import pandas as pd import argparse import numpy as np from astropy.time import Time import os columns = ['Target', 'Source', 'day', 'hour', 'MJD', 'RA_Obs', 'Dec_Obs', 'obs_time', 'Zenith', 'rate', 'nsb'] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate and update the database') parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', dest='db', type=str, required=False, default='database.csv', help='Name of the database' ) args = parser.parse_args() # get the online database os.system("wget --no-check-certificate -O SeiyaDB.csv ''") data = np.loadtxt("SeiyaDB.csv", skiprows=2, delimiter=",", unpack=True, dtype=str) Nentry = len(data[0]) print("Nentry", Nentry) newEntry = {} for i in range(Nentry): if (data[21][i] == "TRUE" and data[22][i] == "FALSE" and data[23][i] == "FALSE"): newEntry['Target'] = data[5][i] newEntry['Source'] = data[6][i] newEntry['day'] = int(data[1][i].replace("-", "")) newEntry['hour'] = data[2][i] + ":00" newEntry['RA_Obs'] = float(data[15][i]) newEntry['Dec_Obs'] = float(data[16][i]) t = Time(data[1][i]+"T"+data[2][i] + ":00", format='isot', scale='utc') newEntry['MJD'] = t.mjd newEntry['obs_time'] = float(data[3][i]) newEntry['Zenith'] = (float(data[10][i])+float(data[9][i]))/2. newEntry['rate'] = float(data[11][i]) newEntry['nsb'] = float(data[12][i]) df.loc[data[0][i]] = newEntry # df = df.append(newEntry,ignore_index=True) df["day"] = pd.to_numeric(df["day"]) print(df) print( df.to_csv(args.db)