label>
<input id="max_value" type="number" min="0" max="65535" value="56635" step="1">
<label for="scale_factor">scale</label>
<input id="scale_factor" type="number" min="0" max="10" value="1" step="0.1">
<label for="x_0">x0</label>
<input id="x_0" type="number" min="0" value="0" step="1">
<label for="y_0">y0</label>
<input id="y_0" type="number" min="0" value="0" step="1">
<aside class="row mt-2">
var matrix;
// $(document).on("click",'[data-control="get-fits-api"]', function(e){
// const ref = new Date().getTime()/1000
// e.preventDefault();
// $(this).crud("GET", "/web/other/fits/", null, false).then(function(e){
// console.log("here")
// })
// });
// $(document).on("click",'[data-control="get-fits"]', function(e){
// const ref = new Date().getTime()/1000
// e.preventDefault();
// button = $(this)
// button.prop('disabled', true);
// socket.emit('send_fits');
// });
matrix = data
drawMatrixWithWebGL(matrix, "canvas-webgl", 1, 0, 0, false)
$('[data-control="get-fits"]').prop('disabled', false);
socket.on('data_binary', function(data) {
// // Event listeners for min and max value inputs
// var minValue = parseFloat(document.getElementById("min_value").value);
// var maxValue = parseFloat(document.getElementById("max_value").value);
// var scaleFactor = parseFloat(document.getElementById("scale_factor").value);
// var x0 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("x_0").value);
// var y0 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("y_0").value);
// var binaryData =
// var diff1 = difftime(data.timestamp)
// var matrixData = reform(binaryData, data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.dtype);
// var diff2 = difftime(data.timestamp)
// drawMatrixWithWebGL(matrixData, "matrixBinary", scaleFactor, x0, y0)
// var diff3 = difftime(data.timestamp)
// // matrix = data
// // drawMatrixWithWebGL(matrix, "canvas-webgl", scaleFactor, x0, y0, false)
// var diff4 = difftime(data.timestamp)
// console.log("arrived, reformed, js canvas, webgl",
// diff1,
// (diff2-diff1).toFixed(3),
// (diff3-diff2).toFixed(3),
// (diff4-diff3).toFixed(3) )
const val = +$(this).val()
drawMatrixWithWebGL(matrix, "canvas-webgl", val , 0, 0, false)
<script id="vertex-shader-2d" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
attribute vec2 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texCoord;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
void main() {
// Convert the rectangle from pixels to 0.0 to 1.0
vec2 zeroToOne = a_position / u_resolution;
// Convert from 0->1 to 0->2
vec2 zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;
// Convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
vec2 clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;
gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);
// Pass the texCoord to the fragment shader
// The GPU will interpolate this value between points.
v_texCoord = a_texCoord;
<script id="fragment-shader-2d" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
// Precision
precision mediump float;
// Our texture
uniform sampler2D u_image;
// The texCoords passed in from the vertex shader.
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_image, v_texCoord);
{% endblock content %}
{% block footer %}
{% endblock footer %}
......@@ -20,16 +20,10 @@ def enable(app):
app.register_blueprint(routes.web, url_prefix='/web')
# base_url = {"ext_base_url": "", # what browser needs
# "int_base_url": ""} # what server needs
# @app.context_processor
# def inject_variables():
# return base_url
socketio = SocketIO(app,
# transports=["websocket"],
connected_clients = {}
......@@ -74,7 +68,7 @@ def enable(app):
def error_handler(e):
print('ERROR: {}'.format(e))
# socketio.start_background_task(send_binary, socketio=socketio)
socketio.start_background_task(stream.send_timestamp, socketio=socketio)
socketio.start_background_task(stream.send_status, socketio=socketio,
......@@ -85,4 +79,6 @@ def enable(app):
socketio.start_background_task(stream.tail_f, socketio=socketio,
# socketio.start_background_task(stream.send_binary, socketio=socketio)
return socketio
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ def blocks():
data = sorted(dao.todos)
return render_template("blocks.html", data=data)
def blocks_name(name):
"""Show a selected OB, update it, or add a new
......@@ -163,3 +164,12 @@ def rtcTest():
ncpas = RTC.todos_ncpa()
return render_template("rtc.html", data=data, darks=darks,
flats=flats, gains=gains, ncpas=ncpas)
# Tests
def webglTest():
data = {}
return render_template("webgl.html", data=data)
......@@ -53,11 +53,6 @@ def send_status(socketio, name, url, sleep=1, once=False):
with app.test_client() as client:
res = client.get(url).get_json()
# if name=="rtc-status":
# print(res["cred"]["data"][40][40:60])
# if name=="json-status":
# print(res["sasha_temp"])
status.last[name] = res
socketio.emit(name, res)
# if res != old:
......@@ -101,8 +96,8 @@ def send_binary(socketio):
# Third-party modules
import numpy as np
# while True:
for i in range(1):
while True:
# for i in range(1):
dtype = "uint16"
shape = (248,248)
matrix = np.random.uniform(0, 65535, shape).astype(dtype)
......@@ -115,7 +110,7 @@ def send_binary(socketio):
"timestamp": unix,
socketio.emit('data_bundle', data_bundle)
socketio.emit('data_binary', data_bundle)
print((to_seconds(datetime.utcnow())-unix), "emitted")
print("bin {}".format(len(binary_data)))
const viridis = [[68, 1, 84], [68, 2, 85], [68, 3, 87], [69, 5, 88], [69, 6, 90], [69, 8, 91], [70, 9, 92], [70, 11, 94], [70, 12, 95], [70, 14, 97], [71, 15, 98], [71, 17, 99], [71, 18, 101], [71, 20, 102], [71, 21, 103], [71, 22, 105], [71, 24, 106], [72, 25, 107], [72, 26, 108], [72, 28, 110], [72, 29, 111], [72, 30, 112], [72, 32, 113], [72, 33, 114], [72, 34, 115], [72, 35, 116], [71, 37, 117], [71, 38, 118], [71, 39, 119], [71, 40, 120], [71, 42, 121], [71, 43, 122], [71, 44, 123], [70, 45, 124], [70, 47, 124], [70, 48, 125], [70, 49, 126], [69, 50, 127], [69, 52, 127], [69, 53, 128], [69, 54, 129], [68, 55, 129], [68, 57, 130], [67, 58, 131], [67, 59, 131], [67, 60, 132], [66, 61, 132], [66, 62, 133], [66, 64, 133], [65, 65, 134], [65, 66, 134], [64, 67, 135], [64, 68, 135], [63, 69, 135], [63, 71, 136], [62, 72, 136], [62, 73, 137], [61, 74, 137], [61, 75, 137], [61, 76, 137], [60, 77, 138], [60, 78, 138], [59, 80, 138], [59, 81, 138], [58, 82, 139], [58, 83, 139], [57, 84, 139], [57, 85, 139], [56, 86, 139], [56, 87, 140], [55, 88, 140], [55, 89, 140], [54, 90, 140], [54, 91, 140], [53, 92, 140], [53, 93, 140], [52, 94, 141], [52, 95, 141], [51, 96, 141], [51, 97, 141], [50, 98, 141], [50, 99, 141], [49, 100, 141], [49, 101, 141], [49, 102, 141], [48, 103, 141], [48, 104, 141], [47, 105, 141], [47, 106, 141], [46, 107, 142], [46, 108, 142], [46, 109, 142], [45, 110, 142], [45, 111, 142], [44, 112, 142], [44, 113, 142], [44, 114, 142], [43, 115, 142], [43, 116, 142], [42, 117, 142], [42, 118, 142], [42, 119, 142], [41, 120, 142], [41, 121, 142], [40, 122, 142], [40, 122, 142], [40, 123, 142], [39, 124, 142], [39, 125, 142], [39, 126, 142], [38, 127, 142], [38, 128, 142], [38, 129, 142], [37, 130, 142], [37, 131, 141], [36, 132, 141], [36, 133, 141], [36, 134, 141], [35, 135, 141], [35, 136, 141], [35, 137, 141], [34, 137, 141], [34, 138, 141], [34, 139, 141], [33, 140, 141], [33, 141, 140], [33, 142, 140], [32, 143, 140], [32, 144, 140], [32, 145, 140], [31, 146, 140], [31, 147, 139], [31, 148, 139], [31, 149, 139], [31, 150, 139], [30, 151, 138], [30, 152, 138], [30, 153, 138], [30, 153, 138], [30, 154, 137], [30, 155, 137], [30, 156, 137], [30, 157, 136], [30, 158, 136], [30, 159, 136], [30, 160, 135], [31, 161, 135], [31, 162, 134], [31, 163, 134], [32, 164, 133], [32, 165, 133], [33, 166, 133], [33, 167, 132], [34, 167, 132], [35, 168, 131], [35, 169, 130], [36, 170, 130], [37, 171, 129], [38, 172, 129], [39, 173, 128], [40, 174, 127], [41, 175, 127], [42, 176, 126], [43, 177, 125], [44, 177, 125], [46, 178, 124], [47, 179, 123], [48, 180, 122], [50, 181, 122], [51, 182, 121], [53, 183, 120], [54, 184, 119], [56, 185, 118], [57, 185, 118], [59, 186, 117], [61, 187, 116], [62, 188, 115], [64, 189, 114], [66, 190, 113], [68, 190, 112], [69, 191, 111], [71, 192, 110], [73, 193, 109], [75, 194, 108], [77, 194, 107], [79, 195, 105], [81, 196, 104], [83, 197, 103], [85, 198, 102], [87, 198, 101], [89, 199, 100], [91, 200, 98], [94, 201, 97], [96, 201, 96], [98, 202, 95], [100, 203, 93], [103, 204, 92], [105, 204, 91], [107, 205, 89], [109, 206, 88], [112, 206, 86], [114, 207, 85], [116, 208, 84], [119, 208, 82], [121, 209, 81], [124, 210, 79], [126, 210, 78], [129, 211, 76], [131, 211, 75], [134, 212, 73], [136, 213, 71], [139, 213, 70], [141, 214, 68], [144, 214, 67], [146, 215, 65], [149, 215, 63], [151, 216, 62], [154, 216, 60], [157, 217, 58], [159, 217, 56], [162, 218, 55], [165, 218, 53], [167, 219, 51], [170, 219, 50], [173, 220, 48], [175, 220, 46], [178, 221, 44], [181, 221, 43], [183, 221, 41], [186, 222, 39], [189, 222, 38], [191, 223, 36], [194, 223, 34], [197, 223, 33], [199, 224, 31], [202, 224, 30], [205, 224, 29], [207, 225, 28], [210, 225, 27], [212, 225, 26], [215, 226, 25], [218, 226, 24], [220, 226, 24], [223, 227, 24], [225, 227, 24], [228, 227, 24], [231, 228, 25], [233, 228, 25], [236, 228, 26], [238, 229, 27], [241, 229, 28], [243, 229, 30], [246, 230, 31], [248, 230, 33], [250, 230, 34], [253, 231, 36]]
const brbg = [[84, 48, 5], [86, 49, 5], [88, 50, 5], [90, 51, 5], [92, 53, 5], [94, 54, 5], [97, 55, 6], [99, 57, 6], [101, 58, 6], [103, 59, 6], [105, 60, 6], [108, 62, 7], [110, 63, 7], [112, 64, 7], [114, 66, 7], [116, 67, 7], [119, 68, 8], [121, 69, 8], [123, 71, 8], [125, 72, 8], [127, 73, 8], [130, 75, 9], [132, 76, 9], [134, 77, 9], [136, 79, 9], [138, 80, 9], [141, 81, 10], [143, 83, 12], [145, 85, 13], [147, 87, 14], [149, 89, 16], [151, 91, 17], [153, 93, 18], [155, 95, 20], [157, 97, 21], [159, 98, 23], [161, 100, 24], [163, 102, 25], [165, 104, 27], [167, 106, 28], [169, 108, 29], [171, 110, 31], [173, 112, 32], [175, 113, 34], [177, 115, 35], [179, 117, 36], [181, 119, 38], [183, 121, 39], [185, 123, 40], [187, 125, 42], [189, 127, 43], [191, 129, 45], [192, 131, 48], [193, 134, 51], [194, 136, 54], [196, 139, 57], [197, 141, 60], [198, 144, 63], [199, 146, 66], [201, 149, 70], [202, 151, 73], [203, 154, 76], [204, 157, 79], [206, 159, 82], [207, 162, 85], [208, 164, 88], [209, 167, 92], [211, 169, 95], [212, 172, 98], [213, 174, 101], [214, 177, 104], [216, 179, 107], [217, 182, 110], [218, 185, 114], [219, 187, 117], [221, 190, 120], [222, 192, 123], [223, 194, 126], [224, 196, 129], [225, 197, 131], [226, 199, 134], [227, 200, 137], [227, 202, 140], [228, 203, 142], [229, 205, 145], [230, 206, 148], [231, 208, 151], [232, 209, 153], [233, 211, 156], [234, 212, 159], [235, 214, 162], [236, 215, 164], [236, 217, 167], [237, 218, 170], [238, 220, 173], [239, 221, 175], [240, 223, 178], [241, 224, 181], [242, 226, 184], [243, 227, 186], [244, 229, 189], [245, 230, 192], [246, 232, 195], [245, 232, 196], [245, 233, 198], [245, 233, 200], [245, 234, 202], [245, 234, 204], [245, 235, 206], [245, 235, 208], [245, 236, 210], [245, 236, 212], [245, 237, 214], [245, 237, 216], [245, 238, 218], [245, 238, 220], [245, 239, 222], [245, 239, 224], [245, 240, 226], [245, 240, 228], [245, 241, 230], [245, 241, 232], [245, 242, 234], [245, 242, 236], [245, 243, 238], [245, 243, 240], [245, 244, 242], [245, 244, 244], [244, 244, 244], [242, 244, 244], [240, 243, 243], [238, 243, 242], [236, 243, 242], [235, 242, 241], [233, 242, 240], [231, 241, 240], [229, 241, 239], [227, 240, 239], [226, 240, 238], [224, 240, 237], [222, 239, 237], [220, 239, 236], [218, 238, 235], [217, 238, 235], [215, 237, 234], [213, 237, 234], [211, 237, 233], [209, 236, 232], [208, 236, 232], [206, 235, 231], [204, 235, 230], [202, 234, 230], [200, 234, 229], [199, 234, 229], [196, 232, 227], [193, 231, 226], [190, 230, 224], [187, 229, 223], [185, 228, 221], [182, 227, 220], [179, 226, 219], [176, 224, 217], [173, 223, 216], [171, 222, 214], [168, 221, 213], [165, 220, 212], [162, 219, 210], [160, 218, 209], [157, 216, 207], [154, 215, 206], [151, 214, 205], [148, 213, 203], [146, 212, 202], [143, 211, 200], [140, 210, 199], [137, 208, 197], [134, 207, 196], [132, 206, 195], [129, 205, 193], [126, 203, 192], [123, 201, 190], [120, 199, 188], [117, 197, 186], [114, 195, 184], [111, 193, 182], [108, 191, 180], [105, 189, 178], [103, 187, 176], [100, 184, 174], [97, 182, 172], [94, 180, 170], [91, 178, 168], [88, 176, 166], [85, 174, 164], [82, 172, 162], [79, 170, 160], [76, 167, 158], [73, 165, 156], [70, 163, 154], [67, 161, 152], [64, 159, 150], [61, 157, 148], [58, 155, 146], [55, 153, 144], [53, 151, 143], [50, 149, 141], [48, 147, 139], [46, 145, 137], [44, 143, 135], [42, 141, 133], [40, 139, 131], [38, 137, 129], [36, 135, 127], [34, 133, 125], [32, 131, 123], [30, 129, 121], [28, 127, 119], [26, 126, 118], [24, 124, 116], [22, 122, 114], [20, 120, 112], [18, 118, 110], [16, 116, 108], [14, 114, 106], [12, 112, 104], [10, 110, 102], [8, 108, 100], [6, 106, 98], [4, 104, 96], [2, 102, 94], [0, 101, 93], [0, 99, 91], [0, 97, 89], [0, 96, 87], [0, 94, 85], [0, 92, 84], [0, 91, 82], [0, 89, 80], [0, 88, 78], [0, 86, 76], [0, 84, 75], [0, 83, 73], [0, 81, 71], [0, 79, 69], [0, 78, 67], [0, 76, 66], [0, 74, 64], [0, 73, 62], [0, 71, 60], [0, 69, 58], [0, 68, 57], [0, 66, 55], [0, 64, 53], [0, 63, 51], [0, 61, 49], [0, 60, 48]]
// Define variables for WebGL resources
var gl;
var program;
var positionLocation;
var texcoordLocation;
var positionBuffer;
var texcoordBuffer;
var texture;
var resolutionLocation;
var textureLocation; // Define texture location
function difftime(unix_timestamp){
let client_unix_time = new Date().getTime()/1000.0
var diff = client_unix_time - unix_timestamp
return diff.toFixed(3)
// Function to set rectangle geometry in buffer
function setRectangle(gl, x, y, width, height) {
var x1 = x;
var x2 = x + width;
var y1 = y;
var y2 = y + height;
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([x1, y1, x2, y1, x1, y2, x1, y2, x2, y1, x2, y2]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// Function to setup WebGL resources
function setupWebGL(canvasId) {
// Get the WebGL context
var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
if (!gl) {
return false; // WebGL not supported
// Setup GLSL program
program = webglUtils.createProgramFromScripts(gl, [
// Lookup attribute and uniform locations
positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_position");
texcoordLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "a_texCoord");
resolutionLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_resolution");
textureLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_texture"); // Get texture location
// Create position buffer
positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
// Create texcoord buffer
texcoordBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
return true;
// Precompute texture data offline
var precomputedTextureData = [];
function typeArray(data, dtype) {
var typedArray = [];
var maxDataValue = 65535;
if (dtype === 'float32') {
typedArray = new Float32Array(data);
} else if (dtype === 'int32') {
typedArray = new Int32Array(data);
} else if (dtype === 'int16') {
typedArray = new Int16Array(data);
maxDataValue = 32767;
} else if (dtype === 'int8' || dtype === 'uint8') {
typedArray = new Uint8Array(data);
maxDataValue = 255;
} else if (dtype === 'uint16') {
typedArray = new Uint16Array(data);
} else {
console.error('Unsupported data type:', dtype);
return typedArray
function precomputeTextureData(data, width, height, dtype, is_mask=false) {
var typedArray = typeArray(data, dtype);
var maxDataValue = 65535
if (is_mask) {
for (var i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++) {
var value = typedArray[i];
precomputedTextureData.push(0,255,255, value * 0.8);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < typedArray.length; i++) {
var value = typedArray[i];
var index = Math.round((value / maxDataValue) * (viridis.length - 1));
var rgb = viridis[index];
precomputedTextureData.push(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 255);
// Upload precomputed texture data to GPU
function uploadTextureDataToGPU(width, height) {
// Create a texture
texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// Set texture parameters
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
var type = gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
var level = 0;
var internalFormat = gl.RGBA;
var border = 0;
var format = gl.RGBA;
var textureData = new Uint8Array(precomputedTextureData);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, textureData);
// Function to upload matrix data to texture
function uploadMatrixData(data, width, height, dtype, is_mask) {
precomputedTextureData = [];
precomputeTextureData(data, width, height, dtype, is_mask);
uploadTextureDataToGPU(width, height);
// Function to draw matrix with WebGL, scaling each value by a custom factor and starting coordinates
function drawMatrixWithWebGL(data, canvasId, scaleFactor=1, x0=0, y0=0, is_mask=false) {
// Check if WebGL resources need to be setup
if (!gl) {
if (!setupWebGL(canvasId)) {
console.error("WebGL not supported");
// Clear the canvas
gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Use the shader program
// Setup vertex position buffer with adjusted starting coordinates
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);
setRectangle(gl, x0, y0, data.shape[0] * scaleFactor + x0, data.shape[1] * scaleFactor + y0);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
// Setup texture coordinate buffer with scaled values
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoordBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 1,
0, 1,
1, 0,
1, 1
]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(texcoordLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
// Set the resolution uniform
gl.uniform2f(resolutionLocation, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height);
// Upload matrix data to texture
uploadMatrixData(, data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.dtype, is_mask);
// Draw the rectangle with scaled dimensions
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ socket.on("rtc-status", function(data) {
// console.log([40])
/// In drawings.js
draw_image(data.cred, "cred") // cred image