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Binary files a/docs/source/.DS_Store and /dev/null differ
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--- a/docs/source/aspis.rst
+++ b/docs/source/aspis.rst
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-(ASi sPace weather InfraStructure)
The Italian Space Agency has produced a Space Weather (SWE) roadmap **([RD-2])** for a long-term strategy to
support the future scientific research of SWE, and the development of a related national scientific data centre
@@ -49,9 +48,10 @@ Interactive Archive (MMIA), the SED (Spectral Energy Distribution) Tool and MATI
.. toctree::
:caption: ASPIS documentation
- aspis/webapp
- ASPIS.py library
+ webapp
+ aspis_py
.. autosummary::
.. toctree:: generated
+ ASi sPace weather InfraStructure.
diff --git a/docs/source/aspis_py.rst b/docs/source/aspis_py.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/aspis_py.rst
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+ASPIS.py library
+ASPIS.py is a library of code that allows access to the data contained in ASPIS database and other
+various astrophysics community databases, to perform client-side specific analyses of this data and to
+visualize it. The data available are of two types: data in the internal database produced by the CAESAR
+community and information on external data in other databases. Along with access to the data, the
+ASPIS.py library contains code packages that can be imported as library objects, with which to perform
+analysis and/or visualization of the data.
+The criterion of ASPIS.py is to act as a collector for the data and analysis software of the astrophysics
+community and to foster cooperation within the community. In fact, one can use the data and analysis
+methods developed by the community and, likewise, share one’s own data and methods. Indeed, we
+have defined a standard template in ASPIS.py for generic data analysis code, and provide a how-to for
+developers in the astrophysics community to convert their own code into the standard template, making it
+easily usable for the entire ASPIS.py community in a standard way. In this way ASPIS.py’s primary goal
+is to promote collaboration and cooperation within the astrophysics community. It facilitates the sharing
+of data and analysis methods among researchers, enabling them to benefit from each other’s work. In
+summary, ASPIS.py is a tool designed to streamline the access, analysis, and sharing of astrophysical
+data and analysis methods within the astrophysics community. It aims to enhance collaboration and
+standardization, making it easier for researchers to work with and build upon each other’s work in the
+field of astrophysics.
+The functions of the ASPIS.py module are conceived to implement the following key components of the
+ASPIS service:
+1. Access for Advanced Users: ASPIS.py is designed to cater to advanced users in the astrophysics
+community. It offers a set of functions that can be executed programmatically through a Python
+interpreter. This capability allows users to perform more complex computations and analysis tasks,
+surpassing the limitations of a web application.
+2. Basic Visualization Tools: While ASPIS.py provides basic visualization tools/functions, it also en-
+courages users to leverage other freely available modules like Sunpy and Astropy for more ad-
+vanced visualization needs. This approach ensures compatibility and flexibility.
+3. Ready-to-Use Python Snippets: ASPIS.py intends to provide ready-to-use Python code snippets.
+These snippets are designed to assist entry-level users, making it easier for them to get started
+with the module. Advanced users can further customize these code snippets to suit their specific
+research requirements.
+4. Integration with User Programs: The expectation is that advanced users of ASPIS.py will seam-
+lessly integrate the functions provided by the module into their own analysis and visualization pro-
+grams. This promotes flexibility and allows users to tailor their solutions to their research needs.
+5. Structured Information in the Database: ASPIS.py relies on structured information within the database.
+This information likely includes details about various astrophysical entities such as phenomena,
+data descriptions, and chains, which are essential for conducting meaningful analyses.
+6. Data Outside the Database: ASPIS.py is designed to work with data that exists outside the database
+but corresponds to the descriptions available within the database. This flexibility allows researchers
+to combine data from various sources to enhance their analysis.
+In summary, ASPIS.py is a versatile tool that caters to both entry-level and advanced users in the
+astrophysics community. It provides functions for querying, visualizing, analyzing, and modeling astro-
+physical data. The inclusion of code snippets and use case examples simplifies the usage for a broad
+range of researchers, and advanced users can extend and customize the functionality to meet their spe-
+cific research objectives.
+To install ASPIS.py, a user typically needs to follow these general steps. Please note that the specific
+installation process may vary depending on the availability and distribution method of ASPIS.py. The user
+has to ensure that Python is installed on the system before proceeding. The user can install ASPIS.py
+using pip, which is the Python package manager:
+``sudo -H pip3 install aspis-0.1.7-py3-none-any.whl``
+The command is used to install a Python package from a Wheel file (.whl) using pip3 with adminis-
+trative privileges (via sudo). The specific package being installed is "aspis-0.1.7-py3-none-any.whl".
+Here’s a breakdown of the command:
+* sudo: It is used to run the pip3 command with superuser privileges, which may be necessary for system-wide installations.
+* -H: This flag is used to set the home directory to the target user’s home directory. It can help avoid potential issues with environment variables when using sudo.
+* pip3: This is the Python package manager for Python 3.
+* install: It’s the pip command to install packages.
+* aspis-0.1.7-py3-none-any.whl: This is Wheel file that you want to install.
+If everything is set up correctly, running this command install the ASPIS package version 0.1.7 from
+the provided Wheel file.
+Use case example
+Here we show an example of the way a user can use a specific product of the ASPIS.py library.
+from aspis import products as aps
+from datetime import datetime
+product input:
+``V0 = 1846 #* u.km / u.s``
+``sigma_V0 = 362 #* u.km / u.s``
+``Time_UTC = datetime ( 2017 , 9 , 6 , 14 , 1 , 0)``
+call the class:
+``obj = aps . pdbm ()``
+compute the CME:
+``obj . fit (V0 , sigma_V0 , Time_UTC )``
+compute the CME on target = Earth:
+``obj . predict ()``
+``plt = obj . plot ( savefig = True )``
+``plt = obj . plot ( type = ’ Travel time ’, savefig = True )``
+``plt = obj . plot ( type = ’ ICME velocity ’, savefig = True )``
+This example code performs the following steps:
+#. Import necessary modules and classes from the "aspis" library.
+#. Define input parameters, namely the initial velocity (V0), its uncertainty (sigma_V0), and a times-tamp (Time_UTC).
+#. Create an instance of the "pdbm" class from the "aspis.products" module.
+#. Use this instance to compute the CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) model parameters based on the provided input.
+#. Predict the behavior of the CME when it reaches its target, which is the Earth in this case.
+#. Generate and save plots related to the CME modeling and prediction including "Travel time" and "ICME velocity."
+Additionally, it’s essential to check the specific classes and methods used in the script to understand
+their usage and any additional requirements for proper execution.
+Code snippets and standardization
+The idea of ASPIS.py is that code developed by different members of the astrophysics community in contiguous
+fields can be made available to each other and shared in exactly the same way as is usually done
+with data. In the area of data, standardization of formats and thus the use of databases in which to store
+information in a consistent and shared manner has been adopted for years. As for software, the situation
+is more complex because codes have very heterogeneous characteristics among themselves and code
+groupings still have strong limitations. Inspired by some recent experiences aimed at standardizing the
+use of codes and comparing the performance of different methods on the same data, ASPIS.py aims to
+provide a structural scheme with the ability to make the use of code developed by different members of
+the astrophysics community for even different purposes available to the entire community.
+In particular, ASPIS provides four main functions:
+``class < class_name >:``
+``def __init__ ( self ) -> None :``
+``# initialize parameters``
+``def process ( self ):``
+``# process data``
+``def run ( self ):``
+``# run method``
+``def plot ( self ):``
+``# plot results``
+These functions have been thought with the following purposes:
+* the "init" function is used to instantiate the object that will perform the data analysis by initializing the necessary parameters
+* the "process" function is for analyzing the data according to a predetermined pattern
+* the "run" function is for using the predetermined model
+* the "plot" function is for making visible the parameters, data used and outputs of the model
+All four functions are parameterizable so as to ensure that complex codes that depend on parameter
+structures can be framed in the ASPIS system and can therefore perform tasks according to different
+The proposed structure is based on the following consideration: advanced methods for data analysis
+in the field of astrophysics (and beyond) fall into two main classes: methods supported by a physical
+model and those that lack it. The former are estimation problems - direct or inverse - for which the
+"process" function should be implemented as the procedure for solving the inverse problem, meaning that
+the optimization method that solves the inverse problem should be implemented in this part. In the "run"
+section, the code that, conversely, solves the forward problem should be inserted. Regarding methods of
+data analysis without a model, namely estimation or statistical learning methods, the "process" and "run"
+functions correspond, respectively, to the training or learning process of the introduced (non-physical)
+model and to the prediction procedure associated with the trained model. This concept resembles the
+“fit” and “predict” methods of the “scikit-learn” library used in the significantly more homogeneous case of
+matrix problem
diff --git a/docs/source/caesar.rst b/docs/source/caesar.rst
index 6fc06fa599b4536ae929deb4ec9018b2a3ad4c92..3e17de7964bfac6a3a57ce034ebe26a18348d6b5 100644
--- a/docs/source/caesar.rst
+++ b/docs/source/caesar.rst
@@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
+.. _intro:
The Italian Space Agency (ASI) funds the CAESAR_ (Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization) project.
The project, officially started on December 21st and lasting 25 months, responds to a call created by the agreement between ASI and the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) aimed at carrying out "Study activities for the scientific community of Space Weather for population of the ASPIS scientific data center ".
-.. _description:
-What is CAESAR?
+.. _description
**CAESAR** (Comprehensive Space Weather Studies for the ASPIS Prototype Realization) is a project supported by the Italian Space Agency and the National Institute of Astrophysics through the ASI-INAF n.2020-35-HH.0 agreement for the development of the ASPIS prototype of scientific data centre for Space Weather.
.. image:: assets/images/CAESAR_logo_fullsize_color.png
:height: 220
:alt: Alternative text
-Check out the :doc:`caesar` section for further information, including the details on :ref:`ASPIS` the project.
+Check out the :doc:`CAESAR` section for further information, including the details on :ref:`ASPIS` the project.
To read about the latest news of the project please, visit the website `CAESAR project `_
-.. _project:
+.. _project
The project
The aim of the project is the creation, within the ASI Space Science Data Center, of a scientific center for the collection, processing and distribution of Space Weather data to the Italian scientific community, called ASPIS_ (ASI Space Weather Infrastructure).
CAESAR_ will design and build a prototype of ASPIS_ populated with high scientific level data and products.
@@ -44,7 +47,6 @@ Prospect...
.. _CAESAR: https://caesar.iaps.inaf.it/
-.. _ASPIS: https://www.asi.it
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 2233b2972bd015343d2ec0bec77852330dce23e3..0c576e26b6705e3de38a876731ef62a701ae6216 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Contents
+ webapp
+ aspis_py
@@ -31,12 +33,6 @@ Contents
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 4
- genindex
- search
.. note::
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--- a/docs/source/products/data/1A_unitov_mag.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-TSST Full Disk LoS magnetic maps
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-TSST Full Disk LoS magnetic maps
-The TSST potassium MOF-based channel operate at 769.9 nm, sounding an atmospheric layer about 300–400 km over the solar photosphere. The TSST acquires simultaneously photospheric LoS velocity and magnetic maps with a maximum cadence of 15 s.
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: image
-| **Data formats**: - .fits
-| **Version**: V1.0
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **TSST** - source:
- - MOF
-Data Relationships
-- type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
-Data are ND with - type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
- marked as id: - type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
- - :ref:`- type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Photosphere
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2022-09-01T15:13:04+02:00
-- time_stop: 2023-05-01T15:13:46+02:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-04-29T12:32:27+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-04-29T12:32:46+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. The TSST data are made available freely and without restrictions to all parties and for all purposes exploiting open data policy. As part of the development of collaboration with the broader solar and heliophysics community, however, the TSST team has defined some rules to govern how TSST data should be used. The PI recommends that scientists adhere to the following guidelines: 1) All publications using TSST data should: 1.1) be sent to the PI (luca.giovannelli@roma2.infn.it) after submission to keep record of the relevant publications; 1.2) Acknowledge the sources of data used in all publications, presentations, and reports mentioning the correct DOI of the dataset used in the paper; 1.3) add to the acknowledgments the subsequent text: “The TSST instrument is partially supported by the Italian MIUR-PRIN grant 2017APKP7T on Circumterrestrial Environment: Impact of Sun-Earth Interaction. TSST database is available at: https://helio.roma2.infn.it”; 1.4) where applicable, include the members of the TSST core team (as defined in TSST official website) in the list of authors; 1.5) cite the instrument paper (Giovannelli et al., JSWSC, 2020); 2) In case of any doubt about the instrument, users are encouraged to consult with the PI to discuss the appropriate use of instrument data or derived products..
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/products/data/1B_unitov_vel.rst b/docs/source/products/data/1B_unitov_vel.rst
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/source/products/data/1B_unitov_vel.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-The TSST potassium MOF-based channel operate at 769.9 nm, sounding an atmospheric layer about 300–400 km over the solar photosphere. The TSST acquires simultaneously photospheric LoS velocity and magnetic maps with a maximum cadence of 15 s.
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: image
-| **Data formats**: - .fits
-| **Version**: V1.0
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **TSST** - source:
- - MOF
-Data Relationships
-- type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS Magnetic Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
-Data are ND with - type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS Magnetic Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
- marked as id: - type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS Magnetic Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
- - :ref:`- type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS Magnetic Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-- relatedproduct: TSST-halpha
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/halpha
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Photosphere
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2022-09-01T15:13:04+02:00
-- time_stop: 2023-05-01T15:13:46+02:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-04-29T12:32:27+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-04-29T12:32:46+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. The TSST data are made available freely and without restrictions to all parties and for all purposes exploiting open data policy. As part of the development of collaboration with the broader solar and heliophysics community, however, the TSST team has defined some rules to govern how TSST data should be used. The PI recommends that scientists adhere to the following guidelines: 1) All publications using TSST data should: 1.1) be sent to the PI (luca.giovannelli@roma2.infn.it) after submission to keep record of the relevant publications; 1.2) Acknowledge the sources of data used in all publications, presentations, and reports mentioning the correct DOI of the dataset used in the paper; 1.3) add to the acknowledgments the subsequent text: “The TSST instrument is partially supported by the Italian MIUR-PRIN grant 2017APKP7T on Circumterrestrial Environment: Impact of Sun-Earth Interaction. TSST database is available at: https://helio.roma2.infn.it”; 1.4) where applicable, include the members of the TSST core team (as defined in TSST official website) in the list of authors; 1.5) cite the instrument paper (Giovannelli et al., JSWSC, 2020); 2) In case of any doubt about the instrument, users are encouraged to consult with the PI to discuss the appropriate use of instrument data or derived products..
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/products/data/2_unitov_halpha.rst b/docs/source/products/data/2_unitov_halpha.rst
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/source/products/data/2_unitov_halpha.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-TSST H-alpha Full Disk Images
-The Hα channel of the TSST is a Daystar SR-127 QT, an achromatic refractor with 127 mm aperture and a focal length of 2667 mm. The telescope features a narrow band filter with a passband of 0.04 nm centered at the Hα line. The filter is a temperature stabilized etalon in collimated configuration, and it is the same filter used in the GONG network for the Hα channel to monitor the chromospheric transients (Giersch, 2013). The Hα channel is equipped with a focal reducer, acting also as a field curvature corrector, to match the Dalsa Pantera 1M60 pixel scale of the MOF channel (2.6 arcsec/pixel). The main goal of this TSST channel is the real time detection of flaring region (Piazzesi et al., 2012; Pötzi et al., 2015, 2018) during the impulsive and flash phases when the intensity reaches its maximum (Benz, 2017). Hα images are extremely important for ground based SWe monitoring (see, e.g. Veronig & Potzi, 2016) and to automatically detect and track structures in the solar chromosphere, as filaments (Bernasconi et al., 2005; Fuller et al., 2005; Bonnin et al., 2013) and prominences (Wang et al., 2010), that can be associated with flare and coronal mass ejections.
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: image
-| **Data formats**: - .fits
-| **Version**: V1.0
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **TSST** - source:
- - H-alpha
-Data Relationships
-- type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS magnetic maps
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
-Data are ND with - type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS magnetic maps
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
- marked as id: - type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS magnetic maps
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
- - :ref:`- type: related-to
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vel
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vel
-- description: TSST Full Disk Velocity Maps
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Full Disk LoS magnetic maps
-- relatedproduct: TSST-mag
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/mag
-- type: related-to
-- description: TSST Visualization codes
-- relatedproduct: TSST-vis-codes
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/vis-codes
-- type: related-to
-- description: R and D parameters and flare (M- and X-class) probability
-- relatedproduct: UNITOV-R-and-D
-- relatedproductid: aspis:///unitov/rd
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Chromosphere
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2022-09-01T15:13:04+02:00
-- time_stop: 2023-05-01T15:13:46+02:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-04-29T12:32:27+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-04-29T12:32:46+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. The TSST data are made available freely and without restrictions to all parties and for all purposes exploiting open data policy. As part of the development of collaboration with the broader solar and heliophysics community, however, the TSST team has defined some rules to govern how TSST data should be used. The PI recommends that scientists adhere to the following guidelines: 1) All publications using TSST data should: 1.1) be sent to the PI (luca.giovannelli@roma2.infn.it) after submission to keep record of the relevant publications; 1.2) Acknowledge the sources of data used in all publications, presentations, and reports mentioning the correct DOI of the dataset used in the paper; 1.3) add to the acknowledgments the subsequent text: “The TSST instrument is partially supported by the Italian MIUR-PRIN grant 2017APKP7T on Circumterrestrial Environment: Impact of Sun-Earth Interaction. TSST database is available at: https://helio.roma2.infn.it”; 1.4) where applicable, include the members of the TSST core team (as defined in TSST official website) in the list of authors; 1.5) cite the instrument paper (Giovannelli et al., JSWSC, 2020); 2) In case of any doubt about the instrument, users are encouraged to consult with the PI to discuss the appropriate use of instrument data or derived products..
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/products/data/3_unitov_RandD.rst b/docs/source/products/data/3_unitov_RandD.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9828d131990fb3967201ad5dd24d1c79e61837..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/products/data/3_unitov_RandD.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-R and D Active Region parameters
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-R and D Active Region parameters
-Parameters for flare-forecasting applications, representing the complexity of a solar active region
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: tableset
-| **Data formats**: - csv
-| **Version**: ND
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **SDO** - source:
- - HMI
-Data Relationships
-Data are ND with ND marked as id: ND - :ref:`ND`
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Photosphere
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2012-09-14T03:00:41+02:00
-- time_stop: 2016-04-13T12:01:00+02:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-05-11T10:59:38+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-05-11T10:59:42+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. Other.
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/products/data/48D_ingv_LMPalert.rst b/docs/source/products/data/48D_ingv_LMPalert.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d98520a633cc396ff280fba4af300bbad4a21191..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/products/data/48D_ingv_LMPalert.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Lampedusa GIC level alert
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-Lampedusa GIC level alert
-From both components of GIC index for Lampedusa observatory it is possible to calculate an alert based on a risk scale that associates GIC index to the probability to observe damages to the power network. At present sample files are not available since so far this kind of computation has been performed all within a peculiar software environment (IgorPro), anyway if data were stored in txt files they would be arranged in 3-columns (1-minute data)
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: timeseries
-| **Data formats**: - json
-- txt
-| **Version**: ND
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **INGV** - source:
- - Algorithm
-Data Relationships
-- type: related-to
-- description: input data needed to calculate GIC level alert
-- relatedproduct: Lampedusa GIC index
-- relatedproductid: LMPGIC
-Data are ND with - type: related-to
-- description: input data needed to calculate GIC level alert
-- relatedproduct: Lampedusa GIC index
-- relatedproductid: LMPGIC
- marked as id: - type: related-to
-- description: input data needed to calculate GIC level alert
-- relatedproduct: Lampedusa GIC index
-- relatedproductid: LMPGIC
- - :ref:`- type: related-to
-- description: input data needed to calculate GIC level alert
-- relatedproduct: Lampedusa GIC index
-- relatedproductid: LMPGIC
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Earth's Ground
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2017-04-04T00:00:00+01:00
-- time_stop: 2022-04-21T00:00:00+02:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-04-30T18:00:00+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-04-30T18:00:00+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. Not defined.
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/products/data/49A_ingv_Swarm_LoL_maps.rst b/docs/source/products/data/49A_ingv_Swarm_LoL_maps.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e8c2ce282dc0b740c8cb600cdc92841968e0b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/products/data/49A_ingv_Swarm_LoL_maps.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-GPS Loss of Lock (LoL) events global maps from ESA Swarm satellites
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-GPS Loss of Lock (LoL) events global maps from ESA Swarm satellites
-Global maps of GPS LoL (Loss of Lock) events, as derived by total electron content observations from the Swarm satellites (A, B, and C) at 1Hz rate, from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020.
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: image
-| **Data formats**: - text files
-| **Version**: ND
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **Swarm A satellite** - source:
- - ESA Swarm A Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/
-- **Swarm B satellite** - source:
- - ESA Swarm B Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/
-- **Swarm C satellite** - source:
- - ESA Swarm C Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/
-Data Relationships
-- type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
-Data are ND with - type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
- marked as id: - type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
- - :ref:`- type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Earth's Ionosphere
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2014-01-01T00:00:50+01:00
-- time_stop: 2020-12-31T23:59:07+01:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-04-26T16:16:20+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-04-26T17:05:28+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. Images available upon request or database query.
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/products/data/49B_ingv_Swarm_LoL_ts.rst b/docs/source/products/data/49B_ingv_Swarm_LoL_ts.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index a869cfcda314796da65b79f86df7bbf8c1608fef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/products/data/49B_ingv_Swarm_LoL_ts.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-GPS Loss of Lock (LoL) events time series from ESA Swarm satellites
-.. sectnum::
-.. contents:: The tiny table of contents
-GPS Loss of Lock (LoL) events time series from ESA Swarm satellites
-GPS LoL (Loss of Lock) events, as derived by total electron content observations from the Swarm satellites (A, B, and C) at 1Hz rate, from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020.
-Data Description
-| **Data type**: tableset
-| **Data formats**: - text files
-| **Version**: ND
-Data Provider
-Data are collected by the following instruments:
-- **Swarm A satellite** - source:
- - ESA Swarm A Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/
-- **Swarm B satellite** - source:
- - ESA Swarm B Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/
-- **Swarm C satellite** - source:
- - ESA Swarm C Precise Orbit Determination (POD) antenna, https://swarm-diss.eo.esa.int/
-Data Relationships
-- type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-Data are ND with - type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
- marked as id: - type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
- - :ref:`- type: related-to
-- description: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-- relatedproductid: 32
-- relatedproduct: Global maps of ionospheric indices
-Data Coverage
-The product cover measurements for the ND messangers.
-Data coverage is listed below:
-| **Spatial** - Earth's Ionosphere
-| **Temporal** - time_start: 2014-01-01T00:00:50+01:00
-- time_stop: 2020-12-31T23:59:07+01:00
-| **Spectral** range: ND ND - ND ND
-Product Status
-| **Status**: Active
-| **Creation date**: 2022-04-26T16:16:20+02:00
-| **Last Update**: 2022-04-26T17:05:28+02:00
-Data Policy
-This product contains public data. Time series in .txt format available upon request or database query.
-Example is not yet provided .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/aspis/webapp.rst b/docs/source/webapp.rst
similarity index 98%
rename from docs/source/aspis/webapp.rst
rename to docs/source/webapp.rst
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--- a/docs/source/aspis/webapp.rst
+++ b/docs/source/webapp.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Web Application
+ASPIS Web Application
@@ -30,14 +30,11 @@ public and will be open to the community:
• Access to the Causal-chains
• Causal-chain visualization with multiple plots.
• Quick citation extraction tools based on visualized data.
Advanced functionalities will be protected and will be accessible only to user identification:
• Save search results
• Save data visualization settings
• Run internal, server-side, ASPIS models over an identified data-set
• (optional) Light computation of model and data comparison
The Access Control List (ACL) will be provided by the ASPIS machines (Fig. 5)
Time-based multi-plot visualization