# cadcAccessControl ## Description The cadcAccessControl module contains the shared model classes and exceptions used by the access control clients and server. It also contains the UserClient and GMSClient (group management service client). ## Object Model The CADC User Authorization Model is a model for representing users and groups. In the system, a user is uniquely identified by one Principal (e.g. NumericPrincipal) but can have a number of other identities for different contexts: - HttpPrincipal: Web user identity associated with Simple HHTP User Password access. - X500Principal: X509 certificate identity. - NumericPrincipal: An numeric identity associated with a user. Typically, used internally within a system. - OpenIdPrincipal: An OpenID identity. Groups represet associations of users. Groups have an owner, administive members, and actual members. Members can be groups or users. ![User Object Model](doc/AccessControl.png)